ARAB TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 2021 LOCAL 6 Sir Philip highlights UK’s commitment to tackling climate change UK’s most senior diplomat visits Kuwait for virtual meetings KUWAIT CITY, March 3: The Permanent Secretary will be held in Glasgow in the United Kingdom in Also, Sir Philip met with Dr Samira Al Omar, Director for the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Develop- November. Sir Philip highlighted the UK’s commit- General of the Kuwait Institute for Scientifi c Research ment Offi ce, Sir Philip Barton, visited Kuwait for a ment to tackling climate change both through domes- and and Dr Khaled Al Begain, President of the Kuwait series of virtual meetings. Sir Philip, the UK’s most tic policy and in international fora. Sir Philip heard College for Science and Technology. senior diplomat, met with Ministry of Foreign Affairs from [offi cials] at the Environment Public Authority On conclusion of his visit Sir Philip said “I was offi cials, hosted a roundtable on climate change and and the Supreme Council of Planning & Develop- delighted to visit Kuwait virtually just after Kuwaitis launched a year-long campaign focusing on UK ex- ment’s Dr Khaled Mahdi. Also at the meeting were marked the 60th Anniversary of Independence and pertise in innovation, research and technology. the Hideko Hadzialic, Resident Representative for the the 30th Anniversary of Liberation. It was inspiring Sir Philip Barton visited Kuwait for a virtual visit UNDP and Ghassan Al Khoja, regional representative to hear the vital work being done by my colleagues on Tuesday, March 2. After engaging with British for the World Bank. at the British Embassy to advance the UK-Kuwaiti Embassy staff, Sir Philip met with Assistant Foreign The visit concluded with the launch of the British Em- partnership. Minister Waleed Al Khobeizi, where they discussed bassy’s Innotech 2021 campaign, which showcases UK “My discussions today showed we share a determi- Kuwait’s leading role in resolving the GCC dispute, excellence in scientifi c research, collaboration and inno- nation to tackle regional and global challenges such bilateral co-operation and regional issues. vation. The launch included details of the logo, social as climate change and security, as well as providing At a roundtable meeting, Sir Philip discussed the media tags (#InnotechUKQ8) and schedule for events, an exciting glimpse of future scientifi c collaboration upcoming COP26 UN climate change talks which details of which will be shared during the coming year. through the Innotech 2021 campaign.” Sir Philip Barton, Permanent Secretary for the UK Foreign, Commonwealth Kuwait marks 10th anniversary of and Development Offi ce. Japan’s Sanriku Railway relaunch Kuwait’s support expression of true friendship: Zaman By Miyoko Ishigami ku Railway Company President Ichiro On the sidelines of the ceremony, Nakamura reiterated Japan’s gratitude the Ambassador held an offi cial meet- TOKYO, March 3, (KUNA): and appreciation to the Kuwaiti lead- ing with Iwate Governor Takuya Tasso Kuwaiti Ambassador to ership, government and people for the at the prefectural offi ce, during which Japan Hasan Zaman has generous support it provided. Tasso underlined the strong ties of On his part, Zaman stressed that Ku- friendship between the two friendly participated in a ceremony wait’s support to the friendly Japanese countries and his keenness to strength- marking the 10th anniversa- people is just an expression of the true en and deepen them, again expressing ry of the relaunch of Japan’s friendship that brings together the two thanks to Kuwait for the generous sup- disaster-hit Sanriku Rail- friendly peoples, and in recognition of port. the honorable positions of Japan and its Iwate’s allocation of the donation, way, which was damaged by people to support the Kuwaiti during about JPY 8.4 billion (USD 80 million) a magnitude 9.0-quake and the ordeal of the brutal Iraqi invasion. was used in rebuilding damaged houses ensuing tsunami in March “The determination of the Japanese and Sanriku Railway stations as well as 2011, the Embassy said people and the solidity of their strength purchasing eight new train cars. Zaman were the main motivation behind the expressed his great admiration for the Wednesday. reconstruction efforts achieved since determination of the friendly Japanese During the ceremony that took the disaster,” the Ambassador said in people and their great efforts to over- KUNA photo The Guest Show poster place on Monday, a number of train Kuwaiti Ambassador to Japan the speech, expressing the honor of the come the effects of the enormous dis- drivers wore traditional Kuwaiti Hasan Mohammad Zaman and Kuwaitis for their contribution along aster and rebuild what was destroyed, uniforms, while the event featured Iwate Governor Takuya Tasso. with their Japanese friends to this great stressing that the friendship between TGS features Mae Al Hajjaj performances by many school chil- historic