(LJKWK6HULHV9RO;/,91R 7KXUVGD\'HFHPEHU $JUDKD\DQD 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 7ZHOIWK6HVVLRQ (LJKWK/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Vol. XLIV, Twelfth Session, 1988/1910 (Saka)J No. 15, Thursday, December 1, 1988/Agrahayana 10, (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions: * Starred Questions Nos. 287 to 289, 291, 293, 294 and 298 1-40 Written Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos. 290, 292, 295 to 297 and 299 to 306 40-58 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2793 to 2803, 2805 2807 to 2947, 2949 to 2995 and 2995-A 58-370 Papers Laid on the Table 373-387 Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 387 Reports of study Tour of Study Croups I and II Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance - 387-405 Reported pollution of river Brahmaputra due to a peculiar disease afflicting fish and vegetable plants in Assam - Shri M. R. Saikia 387 Shri Bhajan Lai 388 Shri Bhadreswar Tanti 392 Shri Srikanta Datta Narasimharaja Wadiyar 393 Shri Dinesh Coswami 395 * The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (0 (ii) COLUMNS Business Advisory Committee - 405-408 Sixty-third Report -Adopted Matters under Rule 377 - 408-415 (i) Need for a techno-economic survey of the hilly regions of Uttar Pradesh for their proper development Shri Harish Rawat 408 (ii) Need to provide Central aid for the Village Health Guides in the State of Orissa Shri Chintamani Jena 409 (iii) Need to provide passenger or shuttle trains in Cujarat-Sourashtra region Shri Ranjit Singh Gaekwad 410 (iv) Need to ensure payment of minimum wages to agricultural labour - Shri Satyendra Narayan Sinha 411 (v) Need to increase the amount of scholarship for Harijan/Adivasi students Shri Nankuram Sodi 411 (vi) Need to give recognition to poet Vamana by issuing a postal stamp, opening a Faculty and publishing authoritative translations of his works Shri E. Ayyapu Reddy 412 (vii) Need to adhere to the Three language Formula Shri Syed Shahabuddin 4 1 3 (viii) Need for immediate financial and other assistance to the people of West Bengal affected by the recent cyclone Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee 4 1 3 (ix) Need to declare Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University, Sagar as a Central University Shri Nandlal Choudhary 4 1 4 COLUMNS (x) Conversion of Bandel-Katwa section of Eastern Railway into double line and its electrification - Shri Saifuddin Chowdhary 415 Banking, Public financial Institutions and Negotiable 415-453 Instruments Laws (Amendment) Bill - 454-492 Motion to consider - Shri C. Madhav Reddy 415 Shri Vijay N. Patil 424 Shri Ram Singh Yadav 427 Shri Amal Datta 432 Shri Somnath Rath 437 Shri Sharad Dighe 439 Shri Syed Shahabuddin 442 Shri K. Ramamurthy 446 Shri B. Jeevarathinam 451 Shri Indrajit Gupta 454 Shri Girdhari Lai Vyas 460 Shri Girdhari Lal 465 Shri N. Tombi Singh 468 Shri Bhadreswar Tanti 471 Shri Het Ram 479 Shri Piyus Tiraky 484 Shri S. B. Chavan 487 Statement Re: Espionage Activities of two Officials of Pakistan Embassy - 453-454 Shri P. V. Narasimha Rao 453 Discussion under Rule 193 492-530 (iv) COLUMNS Dismal performance of Indian sportsmen in Seoul Olympic Games 492-530 Shri C. Janga Reddy ACkQ Shri Ajay Mushran Shri M. Raghuma Reddy ^06 Shri Digvijay Singh 509 Shri Saifuddin Chowdhary 512 Shri Brajamohan Mohanty 518 Shri Thampan Thomas 522 Shri Sharad Dighe 525 Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee 528 LOK SABHA DEBATES 1 2 LOK SABHA (b)The meeting of the Working Croup was attended by senior officials concerned with the literacy programme in Afghanistan, Thursday, December 1, 1988/Agrahayana Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, Nepal & 10, 1910 (Saka) Pakistan. In addition observers from UNICEF and World Bank also attended the meeting. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock (c) to (e). The Working Group identified [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair) the broad issues and principles involved in drawing up a Plan of Action during the In­ ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ternational Literacy Year. The issues identi­ [English] fied included the close interdependence of the universalisation of primary education UNESCO Working Croup Meet in Delhi and eradication of illiteracy, the various fac­ + tors which contributed to the prevalence of *287. SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA: illiteracy, the need for better appreciation of SHRI MOHANBHAI PATEL: the problems of the disadvantaged sections of the society and the factors which will be Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE crucial for strengthening the literacy pro­ DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: grammes and making it successful. There­ after the specific areas of action were listed (a) whether a meeting of the UNESCO out which included drawing up a National Working Croup on International Literacy Policy, perspective plan of action, mobilisa­ Year was held in New Delhi recently; tion of resources, environment building, strengthening the academic and technical (b) if so, the names of the countries resource support for the programme, stress which participated; on involvement of NGOs and designing a suitable mechanism for monitoring and (c) whether a new strategy to promote evaluation. The mode of operation of these literacy was worked out; measures are to be elaborated at the na­ tional, regional & international levels. In (d) if so, the details thereof; and addition, a strategy for a Plan of Action for eradication of illiteracy (1990-2000) was (e) the measures suggested to solve the also suggested. The Working Croup also problems of illiteracy in developing coun­ recommended the Regional and Interna­ tries? tional cooperation through (i) Joint Exercise of Project Formulation (ii) Undertaking a THE MINISTER OF STATE* IN THE DE­ Regional Cooperative Literacy Project (iii) PARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ Seeking Cooperation with International and TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ National Organisations concerned with lit­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. eracy etc. SHAHI): (a) to (e). A Statement is given below. SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA: Before putting my Supplementary, I must convey STATEMENT my hearty gratitude to you for admitting this Question on the observance day of the In­ Oral Answers 4 3 Oral Answers DECEMBER 1,1988 today and for taking it up as the first ques­ meeting to discuss the resources position. It was a meeting organised to have experi­ tion. ence of other countries so that a pro­ PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I am re­ gramme may be chalked out for action in sponsible for your Question ! I picked up the future. the ballot and your name came ! SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA: As per the SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: He must thank situation stands today, by the end of 2000 you for not tampering with the ballot! A.D., the total illiterate people would be more than 55 per cent in India alone. In this connection I would like to know as to MR. SPEAKER: Could you ever expect itl what measures are being taken by our Gov­ ernment to improve the literacy position in SHRI CHINTAMANI J£NA: The recom­ our country, specially I would like to know mendations of the Working Croup are made about the action taken to prevent the drop­ in three major categories. What are the de­ outs and also the spread of Non-Formal Ed­ cisions taken by our Covemment for the ucation and Adult Education. In this con­ implementation of those recommendations? nection, I would like to know from the hon. What would be the financial implication on Minister one thing. Regarding adult literacy, implementing these recommendations? In our criterion is reading of seven words in the Statement, the hon. Minister has stated one minute and this has been opposed by that the Working Croup recommended many of our eminent educationists. There­ seeking Cooperation with International and fore, what is the thinking of our Govern­ National Organisations concerned with lit­ ment on this issue? eracy etc. Were the UNICEF and World Bank representatives present in that meet­ ing as observers? What would be the finan­ SHRI L. P. SHAHI: I may bring to the no­ cial and other aids sought from UNICEF afid tice of the House and particularly the also the World Bank? What was their reac­ Speaker that Adult Education Programme tion on that issue? I would like to have de­ and Non-Formal Education Programme had tails in this regard. been discussed in this House in separate questions earlier. If, however, your honour SHRI L. P. SHAHI: Sir, in the said Con­ permits me I will read out the details which ference, representatives of several countries will take sometime. It is a very long reply. like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Indone­ In short, I , can say that the Jana Sakshan sia, Iran, Nepal & Pakistan participated. Nilayams which are supposed to come will The objectives of the Working Croup were include the drop-outs from the schools, the to examine the effectiveness of the various activities of the Adult Education Centres and approaches and strategies to eradicate illit­ also the Non-Formal Education part of it. In eracy especially along the girls and women short, this is supposed to be an expression and disadvantaged population etc.; to sug­ and mechanism for the development of vil­ gest special measures to eradicate illiteracy lage community as a whole. Through these by the year 2000 A D to be initiated in 1990, three branches of education - Non-Formal under the International Literacy Year. It also Education, Adult Education etc. - the drop­ aimed at development of a common outline outs will be treated. So far as strengthening for the organisations of International Liter­ technical base is concerned, already 10T acy Year and to suggest how the interna­ District Institution of Educational Training tional organisations could provide help to and Technology have been started out pf the country's individual and collective ef­ 440 districts in the country.
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