Gegenwartsliteratur r/fülitor in Chief f 1 lllll·lcr [email protected]) UIMl'lwr (zuständig f'tlr Rezensionen)/ Ein germanistisches Jahrbuch tnr for Book Reviews A German Studies Yearbook •• W. Knil'sche ([email protected]) latontinnen/Editorial Assistants 17/2018 .n1h11.1 Mattncr ([email protected]) ~lw11.1 t )'Laughlin ([email protected]) H•lrnt/ Advisory Board l'nkultätsmitglieder der deutschen Abteilung/ Schwerpunkt/Focus: l'nc.·ulty Members of the German Department, Wnshington University in St. Louis Emine Sevgi Özdamar M.itthcw Erlin,Jennifer Kapczynski, Kurt Beals, ( '.aroline Kita, Erin McGlothlin,James F. Poag, t :hristian Schneider, Lynne Tatlock, Gerhild S. Williams Herausgegeben von/Edited by Internationaler Beirat/International Advisory Board ( ;i.inter Blamberger, Universität zu Köln (DE) Paul Michael Lützeler, Rcbecca Braun, University of Lancaster (UK) lbrahima Diagne, Universite de Dakar (SN) Thomas W . .Kniesehe Bernhard Fetz, Oesterreichisches Literaturarchiv (AT) Natasha Gordinsky, University of Haifa (IL) Ortrud Gutjahr, Universität Hamburg (DE) lsabel Hernandez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ES) Alexander Honold, Universität Basel (CH) Suzuko M. Knott, Connecticut College (US) Alison Lewis, University of Melbourne (AU) Hiroko Masumuto, Kobe University OP) Judith Ryan, Harvard University (US) Paulo Soethe, Universidade Federal do Parana (BR) Herbert Uerlings, UniversitätTrier (DE) Doren Wohlleben, Universität Heidelberg (DE) Tornislav Zelic, Universität Zadar (HR) STAUffENBURC Leilian Zhao, Renrnin University (CN) VERLAC Gegenwartsliteratur is a member of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ); www.celj.org Bibliogrqfische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über <http://dnb.ddb.de> abrufbar. Wir danken der School of Arts and Sciences und dem Thomas Anz, German Department der Washington University in St. Louis sowie der Max Kade Foundation in New York für die Unterstützung des Jahrbuchs. dem verdienstvollen Förderer der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur, zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet © 2018 StaufTenburgVerlag GmbH Postfach 2525 - D-72015 Tübingen www.stauffenburg.de Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulässig und strafbar. Das gilt insbe­ sondere für Vervielfältigungen, Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen. Gedruckt auf säurefreiem und alterungsbeständigem Werkdruckpapier. ISSN 1617-8491 ISBN 978-3-95809-644-8 Inhaltsverzeichnis/Table of Contents 1. Schwerpunkt: Emine Sevgi Özdamar ORTRUD GUTJAHR Theatrale Epik: Szenische Stadtkartierung und vernetzte Erzählspiele in Emine Sevgi Özdamars "Der Hof im Spiegel" 17 Der Beitrag geht von der Beobachtung aus, dass Emine Sevgi Özdamar in den Texten ihrer Erzählsammlung Der Hofim Spiegel häufig Stadtkartierungen mit inszenierten Spielszenen verbindet. Dass die Autorin erst durch diese Szenen die anonyme Stadt in einen individuell semantisierten Erinnerungsort transformiert, verdeutlicht die Analyse der titelgebenden Erzählung "Der Hofim Spiegel". Darin fungiert der Spiegel als Medium, das den Stadtraum mit der Innenwelt der Protagonistin verbindet, und zugleich als Bühne für imaginäre Inszenierungen. In einem theatralen 'Hier und Jetzt' schieben sich die unterschiedlichen Zeitebenen eines Trauerprozesses ineinander und die signifikante Differenz zwischen Noch-Leben und Schon-gestorben-Sein scheint aufgehoben. Mit dieser szenischen Stadtkartographie und den ver­ fremdenden Spiegelinszenierungen knüpft Özdamar an Brechts Erneuerung theatraler Darstellungsformen an und entwickelt eine ganz eigene Form theatraler Epik. ([email protected]) LESLIE A. ADELSON Future Narrative as Contested Ground:Emine Sevgi Özdamar's "Bahnfahrt" and Michael Götting's Contrapunctus 41 Opening with Adorno's 20'h-century reflections "from damaged life" on exilic writing as a break in time, this essay analyzes innovative forms of ra- dical futurity in little known 21"-century fiction by Emine Sevgi Özdamar, who holds emblematic status on Germany's path from Turkish migration to transcultural Europe, and Michael Götting, who has authored the first sustained novel about Black German experience in contemporary Berlin. Minoritarian future-making in Özdamar's "Bahnfahrt" (2008) and Götting's Contrapunctus (2015) is illuminated in formal and social terms with the narratological concept of"future narrative" and Hannah Arendt's philoso- phical insistence on a structural breach in the "heart of time."The literary comparison demonstrates in turn Özdamar's and Götting's cutting-edge German-language contributions to future studies and narrative