THE CO ......lIlsr A Theoretical Magazine for the Discus$ion of R.evolutionary Problems Published Monthly by the Workers (Communist) Party of America MAX BEDACHT, Editor Entered as second class matter November 2, 1927, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under th~ act of March 3, 1890. ~II VOL. VIII JANUARy-FEBRUARY, 1929 No.1 - -z.. A LENINIST ANALYSIS OF THE COLONIAL PROBLEM 3 O. KUUSINEN THE METAMORPHOSIS OF THE BRITISH LABOR PARTY 31 M. N. Roy THE DECLINE OF THE AMERICAN FEDERA- TION OF LABOR 43 WILLIAM Z. FOSTER WITH AN EDITORIAL ANSWER SOME ISSUES IN THE PARTY DISCUSSION 59 JAY LOVESTONE DE LEONISM AND COMMUNISM 81 KARL REEVE THE ECONOMICS OF AMERICAN AGRICULTURE 88 A. B. RICHMAN Make all checks, money orders, and correspondence to: THE CoMMUNIST, 43 East 125th St., New York. Subscription rates $2.00 a year; $1.25 for six monthsi foreign and Canada $2.50 a year. Single copies 25 cents. LISTON M. OAK, Business Manager rHE CO"N~UIIIST A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems Published Monthly by the Workers (Communist) Party of America MAX BEDACHT, Editor Entered as second class matter November 2, 1927, at the Post Q1Iice at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1890. ~.t VOL. VIII MARCH, 1929 No.3 THE FIRST 10 YEARS OF THE C. 1. 99 THE SIXTH CONVENTION OF OUR PARTY 101 MAX BEDACHT CAPITALIST STABILIZATION, CLASS STRUGGLE OF THE PROLETARIAT, AND THE C. P. G. f08 I. STALIN THE AMERICAN QUESTION I~ ENGLAND-Introduction by A. Landy . ... 118 KARL MARX THE VIII CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS OF U S. S. R. 128 THE PARTY AND PARTY DISCIPLINE 138 V. I. LENIN THE FACTORY FARM 142 "HARROW" A REPLY TO EASTMAN'S "MARX, LENIN AND THE SCIENCE OF REVOLUTION . 150 A. CHIIK BOOK REVIEWS Make all checks, money orders, and correspondence to: THB CoMMUNIST, 43 East 125th St., New York. Subscription rates $2.00 a rears $1.25 for six months. foreign and canada $2.50 a year. Single copies 25 tents. P I IH-E CO~';~ST A T beoretical Magazine 10:" tbe Discussion 01 > R.evolutionary Problems Published Monthly by the' Workers (Communist) Party of America MAX BEDACHT, Editor Entered as second class matter Nonmber 2, 1927, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1890. .....21 VOL. VIII APRIL, 1929 No.4 THE CLEVELAND CONVENTION-BUILDING A NEW TRADE UNION CENTER 163 J. BALLAM PREPARING THE INDIAN REVOLUTION 172 EARL BROWDER ORGANIZATION REPORT TO THE SIXTH CON­ VENTION OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE U. S. A. 179 J. STACHEL THE NEW IMPERIALIST OFFENSIVE AGAINST THE PHILIPPINES . 190 KARL REEVE THE rROBLEMS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 204 MANABENDRA NATH Roy ENGLISH PUBLIC OPINION . 214 KARL MARX BOOK REVIEWS 220 Make all checks, money orders, and correspondence to: THE CoMMUNIST, 43 East 125th St., New York. Subscription rates $2.00 a year; $1.25 for six months; foreil'n and Canada $2.50 a year. Single copies 25 cents. IIiE CONMUlllft A Theoretical Magazine for tbe Discussion of R.evolutionary Problems Published Monthly by the Workers (Communist) Party of America MAX BEDACHT, Editor Entered ae eecond cla.. matter November 2, 1927, at the Poet Office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1890. ....IU VOL. VIII MAY, 1929 No.5 A NEW STAGE OF THE MEXICAN RiEVOLUTION 227 EARL BROWDER ORGANIZATION REPORT TO THE,SIXTH CON­ VE'NTION OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE U. S. A. 234 J. STACHEL NEGRO REVOLUTIONARY HERO-TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE ........... 