No. 4568 May 18, 1957 NATURE 1035 FORTHCOMING EVENTS Friday, May 24 (Meetings marked wuh an asterisk• are open to the public) BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY (in the Department of Biochemistry, Physio­ logy Institute, Newport Road, Cardiff), at 2 p.m.-Scientillc Papers. ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN (at 16 Princes Monday, May 20 Gate, Kensini.iton, London, S.W.7), at 7 p.m.-Dr. Gotthard Wolf UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (in the Physiology Theatre, University (Gottingen): "];'actual Reliability in Scientillc Films". College, Gower Street, London, W.C.1), at 5 p.m.-Dr. E. J. Hewitt: ROYAL INSTITUTION (at 21 Albemarle Street, London, W.1), at "Mlcronutrlent Element Metabolism in Plants".* (Further lectures 9 p.m.-Dr. Harold Heywood: "Solar Energy-a Challenge to the on May 27 and June 3.) Future". BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE GROUP (in the Joint Staff Common Room, University College, Gower Street, London, W.C.1), at 5.30 p.m.-Dr. J. R. Smythies: "The Notion of an Image Space". INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (joint meeting with the APPOINTMENTS VACANT INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS and the INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George Street, APPLICATIONS are invited for the following appointments on or London, S.W.1), at 5.30 p.m.-Report on "Hydroelectric Projects before the dates mentioned : in the U.S.S.R.". DEMONSTRATOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY-The Regis­ INSTITUTB OF METAL FINISHING (at the Northampton Polytechnic, trar, King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (May 24). GltADUATE DEMONSTRATOR IN PARASITOLOGY, to carry out research, St. John Street, London, E.C.l), at 6.15 p.m.-Dr. R. W. Cahn: preferably in helminth physiology, in addition to light teaching "The Use of Radio-Isotopes in Metal Finishing Research". duties-The Registrar, The University, Glasgow, W.2 (May 25). LECTURERS (preferably with a special knowledge in one of the Tuesday, May 21 following fields : electrical machinery ; control systems; electro­ acoustics and vibration analysis; and electrical communications, UNIVERSITY o,· LCINDON (in the Clinical Lecture Theatre, Middlesex including microwaves) IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-The Secretary Hospital Medical School, Mortimer Street, London, W.l), at 4 p.m.­ of University Court, The University, Glasgow (May 25). Dr. R. F. Milton: "Trace Elements in the Biological Relationships ASSISTANT LECTURER IN AGRICULTURE AND DEPUTY FARM of Soil, Plant and Animal".• DIRECTOR; an ASSISTANT LECTURER (with a special knowledge of MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCU, (at the National Institute for Medical crop husbandry) IN AGRICULTURE ; and a DEMONSTRATOR IN AGRI­ Research, Mill Hill, London, N.W.7), at 5 p.m.-Dr. Paul C. Zamecnik CULTURE, to assist with experimental work on the university farms-­ (Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston), "Recent Studies on The Registrar, The University, Leeds 2 (May 27). Protein Synthesis". READER IN ANATOMY at the London Hospital Medical College­ The Academic Registrar, University of London, Senate House, London, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (at King's College, Strand, London, W.C.2), W.C.1 (May 27). at 5.15 p.m.-Prof. A. von Muralt (Berne): "Research at the Jung­ RESEARCH ASSISTANTS (2) IN THE FIELDS OF INORGANIC AND fraujoch Scientific Station".* (First of two Halliburton Lectures.) PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, respectively-The Secretary, The University, INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS (at Great George Street, West­ Exeter (May 27). minster, London, S.W.1), at 5.30 p.m.-Mr. C. S. Chettoe and Mr. READER IN GEOGRAPHY at Birkbeck College-The Academic Wm. Henderson : "Brick and Masonry Arch Bridges : an Investiga­ Registrar, University of London, Senate House, London, W.C.1 tion". (May 29). ASSISTANT LECTURER IN GEOGRAPHY ; and an ASSISTANT LECTURER ROYAL INSTITUTION (at 21 Albemarle Street, London, W.l), at IN CHEMISTRY-The Registrar, The University, Leicester (May ~1). 5.30 p.m.-Sir Lawrence Bragg, F.R.S.: "Famous Experimenters ASSISTANT (with a good honours degree in agricultural zoology or in the Royal Institution". (Lecture for Fourth :Form Pupils. Further zoology) IN AGRICULTURAL ZOOLOGY-The Secretary of University lecture on May 28.) Court, The University, Glasgow (May 31). UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (in the Chemistry Theatre, University LECTURER (qualified in the physical sciences, preferably chemistry, College, Gower Street, London, W.C.1), at 5.30 p.rn.-Prof. Sir Cyril and varied teaching experience) IN THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Burt: "The Inheritance of Mental Ability"* (Walter Van-Dyke Bing­ -The Registrar, The University, Leicester (May 31). ham Lecture). ORGANIC CHEMIST (with a first- or good second-class honours degree) with the Agricultural Research Council's Plant Growth Substance SOCIETY FOR WATER TREATMENT AND EXAMINATION (joint meeting and Systemic Fungicide Unit, at Wye College (University of London), with the INSTITUTION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERS, at Caxton Hall, near Ashford, Kent--The Director, Plant Growth Substance and Westminster, London, S.W.1), at 6 p.m.