May 1, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3351 COMMUNICATION FROM THE from Massachusetts is recognized for 1 out their crops. Rainfall that once ran CLERK OF THE HOUSE hour. like clockwork has given way to The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, for droughts that could wipe out their en- COSTA) laid before the House the fol- the purpose of debate only, I yield the tire profits. lowing communication from the Clerk customary 30 minutes to the gentle- They don’t question what is going on. of the House of Representatives: woman from Arizona (Mrs. LESKO), They are not debating the science of pending which I yield myself such time whether climate change is real. They OFFICE OF THE CLERK, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, as I may consume. During consider- know. They know. Washingotn, DC, April 30, 2019. ation of this resolution, all time yield- b 1230 Hon. NANCY PELOSI, ed is for the purpose of debate only. The Speaker, House of Representatives, GENERAL LEAVE They can see it, seemingly every day as it impacts their livelihoods. I wish Washington, DC. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I ask DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the unanimous consent that all Members the Republicans took climate change permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II may have 5 legislative days in which to as seriously. But instead of treating it of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- as a threat, they treat it as a punch tives, the Clerk received the following mes- revise and extend their remarks. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there line. sage from the Secretary of the Senate on A Republican Senator once brought a April 30, 2019, at 4:33 p.m.: objection to the request of the gen- That the Senate passed without amend- tleman from Massachusetts? snowball onto the Senate floor, trying ment H.R. 1222. There was no objection. to prove that climate change isn’t real With best wishes, I am, Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, on because it still snows sometimes. You Sincerely, Monday, the Rules Committee met and can’t make this stuff up. CHERYL L. JOHNSON. reported a rule, House Resolution 329. Just the other day, President Trump f It provides for the consideration of mocked clean energy by suggesting PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION H.R. 9 under a structured rule that that windmills cause cancer. Are you OF H.R. 9, CLIMATE ACTION NOW makes 30 amendments in order. kidding me? That is the President of ACT It also provides for 90 minutes of gen- the United States. eral debate, with the chair and the I won’t pretend to know what goes on Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, by di- in the President’s head, but I know rection of the Committee on Rules, I ranking minority member of the Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs controlling this: His announcement in June 2017 call up House Resolution 329 and ask that he would be pulling the United for its immediate consideration. 60 minutes, and the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on States out of the Paris climate agree- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- ment was indefensible. lows: Energy and Commerce controlling 30 minutes. This agreement set an ambitious goal H. RES. 329 Mr. Speaker, the measure we are con- of keeping warming below 2 degrees Resolved, That at any time after adoption sidering today makes clear that under Celsius and established binding com- of this resolution the Speaker may, pursuant this Democratic majority science is mitments for countries to meet to re- to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the duce emissions. It recognized climate House resolved into the Committee of the once again respected here in the House Whole House on the state of the Union for of Representatives, that facts matter, change is a global problem that re- consideration of the bill (H.R. 9) to direct the and that the word of the fossil fuel quires a global solution. President to develop a plan for the United lobby is not going to rule the day, be- If the President gets his way and ac- States to meet its nationally determined cause there is no debate on our side tually withdraws the United States, we contribution under the Paris Agreement, and about something as basic as climate would stand alone as one of the only for other purposes. The first reading of the change. nations in the world not to be part of bill shall be dispensed with. All points of The evidence is overwhelming. It is it. Even Syria, a nation embroiled in order against consideration of the bill are happening, Mr. Speaker, and human war, announced that it would sign on. waived. General debate shall be confined to Thankfully, we are not out of it yet, the bill and shall not exceed 90 minutes, with beings are playing a defining role. 60 minutes equally divided and controlled by Now, you don’t have to take my word but we could be starting as early as the chair and ranking minority member of for it. You can ask virtually any sci- 2020. the Committee on Foreign Affairs and 30 entist working in the field today, be- H.R. 9 would ensure the President minutes equally divided and controlled by cause 97 percent of all climate sci- wouldn’t get his way by requiring him the chair and ranking minority member of entists agree that it is happening—97 to develop a plan to meet our commit- the Committee on Energy and Commerce. percent. ments under the Paris Agreement. After general debate the bill shall be consid- There is a United Nations body It is called the Climate Action Now ered for amendment under the five-minute Act because we can’t wait, Mr. Speak- rule. The bill shall be considered as read. All charged with looking at the science points of order against provisions in the bill here called the Intergovernmental er. Climate change isn’t some far-off are waived. No amendment to the bill shall Panel on Climate Change. threat. It is not a problem for our be in order except those printed in the report Do you know what it has found? That great-grandchildren or even our grand- of the Committee on Rules accompanying the evidence is unequivocal. children to solve. It is our problem. It this resolution. Each such amendment may The facts are as clear as day. is here today, impacting our Nation be offered only in the order printed in the re- But you don’t even need to read the and our future. port, may be offered only by a Member des- report to know that something is hap- It is not just about the weather. Cli- ignated in the report, shall be considered as pening here. Just look out your win- mate change also negatively impacts read, shall be debatable for the time speci- fied in the report equally divided and con- dow. Once-in-a-generation hurricanes public health and our national secu- trolled by the proponent and an opponent, are becoming commonplace; record- rity. Experts have even developed a shall not be subject to amendment, and shall breaking storms are becoming the new term to describe those displaced not be subject to a demand for division of the norm; and drastic temperature swings by its destructive impacts, ‘‘American question in the House or in the Committee of are now just the way it is. climate refugees.’’ the Whole. All points of order against such My district is home to more than This is not the time for handwringing amendments are waived. At the conclusion 1,800 farms, and I visit with farmers or indecisiveness and not the time to of consideration of the bill for amendment often. Climate change isn’t just an let the fossil fuel industry that funds the Committee shall rise and report the bill to the House with such amendments as may issue on their minds; it is sometimes some campaigns outweigh the facts. It have been adopted. The previous question the top issue on their minds when they is certainly not the time for more shall be considered as ordered on the bill and are asked about the challenges that stunts or snowballs on the floor. amendments thereto to final passage with- they face. This is the time to act boldly, to lis- out intervening motion except one motion to These farmers have told me about ten to what the scientists are telling recommit with or without instructions. how heat waves disrupt what was once us, and to protect our planet for future The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. TED a reliable growing season and how un- generations. That is what H.R. 9 is all LIEU of California). The gentleman expected frosts have completely wiped about. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:16 May 02, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01MY7.016 H01MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK3G9T082PROD with HOUSE H3352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 1, 2019 I ask my colleagues to let the facts without a full view of the costs to Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, climate rule the day once again in the people’s American consumers, and, certainly, change is already wreaking economic House of Representatives. Let’s sup- without a strategy that had broad bi- and security havoc: deep freezes; an in- port this rule and the underlying legis- partisan support of Congress. credible 5 feet of water dumped on lation and send an undeniable message If H.R.
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