SCHOOL HANDBOOK 2015-16 1 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION/FIOSRACHADH 4 PARENTS AND CARERS AS PARTNERS /PARANTAN AGUS LUCHD CURAIM 9 SCHOOL ETHOS /BRÌGH NA SGOILE 11 THE CURRICULUM / CLÀR-OIDEACHAIS AIRSON SAR MHATHAS 13 ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING / MEASADH AGUS AITHISGEACHD 15 TRANSITIONS / IMEACHD 21 SUPPORT FOR PUPILS / TAIC AIRSON SGOILEARAN 22 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT/ LEASACHADH SGOILE 29 ADVERSE WEATHER / DROCH AIMSIR 30 FARR HIGH SCHOOL DRESS CODE/ CÒD AODACH-SGOILE 31 FARR HIGH SCHOOL RULES / RIAGHAILTEAN NA SGOILE 32 ACCESS TO PUPIL RECORDS / INNTRIGEADH GU CLÀRAN NAN SGOILEAR 33 3 INFORMATION / FIOSRACHADH Welcome Welcome to the Farr High School Handbook for session 15/16. I hope this publication gives you a flavour of what we have to offer as a school. Ever since starting at Farr, I have known there is something special about the warmth of welcome that is offered to those who come through our doors. Indeed, one of the key strengths of Farr High School is the quality of relationships between pupils, staff and the community and I believe that this is one of the greatest strengths of our school. As a small school with small classes, we have unique opportunities. Curriculum for Excellence puts the learner at the centre and that is exactly what we are able to do. Our teachers and all our school staff know every pupil well. Furthermore, the small classes enable teachers to personalise learning and spend more time helping every pupil to progress and develop their knowledge and understanding. For a small school we are able to offer a wide range of qualifications and through our recently developed links with Thurso College we are able to offer an impressive range of subjects to our senior pupils. It is an exciting time in education and schools, with increased flexibility in the Senior Phase and a real focus on personalising learning pathways for pupils to ensure we are not only equipping them with a portfolio of qualifications but also with the necessary skills for learning , life and work. It is a time for embracing the values and principles of Curriculum for Excellence to improve the outcomes for all our young people. For me as Head Teacher, one of the greatest joys of my job is getting to know our pupils and helping them progress towards their chosen goals. At the heart of our school are the people and relationships which help shape our pupils. I believe in a school community where all feel valued, where all feel safe and where all are included. I have an aspirational approach to education with high expectations. I believe we should constantly be striving to do what we do better, helping and supporting all our young people to achieve. Ms K Wood Acting Head Teacher 4 CONTACT DETAILS / CUIRIBH FIOS GU Acting Head Teacher: Mrs K Wood Farr High School Bettyhill By Thurso Caithness KW14 7SS Telephone: 01641 521217 Fax: 01641 521203 Email: [email protected] Website address: www.farrhighschool.org.uk Twitter: @farrhighschool Parent Council Contact Details: Steven Jack Parent representative (Chairperson) Julie Reed Parent representative (Vice Chairperson) Peter Malone Co-opted member (Secretary) Gillian Palmer Parent representative (Treasurer) Stewart Goudie Co-opted member Beth Grant Parent representative Lorna Mackay Parent representative Frances MacIntosh Parent representative Amanda Moseley Teacher representative Contact – [email protected] 5 STAFF / LUCHD-OBRACH Teachers Acting Head Teacher Mrs Katherine Wood Acting Depute Head Teacher Mrs Amanda Moseley Physics Acting PT Management (Guidance) Mrs Rhona Hayley Art and Design Personal Development English Mr Kevin Redgewell Geography Miss Alison Dow Modern Studies History Biology Mr Grant Kay Science ICT Chemistry Miss Rosalind Gisbey Science French Mrs Edith Murphy Gaelic Mr Angus Millar Gaidhlig Rural Skills Graphic Communications Mr Adam Kula Design and Manufacture Technology Mathematics Mrs Jean Campbell/Mrs Mary Munro Music Mrs Valerie Smith Religious and Moral Education Support for Learning Ms Fiona Lynch History Physical Education Miss Shona Comrie Pupil Support Assistants Mrs Donna Blackman Mrs Jayne Gordon Mrs Karen Matheson Mrs Frances Macintosh Mrs Christine Stokes 6 Office Staff Mrs Susan Mackay Ms Avril Geddes Mrs Jean Carney Janitor Mr George Henderson Technicians Mrs Donna Blackman Mr Ian Broughton Canteen Staff Mrs Anne Henderson Mrs Angela Logue Mrs Patsy Sutherland Cleaning Staff Mrs Joan Mackay Mrs Marie Farr Mrs Patsy Sutherland Music Tutors Mr Niall Laybourne Mr Andrew Macleod Other adults who work with the school: Mrs Alison Macinnon – Pupil Support Worker Mrs Kay-Lisa Davidson – School Nurse Mrs Helen Ward – Skills Development Scotland Mrs Barbara Bethell - Volunteer Librarian (Thursday) Juvenal Duval – Active Schools Coordinator THE SCHOOL AND ITS CATCHMENT AREA / SGOIL AGUS RAON-TíONAIL The area surrounding Farr High School is an area of exceptional beauty and character, with a widely dispersed population. Farr High School is an 11-18, S1-S6 comprehensive, non-denominational school. The school first opened its doors in May 1964 and its current roll is approximately 68. 