Central State University Foundation Contributors Report July 1, 2014 - June 3, 2015 2 • 2015 Contributors Report 2015 Contributors Report • 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Central State University President’s Message 4 CSU Foundation President’s Message 5 CSU Foundation Board of Trustees 6 CSU Foundation Executive Director 8 CSU Foundation Giving Overveiw 10 Giving & Investments 12 Statement of Financial Position 13 CSU Plans First Capital Campaign 14 Magic Johnson to Chair Campaign Efort 15 Kappas Raise Funds for CSU Sudents 16 Dream Keepers 18 Give Your Year Campaign 22 A Life Lived Well, Dr. James Elam 23 Robert & Ann Carter 24 A Very Special Alumnus, Doris Nicholson 26 Tom Joyner Scholarships 28 Contributors Listing 31 4 • 2015 Contributors Report csu presidents message 2015 Contributors Report • 5 foundation presidents message 6 • 2015 Contributors Report Central State University Foundation Board of Trustees Charles Whitehead ‘61 James E. Farmer ‘67 Starla McCollum Board of Trustees President, President, James E. Farmer Consulting, Inc. President/CEO, Tinsley & Associates, Ltd former President, Ashland Inc. Foundation President, Ohio Health Foundation James Hill, Jr. ‘ 64 and Senior Vice President, OhioHealth Derek H. Anderson Retired President of Hill Taylor Certifed Accounts Assistant Director, City of Columbus, Felton Page Ohio Department of Public Utilities Vernon Ford ‘70 President, National Alumni Association Former Vice President, Christopher Ascher Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA), Cathy Ponitz Senior Financial Advisor, President, Owner of BM Services Executive Director, The CareSource Foundation, Morgan Stanley Corporation Community Relations & Diversity Fred J. Grigsby, Jr. ‘69 Robert Bowles ‘61 Immediate Past President, Alvin Tucker ‘60 Owner, Founder, Chairman RB Company LLC National Alumni Association (NAA) Former, Budget Director Community Services Administration Department of Health Michael B. Colbert Dennis Kernahan and Human Services Assistant County Administrator Independent Stock Broker for Development Services of Montgomery County As of October 4, 2015 2015 Contributors Report • 7 “The Foundation Board is working together to help Central realize its enormous potential to educate students, serve the community and impact the world” Foundation Trustee Starla McCollum New $33.5M University Student Center. 8 • 2015 Contributors Report From the Central State University Foundation Executive Director he Central State University Foundation views tion Giving and investment graphics are on page xx. stewardship of Foundation resources as its The Foundation is steadfast in its planning for the Thighest priority. We are pleased to report the capital campaign. Meeting on a regular schedule, the Foundation in FY 2014 once again received an un- Foundation is committed in assisting the University qualifed audit/ clean opinion from the independent in undertaking major building renovations, providing accounting frm, Crowe Horwath, LLP. The opinion faculty with the resources and equipment necessary means that the Foundation’s fnancial statements to conduct faculty/student research, building the fairly represent the fnancial position of the Foun- Foundation’s endowment, expand academic program dation and that the audit showed net assets of oferings and enhance scholarship oferings. To do $23,393,864 an increase of 5% over the previous year. so requires signifcant funding not available through A Statement of the Foundation’s Financial Position is state appropriations. Detailed information about the contained on page 13. capital campaign is contained on pages 14-16. Chaired by Trustee Dennis Kernahan, the Founda- This report highlights the many contributions of tion’s Investment Committee works closely with donors to the “Alma Mater”. We are grateful. Our Merrill Lynch Financial Services to ensure adherence success in 2015 -2016 and beyond is dependent upon to the Foundation’s investment policy and strict man- long term support from “old friends” like you. We agement of the endowed funds. The audit refects have set high fundraising goals for this year. We look growth in the Foundation’s investment portfolio. forward to meeting with you throughout the year. Merrill Lynch and the investment committee meet monthly and the investment committee reports to Sincerely, the Foundation Board on a quarterly basis. Founda- Dr. Veronica Watkins 2015 Contributors Report • 9 “We are grateful for the support of corporate and community leaders whose contributions are vital to the Foundation’s work and the Central State University students we serve.” Dr. Veronica Watkins, Interim Executive Director CSU Foundation WE HAVE MOVED! The Central State University Foundation has moved its ofces to the CSU Dayton Campus, which is located in downtown Dayton, OH. This