1911. CONGRESSIONAL ~ RECORD-SENATE. 177 SENATE. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, MONDAY, December 11, 1911. its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed the fol­ lowing bills, in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate: The Senate met at 2 o'clock p. m. H. R. 13278. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. across Caddo Lake, in Louisiana ; and WILLIAM 0. BRADLEY, a Senator from the State of Kentucl{y; H. R.13988. An act to authorize the Director of the Census to WILLIAM LORIMER, a Senator from the State of Illinois; JAMES collect and publish additional statistics of tobacco. A. O'GoRMAN, a Senator from the State of New York; and ROBERT L. OWEN, a Senator from the State of Oklahoma, ap­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. peared in their seats to-day. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a petition of the Na­ The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday last was read tional Indian War Veterans' Association, praying for the en­ and approved. actment of legislation granting pensions to those who served Sundry messages in writing from the President of the United the Government from 1865 to 1800, which was referred to the States were communicated to the Senate by M. C. Latta, one of Committee on Pensions. the President's secretaries. He also presented a petition of the Philadelphia Brigade .As­ RAILROAD SECURITIES COMMISSION (H. DOC. NO. 256). sociation, Grand Army of the Republic, of Pennsylvania, pray­ The PilESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the in~ for the passage of the so-called old-age pension bill, which following message from the President of the United States, was referred to the Committee on Pensions. He also presented a res~lution adopted by the Confercnre for which was read, and, with accompanying paper, referred to the Panama Canal Free '.rolls for Coastwise Commerce, held at Committee on Interstate Commerce and ordered to be printed: Washington, D. C., favoring the enactment of legislation author­ To the Senate and House of Representatives: izing free tolls through the Panama Canal for vessels engaged I transmit herewith for your consideration the report which in domestic commerce between the ports of the United States, has been made to me by the Railroad Securities Commission, which was referred to the Committee on Interoceanic Canals. appointed under the authority of section 1G of the act to create He also presented a memorial of the Federation of Labor, of a Commerce Court, approved June 18, 1910 (36 Stat., 556). The Cleveland, Ohio, remonstrating against the repeal or modifica­ report evidences for itself the careful consideration which it tion of the present currency system, which was referred to the has received from the commission, and I heartily concur in the Committee on Finance. · recommendations it contains and urge that appropriate action Re also presented a memorial of the congregation of the South be taken to carry these recommendations into effect. Texas Seventh-day Adventist Church, of Houston, Tex.. WM. H. TAFT. remonstrating against the enforced observance of Sunday as a THE WHITE HOUSE, December 11, 1911. day of rest in the District of Columbia, which was ordered to ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION (H. DOC. NO. 162). lie on the table. He also presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce of The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the fol­ New York, praying for the ratification of all arbitration treaties' lowing message from the President of the United States, which now pending before the Senate and the approval of the Nica­ was read, ordered to be printed, and, with the accompanying raguan and Honduran conventions, which was referred to the paper, referred to the Committee on Internceanic Canals: Committee on Foreign Relations. To the Senate and House of Representatives: • He also presented a petition of the Board of Foreign Mis­ I transmit herewith, pursuant to the requirements of chapter sions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, praying for the rati­ 1302, Thirty-second Statutes, page 483, "An act to provide for fication of all arbitration treaties now pending before the the construction of a canal connecting the waters of the At­ Senate, which was ordered to lie on the table. lantic and Pacific Oceans," approved June 28, 1902, the annual He also presented a resolution adopted by the Women's report of the Isthinian Canal Commission for the fiscal year Christian Temperance Union of Colorado, favoring the erection entled June 30, 1911. of a statue of peace at the entrance to the Panama Canal, WM. H. TA.FT. which was referred to the Committee on Interoceanic Canals. THE WHITE HOUSE, December 11, 1911. Mr. GALLINGER presented a memorial of the Improved Paper Machinery Co., of Nashua, N. H., remonstrating against REPORT ON ORDNANCE AND FORTIFICATIONS (H. DOC. NO. 