Thorax 1993;48:195-196 195 Diuretics and asthma Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.48.3.195 on 1 March 1993. Downloaded from Sometimes novel treatments arise from chance observa- inhaled frusemide (including the early response to aller- tions made with existing drugs. The beneficial effects of gen, adenosine, hyperventilation, exercise, and fog) are an inhaled diuretic, frusemide (furosemide), in asthma believed to be mediated, at least in part, by release of challenge studies has raised the prospect that diuretics mast cell mediators. Indeed, frusemide appears to inhibit may have a role in the treatment of asthma in the future.' the release of histamine and leukotrienes in passively sen- These observations originate from the observation made sitised human lung in vitro.2' In vivo inhaled frusemide by Bianco and colleagues that nebulised frusemide inhib- inhibits the release of neutrophil chemotactic factor dur- ited bronchoconstriction induced by exercise and by neb- ing fog induced bronchoconstriction, suggesting an ulised water in asthmatic patients.2 3 Since then the inhibitory effect on the release of airway mediator in inhibitory effect of inhaled frusemide has been shown in asthma. 12 Furthermore, frusemide has an inhibitory a number of "indirect" challenges (which are thought to action on mediator release from eosinophils in vitro,22 an cause airway narrowing by releasing a bronchoconstrictor effect that appears to be due to inhibition of Cl- trans- rather than via direct contraction of airway smooth port. This may be consistent with the inhibitory effect of muscle). These include bronchoconstriction induced by frusemide on the late response and on the early airway sodium metabisulphite,' adenosine monophosphate,' 6 hyperresponsiveness following allergen challenge.8 9 hyperventilation,@ and the early response to inhaled aller- Although the mechanism of action of cromones in gen,89 in addition to exercise"2101 and fog.3 12 13 In this asthma is still uncertain, there is evidence to suggest that issue of Thorax Rodwell and colleagues describe a similar they have effects on sensory nerve function; similar find- inhibitory effect of inhaled frusemide in hypertonic ings have been reported with frusemide. Both nedocromil saline, another indirect challenge (pp 208-14). In con- sodium and frusemide modulate neuropeptide release trast to the inhibitory effect on indirect challenges, from sensory nerves of guinea pig airways in vitro. 1623 inhaled frusemide has no protective effect in direct bron- Frusemide also has a modulatory effect on cholinergic choconstriction induced by histamine, methacholine, or neural responses, which are not affected by mechanical prostaglandin F(,.4 '7 These in vivo studies are support- removal of the epithelium and are therefore presumed to ed by studies showing that frusemide has no effect on be direct neural effects.'6 The protective effect of inhaled contraction of airway smooth muscle in vitro even when frusemide against metabisulphite induced bronchocon- airway epithelium is intact.'516 This profile of effects is striction in asthmatic patients provides supportive evi- very similar to that observed with sodium cromoglycate dence that an effect on sensory nerves may be important. and nedocromil sodium, suggesting that these cromones Further evidence is provided by the inhibitory effect of may share a common mechanism of action with inhaled frusemide on cough induced by low chloride frusemide. solutions and prostaglandin F20 in normal volunteers.'4-26 It is of interest that nedocromil sodium has an inhibitory http://thorax.bmj.com/ effect on chloride transport in an isolated vagus nerve Mechanism of action preparation,27 suggesting the possibility that frusemide The mechanism of action of inhaled frusemide in indirect and cromones have a common molecular mechanism of challenge is still not clear but several clues are provided action which involves blockade of a particular type of by recent investigations. Frusemide acts as a diuretic by chloride channel in sensory nerves. inhibiting the Na-/K-/2Cl- cotransporter in the ascend- ing limb of the loop of Henle in the kidney.'7 It achieves a high local concentration as it is concentrated within the Role of prostaglandins on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. kidney. It may be of interest that frusemide exerts its The fact that frusemide enhances the synthesis of anti-asthma effect only when given by inhalation in rela- prostaglandin E2 in the kidney, which may affect renal tively high doses (20-40 mg) and is not effective after oral blood flow,28 29 has suggested that inhibitory administration in doses that cause diuresis.2 This sug- prostaglandins, perhaps released from airway epithelial gests that relatively high local concentrations are required cells, may mediate the protective effect of frusemide in and that the target cell is superficially located within the some challenges. Support for this is provided by a recent airway. Bumetanide is a more potent loop diuretic and is study in which the cyclooxygenase inhibitor a more potent inhibitor of the same cotransporter but it indomethacin