\ Japan smarl community AⅡiance JSCA Japan smart communityAⅢance Pan Smart c.mmunlt 111ance 口0 ^ ^ 可借過N]喰愈明 As the world has become more and more concerned about climate change and the use of renewable energies such as solar povver and vvind po゛1er is expected to increase, the smart grid has been a廿racting worldwide attention as a means to achieve a stable renewable energy supply and realize an e仟ective and e仟icient electric grid system integrating information techn010gy. It is expected that large smart 引id markets wi11 emerge in Europe, Asia and the united states and that more comprehensive activities toward a smart community WⅢ develop.1n order for Japanese industry to participate in these activities, it is necessary to accelerate domestic smart grid・related activities, and a process that encourages public and private sector discussion of common goals, such as achieving global standardization and sustainable social system development,is also needed. This Process vvould also enable companies to vvork together to address issues that 、Nould otherwise be di仟icult for them to resolve by themselves. Considering this, the Ne、N Energy and lndustrial Techn010gy Development organization (NEDO) established the Japan smart community AⅡiance (JSCA) to strengthen c011aboration among a ゛1ide range of concerned organizations and also conduct activities of mutualinterest, such as dissemination of information and preparation of roadmaps to achieve global standardization. JSCA has members from the electric povver, gas, automobile,information and communications, electric machinery, construction and trading industries as we11 as the public sector and academia.(A Iist of members is included later in this brochure.) 1t is 、Norking to facilitate the development of a Smart community through the c011ective e什ort of the public and private sectors as an a11・Japan team by planning and implementing activities that benefit Japan's economic community. such activities also include responding t010cal government needs, overcoming barriers and issues that lie ahead as Vve11 as sharing of information on the use of public funding for smart grid techn010gy development ^ 酬.圖◎A President 冬ず Toshiba Board Hitachi,1TOCHU, JGC, Mitsubishi Electric. Panasonic, Tokyo Gas, Toyota , KEPCO Steerin号 Committee Secretariat Intemational strate宮y vvG NEDO Intemational standardization vvG Roadmap vvG Smad House vvG As of May 30,2012 迎圖◎A ^ 口 ^ (335 Companies, or目anizations, etc. as of May 16,2012) ABB K.K. Development Bank of Japan lnc Iwatani corporation ABB Bailey Japan umited Dream lncubatorlnc. Japan Advanced lnstitute of science and ABeam consultin8 Ltd. dspACE Japan K.K. Techn010別 Accenture Japan Ltd 日Ai,1td. Japan Aviation Electronics lndustry, Adamant K08yo company umited. eKnowled8e En8ine Net corporation Umited Adsol Nissin corp. ENERGY ADVANCE CO., LTD. Japan Bank for lnternational cooperation,1he ADVA optical Networkin8 Corp. En8ineerin8 and c0船Ultin8 Firms Association, intemational arm of JaMn Finance comoration Advanced c08eneration and Ene熔y Japan(ECFA) Japan Biomass Ene『8y co,Ltd. Utilization center Japan ENNET C0ゆoration Japan cable and Telecommunications AECOM Japan co.. Ltd. Ericsson Japan K.K. Association AICHI ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. Emst & Youn8 ShinNihon LLC Japan cooperation centerforthe Middle East