130). any change being made in the present duty on pulp and paper, The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com- which was referred to the Committee on Finance. munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting the· twenty­ He also presented the petition of C. W. Hannaford, of Ports­ first annual report of the Board of Ordnance and Fortifica­ mouth, N. H., and the petition of Frances Bather, of Dover, tions for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1911, which was re­ N. H., praying that an appropriation be made for the construc­ ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be tion of a highway from Washington, D. C., to Gettysburg, Pa., printed. as a memorial to Abraham Lincoln, which· were referred to the 1 ONEIDA INDIANS OF WISCONSIN (H. DOC. NO. 251). Committee on Appropriations. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ He alEo presented a petition of Local Lodge No. 444, Inde­ munication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pendent Order of B'rith Abraham, of Concord, N. H., praying pursnant to law, the result of the reopening of negotiations with for the abrogation of the present treaty between the United the Oneida Indians of Wisconsin for the commutation of their States and Russia, which was referred to the Committee on perpetual annuities under treaty stipulations, which, with the Foreign Relations. accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Indian He also presented petitions of the George Street Chapel Affairs and otdered to be printeC!_. Sunday School, of Keene; of the congregations of the Fii'St" Congregational Church of North Conway, of the First Baptist FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS. Church of Franklin, and of Rev. C. C. Garland, of Concord, The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate com­ a1I in the State- of New Hampshire; of the Republican Club of munications from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, New York City, N. Y.; and of the Delaware Peace Society, of transmitting findings of fact and conclusi-0nn of law filed by the Wilmington, Del., praying for the ratification of the treaties of court. in the following causes: arbitration between the United States, Great Britain, and David Hockensmith, administrator de bonis non of George W. France, which were ordered to lie on the table. Hockensmith, deceased, v. United States (S. Doc. No. 141); and l\fr. CULLOM presented petitions of sundry citizens of nli­ The County Court of Randolph County, W. Va., v. United nois, California, New York, Rhode Island, Delaware, Washing­ States (S. Doc. No. 142). ton, and Massachusetts, praying for the ratification of the pro­ The foregoing findings were, with the accompanying papers, posed treaties of arbitration between the United States, Great referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Britain, and France, which were ordered to lie on the table. He also presented a petition of sundry members of the IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS ( S. DOC. NO. 14 0). Illinois National Guard, praying for the enactment of legislation The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before·the Senate a com­ to provide pay for members of the Organized :Militia, which was munication from the officers of the National Rivers and Har­ referred to the Committee on l\!ilitary Affairs. bors Congress, transmitting resolutions adopted by that body He also presented a petition of Local Lodge No. 498, Intema­ favoring a continuance by Congress of its policy of annual ap­ tional Association of Machinists, of Beardstown, Ill., and a propriations for the improvement of rivers and harbors, for petition of Local Lodge No. 58, Switchmen's Union, of Chicago, continuing the contract system, and authorizing free tolls for Ill., praying for the repeal of the present oleomargarine law, American ships over improved waterways, etc., which were re­ which were referred to the Committee on Agriculture and ferred to the Committee Qn Commerce and ordered to be printed: Forestry. XLVIII-12 1178 CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD-SENATE .. DEOEMBER 11, He also presented memorials of the congregations of the Mr. O'GORl\IAN presented memorials of sundry local lodges, Seventh-day Adventist Churches of Chicago and Onarga, in the Independent Order B'rith Abraham, of New York City, Roches­ State of Illinois, remonstrating against the observance of Sun­ ter, Brooklyn, Binghamton, Elmira, Niagara, Mount Vernon, day as a day of rest in the District of Columbia, which were Buffalo, Albany, and Syracuse; of local lodges, Independent Order ord·ered to lie on the table. Ahn.was Israel, of New York City, Liberty, Brooklyn, and Sag He also presented petitions of sundry lodges of the Order of Harbor; of local lodges, Independent Order B'rith Sholom, of B'rith Abraham of Chicago; of Local Lodge Ko.
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