Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10676-5 — The Cambridge History of Welsh Literature Edited by Geraint Evans , Helen Fulton Index More Information Index 2, 679 Acts of Union, 147–57, 159–64, 170, 177, 265, 18 Poems, 468–70, 472–3, 475–6, 481 270, 510, 513 adaptations, 19, 21, 75, 77, 84, 132, 182, 344, Aaron, Jane, 213, 335, 398, 430, 566, 567–8, 571 517, 588 Aaron, Wil, 644–5 ‘Adar y Gaeaf ’, 536 Abbey Theatre, 521 ‘Adar y Plwyfi’, 536 abbeys, Cistercian, 29, 113, 130–1 administrative decentralization, 494, 496 abbots, 104, 131–2, 704 administrative devolution, 495 Aberconwy, 29, 130 adolescence, 413, 469, 473, 476, 478, 589 Aberdare, 363, 437 ‘Adref’, 370 Aberdaron, 533, 541 advancement, 161, 176, 298 Aberfan Disaster, 492 social, 21, 541 Aberffraw, 27, 242 technological, 508 Abergavenny, 139, 195, 203, 301, 587 Adventurers, The, 398 Abergavenny, eisteddfod, 301 adventures, 38, 58, 73–4, 188, 337, 341–2, 389, Abergavenny Crucifixion, 196 415, 623–4, 628 Abergavenny Cymreigyddion, 301 Adventures and Vagaries of Twm Shon Catti, ‘Aberglasne’, 675 The, 341 Aberhenfelen myth, 373 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The, 415 Aberystwyth, 23, 27, 120–1, 130, 132, 135, 368, Aelwyd f’Ewythr Robert, 344 373, 447, 640–1 Aeneid, The, 270 University/University College, 568, aerodromes, 376, 513 605, 670 ‘Aeth Cymru’n Seisnig’, 245 Aberystwyth Noir, 700 Afal Ddrwg Adda, 462 Above Us the Earth, 645 Afallennau, 29 Abse, Dannie, 558–60, 561, 569, 587, 599, Afallon, 367, 412, 675 602 affluence, 423, 491–2, 493–4, 562 accidents, 64, 108, 345, 518 affrays, 200–1, 204, 242 accountability, 290, 292, 494, 497 Agincourt, 417 acculturation, 160, 245 agitation, 260, 451, 501, 523 accuracy, 235, 279, 313 political, 259, 374 Accuratissima orbis antiqui delineatio, 219 agricultural communities, 379, 529, 542, 545, Acre of Land, An, 535, 538–9 549, 679 Act for Punyshment of Sturdy Vacabundes agriculture, 259, 359–60, 494, 655 and Beggars, 162 Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius, 53 activism, 423, 507, 590, 614, 671 Aldhelm, 27 actors, 75, 84, 200, 202, 525, 585, 641, 649 Aled, Tudur, 138, 143, 241 Acts of Uniformity, 185 Aleppo Merchant, The, 397 785 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10676-5 — The Cambridge History of Welsh Literature Edited by Geraint Evans , Helen Fulton Index More Information Index Alexander, Lloyd, 589, 623, 624–6 Anglicans, 239, 257, 306, 311, 312, 313, 315, 347, Alexander the Great, 33, 138 361, 411 alienation, 195, 377, 420, 428, 434–5, 448, 453, anglicization, 15, 160, 177, 260, 287, 297, 338, 475, 477, 484 357, 361, 516 All Things Betray Thee, 395–6 gradual, 162, 164 All Wales Ethnic Minority Association progressive, 245 (AWEMA), 660–1 Anglo-Norman world, 18, 19, 75, 97, 130 Allchin, A.M., 374 anglophone literature, 424, 429, 614–15 allegiances, 136, 139, 141, 158, 411–13, 599 anglophone Wales, 407, 412, 532, 595 political, 20, 115, 291, 306, 579 anglophone Welsh, 266, 275, 413, 415, 529, allegory, 266, 344, 369, 395, 410, 426, 623 536–8, 595, 596–8, 599–601, 603 Allen, Kevin, 646 anglophone writers, 286, 405, 594–5, 612 alliteration, 104, 119–20, 300, 309, 