250 CYRIL BRIGGS THE MASS MIGRATION OF AMERJCAN FARMERS .....•. 255 A. G. RICHMAN TRADES UNIONS 262 FREDERICK. ENGELS RESOLUTION OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE E. C. C. I. ON THE CZECH QUESTION . 274 THE "MARXISM" OF V. F. CALVERTON . 282 A. B. MAGIL BOOKS 286 Make all chec:lu, money orden, and correepondence to: THE CoMMUNIST, 43 Eaet 125th St., New York. Subecription ratee $2.00 a ye&ri $1.25 for eiz monthe. foreign and Canada $2.50 a year. Single copiee 25 centl. IHE CONNIIIIIST A Magazine of the Theory and Practise of Marxism-Leninism Published Monthly by the Communist Party of the United States of America MAX BEDACHT, Editor Entered as second class matter November 2, 1927, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1890. '~aJ VOL. VIII JUNE, 1929 No.6 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE COMINTERN ADDRESS . 291 FORWARD TO INTERNATIONAL RED DAY! . 303 H. M. WICKS THE PREPAREDNESS POLICY OF AMERICAN IMPERIALISM . 308 NEMO CAPITALISM AND AGRICULTURE IN AMERICA 313 V.!. LENIN PASSAIC-NEW BEDFORD-NORTH CAROLINA 319 / ALBERT WEISBORD THE NEGRO QUESTION IN THE SOUTHERN TEXTILE STRIKES . 324 / CYRIL BRIGGS THE CIVIL WAR IN MEXICO 329 ALBERT MOREAU SOME ASPECTS OF CHEMICAL WARFARE 336 F. E. THE LATEST DATA ON BOURGEOIS MILITAR- ISM . 347 Make all checks, money orders, and correspondence to: THE CoMMUNIST, 43 East 125th St., New York. Subscription rates $2.00 a year; $1.25 for six month., foreign and Canada $2.50 a year. Single copie. 25 cents. IHE CO ....UIIIST A Magazine of the Theory and Practise of Marxism-Leninism Published Monthly by the Communist Party of the United States of America MAX BEDACHT, Editor Entered as second class matter November 2, 1927, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1890. ~n VOL. VIII JULY, 1929 No.7 THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE AGAINST IMPERIALIST WAR . 355 H. M. WICKS THE RIGHT OF REVOLUTION-AN AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY TRADITION . 360 A. LANDY RIGHT TENDENCIES AT THE TRtADE UNION UNITY CONGRESS . 369 WM. Z. FOSTER GASTONIA-THE CENTER OF THE CLASS STRUGGLE IN THE "NEW SOUTH" 375 WM. F. DUNNE THE YOUNG PLAN The Reparations Conference and the War Danger, by A. FRIED • • • • • • 384 The New Reparations Plan, by G. P. 387 FURTHER NOTES ON THE NEGRO QUESTION IN THE SOUTHERN TEXTILE STRIKES . 391 CYRIL BRIGGS CAPITALISM AND AGRICULTURE IN AMERICA ( Continued) •......... 395 V. I. LENIN ECONOMICS AND ECONOMIC POLICY . 402 E. VARGA LITERATURE AND THE CLASS STRUGGLE .. 409 FRANZ MEHRING REVIEWS AND BOOKS . 413 Make all checks, money orders, and correspondence to: THE CoIIMUNIIT, 43 East 125th St., New York•. Subscription rates $2.00 a year; $1.25 for liz months. foreign and Canada $2.50 a year. Single copies 25 cents. IHE CONNUNISf A Magazi1te of the Theory and Practise of Marxism-Leninis1n Published Monthly by the Communist Party of the United States of America· MAX BEDACHT, Editor Entered as second clast matter November 2, 1921, at the POll OJlice at Ifew y~ N. Y., unde~ ,the act of March 3, 1890. ~i VOL. VIII AUGUST, 1929 No.8 THE BRITISH ANTI-SOVIET FRONT IN ASIA. .. 