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Jahrgang MARTIN MBS TEXTE 29 BUCER 2004 SEMINAR Thomas Schirrmacher The Complementary Nature of Biblical Teaching BUCER IN S T E M R A I N M A R 2 1 : E P 4 H TheologischeTheologische Akzente Akzente TableTable of Contents of Contents The Early Councils .................................................................. 3 The Complementary Nature .................................................... 5 Predestination and Responsibility ............................................ 7 Texts on Predestination to Salvation, which mention both predestination and human responsibility ........... 8 Who hardened Pharao‘s heart? ................................................ 8 The expression „to harden the heart“ appears in the New Testament as ............................................. 9 Texts which mention both the responsibility of Man in general and the divine predestination of events .................... 9 Men pray that God bring them to repentance ........................ 10 Teaching of predestination leeds to evangelization ................. 10 Annotations ........................................................................... 11 The author ............................................................................. 12 Impressum ............................................................................. 13 Der Text ist gleichzeitig als Geleitwort zu folgender Publi- kation erschienen: Henry Krabbendam, Sovereignty and Responsibility, Bonn: VKW, 2002. 1. Aufl. 2004 Thomas Schirrmacher The Complementary Nature of Biblical Teaching The Complementary Nature of Biblical Teaching Foreword to Henry Krabbendams „Soverainty and Responsibility“ Thomas Schirrmacher Sovereignty and Responsibility has theological systems. Henry Krabbendam been the topic of theology and philosophy has done the Church a major favour by for nearly 2000 years. Is it possible to say asking the question, whether we really something new on this topic or has not have built our Systematic theology on the everything been said? Can you do better whole Holy Scriptures. than Augustine, Luther or Wesley? And if Henry Krabbendam ist well prepared the author from his personal theological for his major task. He is teaching as Pro- tradition as a leading Reformed System- fessor of Systematic Theology, Apologe- atic theologian stands on one side of the tics and Evangelism on three continents, old fight between Calvinist and Arminian in the USA (Covenant College), Uganda Christians, why bother? (Africa Christian Training Institute, I am convinced that this book is a ACTS) and in Germany (Martin Bucer breakthrough on the topic of Sovereignty Seminar, MBS) near to his origins in the and Responsibility. On the one side the Netherlands. And everywhere he is liste- author is very old fashioned, using the ning carefully to local Christians. And he Bible as governing source of theology and does not only know the academic world, being deeply routed in historical theo- but has been active in evangelism, apo- logy. But his emphasis on the Bibel at the logetics and organising Christian work same time makes him very modern and in Africa and elsewhere. Thus he knows innovative, because he does not stop with his theological „enemy“ from personal the situation playing the Bible against the encounter and working together in evan- Bible, as is often the case in the debate. gelism and theological training. He wants to listen to the Biblical argu- ments of others and prove himself very thoroughly, whether or not he has taken The Early Councils into account their Biblical arguments. The Church of Christ has to battle for When the Early Church Councils theological unity and cannot leave out (Nicea 325, Constantinopel 381, Ephe- certain Biblical elements and revelati- sus 431 and Chalcedon 451) resolved the ons, because they do not fit in traditional issues of the relationships between the MBS TEXTE 29 3 Thomas Schirrmacher The Complementary Nature of Biblical Teaching Persons of the Trinity and the relation- integrated through unification, rather ship between the human and divine natu- is the unique nature of each of the two res of Christ, they were exemplary in their natures preserved and unified into one refusal to accept a one-sided declaration Person and one hypostasis, the only begot- but to accord all truths expressed in Scrip- ten Son. God the Word, the Lord Jesus ture equal weight. The numerous views in Christ, is not divided into two persons or these two major controversies had origi- separated, but is one and the same, as the nated not only under the influence of prophets had testified and as Jesus Christ non-Christian religions or popular world Himself has taught us, and the confession views, but also from apparently contra- of the fathers has affirmed.