move will allow Foundation staf to develop closer funding relationships with the area’s corporate and foundation community. The new mailing address of the Central State University Foundation is: Central State University Foundation PO Box 64, Dayton, OH 45401-0064 840 Germantown Street 10 • 2015 Contributors Report Central State University Foundation Giving & Investments n recent years, the number of national corporate major gifts to the University have come in the form headquarters located in Green and Montgomery of bequests. This past year the Foundation received ICounties has dwindled to a few. As such, the bequests from the estates of Alumni Lance O. Jackson number of corporate gifts from “old corporate and Earnest L. Washington totaling over 110,000 friends” has also been reduced. For example, this dollars. past year, Standard Register a long time fnancial The Give Your Campaign is designed to encourage supporter of the University was purchased by a younger donors to make gifts to the University. Please New York based company, signifcantly reduced its see the status report on the Give Your Year campaign workforce, and their giving to the University was not contained herein. Most Centralians say they want renewed this past year. This requires the Foundation the option of giving online. Although the Foundation to not only seek corporate support on a regional has provided the option for the last few years, most and national basis, it demands that the Foundation Foundation gifts are made by check through the mail. develop closer relationships with the remaining cor- We will have to do a better job of promoting online porations and foundations in the Dayton area. It also giving. demands that the Foundation seek increased support The Foundation has made it a practice to visit with from alumni and friends. alumni seeking their support. Centralians give The Foundation receives the majority of its gifts from because they are asked. During the past year, the individual donors, alumni and friends who are 55 Foundation visited with, spoke to and hosted donors years of age or older. The Foundation’s donor base on a frequent basis. We will do more in 2015-2016. is slightly more women than men. As the donor Also, the Foundation will implement direct mail base ages the 1887 Legacy Society, the Foundation’s campaigns, personal visits and telethons seeking planned giving program becomes the perfect giving increased fnancial support. vehicle for many of our donors. In recent years In 2014-2015 the Foundation saw the 100% Employee 2015 Contributors Report • 11 Giving Campaign result in 73% of CSU employees contributing to the University. Individual educational and administrative units such as the College of “Over the long term, Business, President’s Senior Cabinet and Instutional Advancement achieved 100% giving-The Board of the Foundation expects Trustees of the Foundation and University pledged 100% giving to the capital campaign. the endowment to grow at an average of fve Fundraising Plan 2015-2016 percent annually. he CSU Foundation has developed its fscal year T2015 -2016 fundraising plan. The campaign goal This is consistent with is $3.5 million dollars in campaign gifts, pledges, planned gifts and in-kind support. The plan is consis- the Foundation’s tent with the fund development goals of the Capital Campaign “A Promising Tomorrow…” developed by objective to maintain the consulting frm Saad and Shaw. The Foundation will focus its eforts on increased scholarship support, the purchasing power student retention and graduation, and special program sponsorships. of the endowment A copy of the 2015-2016 fundraising plan is avaliable assets…” upon request. Charles Whitehead, President CSU Foundation 12 • 2015 Contributors Report Giving and Investments Giving by Constituency Investment Allocations The investment allocation is reviewed on a monthly basis by the Foundation's Investment Committee with its fnancial advisors, Merrill Lynch. The Foundation's investment policy and market trends determine investment allocation over the long term. 2015 Contributors Report • 13 Statements of Financial Position Central State University Foundation and Subsidiaries • June 30, 2014 & 2013 CSU Foundation Assets 2014 2013 Cash and cash equivalents $1,533,902 $587,885 Investment Performance Contributions receivable, net 12,439 26,856 Deposits 36,302 - (2012 -2015) Other receivables 4,917 1,557 he Foundation’s Investment Committee Prepaid expenses 6,470 5,672 manages the investment portfolio (endowed TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $ 1,594,030 $ 621,970 funds) with its Wealth Management Advisor, T Investments 4,654,662 3,788,952 Merrill Lynch. They are guided by the Board approved Restricted cash and cash equivalents 3,492,437 3,661,620
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