Community Calendar, Contacts, Holidays in Israel Tue Oct 23, 2018 7:15pm Joint Mac/YINN Film, Lecture and Interview Commemorating the 25th Yahrzeit of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchi Where: McDonald International Shul social hall, 7 McDonald St., Netanya Wed Oct 24, 2018 All day Netanya AACI Tiyul "Dream a Dream" with Guide Dani Margolis Where: North of Israel and Kineret Description: Of my Kinneret,Oh my Kinneret.Did you exist?Or did I dream a dream.Rachel BluwsteinOur October tiyul will follow the footsteps of Israeli poets and poetryabout Israel.Susan Olsburgh, who leads our monthly Poetry meetings at Netanya AACIwill accompany the tour. After a short stop on our way out of Netanya we head north to S’dot Yamto hear about Hannah Senesh.We will continue on to the Kinneret Courtyard (Hatzer Kinneret), thebeating heart of the Second Aliyah at the turn of the 20th century.Young people fleeing from pogroms arrived in a desolate country withthe cherished dream of establishing a national home for the Jewishpeople by the work of their own hands. From these humble beginnings,but based on the firm principles of self-reliance, equality, socialjustice and co-operation, the Yishuv emerged as the cornerstone of theKibbutz and Moshav Movements which became the foundations of theemerging new State.A short distance from the Courtyard is the Kinneret Cemetery where manypioneers and leaders of the Labour movement are buried, including BerlKatznelson, Moses Hess and Nachman Syrkin. Located on the shore of thelake, many come here to pay homage to the Hebrew poet, RachelBluwstein, and musician and songwriter, Naomi Shemer.After our lunch break there will be a short poetry session, inspired bythe poets featured in our day.On our way home we will visit Binyamina to hear about Ehud Manor.Full program, details and prices to follow.E: 5/6/18 Thu Oct 25, 2018 10am Netanya AACI Caregivers Group Where: Shmuel HaNatziv St 28, Netanya, Israel Description: Are you caring for your husband, wife or parent suffering from adegenerative disease? If so, join the Caregivers' Group. We are here tosupport each other dealing with emotional issues and to providespecialist information and practical advice. The Group is totally confidential and has two professional facilitators. For furtherinformation and a confidential talk before attending the Group, pleasecontact Stephanie 09 8617688 or Nina 09 8338393 10:30am Netanya AACI Navigation Series with Yanina Musnikow Where: Shmuel HaNatziv St 28, Netanya Description: Topic: What does my Bank want from me? E: 25/7/18 Community Calendar, Contacts, Holidays in Israel 4:30pm Netanya AACI Visit to Exhibition of Jewish Humor's new program "Am Israel Ha!" presented by Comedian Benji Lovitt Where: Beit Hatefusot/Museum of the Jewish People, Tel Aviv Description: Guides from Beit Hatfutsot (Diaspora) Museum will show us the SynagogueHall Display Hallelujah! Assemble, Pray, Study – Synagogues Past andPresent and the new temporary exhibit Let There Be Laughter - JewishHumor Around the World. What makes Jews so funny? And how did “ThePeople of the Book” turn out to be superstar writers, producers and comedians? The museum takes a lighthearted look at the origins ofJewish humor and the major contributions of Jews to the rise of aglobal industry. After our guided tour of the exhibitions, there willbe time for a coffee break at the onsite kosher eatery (not included inprice). We then meet up with noted comedian Benji Lovitt, for a uniqueconversation where we explore the topics of Jewish humor, identity, andwhere exactly the "boundaries" lie. Benji’s observations on Israelisociety, combined with his lifelong involvement in Jewish education,create a hilarious narrative that has brought smiles to faces all overthe world. Program takes place at Beit Hatfutsot Museum, Tel Aviv.Pre-booking essential AACI Members NIS 80 AACI Members Senior reductionNIS 65 Non-members NIS 90 Transport available from Netanya NIS 70 Busleaves Netanya at 3.15pm Return to Netanya approximately 8.15pm E:24/7/18 Sun Oct 28, 2018 All day Bet Israel Tiyul to Golan & Galil Elyon led by Itzik Efron (English & Hebrew) Description: 3 days 2 nights Hotel Merom Golan. Details call office: 09-8624345 orItzik 050- 7122293 E: 7/8/18 Mon Oct 29, 2018 All day Bet Israel Tiyul to Golan & Galil Elyon led by Itzik Efron (English & Hebrew) Description: 3 days 2 nights Hotel Merom Golan. Details call office: 09-8624345 orItzik 050- 7122293 E: 7/8/18 Tue Oct 30, 2018 All day Bet Israel Tiyul to Golan & Galil Elyon led by Itzik Efron (English & Hebrew) Description: 3 days 2 nights Hotel Merom Golan. Details call office: 09-8624345 orItzik 050- 7122293 E: 7/8/18 All day Municipal Election Day Calendar: Holidays in Israel 10am ESRA Netanya Lecture with Yuri Dombrovsky Where: Yona Apartments, 1 Baruch Ram St., Netanya Description: Topic: "Russia, The Forgotten Holocaust." Reservations: Ros:09-8340937 / 0525393274; Norma: 0544894431 4pm Netanya AACI Talking about Books with Judy Frankel Where: Shmu'el HaNatsiv St 28, Netanya Description: Members NIS 20 Non-members NIS 25 Price includes refreshments Community Calendar, Contacts, Holidays in Israel Wed Oct 31, 2018 All day Bet Israel Tiyul to Golan & Galil Elyon led by Itzik Efron (English & Hebrew) Description: 3 days 2 nights Hotel Merom Golan. Details call office: 09-8624345 orItzik 050- 7122293 E: 7/8/18 12pm Willing Hands Fashion Show Where: KING SOLOMON HOTEL, Ha-Ma'apilim St 18, Netanya Description: Details: Belle 054-4284386 E: 18/2/18 8pm Young Israel Tarbut lecture with lecturer Dr. Anthony Goldberg Where: George Goddard Hall, 39 Shlomo HaMelech, Netanya Description: Topic: “The Wings of Song” E: 2/1/18 Thu Nov 1, 2018 All day Ongoing Events - Netanya English Speaking Organizations Description: Sunday 4.30 - 7 pm, Mon, Tue, Thu 9.30 a.m. – 12 noon and at othertimes by appointment. Henry Koor Judaica Library -General & JudaicaCollection of books & multimedia. Public invited. New Synagogue, 7MacDonald Street, Netanya. Tel. 09-8840458, koorlib@gmail. com.. Sun. &Weds. 10.30am. - 12.30pm. ESRA Drop In Centre, 2nd floor 15 Herzl (nextto Pan Au Chocolat). (lift access) Sun. 4:00pm. Kehilat Natan-Ya Studyof Perkei Avot in English with Rabbi Dr. Edgar Nof followed by TanachStudy at 4.30pm. 10 Beckman St. Fran 052 6097990; Rabbi Nof 0526538655. Sun. 8:00 p.m. Bet Israel Beginners Women-Only IsraeliDancing, with Reli Abman, and Intermediate/ Advanced at 9:30pm. NIS30incl. refreshments. Bet Israel Community Center, 19 Yehuda Hanassi,Netanya. Contact: Office 09-8624345 Sun. & Wed. afternoons. NetanyaLawn Bowls Club at The Wingate Institute. Henry 09-8854237; Motke09-8982584 Last Sun. of the month. Hadassah "Brain Train". Details oflocation & time Rita 862-8663. Mon. 9:30a. m. and Thurs. 