Exhibit D-4 Photographs from Inspections Photographs of Dogs Found In Poor Condition1 USDA Licence # 48A1519 Adult female Chihuahua ( microchip number 056 011 344 ) is thin in appearance. (September 24, 2012) 1 These pictures were obtained by the Petitioners from USDA through FOIA requests. Adult female Fox Terrier (microchip number 055 565 377) has an open wound on top of its neck. (September 24, 2012) Emaciated cream- and fawn-colored Chihuahua with microchip number 056 011 344 USDA Licence # 32A0462 Female Boxer with USDA tag #27 has increased discharge adhered to the hair around her right eye USDA Licence # 47A0410 Adult female Bichon with no identification and no name (in enclosure behind house) has a matted hair coat and a swollen eyelid. (March 26, 2014) Female adult Poodle with tag 194 had a matted coat. (March 26, 2014) Adult female Miniature Pincher with no name and no identification has a swelling near her rear end and dental disease. (March 26, 2014) Adult male Chihuahua with tag 145 has an eye problem and dental disease. (March 26, 2014) Female adult Shih Tau with tag 327 with a matted coat. (March 26, 2014) Yorkshire Terrier 148 still has dental disease. Male Shih Tzu 224 with eye problem. USDA Licence # 31A0482 Dental disease in seven year-old, female, Yorkshire Terrier with USDA tag number 15. Thickened, leathery skin on the neck of the six year-old, female, Maltese dog with USDA tag number 31. Left eye of the five year-old, female Shih Tzu with USDA tag number 039. USDA Licence # 46A0394 A white female (ID#94) with buildup of brown material on cheek/canine tooth. left side. (September 4, 2013) A female black Pug (ID# 197) with yellowish discharge coming from both eyes. (September 4, 2013) A female (ID#91) "Goofy eyes", right eye, with reddish material intertwined around the eye ball. (September 4, 2013) A male Pomeranian (ID#195) with buildup of brownish material with gray discharge on left side. (September 4, 2013) USDA Licence # 71A0676 Adult female Pomeranian, #064619330, needs to be evaluated by he attending veterinarian. The animal has drainage from both eyes and green / gray matter on canines, gums and molars. (March 6, 2014) Pomeranian, #020610346, has green goopy matter in both eyes, green & black matter on all teeth and gums. The upper caine [sic] tooth on the right was bleeding. The animal needs to be evaluated. In the northern most set of outdoor ground enclosures there is a Yorkshire Terrier, non-readable chip, who had a circular white area in the center of her eye. The animal needs to be evaluated. Male Pomeranian, #051309259, excessively salivating, no teeth and the jaw bone on left partially missing and detached from the gums with the bone exposed. The animal needs to be evaluated. USDA Licence # 43A5795 ID 463C1C3D2C Female Yorkshire Terrier-Heavy matting across topline, long facial hair with dangling matts from face and neck. (June 18, 2014) ID 4C1A091FAC Female Yorkshire Terrier- Heavy, tight matts across topline. (June 18, 2014) ID 101098773 Male Yorkshire Terrier - Heavy tight matting across topline with white flaky skin. Long facial hair with loose mats. (June 18, 2014) USDA Licence # 47A0410 Male adult Pomeranian with no identification ("Skippy") has dental disease. Adult male Shih Tzu with tag number 224 has a matted coat. There are mats and discharge around the eyes and the mats on the face are dirty and moist. Female tricolor Pomeranian with no identification ("Pixie") had dental disease and hair loss/bare skin. Male adult Pomeranian with no identification ("Skippy") has dental disease. Adult female Bichon with no identification ("Harriet") has dental disease and a matted hair coat. Male adult Dachshund with no identification ("Herman") has dental disease and long toe nails. USDA Licence # 57A0179 Dermatitis and scales on back of female Miniature Pincher with moist reddened and raw skin. USDA Licence # 74A1475 Female Poodle, “Marti” tag number 117 with hair loss and rough, dry, flaky skin along back. (December 30, 2013) Fluffy # 135, red skin, mats in hair, fleas and flea dirt (December 30, 2013) Dog #153, "Pinky" with numerous fleas and matting seen on the abdomen. Exhibit E Excerpts from USDA Inspector Reports Regarding Swelling and Other Paw Injuries USDA Unltod States Department ol Agricutture iiiiiiiil Animal and Plant HoaHh tnspec1ion Service Inspection Report ABE YODER Customer I 0: 33515 Cortllica1e· Slie· 001 YLAKENNELS A8£VOO<A 2461 TR 176 Type· PREUCENSE INSPECTION I'I Date· Oc:l·11 4 2011 BALTIC, OH43804 2.1 (a) (1) REQUIREMENTS AND APPliCATIOH. (a)(1) Any peBOO opem11ng « lntenclir'G 10 _...as a dealer, ..- . "' ~ol an auaion sale. except per.;ons who ore exempced from lhe licenmg ~-~~...