November 29, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 34159 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS AVIATION SAFETY AND NOISE millions of people around major airports. It On October 22 the Senate passed H.R 2440, would also weaken the incentives for replace­ striking the provisions of the House ini­ REDUCTION ACT ment of aircraft with new technology air­ tiated b111 and substituting for them the planes that could offer even more noise relief provisions of S. 413, the Senate "noise bill". to the millions of Americans who are ex­ I am advised the Senate has already ap­ HON. NORMAN Y. M!NETA posed daily to unacceptable levels of aircraft pointed conferees in anticipation of a con­ OF CALIFORNLA noise. ference on H.R. 2440. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 3. By authorizing some $300 mi111on in In expressing the Administration's opposi­ excess of the President's budget for FY 1980, tion to H.R. 3942, I outlined a number of Thursday, November 29, 1979 an increase which ls unwarranted, the bill objectionable features of the b1ll. The pro­ e Mr. MINETA. Mr. Speaker, I ha;ve would be infiationary. In any event, as you visions of H.R. 2440, as passed by the Senate, asked the White House for a clear sig­ know, the House already acted to establish a.ire comparable in many respects to those an obligations limit on the airport devel­ undesirable fiseal and environmental provi­ nal that legislation rolling back the fieet opment program for 1980 at a level which is sions of H.R. 3942 to which we are opposed; noise rule would be vetoed. I have now $70 million over the President's budget. In one ex~mple being a Senate proposed fund­ received that response and I think it is addition we are concerned that the bill could ing level for noise planning and airport de­ something that all Members should be be interpreted as exposing the Federal Gov­ velopment programs $250 milllon above the aware of. ernment to increased money damages by way President's budget for fiscal year 1980. Fur­ This is a clear signal to those airlines of increased Federal liability in inverse con­ ther, the Senate proposal is even more ob­ demnation actions. jectio~ble than H.R. 3942 on environmental which have been dragging their feet that 4. By prohibiting the Federal Aviation Ad­ grounds since, in addition to providing for they will have to bring their fieets into ministration from making changes through mandatory waivers of the Department's noise compliance, despite efforts in the S~n­ regulatory action to control navigable air­ regulations under certain circumstances, it ate to the contrary. If the foot-draggmg space, the bill would tie the Administrator's would deem in compliance with our noise airlines fail to see the writing on the hands in responding to changes in the oper­ standards any airplane which exceeds those wall, they will have only themselves to ating environment for aviation. With avia­ standards by as much as five decibels. tion activity growing at about 5 percent an­ The effect of the five decibel exemption blame as the compliance deadlines ap­ nually this prohibition could have potential­ proach and they are not ready. would be to permit all two and three engine ly adverse effects on safety. In any event the narrowbody aircraft (i.e., 727s, 737s, and This is also a clear signal to the House­ regulatory proposal this provision was in­ DC-9s) to continue operating in the United Senate conference on H.R. 2440 that tended to forestall has been withdrawn by States for an indefinite period beyond the they should report none of the Senate the Federal Aviation Administration. Department's 1983 compliance deadline With­ provisions which would roll back the fieet I wish to stress that, more broadly, the out having to undergo retrofit or other noise Administration believes that the principal reduction modification. This provision would noise rule, and should instead move airport noise problems the bill addresses will drastioally undercut the Department's ef­ forward with the noncontroversial ADAP be dealt with adequately by the legislation forts to reduce the adverse impact of noise funding approved by the House. now pending to extend the Airport and Air­ on mill1ons of Ameriacns since it fails to way Development Act of 1970. This legisla­ account for the fact that 75 percent of this Mr. Speaker, so that the record might tion would extend the Airport and Airway be complete, I would like to include at Nation's air carrier airports receive major Trust Fund and provide substantially in­ airline service only by these two and three this point Secretary Goldschmidt's let­ creased authorizations for airport grants and engine nairrowbody aircraft. Thus, the peo­ ter of October 18 to you, the Secretary's for other FAA programs intended to promote ple living around these, as well as other air­ letter of