Index 42940_12-APA-INDEX.indd 609 2/13/2018 12:50:32 PM Member names appear in bold (surnames in ALL CAPS) Bold page numbers denote Member profiles Italicized page numbers denote references to images and image captions A 452, 452, 558 – 59, 581 77, 81– 84, 280 – 300, 454 – 61 459, 462, 469n citizenship and, 277, 279 – 80, 306n, 559 military service of. See military service, Bordallo, Ricardo J. (Ricky), 371, 422 Abelarde, Pedro E., 17, 55 – 56 constitution of, 279, 414 Asian Pacific American Members of Bordonaro, Molly, 488 Abercrombie, Neil, 363, 401, 424, 426, 451, creation of Territorial Delegate position Congress Borseth, Peter, 164, 166 453, 522, 548 – 49 and, 280, 412, 428, 449 – 50, 602 statutory representation and, 3, 6, 11, 24n, Box, John C., 120 Abscam scandal, 340 – 41 diaspora and, 4 – 5, 430, 440, 444 – 45, 546 52 – 53, 85 – 86, 90n, 102 – 255, 258, Boxer, Barbara, 461– 62 Ackerman, Gary, 556 economy of, 415, 428, 432 – 33, 559 279 – 80, 366 – 75, 412 – 23, 428 – 35, Boykin, Frank W., 12 Adams, Alva, 235 – 36 fono, 279 439, 480 – 85, 558 – 61, 580 – 81 Bracero Program, 321– 22 Adams, Ansel, 291 Instrument of Cession, 278 surrogate representation and, 2, 23n, 328, Bradley, Bill, 399 Aglipay, Gregorio, 194 statehood and, 207 332, 358, 361– 62, 400 –10, 430, 445, Bradley, Willis, 278 Agnew, Spiro, 351 territorial status of, 2, 2, 17, 43, 207, 259, 447, 476, 607 Brands, H. W., 17, 54, 57 Aguinaldo, Emilio, 48, 51, 51, 66, 105, 124, 276 – 79, 277, 369, 421– 22, 446 women Members of Congress and, 12, 14, Brinkley, Alan, 5 136, 140, 146, 194, 214 World War II and, 277– 79 281, 281, 358 – 65, 424 – 27, 451, 539, Broder, David, 380 Air Force, United States, 320 – 21, 330, 354, American Samoan Commission, 207 542 – 51, 554 – 59, 566 – 68 Brooke, Edward W., 309n 506, 552 American Sugar Refining Corporation, 149 Asiatic Barred Zone, 10, 40 – 42 Broussard, Edwin, 192 AKAKA, Daniel K., 14, 71, 292, 336, Americans with Disabilities Act, 382 AUSTRIA, Steve, 440, 452, 506 –10, 507 Bureau of Insular Affairs, United States, 2, 342, 344, 362, 396 – 403, 397, 451– 52, Anderson, Clinton P., 279 52, 55, 57, 57, 124, 128, 130 – 31, 139 – 40, 459– 61, 460, 539, 546, 549, 551, 580, Anderson, Glenn M., 370, 382 B 142, 150 – 51, 235 591, 594 Ansari, Eileen, 478 Babbage, John, 320 Bureau of Public Roads, United States, 76, chairmanships and, 282, 400, 452, 591, Anti-Bullying Caucus, 496 Babbitt, Bruce, 292 207 594 Anti-Saloon League, 117 Baca, Joe, 478 Burlingame Treaty. See Treaty of Trade, committee assignments of, 281– 82, Aoki, Dan, 343 Bacon, Robert, 189 – 90 Consuls, and Emigration 398 – 400, 582, 585, 587– 90 apportionment and redistricting, 20, 76, 229, Bader, Charles, 474 Burns, John A., 209, 211, 281, 285 – 86, early political career of, 396, 398 358, 506, 509, 529, 542, 562 Bailey, Thomas A., 5 332 – 33, 338, 343, 350, 358, 396 House career of, 398 – 99 Ariyoshi, George R., 396, 398 Baker, Bob, 474 Burton, Phillip, 279 – 80, 280, 284, 366, 368, military service of, 396 Army, United States, 11, 40, 61– 62, 62, 73, Baker, Newton, 167 371– 72, 428, 448, 448 Native Hawaiian advocacy and, 398, 84, 206, 244, 250, 256, 259, 261, 262 – 65, Baldwin, Henry Alexander, 25n, 200 Bush, George H. W., 292, 298 – 300, 399, 400 –1, 460, 