FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 7 f\ i » 9 3 4 ^ NUMBER 10 c O a/ i t ì O ^ Washington, Thursday, January 15, 1942 The President shall be held for subsequent credit upon CONTENTS indebtedness to the Corporation, in ac­ cordance with the provisions of THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER §§ 12.3112-51 and 12.3112-52.* Executive Order: Pa6e *§§ 12.3112-50 to 12.3112-52, inclusive, Alaska, partial revocation of or­ Partial R evocation of Executive Order issued under the authority contained in 48 der withdrawing certain No. 6957 of F ebruary 4, 1935, W it h ­ Stat. 344, 845; 12 U.S.C. §§ 1020, 1020a. public lands-------------------- 267 drawing Certain P ublic Lands § 12.3112-51 ' Interest; application of RULES, REGULATIONS, ALASKA conditional payments on indebtedness; ORDERS By virtue of the authority vested in disposition of unapplied conditional pay­ me by the act of June 25, 1910, c. 421, ments after payment of indebtedness in T itle 6—Agricultural Credit: 36 Stat. 847, Executive Order No. 6957 full. The provisions of §§ 10.387-51, Farm Credit Administration: of February 4, 1935, temporarily with­ 10.387-52, and 10.387-53,1 Part 10 of Title Federal Farm Mortgage Cor­ drawing certain lands in Alaska from ap­ 6, Code of Federal Regulations, dealing poration, conditional pay­ propriation under the public-land laws, with “Interest”, “Application of condi­ ments by borrowers------ 267 is hereby revoked as to the following- tional payments on indebtedness”, and Loans by production credit described tracts, in order to validate “Disposition of unapplied conditional associations, charges to homestead entry No. 08352, Anchorage payments after payment of indebtedness borrowers._____________ 267 series, of Lannah Z. Scott: in full”, shall be applicable to conditional T itle 7—Agriculture: payments accepted by the Corporation Sugar Division, Agricultural S ew a r d M e r id ia n in the same manner as though the word Adjustment Administra­ T. 18 N., R. 2 E., sec. 30, lots 3, 4, E%SW%* “bank” wherever it appears in said sec­ tion: F ranklin D R oosevelt tion were the word “corporation”.* Puerto Rico, determination of § 12.3112-52 Evidence of acceptance farming practices for T he White H ouse, of conditional payments. The evidence January 13, 1942 sugarcane production, of acceptance of conditional payments crop year 1941-42--------- 268 [No. 9022] accepted by the Corporation shall be sub­ T itle 10—Arm y: W ar D epartment: ject to the provisions of § 10.387-54,1 [P. R. Doc. 42-353; Piled, January 14, 1942; Officers’ Reserve Corps, age and 10:06 a. m.] Part 10 of Title 6, Code of Federal Regu­ citizenship requirements— 269 lations, insofar as applicable, and the Personnel: form of receipt used shall have the ap­ Admission to United States proval of the Federal Farm Mortgage Rules, Regulations, Orders Military Academy--------- 270 Corporation.* Appointment of officers; [seal] H arris E. W illingham, waiver of physical de­ Executive Vice-President, Federal TITLE 6—AGRICULTURAL CREDIT fects _________________ 270 Farm Mortgage Corporation. Enlistment of aviation cadets. 270 CHAPTER I—FARM CREDIT [P. R. Doc. 42-381; Piled, January 14, 1942; T itle 14—Civil Aviation: ADMINISTRATION 11:33 a. m.] Civil Aeronautics Board: P art 12—Conditional P ayments by Airplane airworthiness certifi­ Borrowers cates, continuance in ef­ fect __________________ 272 Part 12 of Title 6, Code of Federal Regulations, is amended by adding [Amendment No. 2] T itle 16—Commercial P ractices: §§ 12.3112-50 to 12.3112-52, as follows: Federal Trade Commission : P art 50—R ules and R egulations for Cease and desist orders : § 12.3112-50 Acceptance of condi­ P roduction Credit Associations P ro­ Davis, E. R., Prescription tional payments. The Federal Farm mulgated by the F arm Credit Admin­ Co_________________ 272 Mortgage Corporation has authorized the istration Jacobson, Arthur_________ 273 acceptance of conditional payments for loans by production credit associations: subsequent credit upon indebtedness to T itle 30—M ineral R esources: charges to borrowers Bituminous Coal Division: the Corporation under first mortgage Rock Springs Fuel Co. and Commissioner loans (C-l loans) or under Section 50.13 of Title 6, Code of Fed­ District No. 19, temporary purchase mortgages and real estate con­ eral Regulations (as amended, 4 F.R. and conditionally final tracts arising out of sale of real property 4807) is amended to read as follows: securing such loans." Conditional pay­ relief, etc______________ 273 ments accepted under this authorization *6 P.R. 4506. (Continued on next page) 267 26S FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, January 15, 1942 CONTENTS—Continued TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Department of the Interior: CHAPTER VHI—SUGAR DIVISION OF FECERALÄREGISTER Bituminous Coal Division: PaS® THE AGRICULTURAL A D JU S T ­ Bennett, J. W., petition dis­ MENT ADMINISTRATION \ 1934 missed ________________ 294 P art 802—S ugar D eterminations Hearings, postponements, etc.: Brimer, A. J_____________ 292 