Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19605-5 - Sacred Violence: African Christians and Sectarian Hatred in the Age of Augustine Brent D. Shaw Index More information Index Abelonians, Abeloˆım 310–11, 431, 433 army 20, 165–67, 189, 191, 497–98, 712, 787, Abitina (Avitina) 69–73, 102, 136–37, 592, 798, 799 595–96, 678, 756–57 auxiliaries 33 Abundantius, priest 391 crisis of 347 495 adultery and adulterers 86, 93, 95, 97, 139, 323, Flavius Nubel’s units 39 329, 338, 339, 495 recruiting 32 Aelianus (governor) 435 veterans 400 Alexandria 164 Arrius Antoninus (governor) 765 Alypius, bishop of Thagaste 11, 32, 387, 403, ass 270 468, 519, 573, 580 Assuras 133, 686, 706–07 Ambrose, bishop of Milan 201–03, 385, 619, astrology/astrologers 210 627, 738, 758 Augustine, bishop of Hippo Regius martyrs Prostasius and Gervasius 619 Berecynthia, songs of 442 Milan, 386–87, 460–66, 731 Caelicolarians and 277 Ammaedara 591, 595–96 (Great Persecution) Caesarea, journey to 10 Ammianus Marcellinus 16, 17, 40 Carthage Conference of 411 559, 560, 566, amphitheater 21, 243, 266, 414, 423, 456–57 571, 582–83 see also “gladiators” Catholic strategy, new of 390s 141 amputation 127, 437, 532, 705, 707 circumcellion “attack” 522–24 fingers and hands 43, 532, 683, 686, 687 co-adjutor bishop 380 tongue 532, 686–88 death 805 ancestors 19, 23, 67, 79, 100, 207, 485 diocesan economics 371–74 animalization 3. 71 303, 332, 425 election as bishop 108, 385, 388–90 ants 413 Macedonius, dealings with 504 circumcellions as herds 649, 657–58, Madauros riot and 234–35 696 Manichees and 271, 331 see also “ass,” “dog,” “dove,” “lion,” “raven,” manners, policing of 382–84 and “swine” martyr, definition of 607, 612–14 flies 334–35 Monnica, his mother 732 frogs 333–35 Nabor poem 624–25 maggots 437 Nectarius of Calama 252 Antichrist 30, 67, 73, 97, 324, 494, 597–98 sermons 416–17 Antoninus, bishop of Fussala 373, 396–04 song competition, wins 477 Anullinus, C. Annius (governor) 69, 208, 503, suicide, definition of 727–28, 769 592–94, 596, 678, 755, 757 women and 392 Apiarius affair 404–07 Adversus Iudaeos 271, 281 Apringius (governor) 60, 503–04, 584, 627 Breviculus Conlationis 585, 669 (and Augustine) 715 Confessiones 25, 271, 322, 464–65, 732 Apuleius 25, 244, 510 Contra Cresconium 521, 672, 754 Arian Christians 157, 280, 313–14, 461–66, 482, Contra Donatistas liber 434 687, 769, 802 Contra epistulam Parmeniani 671, 715 901 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19605-5 - Sacred Violence: African Christians and Sectarian Hatred in the Age of Augustine Brent D. Shaw Index More information 902 Index Augustine, bishop of Hippo Regius (cont.) primate as Old Man 362–63 De Baptismo 103 ranking 356–57, 365–66 De Beata Vita 722–23 recruits, shortage of 358 De Civitate Dei 210–57, 274, 559, 727–28, shepherd, as 334, 349–50, 405, 408, 733 734 blindness/blinding 485 De Doctrina Christiana 13, 16, 18–19, 483 blinding 563, 667, 669, 705 De Genesi contra Manichaeos 478 “Donatist” 297, 302 De Haeresibus 268, 310, 719 Jews and 292, 685 De Mendacio 725 significance of 683–86 De Patientia 729 Bonifatius, Count of Africa 51, 242, 532, 673, Enchiridion 523 