
HARRYM . STEVENS, Inc~ Publlsher, 320 FIFTHAVENUE , N. Y. 1 1 HAVE A REAL CIGARETTE - HAV E A MEL Discover the difference DANT DI S TILLER S C OMPANY• N E W YORK, N. Y. between "just smoking" - YANKEE STA DI UM . "HOME OF C HAMPIONS " and Camels! Wrlro111c to Am.-rit-a 's finc, t aml mo st fa111011R ba,c ball park , ) ank c,· ~tatlinm . Lon ~ """" n as the .. Jlom e of Ch,1111piom," thi s St:111iu111w as com 1>h•teJ in 1923. Sin ce that tim e, 12,1111,964fa11 s hav e pa ssed through th e S 1adi111111urn , 1ik , to s<'c 1hc fumed Bronx Bomber s in :u·tion l11·n·, i11 Amcrfran League competition. l\fillio11s mor e hll\ c \\ :1trhcd Taste thegood, rich flavor World St'ric s, big kai;nt · foo1l,all , rhampio11,l1ip fight s and oth er im11or1a111t' \CHI , :11 '\ :rnk, ·r St:ttlium. All 17 Yanke e World ChampioJ1 ship dub s have played her e, and 20 of the 22 pt•nrwnl ,-inning of Camels.. feel the, Yank ee l c:11110. Thi s 1111111:itl'hrtlrc< ·or cl of BlltTeKs ha s meaut 1hr v,•ry 111•, 1 in 1,a, rhall for 1 ank !'c •:-1i11limn fa11s. Among the many diamond grea ts who ha, •e 1wrform ed in 1hi, tr a1li1ion-, 1t•cpccl Sia• smoothness theirof ,1i11m wcro sud1 Yank t•r, ;,~ Bah r Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe Di~Iaggio . Ilt •rb P c1111111·k.Ton ) Lan ,•ri. Bill Di rkry , Left y Gom ez, Hoh Memcl und Charlie Keller. quality tobaccos.. ::io, 011 \w half of all the Y:mkeco - p:tsl a nti prc><·nl- a sin,.cre wclt-0 1111: 10 Ilic ··Jlo ,111· of Cl1:m1pio11,:' enjoythe largest- sellingcigarette in America dtoay! \ I Th e mild, clean , fres h ta st e ~~ l The easy-draw Micronite Filter .i'' ... .,~ ·! :r:::J i The full, rich flavor •.. I ~.... (' KENT- rAmerlca's Premium Quality Cigarette ... now at po1 tar price · 7 Wanta ~rnaJfer I aufoinsurance bill? s.. hew much y ou can save with Allstate, the company f cmnaea l,y Sear s. You'll find Allstate's rates are usually low er t han those of most other leadin g companies . Pro­ tecti on is sound and reliabl e. Agent service is pr ompt, persenal and fri endly. Claim settlements ar e fa st and fair . Yem can' t buy bette r, why pay more ? See or phone your Allstate A&"entt•iay! SEE PHONE BOOK FOR YOUR LOCAL ALLSTATEAGENT. You'r e in good hand s with , •• 'i BOBBY RI CHARD SON HARRY SIMP SO N ( Abo,•<') TONY KUBEK AL CI COTTE ( Below) I N U R A N C O M S TOCK COMPANY ,-l'!OTl!:CTION founded by Sears A11111 and Llabllillu distinct and aoparola from Iha poronl, SHN , NEW FACES SPUR YANI( S IN TITLE DEFENSE ROl'buck and Co. Home office : Skokie, Ill. No champi on ship club can stnnd p ut as the Wo rld Clrnmp ion New Yor k Ya nk ees huve so often YANKEES' ADVANCE TICKET INFORMATION demons tr ated. W inne rs of 22 America n Leag ue pennunts since 1921, the Bo mbc1·s never have stoo d sti ll. Last wint er's big tra de with Kansas City helped the A's and gave th e Yankees a needed pit ch­ Ticket, fer all 1957 Yankee home games are en sale new. For best sele ction of seals for thii ing lif t with the acq uisition of Bob by Shantz and Art Ditma r, who have helpe d Casey Stengel imm eas• cames of your choice, it is advi sable to buy ear ly. A cemplete Yanke e schedul e app ears elaewhen 11rably thi s summ er. in theH paces . You may buy your tic kets h ere at the Staaium today . The advan ce ticket windo ws ore lo catee , ?-'hen, with left-hand ed hit \in g. neede d, tho B0 1!1bcrs tr ad~d severa l fine young players to th e A s JU~t b~forc th e swap deadl_me lll . Ju ne to acq111re lla rry Sm1pso n, who hos filled in abl y a l fir •l in the main lobby behind heme pl ate and are op en every day of th e season from 9 :00 A.M. u base , m ri ght field and as a pm, ·h httl e~. Th e Yanks nh1ays give up u Jot to land th e men they ne ed . 