-Mr. W. G. Carey: "The Systemic Fungicide Unit, Wye College, near Ashford, Kent (May 31). Chemist and the Public Health Engineer in relation to Water Treat­ PRINCIPAL OF THURROCK TECHNICAL COLLEGE, Grays-The Chief ment and Examination". Education Officer, County Offices, Chelmsford, Essex (May 31). SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL METHODS GROUP SENIOR LECTURERS (2) IN PHYSICS at Auckland University College (at the Chemical Society, Burlington Honse, Piccadilly, London, (University of New Zealand)-The Secretary, Association of Univer­ W.1), at 6.30 p.m.-Meetlng on "Electrochemistry". Dr. L. E sities of the British Commonwealth, 36 Gordon Square, London, W.C.1 Smythe: "Co:1lometric Titrations with an Integrated Current Source"; (New Zealand, May 31). Mr. A. W. Gardner: "Pulse Polarography". SENIOR RESEARCH ,voRKERS (2) (with considerable research ex­ perience) IN THE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL'S POULTRY SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS (at 5 Old Burlington Street, RESEARCH CENTRE, Edinburgh, to investigate problems concerning London, W.1), at 7.30 p,m.-Discussion Meeting on "Taste and the growth and reproduction in the domestic fowl with reference to Smell". Dr. H. Kalmus: "The Physiology and Genetics of Taste the importance of endocrine mechanisms-The Secretary, Agricultural and Smell"; Mr. B. Babington Smith: "The Experimental Study of Research Council, Cunard Building, 15 Regent Street, London, S.W.1 Preference"; Mr. W. J. Gleeson: "Some Practical Aspects of Taste (May31). Testing". RESEARCH FELLOW, and a RESEARCH ASSISTANT IN THE DEPARTMENT Wednesday, May 22 OF BOTANY, to undertake a survey of the nutritive requirements of the excised roots of different species and varieties-The Registrar, Univer­ UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (at King's College, Strand, London, W.C.2), sity College, Singleton Park, Swansea (June 1). at 5.15 p.m.-Prof. A. von Muralt (Berne): "Chemical Aspects of ASSISTANT LECTURER IN PHYSICS-The Secretary, The Queen's Nervous Excitation".* (Last of two Halliburton Lectures.) University, Belfast (June 3). LECTURER or ASSISTANT LECTURER IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS­ EUGENICS SOCIETY (at the Royal Society, Burlington House, The Registrar, University College of North Staffordshire, Keele, Piccadilly, London, W.l), at 5.30 p.m.-Mr. C. l\L Stewart: "Popula­ Staffs (June 3). tion Problems in the British Caribbean".* LECTURER or ASSISTANT LECTURER IN MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, FOOD GROUP (at 14 Belgrave -The Registrar, The University, Manchester 13 (June 3). Square, London, W.1), at 6 p.m.-Scientific Papers (Fifth Young RESEARCH FELLOW IN MATHEMATICS ; and an ASSISTANT IN Members' Meeting). MATHEMATICS-The Secretary of University Court, The University Glasgow (June 7). BRITISH INSTITUTION OF RADIO ENGINEERS (at the London School ASSISTANT LECTURER or LECTURER (with special interest and of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, Gower Street, qualifications in sedimentary petrology and a general interest in London, W.C.1), at 6.30 p.m.-Mr. G. Campbell: "Barium Titanate stratigraphy) IN GEOLOGY-The Secretary, University College, Gower and Its Uses as a Storage Device". Street, London, W.C.1 (June 10), ASSISTANT LECTURER (with an honours degree) IN CHIIMISTRY at Wednesday, May 22-Thursday, May 23 the University College of the West Indies-The Secretary, Inter­ University Council for Higher Education Overseas, 29 Woburn Square, IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE (at 4 Grosvenor Gardens, London, London, W.C.1 (June 14). S.W.1)-Eighty-eighth Annual General Meeting. READER IN ANTHROPOLOGY at the London School of Economics and Political Science-The Academic Registrar, University of London, Thursday, May 23 Senate House, London, W.C.1 (June 14). CHAIR OF CHEMISTRY in the University College of Ghana-The INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (at Savoy Place, London, Secretary, Inter-University Council for Higher Education Oversea.,, W.C.2), at 5.30 p.m.-Annual General Meeting. 6.30 p.m.-Dr. A. D 29 Woburn Square, London, W.C.1 (June 15). Booth: "General Applications of Digital Computers". CHAIR OF PHILOSOPHY in the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa-The Secretary, Association of Univer­ sities of the British Commonwealth, 36 Gordon Square, London, W.C.1 Thursday, May 23-Friday, May 24 (South Africa, June 15). ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY (joint meeting with the ROYAL LECTURER (with a special interest in mycology and plant pathology) ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, IN BOTANY at the University College of Ghana-The Secretary, Jnter­ W.1), at 10.30 a.m. daily-Symposia on "Planetary Atmospheres University Council for Higher Education Overseas, 29 Woburn Square, and Convection in Rotating Fluids". London, W.C.1 (June 18). © 1957 Nature Publishing Group.
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