Start with Denmark Norwegian Smartcare-Cluster 31. Maj 2017 Spring 2017 www.investindk.com UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK THE USUAL SUSPECTS • Anne Kathrine Pagh, • Velfærdsteknologikoordinator, Aabenraa Kommune • Øystein Skråmestø Sandvik, • Investment Manager, Den Danske Ambassade, Oslo • Torben Lindbæk-Larsen, • Special Adviser e-Health Invest in Denmark 2 About Invest in Denmark • Denmark’s national investment promotion agency • Integrated part of the Trade Council under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs • Based on a strong global and regional Danish set-up – 60 employees (half in Denmark and half abroad) • Investment Managers abroad – Project Managers at home • Approximately 60-70 successful investment projects per year – 1600+ jobs Global organisation Stockholm Oslo London Toronto Paris Beijing Munich New York Barcelona Silicon Valley Seoul Tokyo Shanghai Taipei Bangalore Local organization Aalborg Viborg Aarhus Herning Copenhagen Kolding Odense Our Danish network Life Sciences • Biotechnology and pharma: Denmark is a major world player, especially in areas such as enzymes, CNS research, diabetes care and cancer research. It is the the only cluster in the world that combines strong academic research with major commercial pharmaceutical • Medical technology: The Danish presence. Denmark furthermore excels when it medical technology industry is one of the comes to testing new medicines in clinical largest in the world measured in exports trials. per capita. Sustained by innovation and product R&D, it is well-reputed abroad • eHealth: Strong competence clusters within due to a number of leading companies in ICT and life sciences together with a tradition consumables, hearing aids, diabetes for public-private collaboration have given devices. In particular, Denmark offers Denmark a leading positon within eHealth and excellent possibilities of creating some of welfare technologies. More than 300 pilot the world’s best diagnostic products. projects have already been conducted with telemedicine and the first national eHealth project is under implementation. Reasons to locate your business in Denmark No. 1 in Europe for ease of doing business World Bank 2012-2016 ________ Credit rating AAA S&P, Moody’s and Fitch 2017 ________ The least corrupt country in the world IMD & Transparency International, 2016 ________ One of the most flexible labour markets in the world IMD, 2016 Reasons to locate your business in Denmark No 1. in the world on Digital Economy and Society Index European Commission, 2017 ________ No. 1 in the world for worker motivation IMD, 2016 ________ Lowest redundancy costs in the world IMD, 2016 ________ No. 2 in the world on talent competitiveness IMD World Talent Report, 2016 Why do business in Denmark? Competitive business costs Easy interaction with public Danish social security rates and employer costs are the authorities lowest in Europe. Copenhagen is 15/20% cheaper than Stockholm in terms of salary, social security In 2016, Denmark once again costs and office rent when comparing the total costs of a achieved a top ranking in business operation such as Nordic headquarters or a Transparency International’s study shared services centre. of perceived corruption in public sectors worldwide. The Danish public sector is known Favourable tax climate – for its low level of bureaucracy and perfect for Nordic expansion red tape and for its commitment to limiting the administrative burdens Denmark is considered to have a favourable tax climate: a on business. corporate tax rate of 22%, an extensive network of tax treaties, and attractive tax rules for expatriates. Furthermore, other attractive tax incentives include full deduction of patents and know-how in the year of acquisition and deduction of R&D expenses when such expenses are incurred. Why do business in Denmark? Knowledge-intensive Best for test and demonstration With world-class researchers, science parks and innovation incubators together with Denmark is known world-wide for its high quality and top universities and other colleges of higher ground-breaking research and development (R&D) and is education, Denmark offers Scandinavia’s valued as a leading test market for ICT, cleantech, smart grid most knowledge-intensive research and and smart city solutions. business environment. The Danes are early adopters eager to test new technologies, and finding partners and facilities to test and demonstrate new products, technologies and concepts is easy. Strong infrastructure Denmark has a unique infrastructure being a central access point to the rest of Europe. An impressive road and rail network, including the Øresund Bridge connecting Denmark and Sweden, and 6 international airports of which Copenhagen Airport is the Nordic hub with 29 