Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00229-6 - Unravelling Starlight: William and Margaret Huggins and the Rise of the New Astronomy Barbara J. Becker Index More information Index Abbott, Francis (1799–1883), 67–9 Brewster, David (1781–1868), 17, 20, 21, 107, 110 Abney, William de Wiveleslie (1843–1920), 182, 185, Brodie, Frederick (1823–96), 36 196, 198, 199, 202, 208, 211, 213–14, 260 Brothers, Alfred (1826–1912), 159, 165 Acland, Henry Wentworth (1815–1900), 9, 89 Browning, John (1835–1925), 114, 154, 155, 159, Adelaide Gallery, 29 171, 332 Airy, George Biddell (1801–92), 8, 53–4, 91, 120–2, Buchler and Co., 281 132, 135, 137, 138–9, 140–2, 158–9, 162, 208, Buijs-Ballot, Christoph Hendrik Diedrik (1817–90), 222, 332, 335 108–9, 111 testimony, Devonshire Commission, 140–1 Bunsen, Robert (1811–99), 15, 20–2, 187, 330, 333 amateur astronomers, 12–13 Burchell, William John (1781–1863), 67 Anderson, Thomas David (1853–1932), 251 Archer, Frederick Scott (1813–57), 31 Cameron, Julia Margaret (1815–79), 182 Astronomical Register, 15, 52, 144 Campbell, William Maxwell, 152 Astronomy and Astrophysics, 249, 258 Campbell, William Wallace (1862–1938), 9, 247, Astrophysical Journal, 249, 253 252–4, 258, 293, 312, 316 astrophysics Cannon, Annie Jump (1863–1941), 291 early development, 11–12 Carnegie Institution, 292–4 Huggins on, 1897, 345–6 Carrington, Richard Christopher (1826–75), 70, 85 turn of the twentieth century, 291–2, 326 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625–1712), 35–6 Auwers, Arthur von (1838–1915), 66 Cavendish, William, 7th Duke of Devonshire Ayrton, Hertha (1854–1923), 235 (1808–91), 137, 139 Cayley, Arthur (1821–95), 15, 142, 144 BAAS, presidential addresses, 246 Chacornac, Jean (1823–73), 67 Baily, Francis (1774–1844), 91 Chevallier, Temple (1794–1873), 91 Baker, Henry (1698–1774), 205 Christie, William Henry Mahoney (1845–1922), 122, Ball, Robert Stawell (1840–1913), 94 208, 222, 245, 312 Barnard, Edward Emerson (1857–1923), 260 City of London School, 30 Baxendell, Joseph (1815–87), 87–9, 90, 96, 338 Clark, Alvan (1804–87), 129, 331 Beer, Wilhelm Wolff (1797–1850), 95 Clark, Alvan Graham (1832–97), 256 Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm (1784–1846), 13 Clark, George Bassett (1827–91), 256 Birmingham, John (1816–84), 86, 337–8 Clerke, Agnes Mary (1842–1907), 4, 11, 49, 94, 95, Birt, William Radcliff (1804–81), 95 155, 229, 273, 274, 291, 299 Bishop, Sereno Edwards (1827–1909), 202 Columbian Exposition, 1893, 255 Bolzano, Bernard (1781–1848), 107 comets Bond, George Phillips (1825–65), 51, 70 1843, 32 Bond, William Cranch (1789–1859), 31, 38 1858, Donati’s, 39 Bontemps, Georges (1801–82), 127 b 1881, 224 Bowen, Ira Sprague (1898–1973), 226 Comte, Auguste (1798–1857), 14, 329 Boyle, Robert (1627–91), 15, 16 Congress on Mathematics, Astronomy and Boys, Charles Vernon (1855–1944), 280 Astro-Physics, 1893, 255–6, 294 Bradley, Edward [Cuthbert Bede] (1827–89), 182 Connolly, Thomas Francis, 295 Bradley, James (1693–1762), 107 Cooke and Sons, 129–30 Brashear, John Alfred (1840–1920), 316 Cooke, Thomas (1807–68), 39, 127–8, 154, 331 375 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00229-6 - Unravelling