695, 740, 763, 772–73, 781 Gesta cum Emerito 511, 655 Bonifatius, pope 402, 405 Psalmus contra partem Donati 81, 100, Bonitatus, priest at Hippo 395–96 474–89, 663, 711, 802 “bribes” and kickbacks 29, 519 Retractationes 736 brothers, brotherhood 16, 17, 37, 41–44, 47, Aurelius, bishop of Carthage 128–30, 371, 63–64, 76, 115, 126, 148, 273 375–76, 388, 393, 467, 549 Cain and Abel 63–64, 123, 298, 438 Aurelius, Primate of Numidia 401–03 false 323, 438, 546, 547 avoidance, ritual 343, 413 Jacob and Esau 438, 665 Axido and Fasir Appendix C, 168, 697, 773, 781 siblings 351, 489 Budarius 266–67 Baga¨ı 126, 147 see also “insult, buda” massacre of 347 164–67, 641, 787 bulls 20, 246, 266, 330 Maximianus episode 442–43, 527–29 see also “Conferences, Church” and Caecilian(us), bishop of Carthage 62, 67, 74, “Maximianus, bishop of Baga¨ı” 188, 192, 435, 605 Bagaudae 632 Caelestis 234 bandits and banditry 212, 774 Caelicolae 277–79 imagery of 29, 156, 175, 457, 471, 613, 649, Caesarea 10–19, 42, 228, 265, 340, 680 654, 680, 701, 710, 716, 781 see also “Marciana, martyr” baptism 64, 102–03, 280 Calama 251 rebaptism 93, 346, 370, 578, 651, 698, 703 bishop of Calama,” and “riot, Calama” Rebaptizers 186, 315, 346, 483, 493, 526, 551 riot, 408 389–90, 513 “barbarians” 11, 33, 43, 702 see also “Crispinus, bishop of Calama,” beatings 252, 442–43, 677, 774–75 “Megalius, see also “clubs, wooden” Camus, Albert 721–22 betrayal chapter 2 passim, 44, 147, 282, 339, 375, Carcopino, Jer´ omeˆ 68 392, 405, 408, 480, 578, 584 Carmen contra paganos 461 basilica, handing over 462, 731 see also “Damasus” see also “Judas” and “traditores” Carthage bishops chapter 8 passim, 104–05 Berecynthia festival 442 bad bishops 359–60 Caelestis temple 234–35 business affairs and wealth 369–71 Gamart cemetery 261 courts and judicial powers 504 gangs at 24–25 definition of 348–49 Gargilian Baths 544 duties 349–50, 733 Gaudentius and Jovius 227 elections 28, 108–09, 363, 380, 382–84, martyrs and 610 452 persecution of 347 173–78 father figure 350–52 popularity and officials 448 intermediaries 43 riot (of 401) 50, 230 landowners 357–58 caterva 18–24 leaders of violence 229, 380–84, 786 (Caesarea) 565–67, 657, 666 numbers Appendix A, 354, 569–72 Catullinus, Aco (governor) 797 as patron 353 Cebarsussi see “Conference, Church Cebarsussi” persecution and 592, 615, 786 Celestinus, pope 397, 406 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19605-5 - Sacred Violence: African Christians and Sectarian Hatred in the Age of Augustine Brent D. Shaw Index More information Index 903 chants and chanting chapter 10 passim, 137, 177, Leontius 499, 778–79, 798, 799 183, 216, 228, 231, 270, 288–89, 355, 379, see also “Bonifatius,” “Gildo,” and 385, 386, 732 “Heraclian” Artemis (Ephesus) 448 Commodian 268, 480, 482 Deo Laudes 469–72, 481, 695, 697, 748, 783 Conferences, Church municipal worthy 202 Baga¨ı, dissident (394) 125–30 Punic 431 Carthage, Catholic (256) 97, 356, 363 charioteers see “circus” Carthage, Catholic (348) Appendix E circumcellions, chapters 14 and 15 passim 46, 377–79, 391, 616, 740, 755, 760, 762 48, 58, 161, 173, 242, 243, 333–35, 337, Carthage, Catholic (390) 