312, 539 Anglo-Saxons, 3, 15, 26, 31, 93–4, 97, 275, 389, allusions, 13, 27, 44, 77, 107, 144, 326, 370, 414, 418, 620 538–9 Anglo-Welsh, 213, 340, 429, 484–5, 557–8, 561–2, literary, 290, 473 563, 568, 597, 600 almanac eisteddfods, 288 critics, 559, 568 almanacs, 266, 299 literature, 5, 214, 229, 468, 536–7, 557–9, 564, Alyn, 531 569, 596, 603 ambassadors, 105–6, 216 poetry, 214, 558, 561–3 cultural, 9 writers, 536, 557–9, 568, 597, 600 America, 166, 227, 274, 340–1, 438, 446, 578, 579, Anglo-Welsh Review, The, 561, 564, 568, 603 581–2, 583 Angry Summer, The, 453 American Wales, 416, 642 Angry Vineyard, The, 399 Americans, Welsh, 579–80, 582, 589 anian, 62, 63–4 Among the Mountains: or Life in Wales, 409 animal form, 59, 62 amour courtois, 120 animals, 60, 62–4, 181, 277, 369, 382, 471 AMs, 512, 658, 659, 661–3 Anna, or Memoirs of a Welch Heiress, 339 Amser Amherffaith, 675 Annales Cambriae, 97, 98–100 Amser i Wylo, 399 annual eisteddfod, 595, 609, 685 Amwythig, see Shrewsbury Annuvin, 623, 632 anachronisms, 40, 114, 499, 670, 705 Annwyl Smotyn Bach, 684 Anathémata: Fragments of an Attempted anoeth byd, 29 Writing, 460 anterliwtau, 201–2 ancestors, 32, 33, 40, 124, 137–8, 169, 291 anthologies, 133, 134, 146, 214–15, 429–30, 558, Anchorite of Llanddewibrefi, 131–3 561, 581, 589–90, 604 ancient Britons, 168, 190, 240, 265–6, 269, Antiquae Linguae Britannicae … Rudimenta 336, 340 (1621), 188 Anderson, Benedict, 500 antiquarianism, 3, 4, 6, 147, 163, 257, 264–80, Andrews, Leighton, 613, 614 286, 291 Aneirin, xix–xx, 3, 5, 9, 29, 32, antiquities, 163, 169, 214, 265, 267, 291, 306, 460 34, 36, 45, 102 Antur, Gruffudd, 608 angels, 198, 274, 324–5 ap Gruffudd, Sir Rhys, 118, 124 Angels in Wales, 410 Apologiae pro Ecclesiae Anglicanae, 187, 238 anger, 266, 270, 400, 421, 687 Appleby Fair, 613 Angharad, Elin, 605 ‘Ar Gyfeiliorn’, 373 Anglesey, 116, 123–4, 157–8, 187, 189, 202, 205–6, ‘Ar Weun Cas-mael’, 376 207–8, 273, 550 Arad Goch, 641 Anglians, 30–1 Arawn, 63, 623–4 Anglica Historia, 189 Archaeologia Cambrensis, 257 Anglican Church, 261, 274, 306–7, 311, 315, 323, Archaeologica Britannica, 267 360, 416 archaic language, 348, 369–70 in Wales, 166, 266 Archer, David, 470 786 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10676-5 — The Cambridge History of Welsh Literature Edited by Geraint Evans , Helen Fulton Index More Information Index Arches, The, 569 authority, 23, 94–5, 165, 169, 232–3, 234, 279, Argentina, 439, 579, 587 295, 298, 300 Argoed, 35, 369, 549–51 autobiographies, 346, 390, 392, 394–6, 415–16, Argoed Llwyfain, 35–6 450, 559–60 Arianrhod, 77, 623, 624 fictional, 408, 678 aristocratic life, 19, 107 Autobiography of a Supertramp, 415 aristocratic patronage, 254, 287 autonomy, political, 94, 99, 680 Armes Prydein, 15, 37, 54, 716 ‘Awdl ar Rhyddid’, 289–90 Armin, Robert, 226 awdl/awdlau, xix, 102, 103–4, 105, 116, 117, Arnold, Matthew, 52, 338, 406, 418, 461, 620, 146–7, 285, 610, 677 633, 634 Awdyl ar Destyn y Gwyneddigion, 285 Arthur, 28–9, 57–8, 59, 82–3, 84, 137, 412, 460, Awdyl ar Dymhorau y Vlwyzyn, 285 461, 631–2 AWEMA (All Wales Ethnic Minority Arthur Llwyd y Felin, 345 Association), 660–1 Arthurian place-names, 460 