Abbreviations Used in Citing Nietzsche’s writings In quotations from Nietzsche and other authors, italics are retained, removed or mod- ified depending on the needs of the text. Nietzsche’s works and correspondence are referred to directly in the text. Unless otherwise stated, the most widely used edi- tion (including digital editions) is cited: Sämtliche Werke (Complete works), Kritische Studienausgabe (KSA) (Critical Studies Edition), edited by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari, 15 vols, Munich-Berlin 1980. The 15 vols are referenced with simple Roman numerals (I–XV). This abbreviation is followed where appropriate by a reference to the internal division of the text and, if necessary, the volume number and page of the cited edition. If further details are not given, the vol. and page number refer to the Nachgelassene Fragmente (Posthumous Fragments) or to variants subsequently dropped (KSA 14). The correspondence is based on Briefwechsel. Kritische Gesamtaus- gabe (Correspondence. Critical Complete Edition), edited by Giorgio Colli and Maz- zino Montinari, Berlin-New York, 1975ff. In the case of the correspondence, the letter B is followed by an indication of the volume, the semi-volume and the page reference. Nietzsche quotations are either translated into English directly from the German, sometimes guided by Losurdo’s Italian rendering, or follow existing published transla- tions, sometimes slightly modified in the interests of consistency. In the case of bor- rowed translations, the translations used are indicated in the list immediately below. In the subsequent list of the original German sources, the translation used is indic- ated in abbreviated form. The number of the page from which the translation comes is indicated in square brackets in the citation in the text, following the reference to the original German work. In the case of the Nachgelassene Fragmente, quotations follow the translation in Unpublished Writings from the Period of Unfashionable Observations, Stanford 1999 (see list, below), where available: otherwise, they are translated directly from the German. Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil (edited by Rolf-Peter Horstmann and Judith Norman), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002 Nietzsche, Dawn, Thoughts on the Presumptions of Morality (translated by Brittain Smith, Afterword by Keith Ansell-Pearson), Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011 Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human I / A Book For Free Spirits (translated, with an After- word, by Gary Handwerk), Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997 Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human II and Unpublished Fragments from the Period of Human, All Too Human II (Spring 1878–Fall 1879) (translated, with an Afterword, by Gary Handwerk), Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2012 Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morality (edited by Keith Ansell-Pearson, translated by Carol Diethe), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997 Domenico Losurdo - 9789004270954 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 10:11:22AM via free access 1012 abbreviations used in citing nietzsche’s writings Nietzsche, The Antichrist, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the Idols and Other Writings (edited by Aaron Ridley and Judith Norman), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy and OtherWritings (edited by Raymond Geuss and Ron- ald Speirs), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999 Nietzsche, The Dionysian World View, https://archive.org/stream/Nietzsche‑TheDionys ianWorldView#page/n0/mode/2up Nietzsche, The Gay Science (edited by Bernard Williams, translated by Josefine Nauck- hoff), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001 Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (edited by Adrian Del Caro and Robert B. Pippin), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 Nietzsche, Unfashionable Observations (translated, with an Afterword, by Richard T. Gray), Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995 Nietzsche, Unpublished Writings from the Period of Unfashionable Observations (trans- lated, with an Afterword, by Richard T. Gray), Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999 Nietzsche, Writings from the Late Notebooks (edited by Rudiger Bittner, translated by Kate Sturge), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003 I–XV Samtliche Werke. Kritische Studienausgabe (KSA) (Critical Studies Edition), ed. by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari, Munich-Berlin: De Gruyter, 1980 A Autobiographisches aus den Jahren 1856 bis 1869 (Autobiographical from the years 1856 to 1869), in Werke in drei Bänden, edited by Karl Schlechta, Munich: Hanser, 1976, vol. 3 AC Der Antichrist, finished end of 1888 (KSA 6). The Antichrist, Ecce Homo,Twilight of the Idols and Other Writings, Cambridge 2005. B Briefwechsel. Kritische Gesamtausgabe (Correspondence. Critical Complete Edition) edited by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari, Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 1975ff. BA Ueber die Zukunft unserer Bildungsanstalten (On the future of our educational institutions) 1872 (KSA 1) CV Fünf Vorreden zu fünf ungeschriebenen