A page from the Wode Psalter manuscript part-book (1586). 180 Index a Alsop, Joseph, 55 A Altobello, Daniel J., 172 A. W. French Collection, 52 Alumni Subject Files, 177 Abel, Rudolf, 57 Ambrose, Thomas E., 22 Abell, George, 60 America (magazine), 21 Abell Napoleonic Collection, 60 American Catholic directory (1817), 72 Abrons, Herbert, 148 American Catholic Sermon Collection, 17 Abrons, L. N. W., 146 American Committee on United Europe, Archives of Abs, Herman, 46 the, 46 Abshire, David M., 40 American History: American Revolution, 71; Colonial Academic Journal of Georgetown College, 173 Americana, 69–70; Early Maryland and Pennsylvania academic records, 172–73 History, 70–71; Local History, 85–90; Nineteenth “Account of State and Condition of Roman Catholics of Century, 71–81; Twentieth Century, 81–85 Maryland” (Hunter), 20 American Humanism and the New Age (L. Mercier), 81 Acheson, Dean, 37, 38 American Journal of Photography, 123 Ackerley, J. R., 98 American Journal of Photography and the Allied Arts & Ackerson, Edmund E., 37 Sciences, 123 Ackerson, Garret G., III, 37 American Literature, 110–16 Ackerson, Garret G., Jr., 37 American Revolution, 71 Acton, Daphne, 98 American Teilhard Association Archives, 26 Adam, Adolphe, 127 American Teilhard Association for the Future of Man, 26 Adams, Ansel, 123 American Teilhard Association Library, 26 Adams, Lester, 53 The America Archives, 21 Adelman, Maurice, Jr., 59, 94, 105, 114, 137 Ames W. Williams Papers, 111 Adenauer, Konrad, 123 Amidakyo, 120 Adgate Duer Papers, 80 Amis, Kingsley, 111 Adile, Princess, 48 Amorosi, Mr. & Mrs. Edward, 57 Adrienne Croissant Papers, 24 Amrine, Michael, 118 Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (Twain), 7, 92, 104, 105, 111 Amrine, Renée, 84, 118 After Two Years (Gr. Greene), 103 Anderson, Frank Hartley, 159 Agar, James Charles Welbore Ellis, 61 Anderson, Martha Fort, 159 Aiken, Conrad, 113 Anderson, Robert, 74 Aizelin, Eugéne-Antoine, 161 Anderson, Samuel W., 45–46 Alad Redway Papers, 103 Anderson, Mrs. Samuel W., 46 Albee, Grace, 153 Anderson, Sherwood, 112 Albert Marckwardt Papers, 120 Anderson, Stanley, 153 Albright, Madeleine, 41 André, John, 71 Alcantara Herrán, Pedro, 51 André Visson Papers, 118 Alexander McWilliams Papers, 70 Andrew J. Graves, S. J., Papers, 22 Alexander Ward Papers, 62 Andrews, Wayne, 96 Alexis Carrel Papers, 63 Angelo, Valenti, 135, 136 Alfaro, Ricardo Joaquin, 52 Angleton, James Jesus, 56 Alfaro Family Papers, 52 Anglo-American Catholic Authors, 93–105 Alfred M. Pommer Papers, 88 Anna M. Brady Papers, 96–97 Algerine Spy, The (1787), 54 Anne Arundel Community College, 64 al-Gharnati, Muhammad, 120 anniversary celebrations, Georgetown University, 176–77 Alice, Where Art Thou? (McCutcheon), 156 Annunciation (Toscani), 145 Allen, David, 159 Anthony Cave Brown Papers, 55 Allen, Grant, 106 Anthony Powell Collection, 108 Allen, William, 13, 14 Antisell, Thomas, 79, 150 Allers, Rudolf, 105 Anton Gloetzner Collection, 127–28 Allingham, Margery, 111 Antrim, Angela, 101 Allison, James Murray, 94 Apollonian (yearbook), 176 Alma Regina, Sister, 104 Apologia pro vita sua (Newman), 93 Alpine Waterfall (Cropsey), 148 Appleby, John T., 63 181 Applewhite, Edgar J., 56 “Babyhood” (Swinburne), 106 Applied