419 By SPECTATOR JAPAN AS A MILITARY AND NAVAL POWER. ... 424 By NEMO THE SHARPENING CLASS STRUGGLE IN LATIN AMERICA ................................. 429 By WM. SIMONS SOME NOTES ON THE SOCIALIST PARTY.... .. 438 By MAX SALZMAN SIXTH CONVENTION OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF CANADA. 445 By JOHN WILLIAMSON THE NEGRO PRESS AS A CLASS WEAPON. 453 By CYRIL BRIGGS THE FIGHT AGAINST PHILOSOPHICAL RE- VISIONISM ................................ 461 By A. FRIED BOLIVAR ..................................... 467 By KARL MARX CAPITALISM AND AGRICULTURE IN AMERICA 473 By V. I. LENIN BOOK REVIEW,S.. .. .. 478 Make all dlecb, money order., and correspondence to: THa CoMMUNIITJ 43 Ealt 125th St., New York. Subacription rates $2.00 a year; $1.25 for au month" foreim and Canada $2.50 a year. Single copies 25 centl. I/;,t jt~i(f II /i j J~'Jo/L rilE CO ....UIlIST A Magazine of the Theory and Practise of Marxism-Leninism Published Monthly by tlu . Communist Party of the United States of America MAX BEDACHT, Editor Entered ae second da.. matter November 2, 1927, at the Poet 01licc at New Vork, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1890. .....2~ VOL. VIII SEPTEMBER, 1929 No. 9 TEN YEARS OF THE CO~1MUNIST PARTY IN THE U. S. .................................. 481 By MAX BEDACHT THE PARTY· TRADE UNION WORK DURING TEN YEARS ............................... 488 By WM. Z. FOSTER. ;.1 OUR NEGRO WORK .......................... 494 By CYRIL BRIGGS THE STRUGGLE FOR THE COMINTERN IN AMERICA ................................. 502 By L. PLATT A NOTE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF POST-WAR CAPITALISM IN THE U. S................ '" 512 By Ross THE T.U.U.L. CONVENTION ............... .... 529 By WM. Z. FOSTER BOOK REVIE\VS 534- Mab all chec:b, money order., and correspond~cc to: THE CoMMUNIST, 4-3 East 12Sth St., New York. Subtcription rates $2.00 a year; $1.25 for liz monthe. foreign and Can.da $2.50 a year.' Single eOpiet 25 centl. raE COMNUIlISY A Magazine of the Theory and Practise of Marxism-Leninism Published Monthly by the Communist Party of the United States of America MAX BEDACHT, Editor Entered .. lecond class matter November 2, 1927, at the Poet Omce at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1890. VOL. VIII NOVEMBER, 1929 No. 10 THE TWELFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RUS- SIAN REVOLUTION ....................... 545 TWELVE YEARS OF SOCIALIST CONSTRUCTIVE WORK ................................... 548 THE TENTH PLENUM OF THE E. C. C. I. .. 564 THE OCTOBER PLENUM OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE, CPUSA ..................... 575 "ORGANIZED CAPITAL" IN EACH SEPARATE COUNTRY ................................ 584 By HEINZ NEUMAN THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION & DIALECTIC MATERIALISM ............................ 600 By A. DEBORIN THE PARTY TRADE UNION WORK DURING TEN YEARS (Continued) .................... 609 By W M. Z. FOSTER THE FIGHT FOR INDEPENDENT LEADERSHIP IN GREAT BRITAIN ...................... 619 By R. P. DUTT BOOK REVIEWS .. .. .. 633 IHE CO ....UIIIST A Magazine of the Theory and Practise of Marxism-Leninism Published Monthly by the Communist Party of the United States of America MAX BEDACHT, Editor Entered as second clan matter November 2, 1927, at the Post Office at N~ York, N.
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