A Bibliography of Publications in Centaurus: An International Journal of the History of Science and its Cultural Aspects Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 06 March 2021 Version 1.20 Title word cross-reference 22◦ [588]. 2: n [566]. $49.95 [1574]. $85.00 [1577]. c [850, 1027, 558]. th v [1087]. [876]. 2 [239, 1322]. 4 [239]. ∆IAITA [164]. κφανη& [1031]. ΓEPONTΩN [164]. [517, 86, 112, 113, 741, 281, 411, 335]. [517, 86,p 112, 113, 741, 281, 411, 335]. Φ [734, 801, 735]. π [703]. 0 [1215]. S [673]. 2 [1025]. -derived [1558]. -Matrix [673]. 0 [1542, 1576, 1603, 1578]. 0-8229-4547-9 [1578]. 0-8229-4556-8 [1603]. 1 [1545, 1262, 1173, 1579, 1605]. 1/2 [580]. 10 [1408]. 11 [335]. 12th [107]. 13th [52]. 14th [1002, 1006]. 14th-Century [1002]. 1550 [157]. 1599 [1008]. 1 2 15th [395, 32, 167]. 1650 [1039]. 1669 [636]. 1670 [1335]. 1670-1760 [1335]. 1685 [1013]. 16th [1478, 1477, 1011, 32, 421, 563, 148, 84, 826, 1054, 339, 200, 555]. 16th-century [1477]. 1700 [1279]. 1715 [1581]. 1760 [1335]. 1764 [1277]. 1777 [55]. 1786 [182]. 17th [1478, 1570, 1571]. 17th-century [1570, 1571]. 18 [916]. 1800 [1585]. 1810 [1337]. 1820s [1055]. 1822 [438]. 1822-1972 [438]. 1830s [1362]. 1840 [1600]. 1840s [1362]. 1850 [1021, 1338]. 1860s [1484]. 1870s [1363]. 1880's [556, 559]. 1890 [1164]. 1890s [1210]. 18th [421, 1482, 1480, 433, 1351, 1223, 146, 194, 1224, 172, 108]. 18th-Century [433, 1351]. 19 [1559, 1547, 1549, 1561, 1556, 1553, 1546]. 1900 [442, 1154]. 1901 [1251]. 1905 [515]. 1915 [503]. 1918 [1329]. 1920 [1583]. 1920s [1462]. 1927 [630]. 1940 [1507, 1441, 1217, 1443]. 1942 [1401]. 1944 [799]. 1945 [1073]. 1949 [1132]. 1950 [52]. 1950s [1201]. 1953 [1098, 1099, 1095, 1097, 1100]. 1960 [1422, 1429]. 1970 [1095, 1097, 1291]. 1970s [1434, 1433, 1432, 1435]. 1972 [1371, 438]. 1973 [1098, 1099, 1100]. 1980s [1206]. 19th [1532, 1482, 1534, 1121, 1390, 1396, 1077, 1555, 1590, 1011, 1604, 1223, 871, 1307, 1365, 41, 592, 212, 1090, 1245]. 19th-Century [1396, 1390, 1555, 1590, 1307, 1245]. 1st [488]. 2 [1584, 1524, 1275, 1602, 1187, 1539, 1555]. 2. [511]. 2000 [1188, 1137]. 2003 [1115]. 2006 [1070]. 2007 [1071]. 2010 [1220]. 2012 [1303]. 2014 [1330, 1403, 1373]. 2016 [1430]. 2020 [1620]. 20th [1451, 1534, 1480, 1308, 1182, 1365, 1311, 1140]. 20th-century [1451]. 27 [124]. 28/26 [994]. 3 [1586, 1541, 1517, 1543, 1587]. 31 [1008]. 322 [572]. 33552 [754]. 4 [1600, 1523, 1582, 1522]. 41004 [916]. 4th [86, 1171, 1185, 1196, 1220, 754]. 5 [1540, 1604, 1544]. 6 [1574, 1585, 1601, 1518, 1583]. 621 [343]. 6th [1330]. 7 [1580, 1581]. 8 [1607, 1577, 1603, 1606, 1521]. 86 [815]. 9 [1519, 1520, 1578, 1573, 1575]. 96 [74]. 978 [1607, 1577, 1542, 1545, 1584, 1524, 1580, 1602, 1586, 1519, 1576, 1540, 1541, 1520, 1600, 1574, 1517, 1585, 1543, 1601, 1606, 1523, 1539, 1579, 1521, 1582, 1573, 1575, 1518, 1587, 1605, 1583, 1604, 1581, 1544, 1522]. 978-0-19-879725-8 [1577]. 978-0-19-882352-0 [1542]. 978-0-226-50929-7 [1581]. 978-0-226-55337-5 [1544]. 978-0-226-60599-9 [1573]. 978-0-262-03726-6 [1518]. 978-0-520-29698-5 [1586]. 978-0-520-30549-6 3 [1601]. 978-0-520-96951-3 [1586]. 