Starlight: William and Margaret Huggins and the Rise of the New Astronomy Barbara J. Becker Index More information 376 Index Cornu, Marie Alfred (1841–1902), 258, 261, 344 Flammarion, Camille (1842–1925), 36 Cortie, Aloysius Laurence (1859–1925), 300 Fleming, Williamina Paton Stevens (1857–1911), 291 crater Linné, 95 Floyd, Richard Samuel (1843–90), 180 Crookes, William (1832–1919), 8, 22, 48, 144, 158, Foster, Michael (1836–1907), 280 162–4, 268, 270, 276, 301 Fowler, Alfred (1868–1940), 244 electrical apparatus, 205 Frankland, Edward (1825–99), 268 spinthariscope, 276 Fraunhofer lines, 46, 53, 109, 163–4, 331 Curie, Marie Sklodowska (1867–1934), 275–81 British response to, 20–1 Curie, Pierre (1859–1906), 276, 281 discovery of, 19 Kirchhoff and Bunsen interpretation of, 21 Dallmeyer, John Henry (1830–83), 159 Fraunhofer, Joseph von (1786–1826), 4, 18–20, 23, 49, Darwin, George Howard (1845–1912), 245, 250 58, 110, 127, 154, 229, 330–2, 345 Darwin, Leonard (1850–1943), 212 celestial spectra, 19, 47, 49 Davy, Humphrey (1770–1829), 274 Fresnel, Augustin Jean (1788–1827), 19 Dawes, William Rutter (1799–1868), 113, 325, 331 Frost, Edwin Brant (1866–1935), 272, 300 mentor to William Huggins, 41 Royal Astronomical Society, Gold Medal, 38 Gassiot, John Peter (1797–1877), 98 willow leaves controversy, 85–6 Geissler tube, 83 De la Rue, Warren (1815–89), 8, 9, 22, 31, 77, 85, 86, Gill, David (1843–1914), 8, 186, 203–4, 205–6, 91, 96, 126, 130–1, 134, 138, 150, 153, 155–6, 208–14, 222, 227, 256, 259, 274–5, 301, 302, 305, 159–60, 161, 182, 208 307, 308, 309, 310, 324 Mars, 36–7 Gladstone, John Hall (1827–1902), 159 Descartes, René (1596–1650), 16 Gladstone, William Ewart (1809–98), 161 Deslandres, Henri-Alexandre (1853–1948), 257 Goldschmidt, Herman (1802–66), 88 Devonshire Commission, 136–7 Good Words, 176–8 Dewar, James (1842–1923), 187, 250, 279–80, 301, Goodwin, Harry Manley (1870–1955), 249 316, 345 Gopal, Ram Chandra Rao (1833–97), 152 Dewhirst, David, 313 Gould, Benjamin Apthorp (1824–96), 203 diffraction grating, 19–20 Grant, Robert (1814–92), 14 Donati, Giovanni Battista (1826–73), 4, 23, 39, 53, Great Exhibition, 1851, 31, 134–5 58, 340 Great Grubb Equatorial, 171 Doppler, Christian Andreas (1803–53), 6, 23, 99, Cambridge University, 296 107–9, 274, 339 removal from Tulse Hill, 297–8 Doppler’s principle, 107–8, 109, 111–14, 120–2, Great Melbourne telescope, 83, 126–7 303, 306 Greenwich Observatory tests of, 108–9 Jupiter’s satellites, 137 Draper, Anna Palmer (1839–1914), 224–5 motion in the line of sight, 121–2, 222, 311–12 Draper, Henry (1837–81), 9, 179, 180, 193, 224–5, spectrum analysis, 53–4 242, 248 timekeeping, 137, 138 Memorial, 224–5 Grubb and Son, 129–30, 131–2 Draper, John William (1811–82), 9 Grubb, Howard (1844–1931), 126–30, 134, 206, 213, Dunér, Nils Christoffer (1839–1914), 258, 261, 340 296–8, 343 Dunkin, Edward (1821–98), 204 Grubb, Thomas (1800–78), 83, 126, 127–8, 130 Dupré, August (1835–1907), 73 Guinand, Pierre Louis (1748–1824), 18, 114, 127 Dupré, Friedrich Wilhelm (c. 1835–1908), 73 Dyson, Frank Watson (1868–1939), 28, 316 HMS Captain, 160, 162 William Huggins obituary, 311–12 Haig, Charles Thomas (1834–1907), 153 Hale, George