Sculpture and Social Dynamics in Preclassic Mesoamerica Julia Guernsey Index More Information

Sculpture and Social Dynamics in Preclassic Mesoamerica Julia Guernsey Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01246-2 - Sculpture and Social Dynamics in Preclassic Mesoamerica Julia Guernsey Index More information Index Agua Escondida Monument 1, 82 Bell, Catherine, 155 Cabrera Castro, Rubén, 142 Fig. 4.33c, 82 Bell, Ellen, 52, 87, 137 Cacaxtla, 87 Aguateca, 126, 138, 168 Benson, Elizabeth, 15 Cahal Pech, 102, 103 ajaw title, associated with emanation of Benson, Larry, 7, 8 Cakchiquel Maya, 155 sound, 134 Berger, Rainer, 56 camahuiles, 80–81 Fig. 7.3b, 134 Bernal, Ignacio, 20, 54 Campbell, Lyle, 23, 30 Akkeren, Ruud van, 173 Beyer, Hermann, 13, 24, 123, 138 candeleros, 174 Alcock, Susan, 159 Bilbao, 93 Cantón Corralito, 33, 35 Alta Verapaz, 132 Monument 58, 66, 87, 99, 136, 164 Canuto, Marcello, 52, 87, 154 Alvarado, Carlos, 50, 75, 142 Fig. 4.12a, 69 Caso, Alfonso, 17, 19 Alvaro Obregón, 33, 35, 46 Bilbao/Concepción Ceiba, Tabasco figurine, 110 potbelly, 95 Monument 46, 66, 99 celts, 80 Fig. 4.49, 95 Fig. 4.11c, 69 Central Mexican figurines.See Teotihuacan sculpture of standing figure Monument 47, 66, 99 Cerro de las Mesas, 51, 162 Fig. 3.3b, 33 Fig. 4.11d, 69 Monument 5, 99 Amaroli, Paul, 85, 86, 111 Blackman Eddy, 102, 107, 169 Chahk, 47, 52, 58, 85, 173 ancestors, 13, 116, 117, 118, 144–45, 160, Bloch, Maurice, 159 Chalcatzingo, 42, 103, 107, 112–13, 117, 175, See also potbelly sculpture as Blom, Frans, 15, 17 120, 126, 173 ancestors Blomster, Jeffrey, 157, 175 figurines at, 102, 134 archaeological evidence for potbellies as, Boas, Franz, 31 issues of public vs. private space at, 116 141–43 Boggs, Stanley, 24, 56 Monument 1, 112 depiction of in Mesoamerica, 134–35, Bonampak, 137 Fig. 5.10b, 113 149–55 Both, Arnd, 138 Monument 9, 112, 116 Anderson, Dana, 85 boulder sculptures, 6, 20, 24, 37, 38, 39, Fig. 5.10a, 113 Antigua, Sacatepéquez Monument 1, 81 45, 46, 56, 63, 110, 111, 136, 157, Monument 17, 116 Fig. 4.33b, 82 163, 165 mortuary traditions at, 116 Antigua, Veracruz potbelly, 98 Bourdieu, Pierre, 151, 152 Chalchuapa, 52, 106 Arnaud, Laura, 170 Bove, Frederick, 13, 18, 24, 38, 40, 42, 43, Monument 1, 52 Arredondo, Ernesto, 148 48, 56, 65, 85, 118, 126 Monument 7, 52, 85, 86 Arriaga potbelly, 46, 94, 95, 98, 99, Braakhuis, H.E.M., 138, 173 Fig. 4.39a, 86 100, 174 Braswell, Geoffrey, 79, 126 Monument 27, 64 Fig. 4.50a, 96 breath, concepts and imagery of, 13, 104, Chamula, 135, 138 Arroyo, Bárbara, 26, 38, 42, 52, 103, 169 131–34, 139 Chanchich II potbelly sculptures, 83 Ausec, Marne, 153, 154 ethnographic evidence for, 133–34, 152 Fig. 4.36c, 84 Awe, Jaime, 102 Figs. 