J. Japan. Assoc. Min.P etr. Econ. Geol. 76. 245-253, 1980. NOTES ON PETROGRAPHY AND ROCK-FORMING MINERALOGY (8) MARGARITE-BEARING METAGABBRO FROM THE IRATSU MASS IN THE SANBAGAWA BELT, CENTRAL SHIKOKU MASAKI ENAMI Department of Earth Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464, Japan Margarite-bearing metagabbro was found from the Iratsu epidote amphibolite mass in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt. The sample is a metamorphosed anorthosite layer and consists of zoisite, paragonite, kyanite, margarite, chlorite, quartz and clay mineral (kaolinite or dickite). The unit cell parameter of margarite is as follows: a0=5.11 A, b0=8.79 A, c0=19.15 A. ƒÀ=95.3•‹. Muscovite component in margarite is almost negligible, but paragonite content in it reaches about 27 mole%. Paragonite is divided into Ca-rich (CaO=0.4-1.1 wt%) and Ca-poor (CaO=0.2-0.4 wt%) types. Within the constitutent minerals, zoisite, kyanite and Ca-poor paragonite were formed with the decomposition of plagioclase in original anorthosite, and represent the equilibrium assemblage at the highest temperature stage during the Sanbagawa metamorphism. Margarite and Ca-rich paragonite were formed during the retrogressive metamorphism within the Sanbagawa stage. INTRODUCTION MODE OF OCCURRENCEAND PETROGRAPHY Margarite, a calcic dioctahedral mica, has been reported from numerous rock The Iratsu epidote amphibolite mass is types: namely ore deposits (Aoki and Shima a metamorphosed layered gabbro complex da, 1965), pelitic schists (Chinner, 1974; that occurs in the epidote amphibolite facies Frey and Orville, 1974; Hock, 1974; Guidotti area of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt and Cheney, 1976; Frey, 1978), marbles in central Shikoku (Banno et al., 1976; 1978). (Jones, 1971; Okrush et al., 1976) and The mass consists mainly of epidote amphi amphibolites (Ackermand and Morteani, bolite, hornblende eclogite, quartz eclogite 1973). and zoisite rock. Recently, margarite was found from a Zoisite rock is a metamorphosed anorth metagabbro of the Iratsu epidote amphibolite osite layer in the metagabbro and consists mass in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt of wide (7-30cm in width) zoisite-rich band in central Shikoku. This note is the first and thin (0.5-3cm) amphibole-rich band. report of margarite from the metamorphic The former consists mainly of zoisite, rocks in Japan, and will discuss the paragonite, kyanite and quartz and the petrogenesis of the margarite-bearing rock. latter is composed of hornblende, clinozo (Manuscript received March 13, 1980) 246 Masaki Enami the zoisite rock which was collected from a river bed on the Nikubuchi stream (Fig. 1). The sample is subdivided into two parts: paragonite-rich and zoisite-rich parts. The former consists mainly of paragonite and kyanite with subordinate amounts of zoisite, quartz and margarite, on which detailed chemical works have been done, and the latter consists of zoisite and quartz with subordinate amounts of chlorite and para gonite. Clay mineral is also found as a Fig. 1: Geological sketch map of the Iratsu mass minor constituent, and is probably kaolinite and the surrounding peridotites and or dickites judged from its chemical com schists (after Banno et al., 1976) with location of margarite-bearing rock. position (cf. Table 1). Coexistenceof marg arite and paragonite was confirmed ?? isite, chlorite, garnet, albite and quartz. the X-ray powder method. Two different Margarite is found in a zoisite-rich band of ways of distinguishing margarite from Table 1: Chemical compositions of minerals. Abbreviations for minerals: Ma: margarite, Pa(I): type I paragonite, Pa (II): type II paragonite, Zo: zoisite, Ky: kyanite, Chl: chlorite, Clay: clay mineral. * Total Fe as FeO . ?? Total Fe as Fe2O3. Margarite-bearing metagabbro from the Iratsu mass 247 paragonitehave been used in literatures alyses are shown in Table 1. (d (060)spacing, Velde, 1971; and d (0.0. 10) Margarite: Three varieties of mode of spacing, Chatterjee, 1971). The d (060) occurrence are observed: (1). Most margarites and d(0.0. 10) spacingsof margarite in the built up rims around kyanite and measure sample studied are 1.465 and 1.908A, 10-50 ƒÊm in width (Fig. 2a), (2). It is respectively,and showgood agreementwith observed as veinlets cutting kyanite grains. the publisheddata (cf. Aoki and Shimada, The veinlets consist of medium-grained (50- 1965). Althoughcoexistence of paragonite 100 ƒÊm) margarite and paragonite and and muscoviteis common in the Iratsu aggregates of very fine-grained (2-3 ƒÊm) metagabbros(Iwata, 1975; Enami, 1978), silicate minerals (Fig. 2b). Minerals in the muscovitewas not found in the sample aggregates are too fine to be identified studied. microscopically and to be analyzed with Chemicalanalyses were carriedout by EPMA. With the EPMA analyses of the means of JXA-5A electronprobe micro aggregates, Si, Al, Ca and Na are detected - ?? analyzer (EPMA) of J. E.O. L. The ac as major components and Fig. 3 shows the celerating voltage, specimen current and relative concentrations of CaO and Na2O. beam diameter were kept at 15 kV, 0.02ƒÊA CaO and Na2O contents vary 7.5-11.5 wt% and 5 ƒÊm, respectively. Representative an and 1.1-3.5 wt%, respectively. CaO and Fig. 2: Photomicrographs of margarite and associated minerals. a) Margarite being observed as rims around kyanite. Crossed nicols. b) (Maragarite+paragonite) veinlets cutting kyanite. Crossed nicols. c) Margarite being observed at the boundary between zoisite inclusion and kyanite host. Open nicol. Abbreviations for minerals: Ma: margarite, Pa: paragonite, Ky: kyanite, Zo: zoisite, Mx: mixtures of margarite and paragonite. 