Ellery (1868–1938), 9, 28, 215, 247–9, Eddington, Arthur Stanley (1882–1944), 301 251, 253, 254–5, 262, 267, 268, 270–1, 272–3, Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom and Emperor 274, 278, 292–5, 298–300, 304, 316, 324–6, of India (1841–1910), 24, 275, 301 343, 346 Eginitis, Demetrius (1865–1934), 215 100-in telescope, 304 Ennis, Jacob (1807–90), 111 Astrophysical Journal, 258–9 Euler, Leonhard (1707–83), 107 flocculi, 293 Royal Society of London, Foreign Member, 299 Faraday, Michael (1791–1867), 22 Rumford spectroheliograph, 293 Fath, Edward Arthur (1880–1959), 258 Snow telescope, 294 Faye, Hervé (1814–1902), 250 solar corona out of eclipse, 256–7, 259–60 Fizeau, Armand-Hippolyte-Louis (1819–96), 108–9, solar rotation, 295 111, 113, 339 spectroheliograph, 247–8, 256 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00229-6 - Unravelling Starlight: William and Margaret Huggins and the Rise of the New Astronomy Barbara J. Becker Index More information Index 377 sunspots, 295 Great Grubb Equatorial, 134, 149, 343 tower telescope, 294–5 Hale, relationship with, 248 Yerkes Observatory, 260–2 high-dispersion spectroscope, 114 Yerkes telescope, 255–6 historical image, 28, 46, 64–5, 105, 149, 176, 180–1, Halley, Edmond (1656–1742), 67, 104, 114, 315 215, 221, 236, 267, 292, 316 Hardcastle, Joseph Alfred (1868–1917), 302–3 Jupiter, 39 Harkness, William (1837–1903), 157, 164 knighthood, 271 Harriot, Thomas (1560–1621), 16 Lockyer, ally, 75–6 Harrison, James Park, 96 Lockyer, competitor, 92 Hartwig, Carl Ernst (1851–1923), 222 Lockyer, criticism from, 233–4, 269–70 Hastings, Charles Sheldon (1848–1932), 301 Lockyer, response to, 269–70 Hawarden, Clementina Elphinstone, Countess of Rosse Mars, 34–5, 36–8 (1822–65), 182 Maxwell, letter from, 112, 113, 274–5, 303, 305, helium 306–7, 308–9, 310 discovery of, 268–9 meteoritic hypothesis, 250–1 spectral lines, 270–1 meteors, 93–4 Herschel, John (1837–1921), 84, 151–2 Miller, collaboration with, 50–2, 57–8, 98 Herschel, John Frederick William (1792–1871), 8, 13, motion in the line of sight, 120–1 22, 65, 66, 87, 150, 151 motion in the line of sight, others’ response to, Good Words, 177 222–3, 338–40 Herschel, William (1738–1822), 11, 13, 35, 37, 67, 72, move to Tulse Hill, 33–4 88, 106, 335 nebular spectra, 334–7 scientific papers, 301, 302–1, 302–3 Nova Aurigae, interpretation, 252 Hind, John (1823–95), 66, 87, 154 Oliveira bequest, 129 Holden, Edward Singleton (1846–1914), 9, 180, 193, Order of Merit, 275 199, 203, 207, 214, 224–5, 242–3, 245, 246–7, photography, 1863, 59, 179, 180–1, 333–4 301, 326 priority concerns, 193–4 Huggins Observatory, Cambridge University, 298, Royal Astronomical Society, Fellow, 33 312–13 Royal Astronomical Society, Gold Medal, 98, 204 plaque, 312–13 Royal Astronomical Society, President, 246 Huggins, Margaret Lindsay (1848–1915), 29, Royal Microscopical Society, Fellow, 31 170–1, 343 Royal Society of London, Fellow, 78 crafting William Huggins’s historical image, 302–13 Royal Society of London, President, 267, 273–4 death of, 316 Royal Society of London, Royal Medal, 98 early life, 176 Saturn, 40, 50–1 first notebook entry,
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