Büchern (Five prefaces for five unwrit- ten books) Christmas 1872 (KSA 1) CV 1 Über das Pathos der Wahrheit (On the pathos of truth) CV 2 Gedanken über die Zukunft unserer Bildungsanstalten (Thoughts on the future of our educational institutions) CV 3 Der griechische Staat. The Greek State, https://archive.org/details/NietzscheHo mersContestTheGreekState CV 4 Das Verhältniss der Schopenhauerschen Philosophie zu einer deutschen Cultur (The relationship of Schopenhaurian philosophy to a German culture) CV 5 Homer’s Wettkampf (Homer’s contest) Domenico Losurdo - 9789004270954 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 10:11:22AM via free access abbreviations used in citing nietzsche’s writings 1013 DS David Strauss der Bekenner und der Schriftsteller (David Strauss the confessor and the writer), Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen I, 1873 (KSA 1). Unfashionable Observations, Stanford 1995 DTM Dissertatio de Theognide Megarensi, 1864, in FS 3 Schriften der Studenten- und Militärzeit, 1935 DW Die dionysische Weltanschauung (The Dionysian worldview) June–July 1870 (KSA 1). The Dionysian World View. EH Ecce homo. Wie man wird, was man ist, finished end of 1888 (KSA 6). The Anti- christ, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the Idols and Other Writings, Cambridge 2005 FG Fatum und Geschichte. Gedanken (Fate and history. Thoughts) 1862 (KGA 1/2) FS Frühe Schriften (Five writings) C.H. Beck, Munich, 1994 (photographic impres- sion of Werke und Briefe, Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe, edited by Hans Joachim Mette and Karl Schlechta, Munich: Beck, 1933–40, interrupted after the first five vols) FW Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, 1882; Preface of 1887 (KSA 3). The Gay Science, Cam- bridge 2001 GD Götzendämmerung, 1888 (KSA 6). The Antichrist, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the Idols and Other Writings, Cambridge 2005 GM Zur Genealogie der Moral, 1887 (KSA 5). On the Genealogy of Morality, Cam- bridge 1997 GMD Das griechische Musikdrama (Greek musical drama), lecture in Basel, 18 Janu- ary 1870 (KSA 1) GT DieGeburtderTragödie, 1872; the new edition of 1886 is prefaced by theVersuch einer Selbstkritik (KSA 1). The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings, Cambridge 1999 HKP Homer und die klassische Philologie (Homer and classical philology), Christ- mas 1869 (KGA 2/1) HL VomNutzenundNachtheilderHistoriefürdasLeben (On the utility and liability of history for life), Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen II, 1874(KSA 1). Unfashionable Observations, Stanford 1995 JGB Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft, 1886 (KSA 5). Beyond Good and Evil, Cambridge 2002 KGA Kritische Gesamtausgabe (Critical Complete Edition) edited by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari, Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 1964ff. KZD Die kirchlichen Zustände der Deutschen in Nordamerika (Religious conditions of the Germans in North America), 1865 (KGA 1/4) M Morgenröthe. Gedanken über die moralischen Vorurtheile, 1881; Preface of 1887 (KSA 3). Dawn, Thoughts on the Presumptions of Morality, Stanford 2011 MA Menschliches, Allzumenschliches. Ein Buch für freie Geister, 1878; Preface of 1886 (KSA 2). Human, All Too Human I, Stanford 1997 Domenico Losurdo - 9789004270954 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 10:11:22AM via free access 1014 abbreviations used in citing nietzsche’s writings MD Mahnruf an die Deutschen (Appeal to the Germans), 1873 (KSA 1) NW Nietzsche contra Wagner. Aktenstücke eines Psychologen (Nietzsche against Wagner. Processual documents of a psychologist), finished end of 1888 (KSA 6) Opere Opere di Friedrich Nietzsche, edited by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari, Milano: Adelphi, 1964ff. (Italian edition of KGA) PHG Die Philosophie im tragischen Zeitalter der Griechen (Philosophy in the tragic age of the Greeks) 1873 (KSA 1) SE Schopenhauer als Erzieher (Schopenhauer as educator), Unzeitgemässe Be- trachtungen III, 1874 (KSA 1). Unfashionable Observations, Stanford 1995 SGT Sokrates und die griechischeTragödie (Socrates and Greek tragedy), 1871 (KSA 1) ST Sokrates und die Tragödie (Socrates and tragedy), lecture in Basel, 1 February 1870 (KSA 1) VM Vermischte Meinungen und Sprüche, (Mixed opinions and maxims), 1879 (KSA 2). Human, All Too Human II, Stanford 2012 WB Richard Wagner in Bayreuth (Richard Wagner in Bayreuth), Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen IV, 1876 (KSA 1). Unfashionable Observations, Stanford 1995 WL Über Wahrheit und Lüge im aussermoralischen Sinne (On truth and lie in the extra-moral sense), 1873 (KSA 1) WS Der Wanderer und sein Schatten (The wanderer and his shadow), 1880; in the edition of 1886, Menschliches, Allzumenschliches, VM and WS form the second part, which also has a Preface (KSA 2). Human, All Too Human II, Stanford 2012 WA Der Fall Wagner (The case of Wagner), 1888 (KSA 6) WzM Der Wille zur Macht (The will to power), 1901; second extended edition 1906 Za Also sprach Zarathustra, 1883–1885 (KSA 4). Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Cam- bridge 2006 Domenico Losurdo - 9789004270954 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 10:11:22AM via free access.
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