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 132 Charlie Chaplin type figurines, 80 Aztec, 1, 15, 29, 76, 99, 114, 136, 138, mortuary evidence for, 132–33 Chase, Arlen, 115 142, 156, 159–60, 168, 169, 173 as performance, 137–39 Chase, Diane, 115, 169 concepts of breath and soul, 132 Brown, M. Kathryn, 102 Cheek, Charles, 142 tlatoani “speaker” title, 134 Bruehl, Gustav, 17, 18 Cheetham, David, 33 Bruhns, Karen Olsen, 86 Chiapa de Corzo, 38, 51, 52, 132 Balberta, 43, 126, 133 Brumfiel, Elizabeth, 119 effigy jar with puffy features, 97 ballgame complex. See ritual combat Bryant, Douglas, 31, 96 Fig. 4.51b, 97 Barbier-Mueller Museum potbelly, 84 Buena Vista sculpture, 33, 35, 163 figurine, 111 barrigón. See potbelly sculpture Fig. 3.3a, 33 Mound 11, 132 beads in mouth, 98, 168 burials. See mortuary traditions Chilpancingo, 128 Beaudry-Corbett, Marilyn, 38, 45 Burkitt, Robert, 16, 17 Chimaltecos, 133, 152 227 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01246-2 - Sculpture and Social Dynamics in Preclassic Mesoamerica Julia Guernsey Index More information 228 Index China, 159 in the Department of Sacatepéquez, and relationship to public spaces, 2 Chinchilla, Oswaldo, 12, 24, 63, 66, 84, 93 Guatemala, 81 and relationship to sculpture, 1, 44, Chocolá, 50, 82 in the Department of San Marcos, 147, 152 Monument 30, 50, 69, 82, 96 Guatemala, 81 Elson, Christina, 159 Fig. 4.34, 83 in the Department of Sololá, Escobedo, Héctor, 25 Christenson, Allen, 175 Guatemala, 82 Escuintla head with pursed lips Clark, John, 26, 31, 32, 35, 39, 42, 51, 52, in the Department of Suchitepéquez, (unprovenienced), 63, 67, 97, 108 107, 121, 147, 153, 159 Guatemala, 82–83 Fig. 4.7, 65 Coe, Michael, 19, 20, 33, 34, 92, 105 in El Salvador, 85–87 Estrada Belli, Francisco, 38, 49, 67 Cogolludo, Diego López de, 137 in Guerrero, Mexico, 99–100 Colha, 129 in Honduras, 87 Fahsen, Federico, 30, 32, 51 Colman, Arlene, 159 in Tlaxcala, Mexico, 87–88 Fat God, 13, 24, 121, 123–30, 131, 138, commoners, 114 in Veracruz, Mexico, 97–99 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 173, 174, and figurine use, 2, 8 unprovenienced from Guatemala, 84–85 See also Teotihuacan and sculpture, 2, 8, 44 dogs, associations with death and the representations from Central Mexico/ Concepción Monument 3, 66, 136 Underworld, 142 Tampico Fig. 4.11b, 69 domestic ritual Fig. 6.3, 124 Concepción-Anexo Colorado Monument changes in during Middle to Late Faust, Katherine, 119, 139 2, 66 Preclassic transition, 101, 109–10 feasting, 112, 118 Fig. 4.12b, 69 and potbelly sculpture, 139–41, 160 Fialko, Vilma, 83 Concepción-Cementerio Monument 1, domestic ritual space. See also public vs. Fields, Virginia, 134 66, 107 private space figurines, 12, 33, 52, 102–11, 116, Fig. 4.11a, 69 Douglas, Eduardo, 15 117–20, 131, 140, 141, 174, Connerton, Paul, 153 Drucker, Philip, 18, 54, 81 See also camahuiles Contreras Martínez, José E., 87, 88 duck-billed characters. See potbelly sculpture: as antecedents to potbelly sculpture, Copan, 1, 87, 147, 171 with beards or masks 8–9, 10, 12, 13, 101, 109, 110–11, potbelly CPN 46, 87 Dutton, Bertha, 81 119–20, 144–49 Fig. 4.40, 87 and corpulent bodies, 121–30 corpulence, 137 Earley, Caitlin, 51 decline of by Late Preclassic on Pacific as hybrid trait, 123 Eisen, Gustav, 16 slope, 101, 109, 144, 146, 148–49 and social status, 121–22 Ekholm, Susanna, 39, 110 meaning and function of, 103 Costa Rica, 136 El Bálsamo, Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa as sculpture, 2, 25, 101 Cotzumalguapa, 48, 66, 76, 79, 93, 164 Monument 1, 66 Finca Arévalo, 16, 54 Covarrubias, Miguel, 15, 19, 26, 55 Fig. 4.12c, 69 Finca Bonampak Monument 1, 65 Craig, Jessica, 84 El Baúl, 81, 93, 162 Fig. 4.10a, 68 Cuauhtémoc, 36, 42, 106, 112 Monument 25, 93 Finca Concepción, 164 duck-billed effigy tecomate, 99 Monument 35, 76, 79 Finca Costa Brava head, 63 Cummins, Tom, 159 Stela 1, 149 Fig. 4.7b and c, 65 Cyphers, Ann, 102, 174 Fig. 8.2b, 150 Finca Nueva El Jobal potbelly, 84 Monument 1, 7, 66 Dahlin, Bruce, 106 El Jobo, 46, 151 Fig. 1.5, 7 Dainzú, 76, 128 El Manatí, 23, 135 Finca San Antonio La Paz, 66 Davis, Whitney, 137 El Mesak, 107 Finca Sololá, 67, 132 de la Fuente, Beatriz, 33, 34 El Mirador, 162 Monument 1, 63, 66, 81, 89, 97, 107 de las Casas, Bartolomé, 132 El Portón, 51 Fig. 4.10b, 68 death, Preclassic and Classic Maya imagery Monument 1, 51 Monument 2, 66, 67 of, 131 El Ujuxte, 12, 42–44, 45, 49, 71, 83, 109, Fig. 4.10c, 68 del Carmen Rodríguez, María, 135 110, 117–19, 120, 135, 145, 146, Monument 3, 7, 66 DelgadilloTorres, Rosalba, 87 154, 171, 172 Fig. 4.10d, 68 Demarest, Arthur, 12, 24, 56, 85 burials at, 118–19 Flannery, Kent, 138, 153, 169 Diehl, Richard, 19 ceramic offerings at, 42 Focillon, Henri, 23 disjunction, issues of, 10, 13, 22–23, 126, increase in public ritual at, 109 Follensbee, Billie, 87, 156 129–30 mortuary traditions at, 148–49 Foucault, Michel, 152 distribution of potbelly sculpture potbelly sculpture at, 42, 148, 155 Freidel, David, 22 in Chiapas, Mexico, 88–97 reduction in domestic ritual and figurine Furst, Jill, 132 in the Department of Escuintla, use, 12, 109–10, 118, Guatemala, 58–67 148–49 Gamio, Manuel, 16, 17, 21 in the Department of Guatemala, Sculpture 2, 71 Garber, James, 102 Guatemala, 73–81 Fig. 4.22a, 75 García, Edgar, 69 in the Department of Jutiapa, Sculpture 3, 71, 110 García Cook, Angel, 108 Guatemala, 67 Fig. 4.22b, 75 García-Des Lauriers, Claudia, 92, 95, in the Department of Petén, Guatemala, as state, 43 127, 143 83–84 El Varal, 106 Gell, Alfred, 11, 160 in the Department of Quiché, elite Geller, Pamela, 172 Guatemala, 82 as problematic term, 115 gender. See potbelly sculpture: and issues of in the Department of Retalhuleu, elites gender Guatemala, 68–73 and figurine use, 2 Giddens, Anthony, 152 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01246-2 - Sculpture and Social Dynamics in Preclassic Mesoamerica Julia Guernsey Index More information Index 229 Gifford, James, 123 Jenson, Peter, 20, 55 whistle in form of potbelly, 108, 111, 134 Gillespie, Susan, 35, 112, 116, 119, 149–51, Jester God insignia, 89 Fig. 5.8, 109 153, 155, 156, 157 Josserand, Kathryn, 30, 31 Kaufman, Terrence, 23, 30 Giralda, 48, 65, 145 Joyce, Arthur, 170, 176 Kidder, Alfred, 16, 19, 75, 81, 142 Monument 1, 65, 87, 88, 136 Joyce, Rosemary, 11, 103, 119, 135, 136, kinship. See lineage formation and ancestors Fig. 4.9b, 67 147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 156, Kirchoff, Paul, 22 Monument 2, 65, 157 158, 159 Klein, Cecilia, 160 Fig.

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