determination of farming practices to Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, District Board 11------------ - 292 BE CARRIED OUT IN CONNECTION W ITH THE and days following legal holidays by the Elf gen Coal Co___________ 293 PRODUCTION OF SUGARCANE DURING THE Division of the Federal Register, The National Mammoth Block Coal Co— 292 CROP YEAR 1 9 4 1 - 4 2 FOR PUERTO RICO, Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ tained in the Federal Register Act, approved Material Service Corp------- 293 PURSUANT TO THE SUGAR ACT OF 1 9 3 7 , AS July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ Morris & Campbell----------- 293 AMENDED tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Tennessee River Coal Co— 294 mittee, approved by the President. Manzagol, Anton, cease and Pursuant to the provisions of section The Administrative Committee consists of desist order.:___________ 294 301 (e) of the Sugar Act of 1937, as the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer amended, the following determination is of the Department of Justice designated by Miller Coal Co., code mem­ the Attorney General, and the Public Printer bership cancelled---------- 294 hereby issued: or Acting Public Printer. Petitions dismissed, District § 802.43d Farming practices to be The daily issue of the F ed er a l R e g is t e r Board 11: Will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free carried out in connection with the pro­ of postage, for $1.25 per m onth or $12.50 per Ayrshire Patoka Collieries duction of sugarcane during the crop year; single copies 10 cents each; payable in Corp_________ 293 year 1941-2—(a) For all farms, except advance. Remit money order payable to the R. & G. Coal Co________ — 293 in the Island of Vieques. The require­ Superintendent of Documents directly to the Sunlight Coal Co. and Te- ments of section 301 (e) of the Sugar Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. cumseh Coal Corp------ 293 Act of 1937, as amended, shall be deemed Department of Labor: to have been met with respect to a farm Wage and Hour Division: in Puerto Rico, except in the Island of CONTENTS—Continued Learner employment certifi­ Vieques, if there are carried out prior cates, various industries to April 30, 1942, the following farming T itle 32—N ational D efense: (2 documents)_________ 296 practices: Office of Price Administration: PaSe Luggage, Leather Goods, and C o p p e r , price s c h e d u le Women’s Handbag In­ (1) Farms containing more than 400 amended______________ 283 dustry, committee ap­ acres of sugarcane. For farms on which Lead price schedules: pointed _______________ 297 more than 400 acres of sugarcane are Lead scrap materials: sec­ Federal Communications Com­ growing at any time during 1941: ondary lead including mission: (1) The application to land on which calking lead; battery Hot Springs Chamber of Com- sugarcane is planted during 1941 of suffi­ lead scrap; and pri­ merce and Southland Radio cient chemical fertilizer to provide an mary and secondary Corp., hearing___________ 298 average quantity of plant food per acre antimonial lead--------- 286 Securities and Exchange Com­ fertilized equal to not less than the Primary lead — ------ 284 mission: greater of either 150 pounds or 80 per­ Office of Production Manage­ Hearings: cent of the average quantity of plant food ment: Central States Power & Light contained in the chemical fertilizer ap­ Jewel bearings, conservation Corp., et al____________ 300 plied to similar land in 1937 or 1938, order______________ 278 Compania Eléctrica de Ma­ whichever was smaller. Oil industry, conservation of tamoros S. A. and Com­ (ii) The application to land on which production material (2 pania Eléctrica de Oji- a ratoon crop of sugarcane is started dur­ documents)------------ 281,282 naga S. A____________ 298 ing 1941 of sufficient chemical fertilizer Petroleum production, refin­ Montana Consolidated Mines to provide an average of not less than ing, transportation and Corp., listing withdrawn 100 pounds of plant food per acre ferti­ marketing, preference from Standard Stock Ex­ lized. rating order----- ----------- 279 change of Spokane_____ _ 299 Selective Service System: Southern Natural Gas Co., filing (2) Farms containing more than 100, Conscientious objectors, etc., notice___________________ 299 but not more than 400, acres of sugar­ determination of accepta­ War Department : cane. For farms on which more than bility______________ 276 Hong Kong, restrictions on cer­ 100, but not more than 400, acres of sug­ Physical examination by the tain property transactions, arcane are growing at any time during armed forces---------- 274 etc________:-------------------- 291 1941: T itle 47—T elecommunication: (i) The application to land on which Federal Communications Com­ sugarcane is planted during 1941 of chem­ mission: § 50.13 Charges to borrowers. Sub­ ical fertilizer in an amount averaging not Amateur radio stations a,nd ject to the approval of the president of less than 400 pounds per acre fertilized.
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