National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Everglades National Park Florida Bird Checklist Printed through the generosity of the Everglades Association. September 2005 Introduction Sp S F W Name B Sp S F W Loons Everglades National Park was established in 1947 to protect south Florida’s subtropical wetlands, particularly the diverse Red-throated Loon * and abundant birdlife. It’s difficult to imagine that the number Common Loon r r r of birds we see here today is only a small fraction of what once Grebes existed. Due to the widespread slaughter of wading birds for Pied-billed Grebe + c u c c their plumes in the early 1900s, and intense water management practices over the last 90 years, 90%-95% of the bird popula- Horned Grebe r r u tion has disappeared. Despite this tragic decline, birds continue Red-necked Grebe * * to be one of the park’s primary attractions. Eared Grebe * This checklist is a complete list of birds observed in the park, a Shearwaters & Petrels total of 366 species as of September 1, 2003. The key below in- Greater Shearwater * * dicates the seasonal occurrence and frequency of each species. Sooty Shearwater * * * The likelihood of observing a particular species is dependent upon being in the proper habitat during the correct season. Audubon’s Shearwater * Wilson’s Storm-Petrel * * This list reflects the continuing growth of information about Leach’s Storm-Petrel * the birds of the park and follows earlier checklists compiled by Boobies & Gannets Willard E. Dilley, William B. Robertson, Jr., Richard L. Cun- ningham, and John C. Ogden. As noted in the list, many birds in Brown Booby * Everglades National Park are known from only a few records. Northern Gannet * * * Users of this checklist can contribute to future lists by carefully Pelicans recording the details of their observations of less common spe- cies and reporting the information to park personnel. American White Pelican c r c c Brown Pelican + c c c c Special thanks to the late Richard “Dick” Cunningham and Cormorants Oron “Sonny” Bass for revising this current list. The park dedi- Double-crested Cormorant + c c c c cates this new checklist to Dick Cunningham as a tribute to his many contributions to the NPS and the birding community. Great Cormorant * Anhinga + c c c c Key B Sp S F W Frigatebirds Magnificent Frigatebird u u u u Breeding Breeding Summer Winter Bitterns & Herons Status Spring Fall B - Breeding status American Bittern ? u r u c + - Breeds in the park Least Bittern + u u u u ? - Breeding status unknown Great Blue Heron + c c c c Seasons Great Blue Heron (white phase) + c c c c Sp - Spring (March 1 - May 31) Great Egret + c c c c S - Summer (June 1 - July 31) Snowy Egret + c c c c F - Fall (August 1 - November 15) Little Blue Heron + c c c c W - Winter (November 16 - April 30) Tricolored Heron + c c c c Abundance Reddish Egret + u u u u c - Commonly observed (seen 50% or more of the time) Cattle Egret + c c c c u - Uncommonly observed (seen less than 50% of the time) Green Heron + c c c c r - Rarely observed (seen less than 25% of the time) * - Fewer then 10 records Black-crowned Night-Heron + c c c c Sp S F W Name B Sp S F W Sp S F W Name B Sp S F W Yellow-crowned Night-Heron + u u u u Long-tailed Duck * Ibises & Spoonbills Bufflehead r r White Ibis + c c c c Common Goldeneye * Scarlet Ibis (probably escapes) r r r r Hooded Merganser r r u Glossy Ibis + u u u u Red-breasted Merganser u r u c White-faced Ibis * Masked Duck * * Roseate Spoonbill + c u c c Ruddy Duck u u c Storks American Vultures Wood Stork + u r u u Black Vulture + c c c c Flamingos Turkey Vulture + c c c c Greater Flamingo r r r r Kites, Hawks, Eagles, & Falcons Geese & Ducks Osprey + c c c c Black-bellied Whistling-Duck * Swallow-tailed Kite + c c r Fulvous Whistling-Duck u r u u White-tailed Kite + r r r r Snow Goose r r Snail Kite + r r r r Canada Goose * Mississippi Kite r r Brant r r r Bald Eagle + c c c c Wood Duck r r r r Northern Harrier u r u c Gadwall r r Sharp-shinned Hawk u u u Eurasian Wigeon * * Cooper’s Hawk r r r American Wigeon u r u c Red-shoulder Hawk + c c c c American Black Duck * Broad-winged Hawk u u u Mallard r r Short-tailed Hawk + u r u u Mottled Duck + c c c c Swainson’s Hawk r r u Blue-winged Teal c r c c Red-tailed Hawk + u u u u Cinnamon Teal * * Rough-legged Hawk * * * Northern Shoveler c r c c Golden Eagle * * White-cheeked Pintail r r r r Crested Caracara * * Northern Pintail c r c American Kestrel c c c Green-winged Teal u r u Merlin u u u Canvasback r r r Peregrine Falcon u u u Redhead r r Turkeys Ring-necked Duck c c c Wild Turkey + r r r r Greater Scaup * Nothern Bobwhite + c c c c Lesser Scaup c c c Rails, Gallinules & Coots Common Eider * Yellow Rail * * * Surf Scoter * Black Rail r r r r White-winged Scoter * Clapper Rail + c c