INDEX Volume 197, April-June, 1976 Acetaldehyde, blood levels in ethanol-intoxicated treated with estrogenic agents, 362 mice, effect of pargyline and other monoamine Adniamycin, microsomal reductive glycosidase action oxidase inhibitors, 332 on, 681 Acetylcholine Age, effect on cardiotoxic action of digitalis, 10 in mouse brain, effects ofsodium pentobarbital, 245 Akera, T. -induced contractions in rabbit aorta, influence of see Ku, D. D., 458 mecamylamine, 57 see Weaver, L. C., 1 interactions with local anesthetics on guinea-pig Albumin ileum, 633 -prostaglandin interaction, 391 release from cholinergic nerves, inhibited by adeno- serum, human and bovine, noncovalent binding of sine, adenine nucleotides and morphine, antago- prostaglandins A1. E1 F2a and E2 by, 391 nism by theophylline, 379 Alcohols, ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl and iso-amyl, elimi- response of isolated guinea-pig ileum to, effects of nation by isolated perfused rat liver, 669 metoclopramide, 633 Allen, M. A., Wrenn, J. M., Putney, J. W., Jr. and N-Acetylprocainamide, electrological and antiar- Borzelleca, J. F.: A study of the mechanism of rhythmic properties correlated with plasma and transport of diphenylhydantoin in the rat sub- tissue drug concentrations in dog, 38 maxillary gland in vitro, 408 Acetylsalicylic acid, influence on myocardial ische- Alonso, M. B., see Rosen, M. R, 594 mia in cat, 582 Altura, B. M., Edgarian, H. and Altura, B. T.: Adenine nucleotides Differential effects of ethanol and mannitol on inhibition of acetylcholine release from cholinergic contraction of arterial smooth muscle, 352 nerves by, antagonism by theophylline, 379 Altura, B. T., see Altura, B. M., 352 mitochondnial translocation of, inhibited by sulfo- Amines, biogenic bromophthalein, effects upon rat liver adenosine release and uptake in brain tissue, comparative tniphosphate and possible correlation with inhibi- actions of monomethoxyamphetamines, 263 tion of bile flow, 235 release from isolated rat brain tissue as function of Adenosine, inhibition of acetylcholine release from meta substituent of N-ethylamphetamines, 253 cholinergic nerves by, antagonism by theophyl- Aminoff, M. J., see Sampson, S. R., 119 line, 379 para-Aminohippurate, effect on renal glutamine me- Adenosine 3’,S’-monophosphate, catecholamine- tabolism in rat, 199 stimulated formation in cerebellar slices inter- Aminopyridines, as inhibitors of membrane potas- related with inhibitory effects on cerebellar Pur- sium conductance, 414 kinje cells, antagonism by neuroleptic com- Ammonia, effect of fatty acids on disposition of, 675 pounds, 280 Ammoniagenesis, from glutamine in rat, effect of Na,K-Adenosine tniphosphatase, cardiac, guinea para-aminohippurate, 199 pig and rat, effect of monovalent cations and d-Amphetamine, intermittent and repeated adminis- ouabain on, 458 tration, effects on restricted water intake in rats, Adenosine triphosphate, rat liver, effects of sulfo- 303 bromophthalein-induced inhibition of mitochon- Analgesics, narcotic and narcotic antagonist, test for dnial translocation of anions and adenine nucleo- antinociceptive activity in guinea pig, 311 tides upon, possible correlation with inhibition of Anderson, T. R., see Bartolom#{233}, J., 293 bile flow, 235 Anesthetics, local Adrenal gland (see Gland, adrenal) inhibition of platelet aggregation and secretion, 215 Adnenergic receptors interactions with spasmogens on guinea-pig ileum, alpha, in rabbit aorta, dissociation constants and 633 relative efficacies of agonists acting on, 66 suppression of ionic conductances in squid axon rabbit cerebral artery, characterization in vitro, 371 membranes by, effects of calcium, 426 Adrenergic responsiveness, beta, reduced in rats Angiotensin tachyphylaxis, 575 745 746 INDEX Vol. 197 Anions, mitochondrial translocation of, inhibited by Bagwell, E. E., Walle, T., Drayer, D. E., Reidenberg, sulfobromophthalein; effects upon rat liver aden- M. M. and Pruett, J. K.: Correlation of the osine tniphosphate and possible correlation with electrophysiological and antiarrhythmic proper- inhibition of bile flow, 235 ties of the N-acetyl metabolite of procainamide Antiallergic agent, new orally effective (Wy-16,922), with plasma and tissue drug concentrations in immunopharmacologic properties of, 725 the dog, 38 Antiarrhythmic properties of N-acetylprocainamide, Balcerzak, S. P., Melaragno, A., Flanigan, P. W. and correlated with tissue and plasma drug concen- Bromberg, P. A.: Impaired tissue oxygenation in trations in dog, 38 cyanate-treated animals, 229 Antiarthritic properties of SK&F D-39162, potential Barchas, J. D., see Patrick, R. L., 89, 97 chrysotherapeutic agent, 142 Barium chloride Antibodies, reactive with meperidine, production and interactions with local anesthetics on guinea-pig characterization, 734 ileum, 633 