- pa.-grapll (aX3) ollhos 5edion, ITIJSI have a valid -During -lhe ,.,._, ,__ askod lho ll>!llconl oboullhO IOCallon ol-11\al had been obsenoed by inspectOtS on a prfMOUs oonstAtaiiOn visit. Ttle applicants wife Slated thai they '"had sotd them to the two nonnaf brokers·. Further (JIMiions revealecl that even though they had known that &heir previouslic::en5e had expired in April, ll'ley thought thal they could sail sell the Pt~Wiet on !heir old lanse. The 1nspector that had visited wiltllh& applicant and I'Vs wife on the consultation visit. reminded them that $he had couns.elod them specificalty on lhis issue and had told them that no puppies <lOUid be told to brokMI without a vahd USDA license. lnspectOf'S examined records that were PfOvlded by the applicant. From the records that wete able to be viewed. inspectors found that from May 27, 201 110 August S, 201 1 et least 44 puppies, (numbers 11.085 to 11·139 on the phOtogmphOd rocOtdS}, wera listed with !hell physical doscrlptfons and blrthdatos. AJ tho time of this pre·license inspection, none of these puppies wero ovailabkl to be viewed Ot examined. The applicant's wife stated that she thought that she didn't need to keep dlsposlllon records of the puppies during lh& time that Sh& was unlicensed. One disposition sheet was found for 8 puppies (11·89through 11·96) bu1 no buyer was listed. A USDA license ls fequ.red to sell puppies to o bfotwr. Dogs nnd p~les that are sold wholesale need to be able to be inspected, examined, and tracked to onsure tholr health, safety, and well-being. NO WHOLESALE SALES OF DOGS OR PUPPIES ARE ALLOWED UNTIL A CURRENT USDA LICENSE IS ISSUED TO THE APPLICAN T. Applicant must not sell puppies to a brokctr wlthou1 a a.~rrent, valid USDA hoense. JEREMY .~TEELE Pr01)ared By: JEREMY T STEELE USDA, APHIS, Animal Care Title: COt.IPI.IANOE SPI;CIA.LIS1 Received By: Oate: Tille: Da-13-2011 United States Department ot Agricuhure USDA Animal and Plant Hearth Inspection Setvtce ~ Inspection Report 2.40 (b) 12) ATTENOI~G VETE RI~.ARIA~ A~D ADEQUATE VETERINARY CARE IDEALERS AND EXHIBITORS~ Sec. 2 40 An~ YOIOflnarian and~ WlterinafY care c-s and e-oors). (b) E«h-"'•-ohal ..,allish and,......, programs olodoquaie ..,.,..., ca"' lha1inc:b:le: (2) The ..., olllllP"''"""" mochods 10 "'""""-"""""'· cfoagnose. an<l oeat dlsoasos Olld It>~ and the availaWity of emergency weekend, and holiday care;.•• ···A female Chihuahua (# 140) was observed with what appeared to b& a sWOllen area, compated to the oppos.ite side, on the UQper right side ol her top jaw. Her uppet lip on that side appeared "pulled out· as rl She had someuvng In between hor chook and gum. When this dog was examined, she was found to have a. bulklup of a brownlsh·groon material oo her tooth. Her gums were swollen, reddened, and her gum lino had receded in several plaoes. ···A female mlnlmure Poodle {•42) was observed to be holdlog her tongue out between her front teeth. The dog was examined end was tound to have a l.arge amount of~ brown substance on her rlg.ht lront canine tooth. There was a gtey d1seharoe ot the gum Uno and tho Poodle very soosltlve to touch around hor mouth. 0 ··A temale Pomttanlan (129) was Observed to be holding her mouth open with the and ol her tongue protruding from the front ol her mouth This fema)e had a brown buildup of matenal on her tront and canine teeth. She had a greyish colored diSCharge around the gum line of her canine teeth as well as a grey mass that appeared 10 coYer several teeth on lhl reat teeth on the right Side of her jaw. The gums wert r~ ttvoughoul her moulh cw:t a tout smel was nolced. These lhree dogs 110 ..-,g &ognS 1t1at., c:onsos!<lnl Wllh lho symc>10m0 o1 dontaldlsease. Oeroaldsease can cause pain..., lead to-- problems. ...A female mi"'8ture POOdle {159} was ObServed holding her head at an odd 8191 and repeatedly licking hef lips wMe nurs;ng her hltet of puppies. This female also had an abnotmal amoum ol a dOtk, crusted substance on the right side of her face, ears, and under her eye5. The inspectOfs asked the applicant to piCk up the dog so ltle condition of her teeth could be txrunlned. When the dog·s lip was raised, to enable a bener vtew ot her teeth, it was noliOed that the dog's IOWOf jaw moved freety with minimal pressure. When asked about the Ja w, the applicant stated that the veterinarian had told thom that the jaw was broken bvt didn't "realty say anything abOut il''. ...A female dlihuahua {no 10 tag), In the main building on the top row on lhO right side, seoond enclosure in, was observed to be limping on her right fronlleg.
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