achievement. Kuwait and Japan is historic and solid, The donation, equivalent to some dren in Iwate, according to a press As the two countries celebrate the and that all Kuwaiti offi cials are deter- The Guest Show on Radio Kuwait the world. release from the Embassy. USD 500 million, was distributed to 60th anniversary of the establishment mined to strengthen it and raise it to a celebrates International Women’s Mae Al Hajjaj is the dynamic The railway, located in Iwate Prefec- three affected northeastern prefec- of their diplomatic relations this year, wider horizon. Day with Mae Al Hajjaj, President president of this very active organi- ture about 450 kilometers northeast of tures of Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi, Zaman also reiterated Kuwait’s com- The visit of the Ambassador to Iwate of Soroptomist Kuwait. Soropti- sation. Professionally Mae is an ed- Tokyo, had resumed its operations with which suffered as a result of the Great mitment to continue to stand with the was highly publicized by the most mist Kuwait, founded by Dr Sta- ucation consultant who began her using a fund generated from Kuwait’s East Japan Earthquake that left nearly friendly Japanese people and work hard prominent Japanese media, which not- cey Al Ghawas and a bunch of career as a librarian in the banking donation of fi ve million barrels of crude 19,000 people dead or missing and an to strengthen their friendship, while ed the bilateral friendship between the like-minded, strong women is a industry. Mae, who loves to inspire, enormous number of houses, buildings, wishing Japan and its friendly people two countries, and the great apprecia- branch of Soroptimist Internation- guide and build awareness, joined oil, which was provided 10 years ago al, a global volunteer movement the Soroptimists when it was fi rst upon directives of the late Amir Sheikh cars and ships destroyed. a lasting prosperity, success and pro- tion for the Kuwaiti people, according that works at transforming the chartered in 2015, and since then, Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. In his speech at the ceremony, Sanri- gress. the Embassy. lives of women and girls around it has been quite a journey. ‘Reconsense’ to issue second part of Governance Research KUWAIT CITY, March 3: The ‘Re- Dr Dawood Salman bin Issa, Profes- consense’ Center for Research and sor of Comparative Jurisprudence and Studies said it will issue the second Islamic Finance at the Kuwaiti Interna- part of a series of research papers on tional College of Law, and Ahmed Al- the fi le of governance in Kuwait this Badr, Director-General of the Taiba March, reports Al-Seyassah daily. Center for Sharia Consulting, who spe- The Center’s Executive Vice-Pres- cializes in regulatory compliance, gov- ident, Yousef Al-Ghoussein, said the ernance, combating money-laundering Center published the fi rst part of this operations, terrorist fi nancing and risk specialized research series last Febru- management, and Nasser Salah Burasli ary, which dealt with the government will contribute to preparing research role in codifying governance, and gov- papers. ernance applications at both the Cen- Burasli holds a degree in regulatory tral Bank of Kuwait and the Kuwait compliance (University of Manches- Capital Markets Authority. The second ter) and a Master’s degree in Business KUNA photos part of this research series will focus Administration, specializing in super- Kuwaiti Ambassador to Japan Hasan Mohammad Zaman during the ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the relaunch of Japan’s disaster-hit San- on two main points – the Audit Bureau vision of banks and investment com- riku Railway. and Nazaha. panies. Bid to raise awareness Kuwait takes part in ‘Hearing Care for All’ By Marwa Al-Bahrawi Al-Seyassah Staff KUWAIT CITY, March 3: Head of the Speech and Hearing Department at the Sheikh Salem Al- Ali Center, Dr. Tamim Al-Ali says Kuwait, with other countries of the world, Wednesday partici- pated in International Day of Hearing and Ear Care. In a press statement on the occasion of the celebra- tion of the event which the world celebrates on March 3 of each year, Al-Ali said the Ministry of Health repre- sented by the Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Center for Speech and Hearing Therapy held a number of activities to raise Dr Tamim Al-Ali awareness. He said the Sheikh Salem Al Ali Center for Speech and Hearing celebrated the event at the center’s headquarters at the Al Sabah Special- ized Medical District. Effi cient The special booth which was put up for the benefi t of visitors included the introduction and awareness raising activities about highly ef- fi cient medical services provided by the center and pointed out that hearing clinics in the six governorates participated in the event. He explained the campaign’s goals are to share information and to promote measures aimed at preventing hearing loss and improv- ing hearing.
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