248 Masaki Enami Fig. 3: CaO-Na2O relation of fine aggregates in veinlet. Open circles: compositions of fine aggregates. Solid circles: average compositions of independent margarite and type II paragonite. Na2O contents of numerous analyzed spots Table 2 shows the unit cell parameter of correspond to those of margarite , however, margarite obtained with the X-ray powder some analyzed spots are richer in Na2O and diffractometer. These values agree well poorer in CaO than independent margarites. with those given in literatures. The com The compositions of such Na-rich spots are positional range of margarite on the Na plotted on the paragonite-margarite join in -Ca-K diagram is shown in Fig. 4a. the present system, showing the presence of Muscovite component in margarite is almost mixture of margarite and subordinate negligible but paragonite solid solution amounts of paragonite. (3). Some margarites reaches about 27 mole%. Only minor con occur at the boundary between zoisite in tents of Fe and Mg were recorded, while clusion and kyanite host (Fig. 2c). Textural Mn and Ti were below the detection limit. relations described above strongly indicate Paragonite: Paragonite is divided in that margarite postdated kyanite and to two types, types I and II, by the dif zoisite. ference of mode of occurrence. Type I Table 2: Unit cell parameters of margarita. Notes: (1): Aoki and Shimada (1965), (2): Takeuchi (1965), (3): Hock (1974), (4): Guggenheim and Bailey (1975). Margarite-bearing metagabbro from the Iratsu ma ss 249 Type II paragonite shows prismatic form measuring about 2 ƒÊm-2.0mm in length and occurs as veinlets in kyanite or rims around kyanite (Fig. 5b). Chemical com position is also different between the two types of paragonites. Fig. 4b shows the compositional range of paragonite on the Na-Ca-K diagram. Muscovite components of types I and II paragonites vary 2.4-5.6 Fig. 4: Compositionsof the analyzed margarites and 2.2-5.1 mole%, respectively, and are and paragonitesin the diagram Na-Ca-K. similar to each other but are smaller than those of paragonites in the margaritefree paragonite occurs as independent and samples from the same mass. On the other prismatic form being parallel to the weak hand, margarite components of types I and foliation which is represented by the ar II paragonites vary 1.8-3.8 and 2.8-7.1 mole rangement of zoisite grains (Fig. 5a). Grain %, respectively, and type II paragonite is size varies from 0.1 to 1.5mm in length. richer in margarite component than type I Fig. 5: Photomicrographs of paragonite and associated minerals. a) Type I paragonite. b) Type II paragonite. Abbreviations for minerals: Pa (I): type I paragonite, Pa (II): type II paragonite, Zo: zoisite, Ky: kyanite, Qz: quartz. 250 Masaki Enami paragonite. Type I paragonite is in equilibrium and two stages of equilibration equilibrium with zoisite and kyanite because are recognized. any textures of replacing kyanite by type I 1) The first stage: Yokoyama (1976a) paragonite were not observed. Type II has shown that the zoisite+kyanite+ paragonite postdated kyanite because it quartz assemblage was formed with the occurs as psuedomorph after kyanite. decomposition of original plagioclase. Type Ca-rich composition of type II paragonite I paragonite is considered to be also formed indicates that type II paragonite is saturated with the decomposition of the plagioclase in margarite component and is in equilib and to be in equilibrium with zoisite, kyanite rium with margarite. and quartz on the following reasons. First, Zoisite: Zoisite occurs as rounded and type I paragonite does not show any subhedral form (50-500 ƒÊm in size) forming textures of replacing kyanite, and secondly, small domains within the paragonite-rich albite component in the plagioclase is the parts. It also occurs as inclusions in only candidate to supply Na2O for the forma kyanite. Any zonal structures were not tion of type I paragonite. observed with the microscopic observations. An example for the reaction to form XPs (=Fe3+/Fe3++Al) content of zoisite is the assemblage of the first stage from the about 0.026-0.030 and is fairly constant original plagioclase is as follows: within a thin section. 40(Na0.1,Ca0.9)(Al1.9,Si2.1)O8+13H2O Kyanite: Kyanite occurs as sub hedral grain measuring 0.5-3.0mm in size , =18Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH)+2Na2Al6Si6O20(OH)4 and contains zoisite and quartz as inclusions .
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