he designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do T not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of IUCN. Published by: IUCN Pakistan. Copyright: ©2003 Government of Pakistan, Northern Areas Administration and IUCN–The World Conservation U n i o n . Reproduction of this publication for educational and other non-commercial purposes is authorised without prior permission from the copyright holders, providing the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of the publication for resale or for other commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission from the copyright holders. Citation: Government of Pakistan and IUCN, 2003. Northern Areas Strategy for Sustainable Development. IUCN Pakistan, Karachi. xxiii+85 pp. Compiled by: Tariq Z Khan, Musharraf R Cyan, Irfan Tariq and Afzal Latif Finalised and edited by: Scott Perkin Resource person: Hamid Sarfraz ISBN: 969-8141-61-8 Design: Creative Unit (Pvt.) Ltd. Cover photographs: Hamid Sarfraz, Syed Sajjad Imran, Layout: Azhar Saeed Printed by: Hamdard Press (Pvt) Limited Available from: IUCN–The World Conservation Union 1 Bath Island Road, Karachi Tel.: 92 21 - 5861540/41/42 Fax: 92 21 - 5861448, 5835760 Website: www.northernareas.gov.pk/nassd N O RT H E R N A R E A S Strategy for Sustainable Development Co n t e n t s Acronyms and Abbreviations vii Glossary xi Preface xiii Acknowledgements xv Executive Summary xvii Chapter 1 Introduction Rationale and Context 1 NASSD Formulation Process 3 NASSD Goal, Objectives and Principles 4 iii Chapter 2 Brief Description of the Northern Areas Location and Administration 7 Topography, Climate and Ecological Zones 8 History 8 Population 9 Principal Land-Uses 9 Key Environment and Development Issues 10 Chapter 3 Governance The Northern Areas’ Institutional Regime 14 Identifying the Issues 15 Previous and Ongoing Governance Reforms 17 Strategic Priorities 17 Chapter 4 Civil Society Non-Governmental Organisations 24 The Private Sector 26 Chapter 5 Socio-Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation Population 32 Poverty 33 Gender 35 Education 37 Environmental Health 39 The Urban Environment 40 Energy 43 Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism 45 Chapter 6 Natural Resource Management Agriculture and Food Security 50 Rangelands and Livestock 52 Forests 53 Biodiversity 55 Water 57 Mining and Minerals 59 Chapter 7 Implementation Mechanisms Planning and Development Department (strengthen the department) 61 Statistical Unit 62 Reporting Obligations 62 Steering Mechanisms 63 Policy Consultative Groups 63 Sectoral Integration Mechanisms 65 Sectoral Capacity 65 Annual Planning and Resource Allocation Processes 67 Negative List of Investments 68 Environmental Assessment 68 Communications Strategy 69 iv Chapter 8 Financial Resources Public Sector Investment by the Federal Government 73 Local Financial Resources 74 Northern Areas Sustainable Development Fund 75 International Support 76 Support from the NGO Sector 76 Support from the Private Sector 76 Chapter 9 Monitoring and Assessment Tracking NASSD Implementation 80 Assessing Progress towards Sustainability 81 Institutional Roles and Responsibilities 83 v Acronyms and Ab b r e v i a t i o n s ADP Annual Development Programme HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AKCSP Aga Khan Cultural Services Pakistan HWF Himalayan Wildlife Foundation AKDN Aga Khan Development Network IDRC International Development Research Centre AKESP Aga Khan Education Services Pakistan IPRSP Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper AKHSP Aga Khan Health Services Pakistan IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and AKRSP Aga Khan Rural Support Programme Natural Resources (The World Conservation BACIP Building and Construction Improvement Union) Programme KARINA Karakoram Agriculture Research Institute for the BCF Baltistan Culture Foundation Northern Areas BCS Balochistan Conservation Strategy KHDP Karakoram Handicraft Development Programme CBO Community-Based Organisation KKH Karakoram Highway CCI Council of Common Interests KTMS Karimabad Town Management Society CIS Commonwealth of Independent States KW Kilowatt DoA Department of Agriculture LBRDD Local Bodies and Rural Development Department DoF Department of Finance LFA Logical Framework Analysis DoH Directorate of Health LHV Lady Health Visitor ECNEC Executive Committee of the National Economic LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas Council MACP Mountain Areas Conservancy Project EIA Environmental Impact Assessment MoKANA Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas, FPCCI Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and States and Frontier Regions and Industry MW Megawatt GCIC