c c Black Scoter * * King Rail + c c c c Sp S F W Name B Sp S F W Sp S F W Name B Sp S F W Virginia Rail r r r Western Sandpiper c r c c Sora c c c Least Sandpiper c u c c Purple Gallinule + c u c c White-rumped Sandpiper r r Common Moorhen + c c c c Baird’s Sandpiper * American Coot + c r c c Pectoral Sandpiper u r c Limpkins Sharp-tailed Sandpiper * Limpkin + u u u u Dunlin c c c Cranes Curlew Sandpiper * * Sandhill Crane + u u u u Stilt Sandpiper u r u r Plovers Buff-breasted Sandpiper * Black-bellied Plover c r c c Ruff * American Golden-Plover r r Short-billed Dowitcher c u c c Snowy Plover * * * * Long-billed Dowitcher u u u r Wilson’s Plover + c c c u Wilson’s Snipe u u u Semipalmated Plover c u c c American Woodcock r r Piping Plover * * * Wilson’s Phalarope * Killdeer + c u c c Red-necked Phalarope * Oystercatchers Gulls, Terns & Skimmers American Oystercatcher r r r r Pomarine Jaeger * Stilts & Avocets Parasitic Jaeger * * Black-necked Stilt + u r u r Laughing Gull + c c c c American Avocet c u c c Franklin’s Gull * Sandpipers & Phalaropes Bonaparte’s Gull u u Greater Yellowlegs c u c c Ring-billed Gull c u c c Lesser Yellowlegs c u c c Herring Gull c u c c Solitary Sandpiper u u r Lesser Black-backed Gull r r r Willet ? c u c c Great Black-backed Gull * * * Spotted Sandpiper c c c Gull-billed Tern u u u u Upland Sandpiper * * Caspian Tern c r c c Whimbrel u r u u Royal Tern c u c c Long-billed Curlew r r r r Sandwich Tern u u u u Black-tailed Godwit * Roseate Tern r Hudsonian Godwit * * Common Tern u u r Bar-tailed Godwit * Forster’s Tern c u c c Marbled Godwit c r c c Least Tern + c c u Ruddy Turnstone c u c c Bridled Tern * Red Knot u r u u Sooty Tern * * * Sanderling u u u Black Tern u u u r Semipalmated Sandpiper u u r Brown Noddy * * Sp S F W Name B Sp S F W Sp S F W Name B Sp S F W Black Skimmer c c c c Kingfishers Pigeons & Doves Belted Kingfishers c r c c Rock Dove * * * * Woodpeckers White-crowned Pigeon + c c c u Red-headed Woodpecker * * * Eurasian Collared -Dove u u u u Red-bellied Woodpecker + c c c c White-winged Dove r r r r Yellow-bellied Sapsucker u u c Zenaida Dove * * * Downy Woodpecker + u u u u Mourning Dove + c c c c Hairy Woodpecker + r r r r Common Ground-Dove + u u u u Red-cockaded Woodpecker extirpated Key West Quail-Dove * * * Northern Flicker + c c c c Parakeets & Parrots Pileated Woodpecker + c c c c Budgerigar (escapes) * Ivory-billed Woodpecker extirpated Monk Parakeet (escapes) * Flycatchers Yellow-chevroned Parakeet (escapes) * Eastern Wood-Pewee u u r Cuckoos & Anis Acadian Flycatcher * Black-billed Cuckoo * Willow Flycatcher * * Yellow-billed Cuckoo + c c c r Least Flycatcher u u r Mangrove Cuckoo + u u u r Eastern Phoebe c c c Smooth-billed Ani + u u u u Say’s Phoebe * Groove-billed Ani r r r Vermilion Flycatcher r r r Owls Great Crested Flycatcher + c c c c Barn Owl + u u u u Brown-crested Flycatcher u u u Eastern Screech-Owl + c c c c Tropical Kingbird * * Great Horned Owl + r r r r Western Kingbird u u u Burrowing Owl r r r r Eastern Kingbird + c c c r Barred Owl + c c c c Gray Kingbird + c c c r Short-eared Owl r r r Scissor-tailed Flycatcher r r r Goatsuckers Fork-tailed Flycatcher * * Lesser Nighthawk r r Shrikes & Vireos Common Nighthawk + c c c r Loggerhead Shrike + u u u u Antillean Nighthawk * * White-eyed Vireo + c c c c Chuck-will’s-widow c c c r Thick-billed Vireo * Whip-poor-will u u c Bell’s Vireo * * Swifts Yellow-throated Vireo u u u Chimney Swift u r Blue-headed Vireo u u u Hummingbirds Philadelphia Vireo * Ruby-throated Hummingbird c r c c Red-eyed Vireo c c * Rufous Hummingbird * * Black-whiskered Vireo + c c c * Sp S F W Name B Sp S F W Sp S F W Name B Sp S F W Jays & Crows Starlings & Mynas Blue Jay + c c c c European Starling + u u u u American Crow + c c c c Common Myna (escapes) * Fish Crow r r Hill Myna (escapes) * * * Larks Pipits Horned Lark * American Pipit u u Swallows Waxwings Purple Martin c c c Cedar Waxwing r-c r-c r-c Tree Swallow c c c Wood Warblers Bahama Swallow * * Blue-winged Warbler r r r Northern Rough-winged Swallow u u r Golden-winged Warbler r r Bank Swallow u u * Tennessee Warbler u u * Cliff Swallow r r u Orange-crowned Warbler u u u Cave Swallow r r Nashville Warbler r r * Barn Swallow + c c c r Northern Parula c r c c Titmice Yellow Warbler + c c c u Tufted Titmouse r r r r Chestnut-sided Warbler r r * Nuthatches Magnolia Warbler u u r Brown-headed Nuthatch + r r r r Cape May Warbler u-c u-c r Wrens Black-throated Blue Warbler c c r Carolina Wren + c c c c Yellow-rumped Warbler u u c House Wren c c c Black-throated Gray Warbler r r r Sedge Wren u u u Black-throated Green Warbler u u u Marsh Wren u u u Blackburnian Warbler u u * Old World Warblers, Thrushes & their Allies Yellow-throated Warbler
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