978-0-520-97357-2 [1601]. 978-0-8153-7985-0 [1580]. 978-0-8229-4541-3 [1541]. 978-0-8229-4547-5 [1578]. 978-0-8229-4551-2 [1602]. 978-0-8229-4553-6 [1585]. 978-0-8229-4556-7 [1603]. 978-0-8229-4560-4 [1582]. 978-0-8229-4562-8 [1607]. 978-1-108-41830-0 [1576]. 978-1-351-21482-7 [1580]. 978-1-4214-2177-3 [1517]. 978-1-55481-387-2 [1584]. 978-1-55753-837-6 [1574]. 978-2-13-080065-1 [1579]. 978-2-271-11500-3 [1543]. 978-2-271-12300-8 [1606]. 978-2-503-57445-5 [1540]. 978-2-7132-2726-4 [1523]. 978-3-319-54654-4 [1522]. 978-3-319-93652-9 [1519]. 978-3-319-95251-2 [1524]. 978-3-8047-3797-6 [1583]. 978-606-543-951-1 [1545]. 978-84-9134-439-1 [1605]. 978-84-9168-164-9 [1575]. 978-87-7304-417-9 [1520]. 978-90-04-32549-4 [1600]. 978-90-04-35263-6 [1587]. 978-90-04-35264-3 [1587]. 978-90-04-36064-8 [1521]. 978-90-04-36574-2 [1539]. 978-963-693-300-5 [1604]. 9th [1002]. 9th-Century [1002]. ¯adh [1027]. ^ınceputul [1545]. a-t-il [718]. A. [552]. A.D. [287]. Aaboe [1071]. Aage [648]. Ab¯u [349, 558]. Abacus [449]. Abandoned [1091]. abbess [188]. Abel [1331, 1169]. Aberration [591]. Abhandlung [711]. Abingdon [1507]. Above [1366]. Abraham [1011, 527]. Absolute [633, 1169]. Absorption [831]. Abstract [218, 62]. Abtissin¨ [188]. Abu [523]. Abwegen [830]. Academe [1141]. Academia [1419]. Academic [1438, 1362, 1484]. Academy [1532, 488, 1455, 1484, 1305]. Accommodating [12]. According [224, 274, 964, 267, 717, 375]. Accoucheur [1527]. Account [1160, 330, 1134]. Accuracies [640]. accuracy [1535]. Achaemenid [317]. Achievement [1294]. Achievements [372]. Achromatic [756]. Achtzehnten [27]. Ackermann [1398]. Acolytes [1338]. Acquaintance [479, 38]. Acronycal [1014]. Acronychal [310]. Act [1368, 1668]. Acta [1583]. Action [1403, 1429, 806]. Activity [554]. Actor [859]. Aczel [1218]. AD [1074, 1166, 74, 442]. Adaptation [630, 1336]. Addenda [360]. Adding [1050]. Address [1403, 52]. Adelene [1355]. Adelheid [1340]. Adjustable [464]. Adoption [1336]. Adrian [1073, 1518]. Adrien [1337]. Adrienne [1399]. Advantage [1153]. Advertising [1269]. Advisor [1155]. Aegyptische [354]. aesthetics [1481]. Aetna [554]. Affair [1299, 1671]. Affluence [1065]. Aflah [428, 465]. Africa [1239, 499]. African [202, 499, 1612]. After [1152, 1314, 534, 1297, 1669, 1512]. Aftermath [1132, 1245]. against [1559, 623, 1107, 1387, 568]. Age [1422, 1392, 1269, 1278, 173, 1291, 1604, 1194, 463, 1213, 1469, 1634, 12, 1678, 1457, 1656, 554, 1383, 1216, 1218]. Age-old [173]. Agenda [1201]. Agendas [1197, 1447]. Agents [461]. Ages [1253, 81, 64, 150, 159, 158, 291, 24, 427]. 4 Aggregating [1264]. Agricultural [1365]. Agust´ı [1081]. Agust´ın [1507]. ¨agyptischen [638]. Ahargana [45]. Ahmad [1215]. AIDS [1393, 1649, 449]. Air [105, 610, 165]. Aire [589]. Akademien [1279]. Al [459, 816, 1215, 1027, 632, 384, 768, 380, 811, 816, 996, 1537, 1027, 237, 325, 728, 154, 155, 374, 73, 644, 896, 1215, 776, 224, 821, 533, 558, 409, 649, 384, 736, 768, 493, 868, 558]. Al-Andalus [1027]. al-B¯ır¯un¯ı [644]. al-Ba`gd^ad^ı [768]. Al-Batt¯an¯ı [374]. al-Battani [409]. Al-Bitruji [154, 155]. al-D¯ın [632]. al-D¯ın-T¯us¯ı [816]. al-Din [384]. al-H¯as¯ıb [649]. Al-Haitham [73]. Al-Hajjaj [1537]. al-Hassan [1215]. al-Haytham [736, 493]. al-jabr [380]. al-Jayy¯an [1027]. al-K¯amil [868]. al-K¯ash¯i [776]. al-K¯uh [996]. Al-K¯uh¯ı [816]. al-Kamm^ad [821]. al-Kh¯azin [558]. Al-Khw¯arizm¯ı [237]. Al-Khwarizmi [325]. al-Kimya [1215]. al-Lat^ıf [768]. al-Mis¯aha [811]. al-Munajj¯un [533]. al-Nayrızı [896]. al-Saf¯aa'ih [558]. Al-Samaw'al [996]. al-Tadhkirah [384]. al-Tusı [384]. al-Zarq¯allu [224]. Al-Zarq¯alluh [728]. Albert [1241, 74, 1050, 608]. Alberti [1126, 74]. Alberto [1227]. Albrecht [55, 92, 55]. alchemical [618]. alchemistische [618]. Alchemy [1215, 439]. Alex [1544]. Alexander [1249, 1541, 1175, 1060, 1064, 165]. Alexandria [1211]. Alfonsine [998, 1493, 527]. Alfred [1382, 1638, 508]. Algebra [1168, 855, 595, 815, 1038, 876, 514]. algebraic [355]. algebraischer [355]. algorismi [876]. Algorithm [1050]. Alhacen [995]. Alhaseni [311]. Alike [805]. Allan [1381]. Alleged [37, 6]. Allegory [1389]. Allies [983, 1284]. Almagest [457, 992, 880, 635, 576]. Almanac [262]. Almanach [1011, 527]. almost [1639, 1370]. along [805]. Alper [1396]. Altar [966]. Altchinesischer [137]. Altdeutsche [291]. alten [113]. Altenstein [1065]. alter [254]. Alternative [1144]. Alternatives [817]. Altertum [33]. Altes [78]. ¨altesten [618]. Altindischen [139, 220]. altindischer [54, 181]. Altmedizin [12]. Alvarez´ [1586]. am [893, 555]. Amakin [459]. Amanuenses [1179]. Amateur [172]. Amateurs [1311]. Amazonia [1420]. Ameghino [1414]. Amelia [1602]. America [1429, 1603, 1164, 1371, 1197, 1560, 1307, 1593, 1663]. American [1423, 1418, 1033, 3, 1390, 1470, 1309, 1321, 1286, 246, 1202]. Amir [1218]. Among [62, 1141, 148]. Amontons [350]. Amputation [181]. Amputations [181]. Amputations-Lehren [181]. Amra [850]. Amsterdam [1021, 16, 102, 1024]. Analemma [1035]. analemmatic [506]. analemmatique [506]. Analogy [1173, 1187]. Analyse [419]. Analysis [795, 1033, 1013, 1121, 105, 563, 630, 1169, 915, 505, 873, 523, 68, 880, 419, 1464]. Anaphoric [72]. Anaritius [896]. Anatole [1543]. Anatomen [148]. anatomical [47]. anatomically [53]. Anatomie [137, 24]. anatomies [1519]. anatomisch [53]. anatomische [47]. anatomischen [46]. anatomists [148]. Anatomy [567, 1278, 46, 41, 24]. anciens [25]. Ancient [833, 525, 320, 60, 603, 966, 94, 85, 120, 145, 135, 640, 575, 1384, 784, 106, 782, 181, 1666, 448, 1173, 1187, 579, 1111, 113, 25, 139, 54, 220, 164, 461]. and/or [1222]. Andalus [1027]. Andersen [1126, 1167]. Andrault [1521]. Andr´e [1238]. Andrei [1545]. Andrew [1302, 1296, 1278, 1601]. Androids 5 [1340]. Anf¨angen [119]. angeh¨angt [400]. Angel [1575]. Angela [1150]. Angeles [1021]. Angels¨achsischen [47]. Angle [1168]. Anglo [47]. Anglo-Saxon [47]. An´ıbal [175]. Animal [425]. Animals [210]. animate [1563]. Anne [1584]. Annette [1369]. Annie [1261]. Anniversary [1283]. anno [1069]. Announcement [1171, 1185, 1196, 1220, 1229]. annual [52]. Anomaly [990, 1005]. Anonymous [343]. Anpassung [1133]. Ansichten [540]. Antecedents [350]. Anthropological [1364].
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