“1 dictory statements in the Bible itself. The councils fortunately chose not to insist Sections 2.3 and 8.2 of the Westmins- upon a ‘rational’ solution, but included ter Confession of 16472 summarize the all Biblical information. The statement Early Church‘s doctrine of the Trinity on Christ of the Council of Chalcedon and of the Dual Nature of Jesus and show (22–10–451 AD) says, that the complementary decisions of the early councils were of lasting value for „As heirs of the holy fathers, we thus all later generations: teach unanimously that our Lord Jesus Christ is to be confessed as one and the „In the unity of the Godhead there be same Son: the Same is perfect in His three persons, of one substance, power divinity, and the Same is perfect in His and eternity; God the Father, God the humanity: the Same is truly God and Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The truly Man with a rational soul and body: Father is of none, neither begotten nor the Same is according to divinity of the proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten same substance as God the Father, and of the Father, the Holy Ghost eternally according to His humanity of the same proceeding from the Father and the substance as we are; in all things like us Son.“3 except for sin (Compare Heb. 4:15). The Same was on the one hand in His divi- „The Son of God, the second person nity begotten of the Father before time; in the Trinity, being very and eternal on the other hand in His humanity in God, of one substance, and equal with the latter days born of Maria, the Virgin the Father, did, when the fullness of (and) Mother of God for our sakes and time was come, take upon him man’s for the sake of our salvation: one and nature, with all the essential properties the same is Christ, the only begotten Son and common infirmities thereof yet wit- and Lord, Who in two Natures, is seen hout sin; being conceived by the power to be neither commingled, nor alterable, of the Holy Ghost, in the womb of the undivided and indivisible. In no way is Virgin Mary, of her stubstance. So that the difference between the natures dis- two whole, perfect, and distinct natures, THEOLOGISCHE AKZENTE 4 Thomas Schirrmacher The Complementary Nature of Biblical Teaching the Godhead and the manhood were The theory of complementarity was inseparably joined together in one person controversial for many years. The Danish without conversion, composition or con- scientist Niels Bohr (1885–1962), who fusion. Which person is very God and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1922, very man, yet one Christ, the only Medi- introduced the term to physics in 19275, ator between God and man.“ 4 assuring the success of the theory of com- plementarity in the physics of the Twen- Unfortunately, later councils (Ephe- tieth Century.6 sus 431, Orange 529) failed to pursue A leading German Lexicon describes this wise course in dealing with the issue complementary nature of physical reality of human and divine responsibility in as the experimentally demonstrated fact salvation. The Church had negativly that atomic particles have two paired but rejected Pelagius‘ doctrines, but lacked apparently contradictory properties, for the strength positivly to incorporate all example, particle and wave. „Two com- aspects of scriptural revelation as they had plementary features cannot be observed done when deciding on the Trinity and on simultaneously, but require two contra- the Nature of Christ. Had they done so, dictory, mutually intolerable measure- their complementary solution would have ments.“7 moulded and unified all of Christianity, Complementarity thus implies that the as the former issues had done. Full Pelagi- various aspects of some phenomena can anism (salvation by works alone), having only be studied and defined separately been universally condemned, never really from each other, even though we know raised its head again, even in the Roman that the results of both studies are simul- Catholic Church. taneously true, and that an accurate result can only be obtained by setting all aspects concerned into a proper relationship to The Complementary Nature each other – as in the case of complemen- of Biblical Thought tary colours, which only produce white when properly mixed. Physicists have discovered many pheno- Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker defines mena which can be described as „comple- complementarity as „consisting of the fact mentary“ (from Lat. „complementum“; that the two features cannot be applied completion or supplement) in a double or simultaneously, even though both must triple form. Colorus which produce white be applied“.8 when mixed (for example, red and green), In the mean time, this theory has been are called complementary colours. In a adopted by many sciences and discipli- single experimental situation, an electron nes.9 can be only demonstrated to be either a It is not a lack of logical truth that particle or a wave, although in reality it is forces man to rely upon complementary both. This is therefore also true of light. statements about scriptural revelation MBS TEXTE 29 5 Thomas Schirrmacher The Complementary Nature of Biblical Teaching and theology, but the limitations of the The Christian is free from Sin, but not human mind. In defending most central sinless. doctines of the Christian faith, that God Satan is overthrown but still wields is Triune and that Jesus is truly Man and great power. truly God, the Early Church deliberately chose complementary formulations.
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