University of Nigeria Research Publications ATUBI, Augustus Orowhigo Author PG/Ph.D/00/27716 Road Traffic Accident Patterns in Lagos State from Title 1970 to 2001 Social Sciences Faculty Faculty Geography Department Department Date Date December, 2006 Signature Signature NIGER BINDERS (NIG) 8University Market Road Nsukka. Phone: 08037793903 DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUK-KA. CCIDENT PATTE STATE FROM 1970 TO 2001 ATUBI, AUGUSTUS OR0 T QF GEOGRAPHY UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, MS UKKA.: DECEMBE CERTIFICATION Mr. Atubi, Augustus Orowhigo, a Postgraduate student in the Department of Geography and with the Registration Number PglPh.DlOOl277l6 has satisfactorily completed the requirements for course and research work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Transportation Geography. The work embodied in this Thesis is original and has not been submitted in part or full for any other d~plomaor degree of this or any other university 6;. J -- - - 1 - - -- . Dr. P. 0.Phil-Eze Prof. (Mrs.) P. C. Onokala (Head of Department) (Superv~sor) Prof. A.A Ogunsanya (External Examiner) ili DEDICATION 11-1 nlerrlory of my twin sister Augustina Ufuoma Atubi. A Nurse. Whose untimely death has denied mankind the services of a true Iwmriisl. 1v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IJndertakiny a rescarcli work as this without a challenging supervisor such as rnine, is like ernbarking on a voyage on a rudderless ship. 7-0 rny Supervisor, prof. (Mrs.) P.C. Onokala, whose useful c.:ritit:isms and lectures were tailor rneasured for this work, I owe an eicn-lal debt o-f uli-riost gratitude. I arrr also grateful to a11 my lectilrcrs for their part in preparing me for illis research, especially to Professor R.N.C. Anyadike, the Dean of I'ostgraduate Scl-lool, whose encouraging words from my earlier years ill no mall way helped me ieaclied this stage. "Po all the officers of ,the Lagos Police Cosnmand, Ikeja, Federal Iioad Safety Corps, Local Govcrrin~en.tSecretariats and all the authors, cited, I I'IUIT~~~Yberid my knees. Those who helped me know who .they are and they have my everlasting grati.tude. *,, ,,"... *,c. ;v ,.,;, .,>i'. Above all, however, is my iovlng and caring wife, Mrs. Favour Atubi and my three loving and fantas'tic kids Clinton, Roland and Hillary Atubi who gave me all the s~ipportand understanding. I1 - .. DECEMBER, 2006 ATUBI, AUGUSTUS OROWHIGH0 v LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE: PAGE DESCRIPTION Map of Nigeria showing the position of Lagos State Map of Lagos State showing the 20 L. G. A'S Model of a Basic System Epidemiological Model of Road Traffic Accident Haddon's Anatomy of Road Traffic Accident Map of Road Network of Lagos State Land use Pattern of Lagos State A chloropleth map showing the Reported Road Traffic Accidents in Lagos State: '1 970 - 2001 Chloropleth map showing the Reported Number of Fatal Accidents in Lagos Stale: 1970 -- 2001 Chloropleth mag showing the Reported Numbcs of Serious Accidents in Lagos State: 1970 2001 Chloropleth map showing the reported nirrnher of Minor Accidents in LagosStat~1'970 .- 2001 Bar Graph showing Road Accident Fatality in Lagos State: 1970 -- 2001 A Chloropleth map showing the Reported Number It - .. of Deaths from R.T.A's in Lagos State: 1970 - 2001 Bar Graph showing Reported Number of Deaths from Road Traffic Accident in Lagos State. A Chloropleth map showing the Reported Number of Injured from R.l-.A's in Lagos State: 1970 --2001 Monthly variation of Total and Casualty Road Traffic Accidents in L.agos Island Local Government Area: 1970 - 2001 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in Lagos Island L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Monthly variation of Total and Casualty Road Traffic Accidents in lkorodu L.G.A.: 1970 - 2001 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in Ikorodu L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Monthly variation of Total and casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Ajeromillfelodun L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in Ajeromillfelodun L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Monthly variation of Total and Casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Badagry L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Monthly Trend of road Traffic Accident in Radagry L.G.A.: 1970 - 2001 Monthly variation of Total and Casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Epe L.G.A: '1970 - 2001 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in Epe 1S.A.: 1970 - 2001 Monthly variati6Y13'Bf'Tbtaland Casualty Road Traffic Accidents in lkeja L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in lkeja I-.G.A: 1970 - 2001 I _. Monthly variation of Total and Casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Mushin L.G.A: 1970 -2001 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in Mushin L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Monthly variation of Total and casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Lagos-Mainland L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in Lagos Mainland L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 vii Monthly variation of Total and casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Apapa L.G.A: 1986 - 2001. 