Holy Infancy Roman Catholic Church 312 East 4th St. Bethlehem, PA 18015 WEBSITE: PARISH EMAIL: www.holyinfancychurch.com [email protected] TELEPHONE: FAX NUMBER: 610-866-1121 610-866-7094 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. 9am-12pm; Tue. – Fri. 9am-12pm; 12:30 pm-5:00pm Mission Statement: We follow Jesus in His Catholic Church, who sends us to “go forth and make disciples” of the Lord. — Matthew 28:19 PASTOR Rev. Andrew Gehringer 610-866-1121 x9 RESIDENT PRIEST Rev. Keith Mathur PERMANENT DEACONS Dcn. Rodoberto Matos: 610-866-4262 Dcn. Tony Ocampo: 610-882-0273 Dcn. Isidro González 610-866-1121 PARISH SECRETARY & BULLETIN EDITOR Ms. Nelsida Liriano 610-866-1121 x4 AFTERNOON RECEPTIONIST Ms. Judy Almodóvar 610-866-1121 x4 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sr. Luiza Simon, S.C.C 610-866-1121 x5 BUSINESS MANAGER Mr. Joseph McCarthy 610-866-1121 PARISH ADVOCATE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Ms. Cecilia Costa: 484-767-5755 BOOKKEEPER Mrs. Diane Johnson 610-866-1121 x7 My Parish, My Family † Minha Paróquia, Minha Família † Mi Parroquia, Mi Familia HOLY INFANCY SCHOOL 551Thomas Street DIOCESAN VICTIM ASSISTANCE TO ARRANGE CHRISTIAN BURIAL COORDINATOR: 610-868-2621 Ext. 4 Ms. Wendy Krisak, M.A., NCC, LPC: HOLY SAVIOUR CEMETERY Direct Phone: (800) 791-9209 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: 610-866-2372 Mrs. Jeanne Negrón-García DIOCESAN SAFE ENVIRONMENT RESURRECTION CEMETERY SCHOOL SECRETARY: COORDINATOR: Mrs. Claudette Class Sister Meg Cole, S.S.J., M.S., LMFT 610-395-3819 610- 332-0442 ext. 2019 FACTS ADMINISTRATOR: www.allentowndiocese.org Mr. Osvaldo Jorge Diocesan Charter available in parish office CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES/ MASS SCHEDULE CONFISSÕES MONDAY - MARCH 16, 2020 3:30 PM - 5 PM & AFTER 7:00 PM MASS ON SATURDAYS 6:30 am English Intentions of Robert & Suzanne Virgilio ALSO BY APPOINTMENTS ___________________ 2 Kgs 5:1-15b, Lk 4:24-34 (237) TUESDAY – MARCH 17, 2020 3:30 PM - 5 PM Y DESPUES DE LA MISA DE LAS 7:00 PM LOS SABADOS 7:00 pm Spanish Jovita Matamoros TAMBIEN POR CITAS Dn 3:25, 34-43, Mt 18:21-35 (238) WEDNESDAY - MARCH 18, 2020 BAPTISMS/BAUTISMO/BATISMO 12:15 pm English Julia & Arlindo Rezende PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO REGISTER Dt 4:1, 5-9, Mt 5:17-19 (239) ___________________ THURSDAY - MARCH 19, 2020 FAVOR DE LLAMAR A LA OFICINA PARA UNA CITA PARA REGISTRARSE 6:30 am English Antonio Simao Bento & Family MATRIMONY/MATRIMONIO/ 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a,16, Rom 4:13, 16-18,22 Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or MATRIMÔNIO Lk 2:41-51a (543) NOTIFY CHURCH AT LEAST SIX(6) FRIDAY – MARCH 20, 2020 MONTHS IN ADVANCE OF THE DATE YOU WANT TO CHOOSE FOR YOUR 12:15 pm English Isolina & Manuel Serrano WEDDING AT (610) 866-1121 _____________________ Hos 14:2-10, Mk 12:28-34 (241) NOTIFIQUE A LA IGLESIA POR LO MENOS SEIS (6) MESES POR SATURDAY - MARCH 21, 2020 ADELANTADO DE LA FECHA QUE DESEA ESCOGER PARA SU BODA AL 5:15 pm English Guadalupe & Eliseo Ocampo (610) 866 -1121 Deceased Family Members of Armanda CLOTHING DISTRIBUTION/ 7:00 pm Spanish Da Costa DISTRIBUCION DE ROPA/ Hos 6:1-6, Lk 18:9-14 (242) DISTRIBUIÇÃO DE ROUPAS SUNDAY – MARCH 22, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Lent 7:15 am English George Petko Alvaro & Maria do Ceu Barbosa, Rosa & 8:30 am Portuguese Manuel Rebimbas 10:00 am Spanish For the Special Intentions of our PREP Families 11:45 am English People of the Parish The clothing distribution is canceled until further notice. 1 Sm 16:1b,6-7,10-13a, Eph 5:8-14, Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1,6-9,13-17, 34-38 (31) __________________________ Weekly Collection/ SPECIAL La distribución de ropa está Colecta PRAYERS cancelada hasta nuevo aviso. March 1, 2020 Please pray for our service men Sick List/Lista de & women. With this intention Enfermos let’s pray for: Weekly Budget/Oracamento/ Please call the Rectory with Presupuesto: $8, 130.00 Jose Luis Ortiz, Jr., Jeremiah the name of any parishioner who is sick. 1st Collection: $6,457.00 Negron, Christian Rivas, This way they will receive prayers for their Michael Pearl, Andrew Jacoby, health. Pray for: 2nd Collection: $1,317.00 Warrick Woodard, Jr., Jonathan Rodriguez, Greg Alexy Boyer, Ivette Reyes, Marina Isabel Gallerizzo, Danny Tone, Victor Ramírez, Adelina Alcívar, Carlos M. Díaz, July 1, 2019 - March 1, 2020 Ortiz, Nicholas & Jeremy Delia Rivera Díaz, Diane Virginia Doyle, $260,494.97 Santos, Maria G. Benitez, Alex Silvia De Jesús, Christine Negrón, Leon, Andrew Rodriguez, Nia Elizabeth Ellett, María Magdalena Thank You / Obrigado / Gracias Velazquez, Hector Lopez II, Méndez, Rosa E. García, Segundo May God Bless You! Melanie Mendez, Sienna Pastrana Humberto Farez, Norima Flores, Carolina Morales, Joel Rivera Holy Infancy School News! Turning Taxes into Scholarships Please join our 8th grade students from Holy Infancy School and our Parish Religious Education Program If