A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES Thursday, July 28, 2005 Page 3 Construction Begins for S.I. 21st District News Cargo Freight to Elizabeth Gang Violence Affects All AREA – Last week, construction tain our status as the busiest seaport New Jersey Citizens was initiated on ExpressRail Staten on the East Coast, we must continue Island, a $26 million ship-to-rail cargo to make this an attractive place to do Assemblyman Jon Bramnick, Westfield transfer facility at the Howland Hook business. We believe our $450 mil- TRENTON — Assemblyman Jon Assemblyman Peter Barnes (Edison, Marine Terminal. As part of a larger lion investment in rail in New York Bramnick (Westfield, R-21), a mem- D-18), on a bipartisan basis to sup- initiative, freight rail service to and and New Jersey will greatly enhance ber of the Law and Public Safety port this new law. Mr. Bramnick be- from Staten Island will be reestab- our ability to handle more cargo.” Committee, has proposed a bill con- lieves the growing problem with gang lished after a 15-year hiatus. Port Authority Vice Chairman cerning criminal street gangs. Bill A- violence affects all of the citizens of When completed in the first quar- Charles Gargano said, “The construc- 4351 would increase the degree of the New Jersey. ter of 2006, the ship-to-rail terminal tion of this rail terminal signals the crime, to the next highest level, if the will be able to handle approximately Port Authority’s commitment to act was committed during a gang Brown Promoted to 100,000 containers a year. greatly improve New York’s port in- initiation ritual. ExpressRail Staten Island will be frastructure to enhance the economic Street gangs like the Champagne PSEG Corp. Post built by Railroad Construction Co. benefits that it provides. This project, Posse, the Latin Kings, the Bloods WESTFIELD – Kieran Brown, an Inc. of New Jersey on a 39-acre par- coupled with the overall redevelop- FELLOWSHIP AWARDED…Former Rotary District Governor Adrienne Bzura and the Crips have infiltrated coun- attorney and resident of Westfield, cel on the former Procter & Gamble ment of this terminal, will add more (left) presents Dwight Leeper and Pat Plante with the Paul Harris Fellowship ties that include Essex, Union and has been elected assistant corporate site. The Port Authority purchased than $200 million in economic activ- Award on June 29 at the Pantagis restaurant in Scotch Plains. Paul Harris Hudson. State police estimate the secretary of Public Service Enter- the property in December 2000. ity to New York City’s economy by founded the Rotary in 1905. The award is given to members who further understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world. number of gang members to be in prise Group Incorporated (PSEG). ExpressRail Staten Island will con- 2010.” excess of 10,000 and is expected to She will provide corporate gover- sist of five tracks that will be linked to Port Authority Executive Director increase when the state releases up- nance and regulatory compliance sup- the reactivated Staten Island Rail- Kenneth Ringler Jr., said, “The Port United Way Board Names dated figures later this year. port for PSEG and its subsidiaries. road. Containers will be loaded onto Authority has maintained a strong According to a recent article in The She will assist with meetings of the double-stack rail cars and transported commitment to the Howland Hook New York Times, state authorities es- board of directors, committees and via the Staten Island Railroad to the Container Terminal since it reopened James Horne, Jr. as CEO timate that one in five homicides in the annual shareholders’ meeting. Ms. Conrail Main Line in Elizabeth, which in the mid-1990s. In addition to this New Jersey are gang-related. The Brown joined PSEG in 1997. connects to the nation’s rail freight rail terminal project, we also have COUNTY – James Horne, Jr. has action plans that address critical health State Commission of Investigation Ms. Brown holds a Bachelor of network. invested millions of dollars to expand been appointed Chief Executive Of- and human service issues. also released a study that concludes Science degree in Business Adminis- In addition to the construction of the facility’s berths to handle larger ficer of the United Way Greater Union Mr. Horne was selected after a na- that street gangs represent the new tration from Seton Hall University ExpressRail Staten Island, the Arthur ships, to deepen the harbor channels, County. Mr. Horne has over 10 years tionwide search that began with 52 face of organized crime. and a J.D. degree from the Seton Hall Kill lift bridge is being rehabilitated and to provide the electrical infra- experience with United Way. He most candidates over six months ago. Assemblyman Bramnick, a Repub- University School of Law and is ad- and construction is under way on the structure for the installation of new recently was President of the United “Jim’s achievements in leading lican, has