10896 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 37 / Tuesday, February 25, 2020 / Rules and Regulations DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION C. National Transportation Safety Board ACSPT ARC Air Carrier Safety and Pilot Recommendations Training Aviation Rulemaking Committee Federal Aviation Administration IV. Discussion of Public Comments and Final AQP Advanced Qualification Program Rule ARC Aviation Rulemaking Committee 14 CFR Parts 61, 91, 121, and 135 A. General ATP Airline Transport Pilot B. Applicability ATP–CTP Airline Transport Pilot C. Effective Date and Compliance Date [Docket No.: FAA–2014–0504; Amdt. Nos.: Certification Training Program 61–144; 91–356; 121–382; and 135–142] D. Operations Familiarization (§ 121.435) E. PIC Leadership and Command Training CFR Code of Federal Regulations RIN 2120–AJ87 1. General CRM Crew Resource Management 2. Distance Instruction FFS Full Flight Simulator Pilot Professional Development F. PIC Mentoring Training FSTD Flight Simulation Training Device G. SIC to PIC Upgrade (§§ 121.420 and FTD Flight Training Device AGENCY: Federal Aviation 121.426) InFO Information for Operators Administration (FAA), DOT. 1. Performance-Based Curriculum LOFT Line-Oriented Flight Training ACTION: Final rule. 2. Revised Upgrade Curriculum MLP ARC Flight Crewmember Mentoring, Requirements Leadership, and Professional Development SUMMARY: This action amends the 3. Upgrade Proficiency Check Aviation Rulemaking Committee requirements primarily applicable to air Requirements NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking carriers conducting domestic, flag, and 4. Effect of Revised Upgrade Curriculum on Recurrent Training OF Operations Familiarization supplemental operations to enhance the PIC Pilot in Command professional development of pilots in H. Training for Pilots Currently Serving as PIC (§ 121.429) PDSC Professional Development Steering those operations. This action requires I. Recurrent PIC Leadership and Command Committee air carriers conducting domestic, flag, and Mentoring Training (§§ 121.409(b) PPDC Pilot Professional Development and supplemental operations to provide and 121.427) Committee new-hire pilots with an opportunity to J. Leadership and Command Training and SAFO Safety Alert for Operators observe flight operations and become Mentoring Training for SICs Serving in SIC Second in Command familiar with procedures before serving Operations That Require Three or More SOP Standard Operating Procedures Pilots as a flightcrew member in operations; to THRR ARC Flightcrew Member Training K. Pilot Professional Development revise the upgrade curriculum; and to Committee (Proposed § 121.17) Hours Requirement Review Aviation provide leadership and command and L. Pilot Recurrent Ground Training Content Rulemaking Committee mentoring training for all pilots in and Programmed Hours (§ 121.427) 91K Part 91, subpart K of 14 CFR. command. This final rule will mitigate M. Part 135 Operators and Part 91 Subpart I. Executive Summary incidents of unprofessional pilot K Program Managers Complying With behavior and reduce pilot errors that Part 121, Subparts N and O On October 7, 2016, the Federal can lead to a catastrophic event. N. Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Conforming Changes Aviation Administration (FAA) DATES: Effective April 27, 2020. The O. SIC Training and Checking Conforming published a notice of proposed compliance date for the requirements in Changes rulemaking (NPRM) to propose §§ 91.1063(b)(2), 121.419(c) and (g), P. Other Conforming and Miscellaneous amendments to requirements for air 121.420, 121.424(b) and (g), 121.426, Changes carriers and pilots operating under part 121.435, and 135.3(d)(1) is April 27, Q. Costs and Benefits 121 to enhance the professional 2022. The compliance date for the R. Other Out-of-Scope Comments development of part 121 pilots.1 The requirements in § 121.429 is April 27, V. Regulatory Notices and Analyses proposed amendments included 2023. A. Regulatory Evaluation B. Regulatory Flexibility Determination additional air carrier training for pilots ADDRESSES: For information on where to C. International Trade Impact Assessment in command (PIC), additional air carrier obtain copies of rulemaking documents D. Unfunded Mandates Assessment qualification for newly hired pilots, and and other information related to this E. Paperwork Reduction Act a requirement for air carriers to establish final rule, see ‘‘How To Obtain F. International Compatibility and and maintain a pilot professional Additional Information’’ in the Cooperation development committee to develop, G. Environmental Analysis SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION administer, and oversee formal pilot section of VI. Executive Order Determinations this document. mentoring programs. The comment A. Executive Order 13132, Federalism period for the NPRM closed on January FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: B. Executive Order 13211, Regulations Sheri Pippin, Air Transportation That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, 5, 2017, and the FAA received 44 Division (AFS–200), Flight Standards Distribution, or Use unique comments. Only two of the Service, Federal Aviation C. Executive Order 13609, Promoting comments opposed the rule, and 22 Administration, 800 Independence International Regulatory Cooperation comments supported the rule without D. Executive Order 13771, Reducing Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591; change. Twelve comments supported Regulation and Controlling Regulatory the rule generally but suggested telephone: (202) 267–8166; email: Costs [email protected]. changes. After review of the comments, VII. How To Obtain Additional Information the FAA is issuing this final rule, which SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A. Rulemaking Documents B. Comments Submitted to the Docket contains a number of changes from the Contents C. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement NPRM, to enhance the professional I. Executive Summary Fairness Act development of part 121 pilots. Table 1, II. Authority for This Rulemaking Summary of Final Rule Provisions, List of Abbreviations and Acronyms provides additional detail regarding the III. Background Frequently Used in This Document A. Statement of the Problem final rule provisions incorporated into B. Related FAA Actions AC Advisory Circular part 121. 1 81 FR 69908. VerDate Sep<11>2014 21:31 Feb 24, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\25FER3.SGM 25FER3 jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES3 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 37 / Tuesday, February 25, 2020 / Rules and Regulations 10897 TABLE 1—SUMMARY OF FINAL RULE PROVISIONS Provision Summary of NPRM provision Major changes from NPRM Operations familiarization for new-hire • Operations familiarization must include a min- • Adds requirement that operations familiarization pilots (§ 121.435). imum of 2 operating cycles. A new-hire pilot may be completed during or after basic indoc- completing operations familiarization must oc- trination training, but must be completed before cupy the flight deck observer seat. beginning operating experience. Upgrade training curriculum require- • Upgrade ground and flight training requirements • No changes. ments (§§ 121.420 and 121.426). have been updated based on the qualification and experience that all upgrading pilots now have as a result of the Pilot Certification and Qualification Requirements for Air Carrier Oper- ations rule requirements. • Leadership and command and mentoring train- ing must be included in the upgrade curriculum. Leadership and command and mentoring train- ing are required subjects for upgrade ground training. Leadership and command training must also be incorporated into flight training through scenario-based training. (Note: For those air carriers that use an initial curriculum to qualify pilots to serve as PICs, leadership and com- mand and mentoring training must be provided as part of that initial curriculum (§§ 121.419 and 121.424)). Leadership and command and men- toring ground training for pilots currently serving as PIC (§ 121.429). • All pilots currently serving as PIC must complete • Adds limitation that the FAA will only allow cred- ground training on leadership and command it for previous training completed within 36 cal- and mentoring. endar months prior to the effective date of the • The Administrator may credit previous training final rule. completed by the pilot at that air carrier. Recurrent PIC leadership and com- • PICs must complete recurrent leadership and • No changes. mand and mentoring training command and mentoring ground training every (§§ 121.409(b) and 121.427). 36 months. • Recurrent Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) must provide an opportunity for PICs to dem- onstrate leadership and command. Leadership and command training for • SICs required to be fully qualified to act as PIC, • Adds requirement for these SICs to complete SICs serving in an operation that re- due to serving in an operation that requires 3 or leadership and command training. (These SICs quires 3 or more pilots (§ 121.432). more pilots, are not required to complete leader- are not required to complete mentoring training). ship and command and mentoring training. Pilot recurrent ground training content • Pilot recurrent ground training has been aligned • No changes. and programmed hours (§ 121.427). with the pilot initial ground training requirements for pilots who have completed the Airline Trans- port Pilot Certification Training Program (ATP– CTP). As a result, the existing content and cor- responding programmed hours for recurrent ground training have been reduced. Part 135 Operators and
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