TWENTY#FIFTH SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Marek Rudecki, SAC - Pastor SUNDAY MASSES: tel. 914-963-4766 Saturday -Vigil Mass: 5PM (English). [email protected] Sunday: 8 AM (English), 10 AM (Polish) & Fr. Wiesław Gąska, SAC - Vicar Parochial 6 PM (Spanish). Anna Kaplińska , Music Director WEEKDAY MASSES: Marianne Lomoriello - Secretary Parish Council : Ann O’Lear - Chair Person, Alina Gauza, Monday through Saturday Anna Kapliński, Anna Ogorek, Lucyna Okrutniak, 8AM (English) in our Rectory Chapel. Józef Pomoryn, Nicholas Schurick, Daniel F. Tanzone, Marianne Lomoriello. HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION: Financial Council : Ann O’Lear, Stephen M. Schurick & VIGIL MASS: 7 PM (English) Michael Ulański. Trustees : Stephen M. Schurick and Daniel F. Tanzone. HOLY DAY MASSES: 8:00 AM (English) & 7 PM (Polish). FIRST FRIDAY MASS: - 8 AM (English) & 7 PM (Polish) M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION “%e Mission of St. Casimir’s Roman Catholic Parish Saturday 4:00-5:00 PM is to nurture our Christ-centered prayer community steeped in Sundays -15 minutes prior to each Holy Mass. love in the spirit of sel&ess service to God and neighbor, ever First Friday- 6:15 PM mindful of our roots under the protection of Our Lady of Czesto- ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT: chowa, in recognizing the Eucharist as the source and summit of (HOLY HOUR & BENEDICTION) our Christian life.” Saturday: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM OUR LADY OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: following Monday morning Mass (8 AM) Parish Membership: SICK & SHUT-IN VISITS: Every family and single adult to be considered an active Please call the parish o$ce to make arrangements. member of St. Casimir’s Parish must be properly regis- BAPTISMS: tered in the parish, receiving and regularly using the parish Please call the parish o$ce to make arrangements. weekly donation envelopes. Only in this way can the par- MARRIAGES: ish issue documents attesting to parish membership and Please call the parish o$ce to make arrangements. Catholic practice, e.g. a letter to be a Godparent or Sponsor. New parishioners are requested to visit the parish o$ce. We extend to our visitors a very special welcome. We trust that the liturgy will be a blessing to you and you will visit us again. If you think you may be interested in joining St. Casimir’s Parish, please "ll in the form below and bring or mail to parish o#ce or place in the collection basket. We will make arrangements for your registration. New phone number and address change information are also appreciated. Name_________________________________________Phone__________ Address.Str._______________________________________ _Apt#________ City.___________________________Zip._____Email_____ _______________ MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SEPTEMBER********************************************** 22, 2019 SAINT CASIMIR CHURCH SANCTUARY LAMP SATURDAY St. Matthew, Apostle 9/21/19 8:00 A.M. SEPTEMBER 22nd to SEPTEMBER 28st 4:00 P. M. HOLY HOUR with the Exposition of !e IN LOVING MEMORY OF Most Blessed Sacrament. PETER SR., PETER JR. & TERESA FILA 4:00 P. M. CONFESSIONS (Polish and English) BY 5:00 P. M. + Jim Pramann - THE SOKOLIK FAMILY By: Patricia Rooney. ****************************************************************** TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TWENTY- FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9/22/19 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2019 8:00 A.M. + Eugenia Lipski Mationg - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2019 By: Sophie Fortuniewicz. MASS AT 5:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. - God’s Blessings & Graces ATTENDANCE: 48; COLLECTION: $ 326.00 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER15, 2019 Upon Konrad Burnett - MASS AT 8:00 A.M. By: Parents. ATTENDANCE: 56; COLLECTION: $1,342.00 6:00 P. M. (Holy Mass celebrated in Spanish) MASS AT 10:00 A.M. (Misa en Espanol) ATTENDANCE: 142; COLLECTION: $ 871.00 MASS AT 6 P. M. ATTENDANCE: 37; COLLECTION: $ 244.00 MONDAY St. Pius of Pietrelcina 9/23/19 TOTAL ATTENDANCE: 287; TOTAL COLLECTIONS: $2,783.00 8:00 A.M . + Jolanta Patrosz - CHURCH AIR CONDITIONING FUND: $ 860.00 **************************************************************** By: Margaret & Joseph Walencik & Family. TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY TUESDAY 9/24/19 IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 A.M. ++ Robert & Gemma Mistal - By: Eileen Mistal Moses intercedes on behalf of the people who had WEDNESDAY 9/25/19 turned away from the covenant. !e Lord delights not 8:00 A.M . + Emily Krok - in sin, but in turning back to Him, for a contrite and By: Teresa Lipski Mationg. humble heart God will never spurn. He sent His Son into the world not to condemn but to save sinners THURSDAY St. Cosmos & St. Damian, Martyrs 9/26/19 HOLY HOUR - Every morning (Monday through Fri- 8:00 A.M. day) we observe HOLY HOUR with the Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament prior to the celebration FRIDAY St. Vincent De Paul 9/27/19 of our 8 AM