you are paying PA state income taxes, why not turn your (PREP) as they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation tax dollars into need based scholarships for schools? on Tuesday, March 31, 2020. Our excellency, Bishop Or encourage your employers to look into this program to Alfred Schlert will be celebrating the Mass at 4:30pm. sponsor Holy Infancy School. Pennsylvania provides 90% tax credit to individuals who donate funds for Catholic As the Bishop will be present for his canonical visitation, School Education, the gift of a Catholic School Education is the following indulgences may be gained: a) A plenary an investment in our youth, our future, and our faith. To indulgence to the faithful who assist at ceremonies at learn more, please inquire with Jeanne Negron-Garcia at which the Bishop presides during his pastoral visitation. Holy Infancy School or contact John Fierro (Diocese) b) A partial indulgence to the faithful who make a visit to 610-866-0591, ext. 2344. their parish church at the time of the Bishop’s visitation. ************************************************ We are now accepting applications for children, grades Pre-K-8, for the 2020-21 academic year. Limited space is The Ten Commandments in our available in some grades. Applications are available in Catholic Catechism school and on-line at holyinfancyschool.org. To schedule a tour, please call 610-868-2621. 2065 Ever since St. Augustine, the ___________________________________________ Ten Commandments have occupied a predominant place in the catechesis of baptismal candi- Church Safety dates and the faithful. In the fifteenth century, the custom Training arose of expressing the commandments of the Decalogue in rhymed formulae, easy to memorize and in positive form. They are still in use today. The catechisms of the The Diocese of Allentown Church have often expounded Christian morality by recently had Church Safety following the order of the Ten Commandments. Trainings in various areas to prepare parishioners from 2067 The Ten Commandments state what is required in the love of God and love of neighbor. The first three every parish to train others concern love of God, and the other seven love of for what to do in an emergency. Some of our parish- neighbor. ioners attended and will be holding a meeting with me for any parishioner who can attend on Saturday, March As charity comprises the two commandments to which 28th from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. We will start in Msgr. the Lord related the whole Law and the prophets . Butler Hall and then continue in the Church. A special so the Ten Commandments were themselves given on two tablets. Three were written on one tablet and invite goes out to any trained emergency personnel. seven on the other.27 ****************************************** Confessions Stations of the Cross during Lent Special Lenten Confession opportunity with Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Thursday, March 19th at Spanish – Tuesdays at 6:15 PM 6:30 PM in Church. We will have other Portuguese – Thursdays at 7:00 PM priests helping us to make that special time English – Fridays at 5:15 PM of forgiveness a blessed time for you. Immigration Information Session Easter Flowers for the The New Public Charge Rule Altar If you wish to make a donation, in the name of Join us on Sunday, March 15 in Msgr. a loved one for the altar flowers, please fill out Butler Hall at 11 a.m. for an immigration this form and place it in the collection basket. information session with attorneys Michael Renneisen and Molly Mars of Lehigh Immigration Law. We will discuss the Public Charge Rule that was implemented on Check the amount of your donation: ___$10 ___$15 February 24, 2020 by the United States Department of ___$20 ___$25 ____Other amount State and Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This new rule affects many people looking to In Memory of: ________________________________ become residents. There will be an information session Your Name: __________________________________ and time for questions and answers. Address ______________________________________ Notícias da Escola Santa Infância! Transformando Impostos em Bolsas de Estudo Se você está pagando imposto de renda no estado da PA, por Junte-se aos alunos do 8ª ano da nossa escola e ao que não transformar seus dólares em impostos em bolsas de nosso Programa de Educação Religiosa da Paróquia estudo para escolas? Ou incentive o vosso patrao a procurar (PREP) ao receber o Sacramento da Confirmação na este programa para patrocinar a Escola da Santa Infância. A Terça-feira, 31 de Março de 2020. Nossa excelência, Pensilvânia fornece 90% de crédito fiscal a indivíduos que o Bispo Alfred Schlert, celebrará a missa às 16h30. doam fundos para a Educação Escolar Católica, o presente de uma Educação Escolar Católica é um investimento em nossa Como o Bispo estará presente em sua visita canônica, juventude, nosso futuro e nossa fé.
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