461, 549 262, 267, 282, 318 –19, 330, 336, 348, Bandholtz, Harry H., 146, 148 407, 426 – 27, 480, 558 Senate career of, 362, 399 – 403, 427 351, 378, 396, 428, 461, 503, 509, 520, Bankhead, William, 83 Bush, George W., 292, 309n, 384, 401, 406, sugar industry and, 399 522 – 23, 544 – 546, 560, 562 Baruch, Bernard, 175 459, 483, 489 – 90, 500, 560 al-Assad, Bashar, 547 U.S. Army Forces in the Far East Bateman, Herbert H., 562 Bush, John E., 104 Alaska, 215, 285 – 86, 343, 399, 401 (USAFFE), 62 Bayh, Birch, 361 Butler, Hugh, 279 Aleutian Islands, 293 – 94, 297, Arthur, Chester A., 37, 37 Becerra, Xavier, 12, 454 Byrd, Robert, 341– 43, 352 309n – 310n, 600 Asia-Pacific Triangle, 270 – 71, 273 – 75 Begg, James, 201 Byrnes, John W., 12 constitution of, 285 Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, 292, Bell, Alphonzo, Jr., 390 Pribilof Islands, 293 – 94, 600 292, 454 Bell, Jasper, 64, 252 C statehood and, 285 – 86, 286, 350 Asian Pacific American Heritage Week, 293 Bendetsen, Karl R., 295 C. Brewer & Company, 67. See also sugar Alaska‒Yukon‒Pacific Exposition, 116 Asian Pacific American Members of Congress, Benishek, Dan, 529 industry Albert, Carl, 290, 319, 361, 379 – 80 characteristics BERA, Ami, 440, 540 – 41, 540 Cailles, Juan, 186 Alexander & Baldwin, 67. See also sugar background and pre-congressional Bernanke, Ben, 523 Caldwell, Kirk, 344, 523 industry experience of, 50 – 51, 75, 261– 69 Bernstein, Joan Z., 294 California Alien land laws, 10, 34, 39 – 40, 272 – 73, 318 committee assignments, 582 – 90 Berry, Francis J., 148 anti-Asian discrimination in, 316, 319 – 20 Alien Property Custodian, U.S. Office of, 260, committee chairmanships of, 12, 340 – 42, Berryman, Clifford K., 33 anti-Asian policies of, 9–10, 37– 39, 267, 267, 288 380, 452, 490, 559, 591– 94 Berryman, Jim, 286 272 – 73, 318, 376 Alien Spouses of Members of the Armed discrimination and, 105, 115, 318 –19, Beveridge, Albert, 43, 43 – 45 anti-Asian violence in, 37– 38 Forces Act, 272 340, 351, 353, 400 Bingham, Jonathan, 465n Asian Pacific American representation and, Alunan, Rafael, 7 diversity of, 3 – 4, 13, 270, 281, 292, Bitterman, Mary, 426 301, 316 – 27, 376 – 95, 404 –11, 474 – 79, Amache Camp. See Granada War Relocation 439 – 40, 443 – 44, 450 – 52, 454, Black, Hugo, 268 494 – 98, 540 – 43, 552 – 55, 564 – 67, 580 Center 455 – 56, 463 Blaine, James G., 69 California Gold Rush, 9, 34, 36 Amerasian Immigration Act of 1982, 442 – 43, experience in Washington, DC, 52 – 53 Blakeslee, George H., 136, 139, 143n Calvert, Ken, 564 600 family and ethnic roots of, 3 – 5, 281, Blanco, Kathleen Babineaux, 500 Calvo, Paul McDonald, 371 Amerasian Independent Voice of America, 319 – 20, 328, 338, 366, 396, 400, 426, BLAZ, Ben Garrido, 21, 278, 282 – 84, 307n, Camacho, Carlos S., 560 443 438 – 40, 450 – 52, 462, 474, 476, 500, 368, 372, 418 – 23, 419, 449, 458 – 62, Camacho, Felix, 484 Amerasians, 442 – 43, 600 502, 506, 508, 512, 515, 540, 542, 459, 480, 483 Cambodia, 4 – 5, 274, 431, 438, 441, 558, American Civil Liberties Union, 297, 354 562, 596 Blount, James, 70 600 American Indians, 34, 215, 321, 343, 398, language barrier and, 50, 73, 75, 105 – 6, Boehner, John, 363, 502, 506, 509, 515, immigration and, 13 400 –1, 432, 461, 544, 551 