million passengers . Get easy access to 500 million consumers We speak business Before During After Information gathering and Business establishment Expansion and retention analysis ________ ________ ________ Practical assistance Expansion support Market overview General advice on legal, financial Identify new business opportunities Benchmarking services and corporate structure matters Aftercare Mapping potential partners, Fact-finding costumers and service providers Land and property search Identifying business and funding opportunities Introductory meetings with business clusters and public Industry insights authorities ? Det Danske sundhedsvæsen OTTE NATIONALE MÅL • Bedre sammenhængende patientforløb • Styrket indsats for kronikere og ældre patienter • Forbedret overlevelse og patientsikkerhed • Behandling af høj kvalitet • Hurtig udredning og behandling • Øget patientinddragelse • Flere sunde leveår • Mere effektivt sundhedsvæsen UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK HVAD KOSTER DET DANSKE SUNDHEDSVÆSEN? Den seneste opgørelse over sundhedsudgifter er fra 2014, og her var tallet 155,1 mia. kroner. Udgifterne fordeler sig sådan her: • Stat: 0,9 • Region: 114,4 • Kommune: 39,7 • I alt: 155,1 milliarder kroner 18 UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK UDGIFTER TIL HJEMMEHJÆLP • De offentlige udgifter til hjemmehjælp til personer i eget hjem udgjorde i 2012ca. 13,9 mia. kr. Heraf skønnes udgifterne til praktisk hjælp at udgøre ca. 2,1mia. kr. og udgifterne til personlig pleje ca. 11,8 mia. kr.1Udgifterne til hjem-mehjælp i eget hjem er faldet med ca. 15 pct. fra 2008 - 2012. • Offentlige udgifter til hjemmehjælp i eget hjem Mia. kr 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Udgifter 16,2 16,1 15,5 14,6 13,9 • Kilde: De kommunale regnskaber 2008-2012.Anm.: Tallene er inkl. modtagere under 67 år og indeholder dermed udgifter, der normalt betrag-tes som udgifter til handicappede. Udgifterne omfatter både kommunale og private leverandører.Der er foretaget en vægtet fordeling af udgifter registreret på uautoriserede grupperinger. 19 UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK LIDT HISTORIE 20 UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK DET DØGNDÆKKENDE SUNDHEDSVÆSEN -LÆNGST MULIGT I EGET HJEM (1980-) Hospital Kommune • Behandling • Pleje • Genoptræning • Praktisk bistand • Pleje indtil så rask • Tendens til livslang som muligt hjælp • Kapacitetsstyring • Basal sygepleje (rammestyring) • Paleativ pleje • Paleativ behandling • Fra Alderdomshjem til plejehjem 21 UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK DET FORRETNINGSORIENTEDE SUNDHEDSVÆSEN (1996-) Hospital Kommune • Behandling • Pleje • Genoptræning • Praktisk bistand • Pleje indtil så rask • Tendens til livslang som muligt hjælp • Kapacitetsstyring • Basal og specialiseret (rammestyring og sygepleje aktivitetsstyring) • terapeuter • Planer (hjerte, cancer) • genoptræningspladser • Paleativ behandling • Paleativ pleje 22 • Plejeboliger UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK DET SAMARBEJDENDE SUNDHEDSVÆSEN (2007-) Hospital Kommune • Behandling • Pleje • Pleje indtil så rask • Praktisk bistand som muligt • Genoptræning • Kapacitetsstyring • Rehabilitering (aktivitetsstyring) • Specialiseret • Planer sygepleje • Paleativ behandling • Paleativ pleje • Psykiatri • Psykiatri og Demens 23 UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK DET NÆRE SUNDHEDSVÆSEN (2012-) – KOMMUNERNES SYNSVINKEL 24 UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK DET NÆRE SUNDHEDSVÆSEN (2012-) Hospital Kommune • Fælles Akut • Specialiseret og akut Modtagelse (FAM) sygepleje • Diagnose og • Specialiseret rehabili- behandlingsstart tering og rehab-centre indenfor 18 timer • Genoptræning, pleje • Hyperspecialisering og praktisk bistand • Supersygehuse – fokuseret, optimeret færre sengepladser • Paleativ pleje • Paleativ behandling • Psykiatri og Demens • Psykiatri • Fra plejebolig til 25 Empowering bolig ? Hospitaler Business Opportunities in a New Hospital Structure Construction of 16 Super-Hospitals in Denmark April 2017 www.investindk.com Building a New Hospital Structure • Construction of 16 new hospitals with a total investment of 5.8 billion EUR. • Additional investment of 1.2 billion EUR for new equipment and new innovative solutions. • A special focus on internal and external traceability & logistics solutions for modern hospitals. • New e-health solutions for hospitals and patients. • Focus on healthcare solutions for patients at home. Why is Denmark Building New Hospitals? • The overall aim is to merge specialized functions in fewer and larger units in order to: – increase the quality of care through better continuity of care – ensure faster diagnosis – create
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