Gilgit Conservation and Information Centre NA Northern Areas GoP Government of Pakistan NAA Northern Areas Administration GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische NACCI Northern Areas Chamber of Commerce and Zusammenarbeit (German Technical Cooperation) Industry HACF Hunza Arts and Cultural Forum NACS Northern Areas Conservation Strategy HEC Hunza Environmental Committee NADP Northern Areas Development Project vii NAEP Northern Areas Education Project SL Sustainable Livelihoods NAFD Northern Areas Forest Department SME Small and Medium Enterprise NALC Northern Areas Legislative Council SoED State of Environment and Development NAPWD Northern Areas Public Works Department SPCS Sarhad Provincial Conservation Strategy NARC National Agricultural Research Centre UN United Nations NARSD Northern Areas Roundtable on UNCED United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (proposed) Environment and Development NASDF Northern Areas Sustainable Development VO Village Organisation Fund WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority NASSD Northern Areas Strategy for Sustainable Development WASEP Water and Sanitation Extension Programme NATDB Northern Areas Tourism Development Board WSHHSP Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Studies Project NCS National Conservation Strategy WUO Water User Organisation NEC National Economic Council WWF-P World Wide Fund for Nature, Pakistan NFC National Finance Commission WWMA Water and Watershed Management NGO Non-Governmental Organisation Authority (proposed) NHP Northern Health Programme NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation NRM Natural Resource Management NRSP National Rural Support Programme NTFP Non-Timber Forest Product NWFP North West Frontier Province P&DD Planning and Development Department PA Protected Area PC Planning Commission PCAT Pakistan Council for Appropriate Technology PCG Policy Consultative Group (proposed) PCSIR Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research PEPA Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 PFI Pakistan Forestry Institute PKR Pakistani Rupee PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper RBM Results Based Management SAP Social Action Programme SCO Special Communications Organisation SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment viii Gl o s s a r y Dehi Rural; of village Karru A species of medicinal plant (Picrorhiza kurroa) Khushhal Prosperous Kuhl Water channel Kuth A species of medicinal plant (Saussuria lappa) Madrassa Religious school Mushaira Poetry recital Octroi Traditional municipal taxation system Rabi Winter cropping Shadbaad Name of a quarterly newsletter for NASSD, meaning evergreen Tehsil The administrative unit below the sub-divisional level Ulema Religious scholars xi Pr e f a c e he Northern Areas possess one of the most rugged landscapes on years, and incorporates the contributions and recommendations of many earth. Four of the world’s greatest mountain ranges converge here: different groups and stakeholders. Key steps in the development of the Tthe Hindu Kush lie to the west; the lesser Himalaya to the south; the Strategy have included: the organisation of public consultative workshops Karakoram to the east; and the Pamir to the north. In total, 101 peaks above involving over 2,000 men and women; the arrangement of a series of ded- 7,000 metres are found in the region, including Nanga Parbat and K-2, the icated meetings with government line departments, non-governmental wo r l d ’ s second highest mountain. More than half of the Northern Areas is organisations and community groups; the commissioning of 16 in-depth, located above 4,500 metres. technical reports by local and national experts; and the formation of six For centuries, this mountainous landscape made the Northern Areas multi-stakeholder interest groups and roundtables one of the most remote and inaccessible regions of the sub-continent. At The Strategy that has emerged from this consultative process endeav- the time of Pakistan’s independence, for example, the Northern Areas had ours to provide a coherent, long-term development vision for the Northern only nine pony tracks, 13 suspension bridges and a small, basic airport. Areas that integrates both environmental and socio-economic concerns. It With the opening of the Karakoram Highway in 1978 and other initiatives, seeks to maintain and build upon the dramatic advances have already been the picture has altered almost beyond recognition. The region now has made in such areas as health, education and agriculture; to conserve the hundreds of kilometres of roads, over 360 bridges and two substantial air- re g i o n ’ s
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