1 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA f) 91 05 09 I (May 9, 1991) If] i I MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 91 05 09 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: M.D. Administration Building, Council Chambers IB Page Nos. Call to Order Present 1. Additions to the Agenda r 2. Adoption of the Agenda p? 3. Adoption of Minutes 1-12 (a) Minutes of the 91 04 24 Regular Council Meeting 13 (b) Notes from the Public Hearing held on 91 04 24 pi at 9:40 a.m. to Consider the Adoption of By- Law No. 127-91 which would change the land use designation of Pt. of SE 1/4 Sec 4-49-7 W5M from Agricultural One to Country Residential Restricted 14 - 15 (c) Notes from the Public Hearing held on 91 04 24 to Consider the Adoption of By-Law No. 128-91, being a By-Law to Adopt an Area Structure Plan for Lot 3, Plan 862-1308 in the NE 1/4 Sec 4- 49-7 W5M, to be known as the Eastview Heights Area Structure Plan 16 - 17 (d) Minutes of the 91 04 30 Special Council Meeting 4. Public Hearing - 9:30 a.m. Proposed Land Use By-Law Amendment - Change of Land PK Use Designation from Agricultural One to Rural Industrial - Block 1, Plan 4433 R.S. - Pt. of NW 1/4 7-49-7 W5M 18 - 21 - Report and Recommendation attached. 22 - By-Law attached. ./ 5. Eastview Heights Area Structure Plan 23 - 30 - Area Structure Plan attached. By-Law No. 128-91: To Adopt an Area Structure Plan for Lot 3, Plan 862-1308 in the NE 1/4 Sec 4-49-7 W5M. 31 - 32 First reading given on 91 04 24. 6. Gravel Truckers' Association s> Appointment at 10:00 a.m. 7. Appointment at 10:30 a.m. - Don Regenwetter 8. Drayton Valley Curling Rink - Appointment at 11:00 a.m. s .../2 Page Nos. COUNCIL MEETING - 2 - 91 05 09 9. Predator Control Policy and Animal Welfare Concerns Policy Referred from the 91 04 24 Regular Council Meeting. c 33 - 35 Policies attached. 10. A.S.B. Appointments 36 - Report and Recommendation attached. 11. 1991 Mill Rate By-Law 37 - 38 First reading given on 91 04 30. 12. River Ridge Area Structure Plan Tabled from the 91 04 24 meeting. 13. Buck Creek Drainage Referred from the 91 04 24 Regular Council r Meeting. 39 14. Advertisement Requesting Proposals for use of Seniors/Disabled Transportation Grant Report and Recommendation attached. 15. Request for Letter of Support 40 Letter from Andy Melin, EM-TE Town dated 91 04 r 24 attached. p< 41 16. Invitation from the Yellowhead Regional Planning Commission to attend the Annual General Meeting on 91 06 21 at the Onoway Community Hall - Invitation attached. 17. Tourist Booth 42 Letter from Maxine Phillips, Vice President of the Drayton Valley and District Chamber of Commerce dated 91 04 29 attached. 43 - 44 18. Drayton Valley R.C.M.P. Third Annual Spring Ball - 91 06 01 Invitation to attend attached. 19. Approval of Accounts 45 - 52 Listing attached. 20. Correspondence/Items for Information 53 (a) Excerpt from the Alberta Hansard dated 91 04 22 regarding Health Unit Boundaries. 54 - 65 (b) News Releases from the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada dated 91 04 15 regarding "Winner of Official 1991 Canada Day Poster Challenge Announced" and "Appointment of 1991 Provincial/Territorial Canada Day Presidents and Vice-Presidents by the Secretary of State. f&i .../3 Page Nos. COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - 91 05 09 66 - 70 (c) Minutes of the Regular Agricultural Service Board Meeting held on 91 02 28. 71 - 72 (d) Letter from the Drayton Valley and District Chamber of Commerce to the Twin Rivers School Division No. 65 dated 91 04 17 regarding the c Chamber's concerns regarding the Twin Rivers proposed budget. 73 - 76 (e) Letter from Alberta Family and Community Support Services Review Panel regarding F.C.S.S. Review Advisory Panel Update No. 4. 77 (f) Memorandum from the Yellowhead Regional r Planning Commission dated 91 04 26 regarding upcoming meetings. 78 - 79 (g) News Highlights from the A.A.M.D. & C. dated 91 04 24. 80 - 83 (h) Letter from the Yellowhead Regional Planning Commission to the Resource Information Branch, Forestry, Lands and Wildlife dated 91 04 25 regarding Environmentally Significant Areas Study for M.D. of Brazeau. 84 (i) Letter from the Drayton Valley and District Health Complex dated 91 05 01 regarding 1991/92 requisition. 85 - 95 (j) Minutes of the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 Annual Meeting held on 91 04 22. Addendum r Adjournment jpsj -I- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77, HELD AT THE M.D. