April 14, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2535 the coming tax year to enact legislation that Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, Whereas Wilma presented more than 100 would do away with this tax forever. In the on that I demand the yeas and nays. lectures on the challenges facing Native meantime, I will continue to work with my col- The yeas and nays were ordered. Americans and women in the 21st century The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and she served as the Wayne Morse Professor leagues to enact additional middle class tax at the University of Oregon for the fall se- cuts, like the Recovery Act and the Tax As- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Chair’s prior announcement, further mester of 2005 where she taught class on trib- sistance Act of 2010. I encourage my col- al government, law, and life; leagues to support the bill. proceedings on this motion will be Whereas Wilma held Honorary Doctorate Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of postponed. Degrees from Yale University, Dartmouth the bill, which will make a few small, but im- f College, Smith College, Mills College, North- portant changes to the administration of our HONORING THE LIFE OF WILMA ern Arizona University, University of Okla- homa, Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma tax laws. PEARL MANKILLER There is no question that April 15th is the State University, Tulsa University, Drury Mr. BOREN. Mr. Speaker, I move to College, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, most feared date on the Calendar. It is viewed suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Rhode Island College, New England Univer- with dread for good reason. lution (H. Res. 1237) honoring the life of sity, and Northeastern State University; The tax code is mind-numbingly confusing. Wilma Pearl Mankiller and expressing Whereas Wilma held many honors, includ- It is a maze of forms and schedules and in- condolences of the House of Represent- ing the Montgomery Fellowship, Dartmouth structions that turns the simplest tax form into College; The Chubb Fellowship, Timothy atives on her passing. a lengthy challenge and that forces millions of Dwight College, Yale University; San Fran- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- cisco State University, Hall of Fame; an Americans to turn to help, whether from an ac- tion. countant, a professional tax preparer, or one Francisco State Alumna of the Year (1988), The text of the resolution is as fol- International Women of Distinction Award, of the many computer software programs de- lows: Alpha Delta Kappa, Oklahoma Hall of Fame, signed for this purpose. H. RES. 1237 Oklahoma Women’s Hall of Fame, National The bill before us does make a few good Whereas Wilma was born November 18, Women’s Hall of Fame, International Wom- changes to the code, including a provision 1945, at Hastings Indian Hospital in Tahle- en’s Forum Hall of Fame, Minority Business long championed by Congressman SAM JOHN- quah, Oklahoma, and had her roots planted Hall of Fame, and she was awarded the Presi- SON, a true American hero, that will end the deep in the rural community of Mankiller dential Medal of Freedom by then President long outdated requirement that employers Flats in Adair County, Oklahoma, where she Bill Clinton for her vision and commitment record and report their employees’ personal spent most of her life; to a brighter future for all Americans; use of company-provided cell phones and Whereas at age 10, her family moved to Whereas Wilma published several works, San Francisco as part of the Bureau of In- including ‘‘Every Day is a Good Day’’, Ful- Blackberries. crum Publishing 2004, ‘‘Mankiller: A Chief Another provision worthy of support will re- dian Affairs Relocation Program where she lived for two decades before returning to and Her People’’, co-authored, St. Martin’s quire the IRS to notify taxpayers they suspect Oklahoma in 1977; Press 1993, ‘‘A Reader’s Companion to the have been victims of identify theft. That cer- Whereas upon returning to Oklahoma, History of Women in the U.S.’’, co-edited, tainly makes sense. Wilma found a job as a community coordi- Houghton-Mifflin 1998, and she contributed And for those taxpayers who do file their re- nator at the Cherokee Nation capital and en- to many other publications, including an turns electronically, this bill will shorten the rolled in graduate courses at the University essay for Native Universe, the inaugural pub- time the IRS has to pay refunds before inter- of Arkansas in Fayetteville; lication of the National Museum of the Whereas in 1983 Wilma ran for the office of American Indian; est accrues. This is a taxpayer friendly provi- Whereas upon the announcement of her di- sion that will encourage electronic filing, which Deputy Chief alongside Ross Swimmer, then Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, and agnoses in March of 2010, Wilma offered is both faster and cheaper for the government. the two won the election and took office in words of inspiration: ‘‘I want my family and Finally, let me express my thanks to Con- August, 1983; friends to know that I am mentally and spir- gressman BECERRA for making some changes Whereas on December 5, 1985, Wilma was itually prepared for this journey; a journey to this bill that helped secure my support. sworn in to replace Chief Swimmer as Prin- that all human beings will take at one time As introduced, the bill would have estab- cipal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, making or another. I learned a long time ago that I lished a new authorization of up to $20 million her the first female to hold the office; can’t control the challenges the Creator per year to fund Volunteer Income Tax Assist- Whereas Wilma was formally elected to sends my way but I can control the way I serve as the first female Principal Chief of think about them and deal with them. On ance Centers. The IRS has funded these pro- balance, I have been blessed with an extraor- grams in the past without authorization, which the Cherokee Nation in 1987, and was over- whelmingly re-elected in 1991; dinarily rich and wonderful life, filled with is troubling enough. But of even more concern Whereas during her time as Principal incredible experiences. And I am grateful to is the fact that ACORN was a recipient of Chief, Wilma focused on education and have a support team composed of loving fam- these funds. health care, overseeing the construction of ily and friends. I will be spending my time Today, we know how badly ACORN was new schools, job-training centers, health with my family and close friends and engag- abusing the public trust, and I do applaud the clinics, community development, and a ing in activities I enjoy. It’s been my privi- IRS for heeding our call and canceling those award winning housing and water projects in lege to meet and be touched by thousands of low-income communities; people in my life and I regret not being able contracts when the extent of ACORN’s mis- to deliver this message personally to so conduct came to light. Whereas over the course of her three terms, Wilma made great strides to reinstate many of you’’; But I don’t yet have confidence that the gov- the traditional Cherokee culture and values, Whereas Chief Mankiller’s final days were ernment will avoid a similar mistake in the fu- especially the role of women, reinvigorating not marred by the impending sorrow of her ture and again fund groups like ACORN. Sim- the Cherokee Nation through community de- departure, but glowing reminiscence of her ply put, Congress should not authorize these velopment projects where men and women influence in years past; and grants until we know who will be receiving work collectively for the common good; Whereas Chief Mankiller passed away in them and how they will be used. Whereas during Wilma’s tenure she trans- the morning hours of April 6, 2010, at her home in rural Adair County, Oklahoma: ECERRA formed the Nation-to-Nation relationship be- And so I thank Mr. B for agreeing to Now, therefore, be it remove this language to allow the Congress to tween the Cherokee Nation and the Federal Government, met with Presidents Reagan, Resolved, That the House of Representa- examine the issue more closely. Bush, and Clinton to present critical tribal tives expresses— I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on the bill. issues, and co-chaired a national conference (1) gratitude to Wilma Mankiller for her Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, between tribal leaders and cabinet members, significant contributions to the Nation, an I yield back the balance of my time. which helped facilitate the establishment of inspiration to women in Indian Country and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The an Office of Indian Justice within the U.S. across America, and for leaving a profound question is on the motion offered by Department of Justice; legacy that will continue to encourage and motivate all who carry on her work; and the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Whereas upon leaving office Wilma contin- ued her endeavors, serving on several philan- (2) deep sorrow at the passing of Chief LEWIS) that the House suspend the Mankiller and condolences to her friends and rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4994, as thropic boards, including 12 years on the board of trustees of the Ford Foundation, 4 family, especially her husband Charlie and amended. years on the Board of the Ms. Foundation for two daughters, Gina and Felicia, as well as The question was taken.
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