appeared to reduce the protective effect of is not effective in the same challenges.5" Furthermore, frusemide in exercise induced asthma.'0 This is unlikely, the more potent diuretics piretanide and torasemide have however, as inhibitory prostaglandins released by less protective effect than frusemide.213 18 This strongly frusemide should also be protective against directly act- suggests that the anti-asthma effect of inhaled frusemide ing bronchoconstrictors such as histamine and metha- is unrelated to its diuretic action. In addition other choline. Furthermore, another cyclooxygenase inhibitor diuretics, including acetazolamide and amiloride, are (flurbiprofen) does not modulate the protective effect of either not very effective or are ineffective.49 Frusemide frusemide in metabisulphite induced bronchoconstric- reduces the epithelial potential difference and short cir- tion.30 Similarly, lysine aspirin potentiates rather than cuit current in airways in vitro, suggesting that it may enhances the protective effect of inhaled frusemide in fog have a direct effect on airway epithelial cells.20 Nebulised induced asthma.3' In addition, frusemide has an inhibit- frusemide, however, has no effect on nasal potential dif- ory action against certain cough challenges24-26 whereas if ference even though amiloride, which blocks sodium it released prostaglandin E2 this would be expected to transport in the lumen, is effective.4 enhance cough challenge.32 33 By analogy with sodium cromoglycate and nedocromil sodium, another possible mechanism of action of frusemide is an effect on inflammatory cells, including Clinical implications mast cells. Some of the indirect challenges inhibited by Although inhaled frusemide has a similar effectiveness to 196 Barnes nedocromil sodium in bronchial challenge studies, it is induced asthma (EIA) but bumetamide does not [abstract]. Thorax 1990;45:798P. not yet certain whether it has a useful anti-asthma effect 12 Moscato G, Dellabianca A, Falagiani I, Mistrello G, Rossi G, Rampulla in patients with asthma and studies with regular inhaled C. Inhaled furosemide prevents both the bronchoconstriction and the increase in neutrophil chemotactic activity induced by ultrasonic "fog" effect Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.48.3.195 on 1 March 1993. Downloaded from frusemide are currently under way. The protective of distilled water in asthmatics. Am Rev Respir Dis 1991;143:561-6. of frusemide appears to be unrelated to its diuretic action 13 Foresi A, Pelucchi A, Mastropasqua B, Cavigioli G, Earlesi RM, and therefore there is a possibility that compounds that Marazzini L. Effect of inhaled fuurosemide and torasemide on bronchial responses to ultrasonically nebulized distilled water in asth- have a more potent anti-asthma effect but are devoid of matic subjects. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992;146:364-8. diuretic activity may be discovered. The molecular mech- 14 Stone RA, Yeo TC, Barnes PJ, Chung KF. Frusemide inhibits cough but is not bronchoconstriction to prostaglandin F,,, in patients with asthma anism of action of frusemide is still uncertain but it [abstract]. Am Rev Respir Dis 1991;143:A548. possible that a particular type of chloride ion channel is 15 Knox AJ, Ajao P. Effect of frusemide on airway smooth muscle contractil- blocked and that this channel-presumably in mast cells, ity in vitro. Thorax 1990;45:856-9. 16 Elwood W, Lotvall JO, Barnes PJ, Chung KF. Loop diuretics inhibit other inflammatory cells, and sensory nerves-is also the cholinergic and non-cholinergic nerves in guinea pig airways. Am Rev target for cromones. This may give insight not only into Respir Dis 1991 ;143: 1340-4. 17 Haas M. Properties and diversity of (Na-K-Cl) co-transporters. Annu Rev the mode of action of cromones in asthma but also into Physiol 1989;51:443-57. the mechanisms of allergic inflammation itself, which 18 Yeo CT, O'Connor BJ, Chen-Wordsell M, Barnes PJ, Chung KF. may lead the way in the future to the development of Protective effects of loop diuretics, piretanide and frusemide, against sodium metabisulphite-induced bronchoconstriction in asthma. Eur more potent and longer lasting drugs with a safety mar- RespirJ3 1993. gin as enviable as that of cromones. What started out as a 19 O'Connor B, Yeo CT, Chen-Wordsell YM, Barnes PJ, Chung KF. Airway responses to sodium metabisulfite are inhibited by acetazo- curious observation has turned into an area of research lamide but not by amiloride. Eur RespirJ 1991;4(Suppl 14):377S. well worth pursuing. 20 Welsh MJ. Inhibition of chloride secretion by furosemide in canine tra- P J BARNES cheal epithelium. JfMembr Biol 1993;71:219-26. Department of Thoracic Medicine, 21 Anderson SD, Wei HE, Temple DM. Inhibition by furosemide of inflam- matory mediators from lung fragments [letter]. N Engl J Med 1991; National Heart and Lung Institute, 324:131. London SW3 6LY 22 Perkins R, Dent G, Chung KF, Barnes PJ. Effect of anion transport inhibitors and extracellular Cl- concentrations on eosinophil respiratory Reprint requests to: Professor P J Bames burst activity.
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