IS5N: 021(t-97?8 ¡ ZA/lOA 24 7- ¡ I 21)03 Physalis ixocarpa Brot. ex Hornem. and Verbena litoralis Kunth, new Spanish xenophytes and records of other interesting alien vascular plants in Catalonia (Spain) Filip Verloove (*) Resumen: Veiloeve F. Phvsa/ls Loo-ii ja Bree e,r Mo-neoí. y Verbena litera/ls Kunth, das oyeras xenójitos en España y datos sobre la flarcí a/¿ienn -anu/ar en Ceíhílííh¿í í:lyaóa). Lúzaroa 24: 7—1/ (200Sf La investigación floristiexí i-especii.i a la flota sinantrépica de los alrededores dc Blanes (Cataluña, provincias- dc Barcelona y Gerona) reveló la pi-ese¡tcia dc val-ms cspccics dc interés particular. Sc estudia la distribución y grado de naiuralización actual de diez táxones, de los- cualesdes. probablemenie. lvi viii sidít c~ieont¡-ados por primera vez en España (Phvsalis ixacarpa Verbena /ifrro/ís). Abstract Verlaove E. Plívsu/ix /.asitipa Bree ¿r tiornon. aííd Verbena hterali,s Kan/li, new Spau¡isli .vciíop/i-v/es aiid rucareis of other in - teresling a/Mit i’aseuhír plan/y ji, (í,/aloíuia Spain). La:a,eei 24: 7—II (2003). A lioristir survey of te svna¡ilbia~ic Rení in tbe sunou¡tdings of Blaites (Catalonia. provinces of Barcelona ami Gerona> revealed the prescilce of sevcral interestiiíg opecies. The presení paper deals witb ¡he presens distribution and degree of naturalization of ten taxa. twa of theni p¡csuiuíabl y ncw te 8piiii (Phvsa/is ls-ocarpa acá Verbena li/e,ra/is). INTRODUCC ION Barcelona and Gerona). Panicular attention was paid to Ihe floristie composition of riverbanks, es- Catalo¡iia lías always líatí a rich tradirion opon its pecially of the river Tordera and, to a lesser extent, exotie vascular flora. CASASAYAS (1989) sunirnarized of ffie Riera d’ Arbúcies, the Riera de Llorcí, the Ml up to theií kííown taxa iii tui extended catalogue. Riera de Can Lloranes aud the Riera de Tossa. Espccially Ihe coastal aiea (auid oven more the su- Voncher specimens of most cited taxa have been rroundiíígs of major industrial or tourist settlemcnts) deposited in the herbaria of íhe Real Jardín has proven lo harbotír considerable amounts of non— Botánico de Madrid (MA), the National Botanic native vasetílar plants. Due I.o the continuing and Garden of Belgium (BR), the herbarium of the oven incrcasing intercontiíaeíílal trade te number of University of Liége, Belgium (LO) and/or the pri- introductions is still augmentiíg. Heiíce, every year vate herbarium of the author. new addilions are reponed br the Catalonian exotie Ihe nomenclature follows CLEMENT & FosTER floua, both in agricultoral or other tnan-made habitats (1994) and RYVES & al. (1996) for taxa treated by ¿is iii (seíííi—) natural eíivironmcnts. these authors. For few other taxa the nomenclature is based on mosí recent insights in the countries of the species origin MATERIALS AND METHODS A seve¡í-days licíd olp in September 2002 yiel- RESULTS ded, again, severa] acqtíisitioos lbr the allochtonous flora of Catalonia. Moreover, two taxa turned out tu Only the mosí interesting records are dealt with in be new lo Spain. Thc siudied area encompasses the detail. Ihe number of weIl-establisbed and widespre- coastal strip between Blanes and Tossa de Mar, fur- ad taxa in Catalonia is bigh; the following exotie taxa iher iííland reaching np tu Hoslairie and Vidreres were seen frequently and have become rather or even (ca. 70 koí NE of Barcelona; provinces of quite common: Ailanrhus alt/ss/ma, Amaranihus bU- Dcparinic¡ít of Seed plinio. loivcrsity sil Ghcnt. KL. t.cdcganckslraat 35. 9000 Gent. Bclgium. E-mail: f¡[email protected] -7 Fi/ip Verloove Ph vsa/tv ixovarpa Brot. ex Htírneni and Vúrbena litoral/a Ktínth toides, A. blitum subsp. emnarginalus, A. graecizaus, LITM DOS], foot of small wall in (he city, Anredera curdijblia, Araujia sericijéra, Artemisia 15IX2002, E Ver-boye 5208 (privherb., MA). verlotiorum, Aster squamatus, Bit/ana frondosa. 11. pilosa, II. subaIta rnans, Bromus calhaN/cus, A small population of this (¡ny Asteraceae was C’henopod/um ambrosio/des, Conyza bonar/ensis, C. lbund in sandy cracks at the foot of a small walI. sumutrensis, Coronopus dic/vmus, Cuscuta campes- ‘Ihe species is recently expanding in Ibis area (see tris-, Cvpem-us eragrostis, I)aturu jérox. Ehrhurta Ion- for instance FDNT & al., 998) and in adjacent giflora (Blanes), Eleus-ine inc/ira, E. tris¿aclíya, France (VERt,oovF & VANDFNBLRGHE, 2002). Euphorbia maculata, E. prostrata, E. sc’rpens, Cotufa australia was believed to be an ephemerous Galinsoga y/huta, (Su/zulia ahvssíniv:-a, Ipomoca in- casual up to now but it is clearly becoming natura- diva. Lvvopers/cun esculentum. Mirahilis jalapa, lized. In Colera (see FONT & aL, le.) we were able Pan/curo dichotomúlorum. P mn/Iiaceum, Paspaluro lo confirm this speeies in lime 2002; it