Linguistics, Center for, 121 Back, Robert, 150 Arabia (J. Philby), 49 Background of Islam (J. Philby), 49 Arabic Script Manuscript Collection, 119–20 Backstage at the Opera During a Performance of Aida Arasteh, A. Reza, 97, 120 (Forain), 159, 160 Archbishop John Carroll (Connor), 160, 161, 162 Bacon, Peggy, 136, 152 Archibald Roosevelt, Jr. Collection, 138 Bacon, Robert, 44 Archives, 7, 10, 11; See also University Archives; specific Bacon, Robert Low, 31, 87 archives Bacon, Virginia Murray, 31, 87–88, 138 Argentinean Jesuits Collection, 18 Bader, Franz, 90 Argy, William P., 89 Badyna, Karol, 161 Armat, Mrs. C. Brooke, 124 Baer, John, 157 Armat, Thomas, 124 Bailey, James H., 105 Armin H. Meyer Papers, 39 Bailey, Sabina, 100 Armitage, John, 48 Bailey, Mrs. Turner, 161 Armour, Norman, 37 Bailey K. Ashford Papers, 82 Arms, John Taylor, 77, 152, 158, 163, 164 Bailey Kelly Ashford, M. D. (M. Daingerfield), 162 Army Student Training Program, 173 Baird, Matthew, III, 106 Arnauld, Antoine, 59 Baker, George Pierce, 113 Arnold, Matthew, 94 Baker, Josephine, 113 Aronovici, John, 158 Baker, Lafayette C., 75 Ars Typographica (journal), 135 Bakman, Patrick T., 129 Art Collection, 10; See also University Art Collection; Bakman, Richard L., 129 specific works of art Ball, George, 44 Art Young Collection, 137 Bancroft, Elizabeth, 54 Art Young’s Inferno (A. Young), 137 Banker’s Forum, 168, 169 Arthur Johnston Papers, 130 Bantock, Granfille, 127 Arts and Sciences, College of, 168, 173 Bapst, John, 17 As I Am (Jennings), 101 Barbara Ward Papers, 99 Ashcanase, Abe, 48 Barbee, David Rankin, 74 Ashford, Bailey K., 82, 162 Barber, Samuel, 127, 130 Aspinwall, Thomas, 42 Barbour, George, 25 Aspinwall, W. H., 51 Barbour, Ian G., 26 Association of American Colleges, 168 Barbour Collection, 26, 143 Astley, Joan Bright, 115 “Bardstown Catechism,” 72 Astor, Bronwen, 25 Barger, Thomas C., 48 Astor, Nancy, 102 Baril, Tom, 159 Astor, Waldorf, 66 Barnes Collection, 32 astronomical calculations (1846), 178 Barnes Company, 32 Atchity, Kenneth Aguillard, 115 Barnsley, Alan G., 104 Athletic Department, 177 Barnum, Francis A., 6, 7, 20, 21 Athletic Subject Files, 177 Baron Robert Silvercruys Collection, 117 Atlas, Mrs. Liane, 153 Barreda, Joseph de, 16 Atomic Energy Collection, 83–84 Barrett, Andrea, 105 Attwood, Peter, 15, 17 Barringer, George M. & Penelope C., 13, 84, 107, 136 Auchincloss, Louis, 95 Barry, Ellen, 113 Auden, W. H., 109, 113 Barry, Philip, 113 Audio-Visual Collections, 175–76 Barry, Philip, Jr., 113 Audubon, John James, 158 Barry Moser Collection, 155 August Velletri Papers, 39 Barsch family, 85 Austin, David, 103 Bartlett, Robert L., 53 Australian Consulate Collection, 129 Barton, Wilfred Mason, 89 Auth, Tony, 157 Baruch, Bernard, 31, 123 The Avenue (Kainen), 155 baseball, letter about (1864), 76 Avery, Milton, 152 baseball box score (1864), 76 Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. (Groh, III), 159 Baskerville, John, 134 Aylmer, Margaret, 79 Basset, Gene, 85, 157 Aylmer Family Papers, 79 Bassett, Bernard, 98 Ayscough, John, 104 Bates, Finis L., 74 Bates, H. E., 99 Bax, Arnold, 127 B Bay of Pigs, 45 Babbling April (Gr. Greene), 103 Beach, Amy, 131 182 Beach, Sylvia, 113–14 Birkhead, George, 14 Bearden, Margaret, 