Index to Volume 112 The Auk 112(4):1089-1100, 1995 COMPILED BY GENEVIEVE M. TVRDIK Abundance, Calliope Hummingbird, 517-521 phrey,A. Alycin Hayes,and CynthiaC. Laukert, Accipitercooperii, 1004-1023; gentilis, 1004-1023; nisus, Color, size, and location of artificial fruits affect 1004-1023 sucroseavoidance by Cedar Waxwingsand Eu- Acrocephalusvaughani taiti, 77-86 ropean Starlings,436-444 Adams, William, see Heinrich, Bernd, et al. Aythyaamericana, 192-200; valisneria, 192-200 Adoption of chicks,Thick-billed Murre, 508-510 Aebischer, Nicholas J., see Poulsen,John Grynderup, Baker,Allan J., review by, 268-269 and -- Baker, Mitchell, Environmental component of lati- Aegoliusacadicus, 1004-1023; funereus, 1004-1023 tudinal clutch-size variation in House Sparrows Aerial feeding, American Redstart,310-325 (Passerdomesticus), 249-252 Agelaiusphoeniceus, 364-374, 720-730 Ballou, JonathanD., see Haig, SusanM., and -- Ainley, David G., Nadav Nur, and Eric J. Woehler, Baltz, Michael, E., First recordsof the Shiny Cowbird Factorsaffecting the distribution and size of py- (Molothrusbonariensis) in the BahamaArchipela- goscelidpenguin coloniesin the Antarctic, 171- go, 1039-1041 182 Bananaquit,503-507 Ajaia ajaja,613-632 Bandingrecovery rates, Great Horned Owl, 44-59 Akepa, 402-414 Banks, Richard C., and M. Ralph Browning, Com- Alauda arvensis, 1070-1073 ments on the status of revived old names for some Albano, Daniel J., see Kroodsma, Donald E., et al. North American birds, 633-648 Alien, Paul E., see Winkler, David W., and -- Baptista,Luis F., In memoriam:Robert T. Orr, 1908- Allozymes,Diglossa, 156-170; Mexican Jay, 464-472; 1994, 1032-1033 sapsucker,547-563; Scrub Jay, 464-472 Barrowclough,George F., review by, 524 Alsop, Fred J., lII, review by, 807-808 Bart, Jonathan, Matthias Hofschen, and Bruce G. Pe- Amazilia saucerottei,118-132; tzacatl, 118-132 terjohn,Reliability of the breedingbird survey: American Ornithologists' Union, William Brewster Effectsof restrictingsurveys to roads,758-761 Memorial Award, 1994: Frank McKinney, 265- Bartramialongicauda, 720-730 266;Elliot CouesAward, 1994:Wolfgang Wiltsch- Behavior, Black-throated Blue Warbler, 931-946; ko, 266-267; Fortieth supplement to the Ameri- Common Murre, 947-957 can Ornithologists' Union Check-listof North Behavior,display, hummingbird, 1064-1066 American birds, 819-830 Behavior,social, Mexican Jay, Scrub Jay, 464-472 Ammodramus henslowii, 720-730; savannarum, 720-730 Bennett,Darin C., Philip E. Whitehead,and LeslieE. Amundsen, Trond, see Smiseth, Per T., and -- Hart, Growth and energy requirementsof hand- Anas, 87-97; acura,192-200; platyrhynchos,192-200, reared Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)chicks, 782-785; strepera,429-435 201-209 Anastomus oscitans,257-260 Bennett,Darin C., see Hughes,Maryanne R., et al. Anderson, David J., The role of parents in siblicidal Best, Louis B., see Gionfriddo, JamesP., et al. brood reduction of two booby species,860-869 Bicudo, JoseEduardo P. W., see Chaui-Berlinck, Jose Anous minutus, 1073-1077; stolidus,326-334 Guilherme, and -- Anumbius anumbi, 800-804 Biologicalspecies concept, 701-719 Aphelocomacoerulescens, 464-472; ultramarina,464-472 Bittern, American, 