Holy Mass. Please come and spend some 8:00 A.M. - O Zdrowie i Boże Błogosławieństwo extraordinary quality and quiet time in private adora- Dla Stasia Osypka - tion and meditation with Our Savior in the Holy Eu- Od: Przyjacial. charist - it is truly an exceptional way to begin your day! SATURDAY St. Wenceslaus , Martyr 9/28/19 SUNDAY (9/22) - SECOND COLLECTION - CHURCH St. Larwrence Ruiz & Companions, Martyrs REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FUND - CHURCH STAIRS 8:00 A.M. + Henry Pierz Sr. - - Let us o%er a rousing THANK YOU to the parishioners of By: Wife, Eileen & Children our brother Church, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, especially 4:00 P. M. HOLY HOUR with the Exposition of !e the fantastic gentlemen who renovated and restored the Most Blessed Sacrament. stairs of our Church to their majestic beauty. A bit more 4:00 P. M. CONFESSIONS (Polish and English) 5:00 P. M. + Eugenia Lipski Mationg - work needs still to be completed: but, our stairs look amaz- Od: Marianna Klimaszewska. ing and feel extremely sturdy and safe. May God bless one-hundred fold to our fantastic brethren at Our Lady TWENTY- SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9/29/19 of Mount Carmel. for their kindness. Muchas Gracias!!! 8:00 A.M. + Chester Henryk Dybski - By: W. Dybski. TODAY (9/22) - PARISH MASS CELEBRATED IN 10:00 A.M. + Aleksandra Pelczyńska - SPANISH - ALL are welcome to attend our Parish Holy Od: Przyjaciołka, Ella. Mass being celebrated in Spanish with our brethren 6:00 P. M. (Holy Mass celebrated in Spanish) from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish at 6 PM to the (Misa en Espanol) accompaniment of the delightful singing of our Spanish- speaking adult and children worshipers. WE EXTEND A SINCERE INVITATION AND HEART- SUNDAY (9/29) - SECOND COLLECTION -- ST. JO- FELT WELCOME TO CATHOLIC FAMILIES AND INDI- SEPH’S SEMINARY - !e faithful of the Archdiocese VIDUALS TO COME AND SHARE IN WORSHIPING of NY are asked this weekend to o%er generous support WITH OUR FAITH COMMUNITY. towards ST. JOSEPH’S SEMINARY. Our wholehearted ANYONE WISHING TO REGISTER AS A PARISHIO- support represents an integral portion of the Seminary’s NER OF OUR PARISH IS HEARTILY ENCOURAGED TO yearly operational revenue. Envelopes designated for PLEASE DO SO BY COMPLETING THE LOWER POR- this special Collection for St. Joseph’s Seminary are con- TION OF OUR BULLETIN AND LEAVING THE INFOR- MATION WITH ONE OF OUR USHERS OR AT OUR tained in our parishioner envelopes packets, as well as in RECTORY. the vestibule of our Church. ATTENTION PLEASE! CCD REGISTRATION -We in- form Parents that we are starting registration for CCD - Religious Education Program to prepare for the Sacra- DWUDZIEŚTA-PIĄTA ments (Confession, First Holy Communion and Con!rma- tion) in English, Polish or Spanish for children, adolescents NIEDZIELA ZWYKŁA and adults. Forms are available at the entrance to the Church. Nasza wiara, aby była autentyczna, musi sięgać konkretów Please complete the form and send with a check to the Par- codziennego życia. Dzisiaj Pan Bóg pyta nas o nasze odnie- ish o#ce or please give to a Priest a$er Mass. Religion sienie do ludzi i o dysponowanie dobrami materialnymi. classes will take place on: Oszustwo, wyzysk, chciwość nie pozostaną bez konsekwencji. * for children on Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM I do nas skierowane są słowa: Zdaj sprawę z twego zarządu. * for young people on Wednesdays or %ursdays from 6:00 Póki mamy czas, możemy sobie zjednywać bliźnich. Tylko PM to 7:30 PM at the Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel okazując miłosierdzie ludziom, możemy liczyć, że i Bóg nam (70 Park Hill Ave.) je okaże. Hours and days may change depending on the number of stu- dent registered. Fr. Marek Rudecki SAC, Pastor DZISIAJ (9/22) - DRUGA KOLEKTA - REPAIR & MAINTE- NANCE FUND - Przeznaczone będą do tego specjalne nie- SAVE THE DATE! bieskie koperty. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2019 82nd GEN. CASIMIR PULASKI DAY PARADE NIEDZIELA (9/29) - DRUGA KOLEKTA - na utrzymanie OUR OBSERVANCE WILL BEGIN WITH THE WYZSZEGO SEMINARIUM DUCHOWNEGO - Przeznac- CELEBRATION AT OUR 10 AM POLISH MASS. zone będą do tego specjalne niebieskie koperty. THEN JOIN FELLOW ZAPISY DO PARAFII WESTCHESTER POLONIA AND Witamy nowych para!an. Zachęcamy też wszystkich do o!c- MARCH DOWN FIFTH AVENUE, NYC. jalnego zapisania się do naszej para!i. Wystarczy wypełnić PLEASE, COME OUT IN POLISH PRIDE TO formę z pierwszej strony biuletynu. Prosimy odebrać KOP- CELEBRATE AND SUPPORT ERY, dla nowo zarejestrowanych Para!an. THE INCREDIBLE HERITAGE AND Para!a żyje dzięki Twojej obecności, wierze, miłości oraz SPIRIT OF POLONIA!! o!arowaniu swojego czasu, zdolności i pomocy materialnej. Please join us in celebrating our deeply meaningful 10 AM Prosimy pamiętać, że tylko praktykujący i zapisani do para!i Polish Mass in the uni!ed bonds of joy and love beseeching katolicy mogą pełnić rolę rodziców chrzestnych, świadków God’s Blessings upon the beautiful Heritage, and Culture of Bierzmowania lub mogą uzyskać potrzebne w tym celu Poland.
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