thrives like chilatatumn, E d/sí/chumn, Pann/seíun¡ villosuro an invasive weed in olive yards. The 5~Ccie5 is na- (Vidreres), Ph y/a fu/br-mis. f-’hytolvuca americana, tive in Atistralasia buí has beconie naturalized in Setcmria pcirs’ ¿tíorc¡, So/unuro chanopodioidas, niany parts of the world. Sporobolus mt//cus anúl Stcnutaphrumn sc>v:undalum. Severa] (other) horticultura] species are recently es- Dichondra micrantha Uuban caping ¿md are frequently not mentioned yet a flotis- tic accounts: Bruussonet/a papy,-i/éva, Cun¡ía x garle- Gerona: Fenals (Llorcí de Mar), main road to- rvdis, Curtacleria sc-illoanvr. Parkinsonia uculeala (one wards Blanes (01-682), ca. 15 ra, UTM DOSI, ro- speeímcn in a road veige rícar Santa Chrisiina),. - - deral road verge, 15.IX2002, £ Verloos’e 5209 (priv.herb.). Amaranthus palmen S. Watson The Asian Dichondra m/crunthcí was freqtieíítly Gerona: Lloret de Mar (Fenals), main ruad lo- seen in Lloret de Mar. where it is locally sown ín wards Blanes (01-682), ca. 15 m, UTM DOS], mdc- lawns but also occurs in ruderal road verges. ral road verge, 15.IX2002. E Vérloos’e 5213 (MA). Apparenrly, the species has been mentioned before in Catalonia o the surroundings of Barcelona and in Known ¿is a rare ephemerous American casual in Alt Emporda (CASASAYAS, 1989). Olber Spanish te- Spain (CASrRovmio & cii., 1990) but likely lo beco- cords are available for Alic¿snte and Murcia (Ríos& me established. Several léniale plants werc seen in al., 1992). a ruderal, nitrophilous road verge on the outskirts of the city. Einadia nutaus (1<. Br) A. Y Scott Catalpa bignonloides Walter Gerona: Lloret de Mar. Ptínta des Capdells, ca. 5 m, UTM DOS 1, rock>, road verges, fences Gerona: Tossa de Mar. Can Seca, riverbed of ]4.IX.2002, E Verluove 5205 (priv.herb.). Riera de Tossa, near mañ> road Tossa de Mar — Llagostera (01-681), ca. 100 m, UTM DG92, gua- The Atísíralian E/nadia nulana was firsí menhio- velly river bed of river Tossa, 1 7.IX2002, sc. ned from Ihis are-a (te. Ihe vicinity of the Blanes BotarPeal Garden ‘Man Murtra’) by BoLós & Víco Subspontaneous occurrences of the North (1979). Subsequently the species was able to ex- An]erican tree species Catalpa bignonio/des are re- pand in the neighbourhood: CASÁSAYAS FORNELL cently increasing, especially along riverheds (see (1990> reported about thc species expansion in the also VIVANT & aL, 1998). In Tossa de Mar two ju- coastal are-a comprised between Blanes and Tossa venile specirnens were seca; pare-nial plants were de Mar. Apparently. E/nací/a nulana has conside— not seen iii the vieinity. rably spread ever since and w-as found abpndan:lv in thc siudied area, especially between Blanes and Cotula australis (Sieber ex Spreng.) 1-look f. Llorel de Man E/nací/a nutana occupies ¿s wide range of habitais (confined however to a narrow co- Gerona: Llorel de Mar, les Plateres, n]ain road astal strip). ranging froro man-made habitats (nitro— Blanes towards Tossa de Mar (01-682), ca. 15 m, philous road velges, fool of walls and fences,. - -) lo L4ZAROA 24: 7- ¡ E - 2(1(13 8 Y/hp Ver-loo¡-e Phvsalis ixocarpa Brot. ex I-Iornem and Verbena litoralis Kunth semi-natural ones (pine-wootls, rock crevices ntar Paspalum saurae (Parodi) Parodi the sea,. - -). In the latter case, Finad/a nutans seenis to behave Iike an aggressive invader. The species Gerona: Tossa de Mar, Can Seca, riverbed of tnvasiveness was not yet <aken into account by Riera de Tossa, new main road Tossa de Mar — SANZ ELORZA & al. (2001). Llagostera (01-68 1), ca. loo m, UTM DG92, grassy borden of river Tossa, 1 7.IX.2002, Fi Ver-boye 5226 Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees (privherb., BR, LG, MA). Barcelona: Tordera, riu Tordera near main road A well-established small colony of this tropical Tordera — Fogars de la Selva (BV-5122), 45 m, UTM (originally South American) grass species was DG7I, gravellyriverbed ofriverTordera, 16.IX.2002, found at the borden of the river Tossa. CARRETERO E Verloove 5207 (priv.herb., LO). Gerona: Vidreres, (1987), who mentioned this species for the first time Can Sala, main road Vidreres — Lloret-de-Mar (CI- in Europe near Valencia, already predicted its futu- 680), 80 rn, UTM DGS2, road verge, 19.IX.2002, sc.; re expansion. Subsequently it was fonod in the pro- 1-lostalrie, Can Tia Camps, W of bridge over ñu vince of Alicante (CAMUÑAs & CRESPO, 1998) and Tordera, ca. LOO m, UTM DG72, gravelly riverbed of now for the first time in the province of Gerona. river Tordera, 20IX.2002, sc.; Hostalric, les Paspalum saur-ae is often poorly distinguished Brugtíeres, ea. 75 m, UTM DG62, gr-avelly riverbed from Pi notaturo Flúgge and is probably better trea- of Riera d Arbúcies, 20.IX.2002, sc.
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