joined with Democratic mitted to the New Jersey Bar. reactivation of the eight-mile Staten post-Panamax cranes.” Way of the Pioneer Valley in Spring- record-setting fundraising campaigns Island Railroad, which will provide Staten Island Borough President field, Mass. and his vast experience in commu- direct rail service between the indus- James Molinaro said, “After years of Prior to that, Mr. Horne served as nity development will make him a trial businesses on the Travis Branch effort and support for this project, I Executive Vice President for the dynamic leader in our community,” ARIO URRIERI SQ Line, which runs along Staten Island’s am gratified to see the Staten Island United Way of Summit County in said Joseph Starkey, a United Way M C. G , E . western shore, and the national rail freight rail link moving forward. This Akron, Ohio, and was Senior Vice board member and president of the Chair of the Family Law Department of freight network. Construction is ex- service will take tens of thousands of President of Resource Development Schering-Plough Foundation. DUGHI, HEWIT & PALATUCCI pected to be completed in early 2006. trucks off Staten Island’s roads. It for United Way of Eastern Fairfield “His creative energy and firm com- New York Governor George Pataki will not only mitigate traffic conges- County in Bridgeport, Conn. mitment to United Way’s mission will 340 North Avenue Cranford, New Jersey 07016 said, “The Howland Hook Marine tion but also improve local air quality. “Jim has exceptional skills and will help make Greater Union County a Terminal is the state’s premier gate- Further, the rail link will enhance provide great leadership to our United better place to live and work,” he way for international cargo, and these Staten Island’s economy by lowering Way and to the entire United Way added. investments will further our efforts to the cost of doing business with the system,” said Larry Lockhart, United Mr. Horne earned his undergradu- DIVORCE QUESTIONS? attract even more shippers and cargo Howland Hook Marine Terminal, one Way of Greater Union County Board ate degree from the University of to this facility. This project will pro- of the Island’s largest employers.” President. “We are confident that Jim Bridgeport and holds a Master of Specializing in all aspects of Family Law vide good-paying jobs and economic James Devine, president of New will build upon the strong foundation Science degree in Human Service including divorce, custody, visitation, alimony, benefits throughout New York State. York Container Terminal Inc., which created by his predecessors, Elisse Leadership from Springfield College. It also will take significant numbers operates the Howland Hook facility, Glennon and Dell Raudelunas.” child support, division of assets, palimony, For More Information.... of trucks off the road, which will said, “As the operator of this facility, Mr. Horne is an advocate of the premarital agreements, domestic partnerships, improve air quality.” we are thrilled with the commitment “Community Impact Agenda,” which See it on the Net at New York City Mayor Michael by Governor Pataki and the Port Au- describes the process of collaborat- restraining orders, post-divorce motions due to goleader.com Bloomberg said, “This new facility is thority that has allowed us to break ing with the community to develop changed financial circumstances, residence a critical link in our efforts to allevi- ground for this important project. ate choking traffic congestion in this removal from New Jersey, visitation area by moving more freight and Red Cross Chapter modifications and transfers of custody. refuse by rail. The simple act of tak- ing a percentage of cargo-hauling trac- To Hold Blood Drive NEIL SULLIVAN tor-trailers off of the road eases the WESTFIELD – The Westfield/ President, Westfield Mortgage burden that drivers, particularly on Mountainside Chapter of the Ameri- 32 years of continuous practice in Family Law Staten Island, must contend with each can Red Cross will host a blood drive Free credit evaluation and approvals Union County Early Settlement Arbitration day. The benefits to our environment on Wednesday, August 3, from 3 to 8 Guaranteed closing costs and to our economy are immeasur- p.m. at the Chapter House, located at New home purchases Panelist 25 years able, and this project only serves to 321 Elm Street in Westfield. Construction loans Court-appointed Standing Master & Guardian strengthen the terminal’s strong foot- Blood donors must be at least 17 Refinances Accredited Mediator hold as a powerhouse in the container years old, weigh more than 110 shipping industry not only for the pounds and be in good general health. Formerly Senior Partner at Snevily, Ely, Port of New York and New Jersey, but Federal regulations require donors Williams & Gurrieri, Westfield (1972-2000) in the United States and world mar- to wait 56 days between donations.
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