Aichilntitute of Techn010目y Forum of Electrical safew lnspection Japan Electric Measu"n8 1nstruments A!CHI TOKEI DENK! CO.,LTD. Associations Manufacturers Association AIPHONE CO., LTD. Fuji Electric co.,Ltd. J3Pan Electric Meters lnspection corporation AISIN SEIKI CO.. LTD FUJI ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD J日Pan Electrical construction Associatlon ALAXALA Networks, corp. Fujikura.Ltd JAPAN ELECTRICAL SAFETY & ENⅥRONMENT ALPS GREEN DEVICES CO., LTD. Fuma corpo『ation TECHNOLOGY LABORATOR旧S ANALOG DEVICES FUJITSU UMITED JAPAN ELECTRONIC COMPUTER CO.,LTD ARK lnformation systems,inc. Funal consultin81ncorporated Japan Electronics & 1nformation Techn010gy ASAHI GLASS CO., LTD. Furukawa Electric co., Ltd. Industries Association Asatsu・DK lnc. FURUSHO ELECTRIC INDUSTRY CO..LTD Japan Extemal Trade 0熔anization ASD lnc Futaba corporation Japan lnformation Techn0108y service Asia Air survey co., Ltd Future Architect,1nc. Industry Association Astomos Ener剖 Corporation Fuyo General Lease co.,Ltd. Japan Meteor0108ical corporation AXELL corporation GLOBETECH lnc. Japan petroleum Exploration co.,Ltd B信 Bang system corporation Hakuhodo lnc. Japan process Development co.,Ltd. bitmedia Hakuto co.,Ltd. Japan Qua1御 Assurance or8anization Bloombe唱 New Ener別 Finance Hazama corporation Japan Radio co,1td. Bosch coporation Hewlett・packard Japan, Ltd. Japan Research lndustries and lndustarial BUREAU OF VVATERVVORKS TOKYO himico solutions,1nc. Techn010剖 Association METROPOUTAN GOVERNMMENT Hitachi capital c0ゆoration Japan surveyin81nstruments Manulacture『S Business lnte11i8ence Network lnc. Hitachilnformation & communication Association C引eersystem co.,LTD. En8ineerin8, Ltd. Japan Transpodation plannin目 Association Central Research lnstitute of Electric Hitachi solutions, Ltd. Japanese Business A川ance for smart Power lndustry Hitachi systems, Ltd. Ener剖 Vvorldwide CHINA VVAY HITACHI ZOSEN CORPORATION Japanese standard Association Chiyoda corporation Hitachi, Ltd. JFE Engineerin8 Corporation CHODAI CO.,Ltd. Hitachi・cable JGc corporation Chubu Electric power co.,1nc HOKKAIDO GAS CO.,LTD. JGc lnformation systems co., Ltd. Chuden En8ineerin8 Consultants co.,Ltd. Hokuden General En8ineerin8 Desi8n & JIPDEC CHUO COMPUTER CO.,1nc. Consulting co.,1nc. JM Ener剖 Corporation Cisco systems GK. Hosiden corporation JMA consultants lnc. C011日bo Business consU川n8 CO., Ltd. IB.Techonos co.,Ltd JMA Research lnstitute lNC. Computer En底ineerin8 & consultin8, Ltd 旧JL・TOSH旧A Leasing company,Limited J・power systems c0ゆoration COMTEc community Techn010gy lnstitute lnc 旧M Japan, Ltd JVC Kenwood corporation CORONA CORPORATION Ics convention Desi8n,1nc. JX Nippon o"& Ener剖 Corporation Cosmos corporation Ltd. iFORCOM CO.,Ltd. KAGATAGUMI CTI Engineeringco. Ltd IHI CO『poration Kajima corporation Cyber creative lnstitute Impress R&D K日ndenko co.,Ltd. Cyber Defense institute inc. Information Techn010別 Educalion center co.,L丁D KANEKA CORPORATION Dai NゆPon p"nting co., Ltd. Information・techn010gy promotion Agency, Japan KAVVAKITA ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION DAI.DAN CO., Ltd Infosec corporation ENGINEERING CO DAIHEN corporation Infrax lnc. Kawasaki Heavy lndustries, Ltd. Daimei Telecom Engineering corporation INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY APPUCATION KAVVASAK! MICROELECTRONICS,1NC DAITO ELECTRON