5:00 P.M., and until 11:UO P.M . when the Yankees are playing night games at hom e. The Yanlu . n omc grow n talent always hn_s donu nated th e Y?nkee rosters, clesp ilc th e many bi g tr ades in have moved th eir downtewn ti cke t effice to the conveniently locat ed Grand Central Termi nal. Thi , wlu rh_ t,he ~ omh crs ha ve been mvo lv~d. Bobby R u:lw rd son, flashy seco nd sacker, To ny Kubek , new office, en the Nerth Mezzanin e (Vanderbil t Ave. level) directly abov e th e main informatio r .300-h~ttm,g rnfi clcler-outfieldcr and Al C1ro 11c, you ng r1ght-h:111der, all were deve lope d by 1he Yank ee booth, it epen Menllay s through Saturda ys from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. or gamzat 1on. Wlum orllering by 11111il,se nd your check or money ord er malle pay abl e to THE YANKEES along with the numlter nnll pri ce of ticket s desired (for th e price of tickets , turn page ) to Yanke• Ticke t Manag er, Yank ee Stadi um. Bronx 51, Ne w York . Pl ease add 25¢ to your order for m11ilint and handl ~. Satisfyyour beer thirst ltetter! New York's Famous aeer - HAVE A KNICK!! - YOU FEEL REFRESHED - . FAMOUS YANIIBE In a league by itself ... SCOREBOARD KOMFIT- Active men will enj oy weari ng Komfit. .. finest of its kind. Ultra thin , light and flexible, Komfit is instantly adjustable to any wrist. Fr om $7.95 to $18.95, incl. Fed. tax. In all 14 Kt. gold, $145 . At better jewelry stores everywhe re. Keeping up to the minute on activity at Yaukee Stadium and nil around both major league& is made CLIMATE NOTE: Komfit's exclus ive easy for Stadium fans through the famous Yankee 7~Jewelry's Name /or Quality stainless steel lining is cool, comfo rt­ scoreboard above the bleac hers in center field . able and resists perspiration. Installed seven seasons ago and kept constantly up-to-date, the scoreboard cost more than $100,000, is 73 feet long, 34 feet high, contains 5.000 electric light bulbs and has 800 individua l electrically operated control s, 500 for hqme games and 300 for out-of-town PRICE SCALE TIME OF GAMES games. Box Sea ts .... .................. $3.15 Today's game s are listed under each league. The GAME \VEEKDAYS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS p itche r of th e moment is lis ted under th e colu mn headed "P." As games are completed, the runs, Rese r ved sea ts ... ... ..• .. .. ... $2.10 hi ts and errors are flashed under columns headed "R," "H" and "E ." If clubs are playing doub le­ *Un rese rv ed Gr an dstan d . ... $1.30 Single 2: 00 2: 00 2 :00 headers , the first game scores are poste d in the right column designated "l(;.' ' Hits and errors in *Bl eac h ers .. ... .. .. .. ......... $0. 75 the Stadi um game are flashed on the board as soon as the scorer calls the play. The runs, hits and *Un reser ved gra nd st an d and bl each er Doub leheader 1: 30 2:00 2:00 errors of the game in progres s here also are given at the top of the scoreboard , plus the results of seats sold ONLY ATSTADIUM O N DAY OF GAME. th e Yankees' first game. And, of course, the current line ups of the game in progress here are posted. PRI CES INCLU DE CITY & F EDERAL TA XES Nig h t 8: 15 See photos above . ---------- Distillers and Importers of Fine Wines and Liquors for over 100 Years Even ~ agree on Beech-Nut! Always a hit on flavor ... fresh ... clean, lasting enjoyment Symbol of Perfect Taste ... the finest-tasting whiskey of its type! Beech~Nut ... the quality gum BLENDED WHISKEY• 65" GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS • 86 PROOF The 5t Luxury PARK & TILFORD DISTILLERS CORP., LOUISVILLE, KY. PRIDEOF THEYANKEES YANKEES' PENNANT WINNERS Tl,e Wl,iteRoclcGirl Says: Y EAR W. L. PcT. MAB CIN MA1ucu 1921 98 55 .641 4½ Miller Huggina 1922 94 60 .610 l Milln Hu1gin1 1923 98 54 .645 16 Mill er Huggin■ 1926 91 63 .591 3 Mill er Huggin1 1927 llO 44 .714 19 Miller Huggina 1928 101 53 .656 2½ Mill er Huggim 1932 107 47 .695 13 Jo e MeCarthy 1936 102 51 .667 19½ Jo e McCarth y 1937 102 52 .662 13 Jo e McCarth y 1938 99 53 .651 91/2 Jo e McCarth y 1939 106 45 .702 17 Joe McCarth y 1941 101 53 .656 17 Joe McCarth y 1942 103 51 .669 9 Jo e McCarth y 19113 98 56 .636 13½ Joe McCar thy 1947 97 57 .630 12 Bucky Harris 1949 97 57 .630 1 Casey Sten gel 1950 98 56 .636 3 Casey Steng el 1951 98 56 .636 5 Casey Stengel 1952 95 59 .617 2 Casey Stengel 1953 99 52 .656 8 ½ Casey Stengel 1955 96 58 .623 3 Casey Stengel 1956 97 57 .630 9 Casey Stengel YANKEES' WORLD CHAMPIONS N.L.
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