124 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accidents in Apapa L.G.A: 1986 - 2001 125 Monthly variation of Total and casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Oshodillsolo L.G .A: 1986 - 2001 127 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Acciden,i: in Oshoclillsola L.G.A: 1900 - 2001 '1 28 Monthly variation of total and casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Surulere L.G.A: 1986 -- 2001 I 30 Monthly Trend of Road Tra,Ric Accident in Surulere L.G.A: 1986 - 2001 131 Monthly variation of Total arid casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Shomolu L.G.A: 1986 - 2001 133 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accidents in Shomolu L...C;.A: 1986 - 2001 134 Monthly variation of "Total arrd casc~altyf?'\tsaci Traffic; Accidents in Agege L.6.A: 1089 - 2001 -1 36 ,., 4 4'. ,v ,. ' Monthly Trend of Road traffic Accident in Agege I..G.A: 1909 -- ::?001 .'I 3 7 Monthly variation of Total and casualty I-ioacl 'Traflic Accidents in Ojo I-.G.A:,;1989.- 200'1 7 39 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in Ojo I-.G.A: 1988 -- 2001 140 Monthly variation of Total and casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Eti - Osa 1-.G.A: 1989 - 2001 '1 4,3 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in Eti-Osa 1.G.A: '1 989 - 2001 ,144 Monthly variation of 'Total and casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Ibeju-Lekki L.G.A: 1989 -- 2001 11-16> viii Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in Ibeju-Lekki L.G.A: 1989 - 2001 Monthly variation of Total and casualty Road Traffic Accidents in lfako - ljaye L.G.A: 1989 - 2001 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in lfako - ljaye L.G.A: 1989 - 2001 Monthly variation of Total and casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Kosofe L.G.A: 1989 -- 2001 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in Kosofe L.G.A: I989 - 2001 Monthly variation of total and casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Alimosho L.G.A: 1989 - 2001 Monthly Trend of Road Traffic Accident in Alimosho L.G.A: '1 989 -- 2001 Monthly variation of Total and casualty Road Traffic Accidents in Amuwo-Odofin L.G.A: 1089 - 2001 Monthly Tkw-i of Road Traffic Accident in Aniirwo-Odofin 1X.A: 1989 --2001 Time serii?s and Ttdiiil ofhReported l-<o;ltl Yraffic: Accidents in Lagos State: 1970 - 200'1 Time series arid Trend of 'The lieported t7.I-.A's in Lagos Island 1.G.A: l9JO - 2Q01 Time series and l-rend of the Reported R.T.A's in Ikarotl~~L.G.A: 1970 2001. Time series and Trend of the Reported R.T.A's in Ajerorni/lfelodun L..G.A: IWO-2OOl Time series and Trend of the Reported K.T.A1sBadagry I-.C.A: '1 970 - 2001 Pitme series and l-rend of the Reported R.-r.A'sin Epc L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 ix Time series and Trend of Reported R.T.A's in lkeja I-.G.A: 1970 -- 2001 Time series and Trend of Reported R.T.A's in Mushin L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of Reported R.T.A1sin Lagos Mainland L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of Reported Deaths from R.T.A's in Lagos State: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of Reported Deaths from R.1-.A's in Lagos Island L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of Reported Deaths from R.T.A's in Ikorodu L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of Reparled Deaths from R.T.A1sin Ajeromillfelodi~n1X.A: 1970 2001 Time series and l-rend of Reported Deaths frorn R.1- A's in Eadagry L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of Reported Deaths from R.T.A's in Epe L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time set-ies and 'Trend of Reported Deaths frorn R.T.A7s in lkeja I-.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of rrtported Deaths from R.T.A'r; in Mushin L..G.A: 1970 - 2001 I' - . Time series and Trends of Reported Deaths from R.'T.A1s in Lagos Mainland I-.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series anrJ Trend of Reported Number of in,jurecl from R.T.A1sin Lagos State: 1970 -- 200'1 Time series and Trend of Reported Number of Injured from R.T.A1sin Lagos - Island: 1970 - 2001 Tirne series and Trend of Reported Number of injured from R.T.A1sin Ikorodu L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of Reported Number of injured from R.T.A1sin Ajerom~llfelodunL.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of Reported Number of injured from R.T.A1sin Badagry L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of reported Number of injured from R.T.A1sin Epe L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of Reported Number of injured from R.T.A1sin lkeja L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of Reported Number of injured from R.T.A's in Mushin L.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Time series and Trend of Reported Number of injured from R.T.A1sin Lagos mainland I-.G.A: 1970 - 2001 Variance spectrum for Lagos State Variance spectrum for Lagos Island Local Government Area Variance spectrum for Il<orodu Local Government Area Variance spectruni for Ajeromillfelodun I-.G.A Variance spectr~~mfor Baclagry I-ocal Government Area Variance spectr~~rnfor Epe Local Governrnent Area Variance specWclrii'fbr llieja Local Government Area Variance spectrilrn for Mushin Local Governrnent Area Variance spectr~tmfor 1-agss Main land 1X.A Variance spectrurrr for ,Lagos State on the Number of Deaths from R.T.A1s Variance spectrum for Lagos Island L.6.A on tlie Nl~tnberof Deaths from R.T.A1s Variance spectrum for Ikorodu L.G A on the Number of Deaths from II.T.A1s Variance spectrum for Ajeromillfelodun L.G.A or1 the Nurnber of Deaths from R.T.A1s.
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