CO.. LTD. TECHNOLOGIES CO.. LTD KDDI CORPORATION Daiwa can company Intercom,1nc KEIKAKu lnc DAIVVA LEASE CO.,LTD International standards lnnovation Keiyo Gas co.,Ltd Deloi廿e Tohmatsu consulting co., Ltd Techn010別 Research Association Kinden corporation Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC Intedek Japan K.K KINKEI SYSTEM CORPORATION Delphys lnc Ips corporation KODENSHI CORP Denki K08yo co., Ltd IT ver所Cation lndustry Association KOYO ENGINEERING CO.,LTD DENSO CORPORATION ITOCHu corporation KPMG FAS CO., Ltd DENTSU INC ITOCHU Techno・solutions KTx corporation KYUSHU ELECTRIC PO、NER CO.1NC. Oi Electric co., Ltd THE JAPAN ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS' Kyushu universiw Oki Electric lndustry co.. Ltd. ASSOCIATION UXIL corporation OM solar co.,1td. The Japan Research lnstitute, Limited Macnica,1nc. OMRON corporation The Kansai Electric power co.,1nc. MARUBENI CORPORATION ORIENTAL CONSULTANTS CO., Ltd. The Tokyo Foundation Me8achips corporation Osaka Gas co.. Ltd. TODENTsu corporation MEIDENSHA CORPORATION Osaka prefectural Govemment TOENEC CORPORATION MEITO ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CO.,LTD. OSAKI ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. Togami Electric M信. CO.. Ltd. Misawa Homes co.. Ltd. Panasonic corporation TOHO GAS CO., LTD. Mitsubishi c0ゆoration Pasona Dotank lnc. tokals0什 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION PIONEER CORPORATION TOKYO COMPUTER SERVICE CO., LTD. MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. QNx software systems KK Tokyo Gas co., Ltd. Mitsui & CO, Ltd. QUBITSTAR SYSTEMs lnc. Tokyo Metrop0Ⅱtan smaⅡ and Medium MITSUI FUDOSAN CO.,LTD Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd. Enterprise support center Mitsui Global strate8ic studies lnstitute RICOH COMPANY,LTD. TOKYO SANGYO CO.,LTD. MITUBISHI ESTATE CO., LTD. ROHM CO., Ltd., Tokyu construction co.,Ltd. Mizuho corporate Bank, Ltd. Ryosan company,umited Tokyu Livin8 & Lifeswle Research lnstitute lnc. Mizuho lnformation & Research lnstitute SAGEMCOM K.K. TOPCON CORPORATION MOSHI MOSHI HOTUNE,1NC SaikohEn目ine引in8 CO.,比d TORAY BATTERY SEPARATOR FILM na8asaki EV&1Ts consodium Salesforce.com co., Ltd. GODO KAISHA Na8asaki prefectural Govemment San・Eisha.Ltd. Toray construction co Nariwa corporation SANYo lnformation Techn010別 Solutions co., Ltd T0治y lndustries,inc. Nationa11nstruments Japan corporation SAs lnstitute Japan Ltd. TOSH旧A CORPORATION NDK ・Neo Dynamic Knowled8e・ Schneider Electric Japan lnc. TOSH旧A DIGITAL FRONTIERS INC. NEc corporation SCSK corporation Toshiba Toko Mete『 systems co.,Ltd. NEVV COCMOS ELECTRIC CO..LTD Seijoh universiw TOTO LTD. NEVV ENERGY PROMOTION COUNCIL SEIKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. Toyo En目ineering corporation New Mexico s01日r station, LLC Sekisui House, ud. Toyo Ka小 K0剖O CO., Ltd NEXCO.RI SHARP CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Nexrent corporation SHIMIZU CORPORATION TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION NGK INSULATORS, LTD. Shin Nippon Air Techn010gies co., Ltd. TUV SUD Japan Ltd NGK spark plU8 CO. Ltd., Shinden8en Electric Manufacturin8 CO.,Ltd. WU・butera・sa・bisu yuU8enkaisya Nihon Business En8ineering co.,Ltd SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD UL Japan,1nc.
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