136, 140 – 41, 149, 212, 232, 320, 391 522 – 23 Camp McCoy, 348 American Red Cross, 175, 259, 263, 336, 376 leadership positions and, 282, 341– 42, Boggs, Hale, 350, 368 Campbell, Thomas, 381, 494 American Samoa, 277– 80 379 – 80, 420, 431, 463, 549, 595 Bonior, David, 407 Cannon, Joe, 76, 116, 140 Asian Pacific American representation and, legislative interests of, 21, 54 – 62, 64 – 66, Bordallo, Madeleine, 373n, 454, 459 – 60, Cantor, Eric, 515 –16 3, 12 –13, 279 – 80, 412 –16, 428 – 35, 610 H ASIAN AND PACIFIC ISLANDER AMERICANS IN CONGRESS 42940_12-APA-INDEX.indd 610 2/13/2018 12:50:32 PM CAO, Anh (Joseph), 13, 436, 438, 439, 451, Clarke, James, 58, 152 Crane, Philip, 558 Welfare, United States, 309n, 361, 393 457, 457, 512 –18, 513 Cleveland, Grover, 70, 70, 114 Cranston, Alan, 391– 92 Department of Homeland Security, United Carlisle, Peter, 523 Cline, Cyrus, 150 Crist, Charlie, 503 States, 363 Carr, Bob, 383 Clinton, Hillary, 343 Crowley, Joe, 556 Department of Justice, United States, 18, 80, Carr, Elan, 553 Clinton, William J. (Bill), 292, 292, 342, Crowley, Kawika, 547 266 – 67, 288 – 89, 297, 384, 401, 458, 514 Carson, Robert, 333, 335n 363, 384, 406 – 8, 422, 449, 449, 453, 453, Cruz, Manuel, 480 Department of State, United States, 41, 46, Carter, Charles L., 70 461, 477, 480, 494, 540, 554 Cuaresma, Ildefonsa, 212, 214 66, 69, 270, 278, 321 Carter, Jimmy, 280, 283, 292, 294, 295, 371, Coast Guard, United States, 61, 244 Cuba, 42 – 44, 43, 45, 72, 104, 142, 602 Department of the Interior, United States, 392, 406, 486 Coble, Howard, 458 Cullinane, Michael, 16 –17, 22, 48, 138 22, 278 – 79, 283, 295, 348, 368, 371– 72, Case, Ed, 344, 363, 402, 522, 548, 550 – 51 Cohen, Lizabeth, 5 Cummings, Elijah, 12 374n, 414, 433, 446 – 47, 449, 459, 465n, Castle & Cooke, 67. See also sugar industry Cohen, William, 354 Cunneen, Jim, 494 489, 509 Castle, William Richards, 70 Coke, James L., 17 Cutting, Bronson, 60, 216 Department of the Treasury, United States, Cayetano, Ben, 427 Cold War, 11–13, 270 –71, 273, 275, 277, 54, 129, 193, 223 – 24, 235 – 36 Cecilio, Aurelio, 183 280, 287, 300, 316, 320 – 21, 382, 391, D Department of Veterans Affairs, United States, Celler, Emanuel, 273, 275 415, 420, 436, 438, 452, 482. See also Dakota Territory, 36 541, 544, 547, 553, 565 Cementerio del Norte, Manila, 153, 161, communism; Internal Security Act of 1950 Dale, Jack, 62 Department of War, United States, 54, 116, 183, 194 Coleman, Peter Tali, 558 Daley, William, 407 128, 130, 189, 224, 240, 262, 266, 295, Census Bureau, United States, 4, 4, 299, Collins, Susan, 399 Daniels, Josephus, 117 330 434n, 457, 553 Collins, Wayne, 288 Daniels, Roger, 5, 16, 18, 22, 290 Dern, George, 235 Census, United States, 3 – 4, 19, 41, 87n, 319, Colmer, William, 350 Danielson, George E., 293 – 94 Dewey, George, 32, 45, 45, 46, 66 366, 373n, 415n, 422n, 443 – 44, 449 – 50, colonialism, 2, 6 – 7, 16 –17, 42 – 48, 66, Darrow, Clarence, 80 Dillingham, Ben F., 339 462, 464n, 469n, 506, 509, 529, 562, 85, 128 – 30, 142, 146, 152, 164, 169, Dávila, Félix Córdova, 85 Dillingham, Walter, 122n 598 – 99 182, 191– 93, 207, 217, 220, 236, 242, Davis, Cushman K., 46 Dingley Tariff Act, 56, 139 Chae Chan Ping v.
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