November 12 to Chairman safety. It would also broaden the use of air­ ports, would be denied the benefits of noise Johnson, my letter of November 1 to the port grant funds to help mitigate noise im­ reduction which they have rightfully come President, and the White House response pacts. to expect sin<:e the Issuance of our retrofit/ In summary, H.R. 3942, as reported, pro­ replacement rule in 1976. of November 29 to me. vides !or more noise and less sa.fety while at The letters follow: the same time being inflationary at a time Though the Administration continues to when reducing inflation is a top priority !or support the provisions of H.R. 2440 which THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION, would authorize the obligation of discretion­ Washington, D.C., October 18, 1979. both the Administration and the Congress. In recent testimony before both Houses ary funds under the Airport and Airway De­ Hon. THOMAS P. O'NEILL, Jr., velopment Act of 1970, as amended, the Speaker, House of Representatives, the Administration expressed willingness to work with the Congress to find solutions to benefits to be attained from discretionary Washington, D.C. funding authority are far outweighted DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I am writing to you the aviation noise problem and to work to­ ward an imuroved airport development pro­ by the negative features of H.R. 2440 regarding H.R. 3942, the "Aviation Safety as amended by the Senate. Accordingly, I and Noise Reduction Act", which is now gram. H .R. 3942 is an unacceptable vehicle for accomulishing these important goals. will recommend to the President that he not pending before the Rules Committee. This sign H.R. 2440 if it is enacted by the Con­ b111, the so-called "noise bill", contains pro­ Therefore, I will recommend to the President that he not sign this bill unless our concerns gress with the objectionable provisions pro­ visions which are unacceptable .to the Ad­ posed by the Senate. ministration for policy or budgetary reasons. are resolved. The Office of Management and Budget ad­ Further, the Office of Management and In our view H.R. 3942 is an anti-environ­ Budget advises that enactment of H.R. 2440, ment bill which rewards some air carriers vises that enactment of H.R. 3942 would not be in accord with the program of the Presi­ as passed by the Senate, would not be in for delaying actions to meet environmental accord with the program of the President. regulations, and which penalizes those car­ dent. I thank you in advance for your prompt In closing, I am deeply concerned that a riers which have made efforts to be "good conference on Senate passed H.R. 2440 will neighbors" to airports. Moreover, some of the and careful consideration of this important matter. result in a retreat from the long-standing major problems the bill addresses will be Federal commitment to reduce aircraft noise fully accommodated by legislation now being Sincerely, NEIL GoLDSCHMmT. at the source. I urge you and the other considered in the House to extend the Air­ Members of the House Committee on Public port and Airway Development Act. More spe­ Works and Transportation to vote against cifically, the Administration believes that THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATYON, Washington, D.C., November 12, 1979. sending this blll to Conference. I thank you H.R. 3942 is unnecessary and unacceptable in advance for your thoughtful considera­ for a number of reasons, including: Hon. HAROLD T. JoHNsoN, Chairman, Committee on Public Works and tion of this important matter. 1. By redefining the Federal and local roles Transportation, U.S. House of Represent­ Sincerely, in reducing aircraft noise impacts, the blll atives, Washington, D.C. NEIL OoLDSCHMIDT. implies a Federal responsibility for assuring DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: On October 18, I land use compatibllity with airport noise. wrote to the Speaker and the Chairman of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, This responsibll1ty should continue to rest the Rules Committee expressing the Ad­ Washington, D.C., November 1, 1979. With local governments, which have the zon­ ministration's strong opposition to H.R. President JIMMY CARTER, ing and other authorities needed to insure 3942, the proposed "Aviation Safety and The White House, land uses compatible with airport operations. Noise Reduction Act", and my intent to rec­ Washington, D.C. 2. By exempting two and three engine air­ ommend to the President that he not sign DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I am writing to fol­ craft from noise regulations issued in Decem­ the b111 if it is passed. I have enclosed a low-up on our recent conversation at the ber 1976, it would delay relief from noise to copy of my letter to the Speaker.
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