7 Although Farr is one of the smallest secondary schools in Highland Council area, it has a catchment area of 531 square miles. Gaelic is offered to learners and fluent speakers throughout S1—6, with a Gaelic Medium Education available in a number of subject areas in S1-3. ENROLMENT / CLÀRACHADH Farr High School is the local school for pupils from Melvich, Bettyhill, Tongue and Altnaharra Primaries. Enrolment forms for these pupils are distributed via the primaries when the children are in Primary 7. Transport arrangements, organised by TEC Services, will be finalised once pupil numbers are confirmed. Please note that Transport is not an Education Service responsibility and any queries should be addressed to: Mrs Christine Dodd, Local Transport Officer, Government Buildings, Girnigoe Street, Wick, KW1 4HW Tel: 01955 609561. Information can be found from the website link: http://www.highland.gov.uk/learninghere/schools/informationforparents PLACING REQUESTS / IARRTASAN SUIDHEACHAIDH Each school serves its own particular catchment area. Pupils whose homes are located in that area will have priority in being allocated a place in the school. However, parents have the right to specify the school in which they wish to place their child. Application must be made to the Area Education Manager, Caithness and Sutherland, Drummuie, Golspie KW10 6TA. Tel: 01408 635338. Placing request forms can be obtained from http://www.highland.gov.uk/learninghere/schools/informationforparents/ Transportation to and from school, for placing request pupils, is a parental responsibility. If pupils live outwith the school catchment area and their parents wish them to attend Farr High School they can contact Mrs Wood, the Head Teacher, to arrange a visit. Schools are required to keep an attendance register by law. We have a responsibility for the care and welfare of all pupils during the school day and therefore we need to know the whereabouts of absent pupils. COMPLAINTS AND REQUESTS FOR SERVICE / GEARANNAN AGUS IARRTASAN AIRSON SEIRBHEIS If a parent has any concerns they should contact their child’s Guidance Teacher in the first instance. For more serious issues the Depute Head Teacher or the Head Teacher should be contacted. The school will always endeavour to resolve issues by listening to parents and seeking solutions in partnership. Should a situation remain unresolved, parents can contact the Area Education Manager, Caithness & Sutherland, Drummuie, Golspie, KW10 6TA. Tel: 01408 635338 8 PARENTS AND CARERS AS PARTNERS / PARANTAN AGUS LUCHD CURAIM The support and involvement of Parents in their children‘s education is key to the success of young people. Taking time with them, discussing work, practising language (Gaelic, French and English) helping with homework management and encouraging responsibility are important ways of supporting children‘s learning. This partnership in our children’s education is greatly valued at Farr High School. We always welcome parents to come and meet with the Head Teacher, Depute or our Guidance Teacher, if there are questions or issues that you would like to discuss. The school will always seek to involve parents in any key decisions about their child‘s education and keep parents informed about progress. This includes: Monitoring and Tracking Interim Reports - these are issued to parents once per session Full Reports - these are issued to parents once per session Parents' Evenings - during the school session we hold four parents' evenings per year with exact dates and arrangements being sent out by letter. Options Night - an opportunity to meet with the HT, DHT and the Guidance teacher to discuss course choices. In addition to these formal Parents' Evenings, you should feel free to contact the school at any time to discuss any matters concerning your child’s progress. If possible, it is best to telephone the school first so that an appointment may be made. Pupil Profile (End of S3) Newsletters Information on the school website www.farrhighschool.org.uk Of course we will also contact you by telephone as and when necessary if we have issues or concerns to share with you. 9 PARENT FORUM AND PARENT COUNCIL / COMHAIRLE NAM PÀRANT All parents who have a child enrolled here are automatically members of the FHS Parent Forum. One of the ways Parent Forum members will be able to express their views is through the Parent Council. Parents can participate in deciding how the Parent Council operates and can expect to be consulted by the Parent Council on issues relating to school. Above all, parents should enjoy taking part in the life of the school and their children‘s education. The Parent Council is primarily a group of parents selected by the Parent Forum to represent all the parents of children at the school. The Parent Council can co-opt members from out-with the parent body and the Head Teacher also attends, advises and consults with the council.
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