613-632; Least, 613-632, 672-679; Apteryx australismantelli, 680-689 White-crested, 672-679 Aquilachrysaetos, 1004-1023 Blackbird,Red-winged, 364-374, 720-730; Yellow- Ardea herodias,201-209, 613-632 headed, 183-191 Area requirement, minimum, Ovenbird, 98-106 Bleiweiss, Robert, John A. W. Kirsch, and Naveed Arendt, Wayne J., see Faaborg,John, and -- Shaft, Confirmationof a portion of the Sibley- Asiofiammeus, 1004-1023; otus, 1004-1023 Ahlquist "tapestry," 87-97 Athene noctua, 1004-1023 Bloodparasites, Pied Flycatcher,1041-1043 Ariaperesrufinucha, 210-224; schistaceus,210-224; tri- Bluebird, Western, 1062-1064 color, 210-224 Bluethroat, 1049-1053 Auklet, Rhinoceros, 60-66 Bobolink, 720-730 Automolusleucophthalmus, 800-804 Bodycomposition, Grey-breasted Silvereyes, 421-428; Avery, Michael L., David G. Decker, John S. Hum- neonate, 192-200 1089 1090 Indexto Volume112 [Auk, Vol. 112 Bodycondition, Blue Petrel, 964-972;migrants, 690- Buarremonbrunneinuchus, 225-236; torquatus,225-236 700 Bubo,87-97; bubo,1004-1023; virginianus, 44-59, 1004- Bodylipids, shorebird,590-602 1023 Boerstoa, P. Dee, see Fowler, Gene S., et al. Bubulcusibis, 613-632 Bollinger,Eric K., Successionalchanges and habitat Buckley,Nell J., reviewsby, 811-812, 812-813 selectionin hayfield bird communities,720-730 Bullfinch, Puerto Rican, 503-507 Bombycillacedrorum, 436-444 Bunting, Orange-breasted,1-19 Booby,Blue-footed, 860-869; Masked,860-869 Burley, Nancy Tyler, see Fenske,Benjamin, and Bosman, Ruth M., see Lombardo, Michael P., et al. Botauruslentiginosus, 613-632 Buteobuteo , 1004-1023; jamaicensis, 1004-1023; lagopus, Bozinovic, Francisco,see Lopez-Calleja,M. Victoria, 1004-1023;platypterus, 1004-1023; regalis, 1004- and -- 1023; swainsoni,1004-1023 Brandt, Charles A., Julia K. Parrish, and Cathleen N. Butorides striatus, 613-632 Hodges,Predictive approaches to habitat quan- Buzzard, Common, 1004-1023 tiffcation: Dark-rumped Petrels on Haleakala, Maul, 571-579 Cachingfood, NorthwesternCrow, 778-779 Brant, Black, 904-919 Calder, Lorene L., see Calder, William A., and Brantabernicla nigrans, 904-919; canadensis,192-200 Braun,Eldon J., seeHughes, Maryanne R., et al. Calder, William A., and Lorene L. Calder, Size and Brawn, JeffreyD., review by, 272-274 abundance:Breeding population density of the Breeding,Brown Noddy, 326-334 Calliope Hummingbird, 517-521 Breedingarea, EmperorGoose, 1037-1038 Calidrisalpina, 192-200, 590-602; mauri,920-930; min- Breedingbird survey,reliability, 758-761 utilla, 192-200; pusilia,192-200, 590-602 Breeding, cooperative,Henderson Reed-Warbler, Calonectris diomedea,785-790 77-86 Calypteanna, 1064-1066 Breeding,first-time, Lesser Snow Goose,67-76 Campylorhamphustrochilirostris, 800-804 Breedingsuccess, Blue Petrel, 964-972; Crow Tit, 831- Canvasback, 192-200 839; Lesser Snow Goose, 67-76; Tree Swallow, Cardinal, Northern, 1054-1057 973-981; Wood Stork, 237-243 Cardinalis cardinalis, 1054-1057 Breedingsystems, Asian Openbill, 257-260;Hender- Carmi, Nurit, Berry Pinshow,Warren P. Porter, and son Reed-Warbler, 77-86 Jim Jaeger,Reply to Klaassen'scommentary con- Bretagnolle, Vincent, and Jean-ClaudeThibault, cerningwater and energy limitationson flight Method for sexing fledglings