theory today. (laa [email protected]) 8 Inhaltsverzeichnis/Table of Contents Inhaltsverzeichnis/Table of Contents 9 B.VENKAT MANI of intimacy as represented in the text, and consider the interpretive work Passport Stories: Aesthetic Affordances, Political Forms, and of reading intimacy politically. Emine Sevgi Özdamar's Short Fiction 69 (beverly. we [email protected]) This essay draws attention to the material and the symbolic import of a passport: as a legal document that defines a human being's political subjec­ CLAIRE AMANDA ROSS tivity, especially in the context of migration and naturalization of citizenship, The Avian Muttermund in Emine Sevgi Özdamar's Das Leben and as a narrative of overlapping intersectional identities determined by the ist eine Karawanserei 135 status of the nation in larger world politics. In both these forms (material and The mother-son narratives told by paternal grandmother Ay~e in Emine symbolic) this essay argues that a passport shapes and informs the contours of Sevgi Özdamar's Das Leben ist eine Karawanserei, which draw on two ver­ a human being's home, belonging, and cultural citizenship. Passport narratives sions of the mythic mouth-vulva analogy, perpetuate more often than in literature serve as an apt site for investigations of aesthetic and political undermine dominant phallocentric discourse on motherhood. Her regular forms. To this end, the essay provides a discussion of short prose written by stories celebrate mothers who brutally combat the threat that non-mothers' the Turkish-German author Emine Sevgi Özdamar. vaginae dentatae (devouring sexuality) pose to their sons and fathers. Yet, ([email protected]) in her outlier, a divine mother bird acquires a loving tongue, enabling a womb-like relationship with a boy. The intersubjective relationship between LIZZIE STEWART boy and bird, based on an organ (tongue) that is present as a possibility, Precarious Prose in Emine Sevgi Özdamar's "Bitteres Wasser" 93 even when absent, undercuts the phallocentrism of Ay~e's other tales and Emine Sevgi Özdamar's 2009 text"Bitteres Wasser" is a complex prose la.ment the (protagonist's) world, and invites a feminist reconceptualization of addressing the murder ofArmenian activist Hrant Dink, the historical fate of even the penis itself. the Pontos Greeks, and the death of a homeless man in Berlin. This article ([email protected]) investigates the formal and ethical role of these connective narratives of death and vulnerability, bringing understandings of Özdamar's work developed JOSEPH TWIST by literary scholars such as Liesbeth Minnaard, Leslie A.Adelson, and Kader Sacred and Secular Spaces: Emine Sevgi Özdamar's Das Leben Konuk into conversation with recent theorisations of "precarity" in the ist eine Karawanserei and "Großvater Zunge" 165 work ofJudith Butler and Marianne Hirsch. Moving from performativity to In Emine Sevgi Özdamar's novel Karawanserei and short story "Großvater precarity, from the ethnic to the ethical, this article explores how theoretical Zunge" sacred and secular spaces are invariably ambiguous. A theoretical concerns with "precarity" and the related "ethical turn" in German literature focus on spatial practices, informed by post-structuralist thinkers and Is­ extend understandings of Özdamar's aesthetic project. lamic studies scholars, illuminates the ambivalent relationships Özdamar's ([email protected]. uk) protagonists have with both Islam and the politics of secularism. Contrary to binary thinking, these texts demonstrate that both concepts, understood BEVERLY M. WEBER broadly, contain the potential to coerce and yet also to offer ways of resisting Precarious Intimacies: Politics and Solidarities in Emine Sevgi such coercion. The autonomy and modernizing potential inherent within Özdamar's Die Brücke vom Goldenen Horn 115 the Islamic understanding of space is particularly foregrounded, as female In this article I propose the notion of precarious intimacies as entry point characters convey fluid religious identities precisely because they can re­ into the representation of the political in Emine Sevgi Özdamar's work. appropriate their confinement in the private sphere by creating their own Through an analysis of Die Brücke vom Go/denen Horn, I explore intimacies sacred space away from institutionalized places of worship. as sites of transformation and political potentiality in the novel, as spaces [email protected]) that nurture political solidarities and spaces in which their loss is most keenly felt. Reading for precarious intimacies reveals aesthetic strategies that highlight the politically
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