120 TH YEAR NO. 42,008 ISSN 0289-1956 ©THE JAPAN TIMES, LTD., 2016 World Forum on Sport and Culture Wednesday, October 19, 2016 Global events serve to deepen ties Hirokazu Matsuno MINISTER OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, SPORTS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The World Forum on Sport and Culture has opened. I am very happy to welcome you to Japan from around the world in the af- terglow of the excitement of the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and to be able to hold discussions from the perspectives of sports, culture and business toward 2020, and the future beyond. Japan is scheduled to host back-to- back international sporting events such as the Rugby World Cup 2019; Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games; and Kansai World Masters Games 2021. At the center of global attention, it is important for us to focus our eyes, and work on cultural and economic de- velopment, let alone on the develop- ment of sports. While trying to combine different fields such as sports, sports ministers from about 50 coun- culture and business, I would like to tries, as well as sessions on the Rugby make this forum constructive not only World Cup 2019, and sessions to re- for the success of these international view the legacies created by the Olym- sports meets but also for the future be- pic and Paralympic Games. yond. With the support of the World Eco- We have established the vision of nomic Forum, known for the Davos an- this forum “to deepen bonds with Asia nual conference, this forum is also and the world by transforming the tra- scheduled to organize public-private ditional Japanese value of ‘accepting sector workshops with business lead- each other’s differences and enhancing ers from Japan and abroad to discuss one another’ into the strength to over- issues the world will face in future, come the difficulties the world is fac- aimed at creating new business oppor- ing.” And to accomplish this vision, we tunities. By combining three fields, i.e., will conduct discussions with a focus sports, culture and business, we would on three pillars: enhancement of like to create new values from Japan human qualities; promotion of ex- for 2020 and beyond. changes among people from around Under the slogan “All Together,” the the world; and creation of new econo- forum will be organized by relevant mies and cultures. ministries and agencies, including the On Oct. 19, discussions mainly on Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, culture are scheduled to take place in Science and Technology; Japan Sports Kyoto, in collaboration with Kyoto Pre- Agency; and Agency for Cultural Af- fecture and the city of Kyoto. We are fairs, working as one, in cooperation scheduled to deliver our cultural policy with Kyoto Prefecture and the city of for the years ahead and demonstrate Kyoto, and in collaboration with the pri- Japanese culture to the world. vate sector. I would like to make it a From Oct. 20, moving the venues to forum that will lead to a new era Tokyo, we plan to have discussions on through discussions with participants mainly sports and business. There will from around the world. be discussions on the new potential Now, let’s take the first step together and values of sports, bringing together toward a new era. “All Together!” ISTOCK Blending sport, culture, economy Major international sporting events bring ture, the city of Kyoto, the Nippon Foun- Kyoto, Japan’s center of traditional cul- together people from different cultural dation and ETIC. (Entrepreneurial ture, and Tokyo, the political and busi- backgrounds, offering a chance for world Training for Innovative Communities) ness capital that is the host of the 2020 peace and economic and cultural are co-hosts. Additionally, the World Eco- Games, are the ideal venues to hold such empowerment. Over the next several nomic Forum supports the gathering. an international sports and culture event years Japan has an excellent opportunity The Kyoto part of the forum is mainly at a time the world is looking forward to to lead the world as it hosts major sport- about culture, while the Tokyo event the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics as ing events and cultural festivals. focuses on sport and business, as well as well as other international sports events The World Forum on Sport and Cul- culture. happening in Japan during the next four ture, to be held in Kyoto on Wednesday Cities hosting the Olympics and Para- years, just a few months after the Rio de and Thursday and in Tokyo from Thurs- lympics often hold events related to Janeiro Games. day through Saturday, will offer people sports and culture prior to the Games, but “Having the two venues is important. If both inside and outside Japan to discuss the World Forum on Sport and Culture it’s only Tokyo, the movement won’t the importance of culture and sports. The “brings together