514 424, 471, 486, 549, 550, 584, 782 Carthage, dissident (391) 112 agonistici,as 628, 635–36, 656, 695, 783, Carthage, dissident (393) 122 794–95 Carthage, Catholic (397) 376, 377 Augustine, “attack” on 524 Carthage, Catholic (399) 547 Baga¨ı massacre 165–67 Carthage, Catholic (401) 230, 358, 378, 394, drunkenness and 659–64 547 Firmus and 56–57 Carthage, Catholic (403) 32, 141, 142, 547 harvest workers, as 638–41, 676 Carthage, Catholic (404) 130, 550 historiography Appendix F Carthage, Catholic (407) 356–57, 551, 552 intimidation 699–700 Carthage, Catholic (408) 552 leadership 94, 381, 668–70 Carthage, combined (411)chapter12 legislation on 643–45 passim 67, 146, 185, 360, 365, 542–43, Madauros attacks 237, 240 569–72 monks and 659 (numbers of bishops at) 715 Optatus of Thamugadi and 134 Carthage, Catholic (418) 405 policing functions 698 Carthage, Catholic (419) 406 Possidius and 513 Carthage, Catholic (425) 406 protectors 708 Carthage, Catholic (535) 268 Punic speakers 432 Cebarsussi, dissident (393) 113–18 Restitutus, attack on 530 Cirta (306) 77, 91, 123 term, meaning of 634 Elvira 310, 324, 682 threat, constructed 142–44 Hippo Regius, Catholic (393) 351, 377, 475, women as 651 551, 616 circus and charioteers 14, 21, 24, 219, 423, 451, Milevis, Catholic (402) 395, 708 457, 604, 625 Nicaea (325) 391, 406 Cirta/Constantina 75–77, 159 Serdica (343) 163, 355, 385, 391, 406 Constantine and 540 Theveste, dissident (363) 154 fist fighters 21 confessions, public 339–42 Jewish community 263 Constans, emperor 164, 435, 490, 492 Juvenes 246 Constantina see “Cirta/Constantina” Manichaean accusations 322 Constantine I, emperor 160, 345, 435, 491–92, Silvanus’ election 452 540, 797 see also “Silvanus, bishop of Cirta,” “Petilian, Constantius, emperor 435, 459 bishop of Constantina,” and Constantinople 268 “Conferences, Church Cirta” gangs and factions 25 cleansing, ritual 172–73, 693–94 millenarian fright 216 see also “pollution” contagion see “disease” Clement of Alexandria 628, 745, 761 conversion clergy, Christian rights and exemptions 196, betrayal, seen as 85, 339 197 coerced 206, 344–45, 370, 437, 473, 698 see also “bishops,” “deacons,” and priests Judaism, to 269 clubs, wooden 23, 57, 61, 178, 181, 442–43, 457, Manichaean 340 459, 487, 528, 530, 696 reasons for 90 circumcellion weapon 638, 664, 677, 794–95 Cora, Dathan and Abiron 127, 129–30, 426 Comes Africae 36–37, 46, 188 Count of Africa see “Comes Africae” © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19605-5 - Sacred Violence: African Christians and Sectarian Hatred in the Age of Augustine Brent D. Shaw Index More information 904 Index court, imperial 37, 42–44, 47–48, 312, 497–98, bishops of 97 507, 547, 800 Catholics, sons of 190, 546 lobbying of 255–59, 276, 279, 474, 517, 546 “Donatists” and 485, 761 see also “lobbying” heresy and 323, 541 courts, civil 63, 91, 104, 118–22, 130, 131, 152, 189, Jews and 286, 290, 293, 470, 472 204, 257, 285, 342, 379, 508–09, 603, 682 Liar, the Great 323 assizes 647 persecution and 150, 598 imagery 483–84, 488–89, 785 Seducer, the Great 323 judicial culture 510 state
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