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, DRAYTON VALLEY, ALBERTA, ON MONDAY, 91 04 24 p? CALL TO H. Rondeau, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 9:37 ORDER a.m. PRESENT H. Rondeau, Reeve B. Booth, Deputy Reeve N. Norton, Councillor W. Tweedle, Councillor J. Coombes, Councillor J. Eriksson, Municipal Manager J. Andrew, Recording Secretary Also in attendance were: L. Johnson, Assistant Municipal Manager D. Roberge, Planning and Development Officer B. Fleming, Director of Finance and Administration R. Tatro, Director of Public Works D. Stutheit, Landman D. Pinkoski, Western Review S. Moscicki, Western Review M. Neil, Subdivision Applicant G. Buchanan, Area Planner, Y.R.P.C. K. Smith, J.K. Smith and Associates A. Vogel, Observor A. Meier, Eastview Heights Area Structure Plan E. Simon, Resident B. Westlin, Assistant Agricultural Fieldman Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mueller, Residents W. Peck, Subdivision Applicant Mrs. Barnay, Observor (Peck Subdivision) ADDITIONS TO Additions to and Adoption of the Agenda AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA 191/91 Moved by W. Tweedle that the agenda for the 91 04 24 Regular Council Meeting be adopted with the following additions: Addendum 34. Public Meeting 35. Buck Creek Drainage CARRIED. ADOPTION OF 192/91 Moved by N. Norton that the minutes of the 91 MINUTES 04 08 Regular Council Meeting be adopted as presented. CARRIED. Mr. Bill Fleming attended the meeting at 9:40 a.m. PUBLIC Public Hearing - Pt. of SE 1/4 Sec 4-49-7 W5M - from HEARING Agricultural One to Country Residential Restricted 193/91 Moved by W. Tweedle that the Regular Council Meeting of 91 04 24 go into Public Hearing at 9:40 a.m. to consider the adoption of By-Law No. 127-91 which would change the land use designation of Pt. of SE 1/4 Sec 4-49-7 W5M from Agricultural One to Country Residential Restricted. CARRIED. UNADOPTED fM[ .../2 -a REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 2 - 91 04 24 194/91 Moved by N. Norton that the Regular Council Meeting of 91 04 24 revert back to Council at 9:45 a.m. from a Public Hearing held to consider the adoption of By-Law No. 127-91 which would change the land use designation of Pt. of SE 1/4 Sec 4-49-7 W5M from Agricultural One to Country Residential Restricted. CARRIED. BY-LAW NO. By-Law No. 127-91 To Change the Land Use Designation 127-91 of Pt. of SE 1/4 Sec 4-49-7 V5M from Agricultural One to Country Residential Restricted 195/91 Moved by B. Booth that second reading of By- Law No. 127-91 be given. CARRIED. 196/91 Moved by W. Tweedle that third reading of By- Law No. 127-91 be given. CARRIED. Mr. Meier attended the meeting at 9:46 a.m. Mr. Vogel attended the meeting at 9:47 a.m. PUBLIC Public Hearing - Lot 3. Plan 862-1308 - NE 1/4 Sec 4-49- HEARING 7 W5M - Eastview Heights Area Structure Plan 197/91 Moved by N. Norton that the Regular Council Meeting go into Public Hearing at 10:00 a.m. to consider the adoption of By-Law No. 128-91, 1 being a By-Law to adopt an Area Structure Plan for Lot 3, Plan 862-1308 in the NE 1/4 Sec 4- 49-7 W5M, to be known as the Eastview Heights Area Structure Plan. CARRIED. 198/91 Moved by W. Tweedle that the Regular Council Meeting revert back to Council at 10:09 a.m. from a Public Hearing held to consider the adoption of By-Law No. 128-91, being a By-Law to adopt an Area Structure Plan for Lot 3, Plan 862-1308 in the NE 1/4 Sec 4-49-7 W5M, to be known as the Eastview Heights Area Structure ;| Plan. '; CARRIED. •i '; BY-LAW NO. By-Law No. 128-91: To Adopt an Area Structure Plan for jj 128-91 Lot 3, Plan 862-1308 in the NE 1/4 Sec 4-49-7 W5M, to be known as the Eastview Heights Area Structure Plan :; j . !; i 199/91 Moved by N. Norton that first reading of By- 1p^!J j! Law No. 128-91 be given. !! i CARRIED. ;i ; This item will be brought back to the 91 05 09 Regular :> ' Council Meeting. II i :j , Mr. Meier left the meeting at 10:10 a.m. .../3 ••?3&>&£& '•i'&^^r;.^ m\ -3- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - 91 04 24 Susan Moscicki from the Western Review left the meeting at 10:12 a.m. SUBDIVISION Subdivision Application 90/91 YH147-41 - NW 24-49-8 W5M - APPLICATION Douglas and Margaret Neil DOUGLAS AND MARGARET Mr. Roberge reviewed the report and recommendation as NEIL presented to Council.
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