9.30am. BetIsrael Duplicate Bridge at Bet Israel Community Center .NIS 35. Refreshments.Tel: Judy 052 8330488 Mon.10am Laniado Ten Pin Bowling atthe Ir Yamin Bowling Center.Details Edith Tel: 09-861-6187 Mon.She'arim NoonTime Concert. 11 Kikar Atzmaut Passage next to BankHapoalim - Ist.Floor. NIS 35 incl. refreshments. Doors open 11.00 am.Tel Gene 0549 205 549 Mon. 2.00pm. Bet Israel MahJongg Club led byPatricia O'Neill at Bet Israel Community Center, 19 Yehuda Hanassi St.Tel: 058-5010838 Mon. 3 p.m. Bet Israel Advanced Hebrew class; HadassaBirnbaum: Bet Israel, 19 Yehuda Hanassi, Netanya. Contact: Sara09-862- 4345 Mon. 5:30 p.m. Tanach reading and discussion group (inHebrew), with Rachel Holman, at Bet Israel Community Center, 19 YehudaHanassi, Netanya. Contact: Office 09-8624345 Tues. 9: 30am. NewSynagogue Weekly Study with Rabbi Katz. Office 09-8614591 Wed. 5:30pm: Astronomy Club with Sara Bordowitz, at Bet Israel Community Center, 19Yehuda Hanassi, Netanya. Sara 054-8038616 Thurs. 10:30am, HerzliyaWeekly English Study Group "A Jewish Narrative". Seven Stars (ShevaKockavim) Retirement Home, 128 Hanassi, Herzliya Pituach. NIS. 40.Austen: 054-7612306; Thurs. 8pm. Bet Israel Israeli Dancing with DannyNaveh. Bet Israel Community Center, 19 Yehuda Hanassi. NIS 30 incl.refreshments. Contact: Office 09- 862 4345 Community Calendar, Contacts, Holidays in Israel All day Ongoing Events Netanya AACI Video call: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/netanyaaaci.org.il/communitycalend?hceid=Y29tbXVuaXR5Y2FsZW5kYXJAbmV0YW55YWFhY2kub3JnLmls.1jgvqpqj45i5d702egfs0r2qki Where: Unless otherwise noted all Netanya AACI Events take place at 28 ShmuelHanatziv St. Details and/or Reservations 09-833 0950; Netanya AACIwebsite: www.netanyaaaci.org.il. Description: Sun - Thurs. 8.30am. - 12.30pm. Netanya AACI Gura Family MemorialLibrary Sun. 12.30pm. bi-monthly. Writers’ Aerobics Group with ShashiIshai, Volunteer Sun. 2:00-3:30pm. Netanya AACI Choir with TamirChalvin Sun & most Thurs. mornings by appointment. Netanya AACICounselor Yania Musnikow Mon. 9:30am.- 12 noon. Netanya AACI -Translation of documents from German to English or Hebrew Mon. & Thurs.10am. -12 noon. Netanya AACI - Municipal Affairs with Moshe Shamir-Absorption Administration, 2nd floor, 2 Salomon Street, Netanya Mon.9:30am. Netanya AACI Qigong with Louis Hammer Alternate Mon. 10:00am. Netanya AACI Actors in Armchairs Mon. 11am.- 12 noon. Netanya AACITranslation of documents & reports into English Mon. 6:00pm.- 7.00pm.Netanya AACI Exercises & Conditioning for Women with Irene Burg Tues.9:30am.- 11.30am. Netanya AACI - Meet the Lawyer Tues. (alternate weeks) 10am. Netanya AACI Help with Smart Phones Weds. 9:30am. NetanyaAACI Art Class with Ruth Lenk Weds. 9:30am. and 11:30am. Hebrew Classeswith Atara Hadad Weds. 7:30pm. Netanya AACI Drama Group Thurs. 8:45am.- 9.45am. Netanya AACI Exercises for women with Orly Sasson Every 2nd.Thurs. 10.00am. Netanya AACI Caregivers' Support Group Thurs. 4: 00pm. -Netanya AACI Nordic Walking with Alex Shugar (re-commencing in theAutumn) Netanya AACI - Travel with Sharon Bergman at Ophir Tours, 15Smilansky St. Netanya: 03-5261725 or [email protected] 10am Netanya AACI Caregivers Support Group Where: Shmu'el HaNatsiv St 28, Netanya Description: Are you caring for your husband, wife or parent suffering from adegenerative disease? If so, join the Caregivers' Group.
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