Anti-inflammatory agents, nonsteroidal, influence on response of isolated guinea-pig ileum to, effects of myocardial ischemia in cat, 582 metoclopramide, 641 Antinociceptive activity of narcotic and narcotic an- Bartolom#{233}, J., Seidler, F. J., Anderson, T. R. and tagonist analgesics in guinea pig, test for, 311 Slotkin, T. A.: Effects of prenatal reserpine Antiparkinsonian drugs, actions on squid axon mem- administration on development of the rat adrenal branes, 135 medulla and central nervous system, 293 Antischistosomal drugs, long-term hepatocellular Begany, A. J., see Rosenthale, M. E., 725 effects in mice infected with Schistosoma man- Behavior soni, 703 circling, after narcotic drugs and during naloxone- Aorta precipitated abstinence in rats with unilateral rabbit, alpha adrenergic receptors, dissociation nigral lesions, 503 constants and relative efficacies of agonists food-rewarded bar pressing in rat, tolerance and acting on, 66 limited cross-tolerance to effects of N,N-dime- rabbit, isolated, influence of mecamylamine on thyltryptamine and lysergic acid diethyla- contractions induced by agonists and role of mide-25 on, 495 calcium ions in, 57 Bellville, J. W., Gasser, J. C., Miyake, T. and Aqleh, rabbit, tachyphylaxis to angiotensi in, 575 K. : Tolerance to the respiratory effects of man- strips, rat, differential effects of ethanol and man- juana in man, 326 nitol on contraction of, 352 Bentley, P. J., see Yorio, T., 188, 340 Aqleh, K., see Bellville, J. W., 326 Benzocaine, suppression of ionic conductances in Arteries squid axon membranes by, effects ofcalcium, 426 cerebral, rabbit, characterization in vitro of adre- Benztropine, actions on squid axon membranes, 135 nergic receptors, 371 Besse, J. C. and Funchgott, R. F.: Dissociation con- internal and external carotid, dog, effects of sero- stants and relative efficacies of agonists acting on tonin on blood flow in, 49 alpha adrenergic receptors in rabbit aorta, 66 Arthritis, adjuvant-induced, in rats, elimination and Bevan, J. A., see Duckles, S. P., 371 distribution of phenylbutazone during, 470 Bigelow, G. E., see Gniffiths, R R., 488 ASI-222, new 4-aminosugar semisynthetic cardiac Binding glycoside, 19 noncovalent, of prostaglandins A, E, F2a and E2 Atropine mydriasis and iris pigmentation, 79 by human and bovine serum albumins, 391 Auty, R. M. and Branch, R. A.: The elimination of of cations to choroid plexus peptide HF, 402 ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl and iso-amyl alcohols by Black, D. J., Fregly, M. J., Thrasher, T. N. and the isolated perfused rat liver, 669 Moreland, A . F. : Reduced beta adrenergic Axon responsiveness in rats treated with estrogenic giant, Myxicola, effects of aminopyridines and agents, 362 sparteine on membrane potassium conductance Bladder, urinary, epithelium, toad, effects of ethanol of, 414 on permeability of, 188 membranes, squid, actions of trihexyphenidyl and Blood, acetaldehyde levels in ethanol-intoxicated benztropine on, 135 mice, effect of pargyline and other monoamine membranes, squid, effects of calcium on local oxidase inhibitors on, 332 anesthetic suppression of ionic conductances in, Blood flow, in internal and external carotid vascular 426 beds, effects of serotonin, 49 Bile flow, inhibition in rat, possible correlation with Bachur, N. R. and Gee, M.: Microsomal reductive effects of sulfobromophthalein-induced inhibi- glycosidase, 681 tion of mitochondnial translocation of anions and 1976 INDEX 747 adenine nucleotides on liver adenosine tniphos- (ASI-222), 19 phate, 235 Cardiac glycoside, new 4-aminosugar semisynthetic Borzelleca, J. F., see Allen, M. A., 408 (ASI-222), 19 Brain Cardiotoxic action of digitalis, effect of age, 10 artery, rabbit, characterization in vitro of adrener- Carotid body, chemoreceptor activity, cat, neurally gic receptors, 371 induced inhibition of, 119 isolated tissue, rat, release of biogenic amines from, Cat(s) as function of meta substituent of N-ethylam- carotid body chemoreceptor activity, neurally in- phetamines, 253 duced inhibition of, 119 metabolism of 5-hydroxytryptophan- 14C following effects of fatty acids on disposition of ammonia in, peripheral decarboxylase inhibition, 545 675 mouse, effects of sodium pentobarbital on acetyl- ethanol effects on muscle spindle afferent activity choline in, 245 and spinal reflexes in, 126 rat, developing, effects of 6-hydroxydopa on norad- influence of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents renergic neurons in, 105 on myocardial ischemia in, 582 striatal synaptosomes, rat, correlations between isolated tenuissimus muscle, subsynaptic site of veratridine-induced dopamine synthesis stimula- action of theophylline on, 647 tion and endogenous dopamine release in, 89 monoamine oxidase inhibition and induction
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