sports, culture and busi- spread across Japan,” Tokiwagi said. forum expects to draw 4,000 people, ness; such a comprehensive event is very The ministry is hoping to spark including domestic and international lympic Games and the Kansai World rare in the world,” said Yuichi Tokiwagi, a momentum throughout the nation. There government officials in charge of sports Masters Games 2021. sports and culture ministry liaison officer will be a number of subsequent sports and culture, the heads of international Government officials, including sports and the director in charge of the forum. and cultural events that the ministry, as promotional groups, top management of and culture ministers from about 50 In Kyoto, there will be a number of well as the culture and sports agencies, Top: ROHM Theatre Kyoto is the main venue of the Kyoto edition of the World Forum global companies, leading journalists and countries, are scheduled to attend the conferences on culture, with government will endorse. on Sport and Culture; Bottom: Roppongi Hills serves as the main venue of the Tokyo others. forum, the scale of which is only rivaled officials of various countries participat- Clearly, the momentum began with edition. ROHM THEATRE KYOTO, MORI BUILDING In Tokyo, the Tokyo Organizing Com- by UNESCO’s International Conference ing, as well as various performances, Tokyo’s winning the bid to host the 2020 mittee of the Olympic and Paralympic of Ministers and Senior Officials Respon- including those by a tea ceremony mas- Games in September 2013. Former min- ence known as Davos, inviting many Tokyo, Roppongi Art Night 2016, Tokyo Games President Yoshiro Mori, Interna- sible for Physical Education and Sport ter, a wheelchair group and a Japanese ister Hakubun Shimomura wasted no world-renowned politicians, business “Suki” Festival (SukiFes) in Ueno Cultural tional Olympic Committee President (MINEPS). singing group. time in maintaining the momentum, people and other influential people as Park, and Co-Creating Future For 2020 Thomas Bach, International Paralympic “We hope the forum will heighten peo- There will also be artistic performances speaking to professor Schwab from the speakers, panelists and attendees. and Beyond. These are also cooperation Committee President Philip Craven, ple’s momentum both inside and outside such as a wheelchair performance and a WEF about holding an international The WEF can also invite such people to events, and their synergetic effects can- World Rugby Chairman Bill Beaumont Japan and more people from abroad will concert with mixture of Japanese and forum on sports and culture. the World Forum on Sport and Culture. not be ignored. and World Economic Forum (WEF) invest in and visit Japan,” said Kumi Fuji- western instruments — taiko Japanese In 2014, the Japanese government Of the 4,000 expected visitors, some 300 But Fujisawa and Tokiwagi believe the Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus sawa, advisor to the Ministry of Educa- drums, shakuhachi, koto, violin, viola, decided to hold the forum and the minis- or 400 are so-called Young Global Lead- forum is just the beginning of a greater Schwab will each deliver greetings or tion, Culture, Sports and Technology, as contrabass and others — at Nijo Castle, a try set up the Office of World Forum on ers and Global CEOs, who already have momentum luring more visitors and speeches. The forum will see sports min- well as the head of the Office of World UNESCO World Heritage site. Sport and Culture in May 2015, Tokiwagi strong connections to the WEF. investment from overseas. isters, Olympians and Paralympians and Forum on Sport and Culture. “Another Also, a Public-Private Workshop will be said. Needless to say, the forum itself has an “The measurement of success is not business executives discuss the social thing we would like is to see the forum held in Tokyo, in which people represent- The significance of the partnership economic impact as many business and just how many visitors there are or how and economic contributions of sport. give people the excitement of feeling that ing culture, sports and business will dis- with the WEF is its ability to send mes- government executives from all over the many visitors are satisfied with the forum. The World Forum on Sport and Culture ‘something fun is going to happen’ and cuss themes such as “Japanese pop sages to the world. Japan can overcome world will visit Kyoto and Tokyo, spend- It’s how the forum will stimulate the art is being held as Japan is in the spotlight as help boost national confidence.” culture: Beyond Cool Japan,” “What Will language barriers and send strong mes- ing money on airfare, hotels and shop- and sports industries,” Tokiwagi said. a venue of major international sporting The ministry, the Agency for Cultural Digital Technology Bring to Human sages to the world by having the support ping.
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