74 Birrell, Augustine, 107 Beaton, Cecil, 123 Birth of the Flag, The (Mosler), 148 Beatty, Vincent F., 23 Bischoff, Anthony D., 102 Beauchamp Hughes Collection, 109 Bishop Alfred Earle Papers, 61 Beaulac, Ana, 43 Bishop John Carroll (G. Stuart), vi, 145, 149 Beaulac, Willard Leon, 43 Bitzer, Billy, 124 Beauregard, Pierre, 73 Bjork, Anita, 102 Beaverbrook, Max, 30 Black, Davidson, 28 Beerbohm, Max, 101, 109 Blaine, James G., 72 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 127, 128 Blake, Mrs., 89 Beilenson, Peter, 135 Blatty, William Peter, 114 Bel Geddes, Norman, 113 Blaydaladoff, Alexandra, 65 Bell, Gertrude, 36 Blaydaladoff, Victor M., 65 Belloc, Elizabeth, 94 Bleak House (Dickens), 105 Belloc, Hilaire, 10, 94–95, 98, 104 Bliss, George, 148 Bellow, Saul, 115 Bliss, Mrs. George, 162 Belson family, 14 block books, 134 Belt, Edward S., 82 Blommer Science Library, 9 Benedict Joseph Flaget (Paul), 149 Bloomgarden, Richard, 74 Benet, Stephen Vincent, 113 Blue & Gray (newspaper), 176 Ben-Gurion, David, 115 “Blue and Gray Show, The” (radio broadcast), 84 Benjamin, Mary A., 15, 16, 64 Boar Hunt (Saverij), 147 Benjamin, Mrs. Walter R., 64 Board of Directors, Minutes of the, 170 Benjamin J. Gilbert Papers, 80 Boemi, Andrew, 148 Bensky, Roger C., 118 Boggs, Vickie R., 77 Bentley, Nicolas, 107 Bohm, Franz, 44 Benton, Thomas Hart, 136, 152 Boileau, Nathaniel B., 77 Benzoni, Giovanni Maria, 162 Bonbright, James C. H., 38 Berenson, Bernard, 113 Bonestell, Chesley, 45 Berger, Elizabeth L., 38 Bonheur, Isidore-Jules, 162 Berger, Samuel D., 38 Bonnycastle, John, 5 Bergin, Thomas, 115 Bonsels, Waldamar, 65 Bergonzi, Bernard, 101 book arts, 133–38 Berkley, William, 134 Book of Kells, 133 Berlin, Isaiah, 97 Book of Mormon, The (1830), 72, 142 Berlin Airlift, 45 Book of Psalms . Proverbs . Ecclesiastes, The, 137 Bernadin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri, 60 bookbindings, 134–35, 135 Bernaldez Pizarro, Don Manuel, 80 Booker Prize Collection, 108 Bernard and Barbara Wall Papers, 100 Booth, John Wilkes, 74, 74, 75 Bernard Bergonzi Papers, 101 Booth, W. Bramwell, 62 Bernard U. Campbell Papers, 79 Booth, William, 62 Bernstein, Lester, 53 Borja, Francisco de, Saint, 16 Bernstein, Marver, 50 Boss, Eugene G., 75 Berrigan, Daniel, 23, 96 Boswell, William O., 37 Berryman, Jim, 157 Bouché, Louis-Alexandre, 148 Berryman, John, 111 Bourbon, Louis François Joseph, 60 Bertram, Anthony, 102 Bourke-White, Margaret, 123 Betjeman, John, 101 Bowen, Russell J., 54, 138 Betz, Paul F., 106, 109, 117, 118 The Bowen Spy Fiction Collection, 54–55 Beyond the New Morality (R. Shaw), 97 Bowers, Claude G., 37 Bibliotheca Catholica Americana (1872), 4, 18 Bowers, Fredson, 116 Bicentenary Celebration, Georgetown University, 177 Bowers, Lloyd W., 30 Bickerstaff-Drew, Francis, 104 Bowie, Katherine A., 134 Biddle, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Randolph, 113 Bowie, Robert, 35 Biddle, Francis, 90, 113 Boy with a Tambourine (T. Crawford), 161 Biddle, George, 113 Boyd, Malcolm, 115 Biddle, Katharine Garrison Chapin, 113 Boyer, Ernest W., 153 Biddle Collection, 113 Boyer, Helen King, 77, 153 Billings, Richard, 84, 119 Boyer, Louise Miller, 77, 153 Biomedical
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