in Cory's Shear- range, 263 waters and comments on sex-ratio variation, 785- Carotenoidpigments, 1054-1057; House Finch, 1057- 790 1061 Brett-Surman, Michael K., see Elzanowski, Andrzej, Carpodacusmexicanus, 1054-1057, 1057-1061 and -- Casmerodiusalbus, 613-632 Brewer, Gwenda L., review by, 1086-1087 Catbird, Gray, 690-700 Brewster Memorial Award, 1994: Frank McKinney, Catharusfuscescens, 794-797; mustelinus, see Hylocichla 265-266 Cerorhinca monocerata,60-66 Brilliant, Green-fronted, 118-132 Certhiaxiscinnamomea, 800-804; sulfurifera, 800-804 Brittingham,Margaret C., see Hoover, JeffreyP., et Chalyburaurochrysia, 118-132 al. Chan, Ken, Comparativestudy of winter body com- Broodparasite, 343-363; Cameroon Indigobird, 649- positionof residentand migrantGrey-breasted 658; Shiny Cowbird, 335-342 Silvereyes,421-428 Broodparasite, intraspecific, Zebra Finch, 415-420 Charadriussemipalmatus, 192-200 Broodreduction, booby, 860-869 Chardine, John W., see Morris, Ralph D., and Brooke, M. de L., and Ian R. Hartley, Nesting Hen- derson Reed-Warblers(Acrocephalus vaughani tai- Chastel, Olivier, Henri Weimerskirch, and Pierre Jou- ti) studiedby DNA fingerprinting:Unrelated co- ventin, Influence of body condition on repro- alitions in a stable habitat? 77-86 ductive decisionand reproductivesuccess in the Brown, JerramL., and Shou-HsienLi, Phylogenyof Blue Petrel, 964-972 socialbehavior in Aphelocomajays: A role for hy- Chaui-Berlinck, JoseGuilherme, and Jose Eduardo P. bridization? 464-472 W. Bicudo, Unusual metabolic shifts in fasting Browning, M. Ralph, see Banks,Richard C., and hummingbirds,774-778 Chen caerulescenscaerulescens, 67-76, 731-736,790-794; Brush-finch,Rufous-naped, 210-224 canagica,1037-1038 Bryan,A. Lawrence,Jr., see Coulter, Malcolm C., and Chesser,R. Terry, review by, 269-270 Chick period, Common Murre, 982-993 October1995] Indexto Volume112 1091 Chickadee, Black-capped,29-43, 603-612, 840-846; Cowbird, Brown-headed, 146-155; Shiny, 335-342, Carolina, 29-43, 1054-1057 1039-1041 Chilia melanura, 800-804 Cowie, Richard J., see Kern, Michael D., and -- Christian, John J., In memoriam: David E. Davis, 1913- Crane, Whooping, 1045-1049 1994, 491-492 Cranioleucasulfurifera, see Certhiaxis Christidis, Les, review by, 536-538 Crayfish aquaculture,613-632 Cicero, Carla, and Ned K. Johnson,Speciation in sap- Crow, Northwestern, 390-401,778-779 suckers(Sphyrapicus): III. Mitochondrial-DNA se- Cuthbert, FrancescaJ., review by, 526 quencedivergence at the cytochrome-blocus, 547- Cyanocittacristata, 1054-1057 563 Cytochromeb, Diglossa,156-170; sapsucker, 547-563 Cicero, Carla, review by, 530-533 Circusaeruginosus, 1004-1023; cyaneus,1004-1023 Datta, Tanmay, and B.C. Pal, Polygyny in the Asian Cistot horus palustris, 183-191 Openbill (Anastomusoscitans), 257-260 Clangulahyemalis, 192-200 Davis, David E., 1913-1994, in memoriam, 491-492 Clark, Anne Barrett, Gapes of sexually dimorphic Decker, David G., see Avery, Michael L., et al. blackbird nestlings do not show sexually dimor- Deconychuralongicauda, 800-804 phic growth, 364-374 del Nevo, Adrian J., see Ramos, Jaime A., and Clark, Larry, see Mason, J. Russell,and -- Clemmons,
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