awenyddion, 54–5 Arthurian tales, 57, 81–2, 84, 301 Awst yn Anogia, 682 artistry, 120, 308, 311, 366, 449 AWWE (Association of Welsh Writing in artists, 255, 257, 381, 391, 450, 459, 461, 478–9, English), 568 566, 571 Azzopardi, Trezza, 601, 699 Arts Council for Wales, 562–3 As You Like It, 226 Babel, 264 Ash on A Young Man’s Sleeve, 559 Babylon, 410, 546, 590 aspirations Baddy, Thomas, 314 cultural, 416, 454 Baines, Elizabeth, 440 national, 301, 495 ‘Y Bais Wen’, 274 political, 452, 494 Baker, Denys Val, 362–3 Aspull, Thomas, 202 Bala, 285, 288, 310, 321, 323, 346 Assembly Members, see AMs. Baldick, Chris, 481 Association of Welsh Writing in English Baldwin, Stanley, 513 (AWWE), 568 Balham, 458 assonance, 309, 312, 480, 539 Ballad of the Mari Lwyd, The, 474 astrology, 53–4 ballads, 7, 44, 266, 286, 300, 309, 347, 368, 474 At Swim-Two-Birds, 464 Ballantine, Betty, 625 ‘Atgof’, 610 Ballin, Malcolm, 603 Athrawaeth Gristnogawl, 189 Balliol, 413 Atlantic Monthly, The, 585 Balsom, Denis, 491 Atwood, Margaret, 568 Ban Wedi i Dynny …o Gyfreith Howel Dda, 223 Atyniad, 683 Bangor, 188, 202, 275, 319, 372, 374, 376, 542, 640 Aubrey, Sir Thomas, 201 University, 533 Auden, W. H., 460, 477 Banjo, 705 audiences, 1–2, 59, 61, 105–6, 196–7, 200–1, Banks, Joseph, 276 514–15, 522–3, 600, 625 ‘Banks of the Menai, The’, 289, 293 see also readerships Baptists, 166, 256–7, 306, 378, 579, 639 international, 2, 8, 19, 100, Barba, Eugenio, 640 301, 538, 637, 718 ‘Bard, The’, 271 non-Welsh, 220, 221, 456, 598 Bard: or The Towers of Morven, The, 343 Augé, Marc, 698 Y Bardd, 342–4, 348 Augustine, 183 Barddas, 8, 676 Aurora Borealis, 320 Barddas, 603, 608, 611, 676 Australia, 357, 474, 558, 561, 563, 579, 582, 585 barddas, 406, 424 Yr Australydd, 579, 582 bardic circuits, 123, 164, 244 authenticity, 291, 450, 508, 525, 649 bardic culture, 6, 99, 245 cultural, 525 bardic degrees, 240, 241–2, 243 787 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10676-5 — The Cambridge History of Welsh Literature Edited by Geraint Evans , Helen Fulton Index More Information Index bardic gatherings; see also eisteddfod, 287, 291 Beli, 78, 81–2, 137 Bardic Institutes Written at Carn Moesen, 293 belief systems, 293, 317 bardic licences, 241 Bell, David, 401 bardic names, 321, 342, 580 Bell, H. Idris, 1, 537 bardic network, 287, 309 bells, 1, 203–4, 274, 472, 482 bardic order, xix, 118, 162, 163, 164, 308 Bembo, Pietro, 186 bardic patronage, 161, 162, 163 Benedictine monasticism, 18, 130, 195 bardic performance, 206–7 Benfras, Dafydd, 290 bardic tradition, 6, 96, 115, 184, 240, 307–8, 414 Benfras, Madog, 123 bardism, 243, 244, 291, 293, 298 Benjamin, Walter, 369, 447 bardomania, 271 Bennett, Phil, 500 bards, 237, 239–46, 254, 287, 291, 292–3, 295–7, Bennett, Anna Maria, 335, 339–40, 348–9 300, 308, 563 Beowulf, 275 blue-robed, 293, 297 Bernicia, 30–1, 32, 34–6 last, 271, 291 Berry, Dave, 643, 644–5 professional, 118, 176, 237, 242–4, 308 Berry, Richard Griffith, 639, 648 Bardsey Island, 368, 560 Berry, Ron, 400, 699 Barrès, Maurice, 424, 510 Bertomeu, Carlos, 588 Barrington, Daines, 270 Berwyn, Morys, 244 Barry, 359, 394, 411,
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