MINISTERIAL UNDERSTANDING DEVELOPMENE ONTH F TO THE ASEAN HIGHWAY NETWORK PROJECT WE the undersigned, attending the Fifth ASEAN Transport Ministers Meeting held in Hanoi, Vietnam on 15-16 September 1999; RECALLING the following policy directives enunciated by the ASEAN Heads of Stat Governmentd ean : 1. Manila Declaratio f 198no 7 Decembesigne5 1 n do r 1987, which provided that the existing transportation system shall be strengthened to ultimately form an overall ASEAN transportation network; 2. ASEAN Vision 2020 adopted in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 15 December 1997, which resolved, inter alia, the development of an integrated and harmonized trans-ASEAN transportation network; 3. Hanoi Plan of Action adopted on 15 December 1998, which provided for intensifying cooperation in the development of the trans-ASEAN transportation network as the trunkline or main corridor for the movement of goods and people in ASEAN, consistin f majoo g r road (interstate highway) networks, among e developmenth others d an , d implementatioan t e ASEAth f o nN Highway Network Project; and 4. Hanoi Declaratio f 199no 8 signeDecembe6 1 n do r 1998, which e calleth r dfo development and strengthening of ASEAN regional infrastructure through the expansion of transport links and the provision of efficient and quality infrastructure. RECALLING FURTHE r resolvRou e unde e Ministeriath r l Understandinn o g ASEAN Cooperatio Transportation ni n signe Balin di , Indonesi Marc8 1 n aho 1996, to establis develod han pharmonizea integrated dan d regional transportation system, promote interconnectivity and interoperability of national networks and access thereto, and strengthen and enhance existing cooperation efforts in the development transporf o t infrastructure; NOTIN steade Gth y progres ongoine th f o s g cooperation activitie ASEAe th f o s N Highway ExpertSenioe th d rs an Transpor t Officials Meetin developmene th n gi f o t the ASEAN Highway Network Project; REAFFIRMIN r commitmenGou e Seconth t a td ASEAN Transport Ministers Meeting held in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 28 February 1997, to jointly develop a complete system of highway network to link ASEAN Member Countries together and where technical standard desigf so road nan d traffic safet compatiblee yar d ;an RECOGNIZING thae ASEAth t N Highway Network a Projeccritica s i tl infrastructural support facility necessary for the greater and closer integration of the ASEAN e facilitatioregionth n i s wela , s f regionaa lo n l trade, investmend an t tourism opportunities; DO HEREBY AGREE THAT : Article1 OBJECTIVES The objectives of this Ministerial Understanding on the Development of the ASEAN Highway Network Project are : provido T e institutiona) eth (a l mechanis formalizmo t e strategith e c route configuration and the uniform technical design standards of the ASEAN Highway Network, bein majoe gth r road (interstate highway) component overale th f o l trans-ASEAN transportation network; o formulatT ) e ASEA(b th e N Highway Infrastructure Development Plan consistin f priorito g y highway project f regionao s l significancer fo , fundin d implementatioan g n through Official Development Assistance (ODA), project financing by the private sector or by joint public-private sector arrangement, or by the individual ASEAN Member Countries, as may be necessary; (c) To promote cooperation with other international and regional organizations, so as to ensure technical compatibility of ASEAN's road standard road san d safety requirement creatd san e stronger road transport links and connections within ASEAN and those with neighboring or adjoining regions; and o intensitT ) (d y cooperatio e facilitatioth n ni f internationao n l road traffic throughou ASEAe th t N region. Article2 ASEAN HIGHWAY ROUTE CONFIGURATIOD NAN TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ) (1 Member Countries shall adhere routth eo t e configuratio e ASEAth f o nN Highway Network, the network details and designations of which are described in Annex "A", which forms an integral part of this Ministerial Understanding, for the coordinated improvement and upgrading of their national road (interstate highway) routesASEAe th f o N Highway Network. (2) Member Countries shall conform to the recommended technical design standard requirementd san Anne n i t ou x t "B"sse , which form integran a s l part of this Ministerial Understanding. Article 3 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ASEAN HIGHWAY NETWORK PROJECT To foster the integrated and coordinated development and implementation of the ASEAN Highway Network Project, Member Countries shall intensify cooperative arrangement e nationalth t a s , subregiona d regional-levelan l s through better management and optimum use of existing road transport infrastructure. Equal emphasis shall be accorded to adopting measures to improve the operational efficiency and reliability of international road transport. In this regard, Member Countries shal guidee followine b l th y db g implementation arrangement. ) Membe(a r Countries shall endeavou improvo rt upgradr eo e their designated national road (interstate highway) networks, in line with the phased development timeframe follows a , : s Tentative Phase Completion Year Technical Requirement Stage 1 2000 Network configuration and designation of national routes to be completed. Stage 2 2004 Road signs for all designated national routes e installedb o t l designateAl . d national routes upgraded to at least Class III standards. All missing links to be constructed l designateAl . d cross-border point operationale b o st . Stage 3 2020 All designated national routes upgraded to at least Clas r Primaro sI y Road standards. traffiw lo r c Fo volume non-arterial routes, Clase th standardI sI acceptablee sar . (b) Member Countries shall cooperate in the formulation of the ASEAN Highway Development Plan, to serve as the coordinated program for the medium-to long-term implementatio e ASEAth f no N Highway Network Project; ) Membe(c r Countries shall regularly exchange informatioe th n o n implementation statu technicad an s l detail f theio s r designated national routes, route traffic volume d forecastsan s d othean , r related road development plans and/or studiesd ;an (d) Member Countries shall jointly adopt harmonized measures to improve intermodal transport interconnectivity, interoperabilit efficiencd yan d an y facilitato t e international road ASEAtraffie th n i c N Highway Network. Article 4 INSTITUTIONAL COORDINATION The Senior Transport Officials Meeting shall be responsible for the efficient and effective coordination and implementation of this Ministerial Understanding, Progres f implementatioo s f thino s Ministerial Understanding shal regularle b l y submitte ASEAe th o dt N Transport Ministers Meetingr fo , further action. Senioe Th 2r. Transport Officials Meeting shall als responsible ob r providinefo g necessare th y institutional mechanis mencourago t e greater participatioe th f no private sector, ASEAN dialogue partners, international and multilateral organizations, etc., to ensure the successful development and implementation of ASEAe th N Highway Network Project. ASEAe Th 3. N Secretariat shall assis e Senioth t r Transport Officials Meetinn gi the discharge of the above responsibilities, including technical support in the management, coordination, review and monitoring of cooperation programs and activities which may arise from the implementation of this Ministerial Agreement. Article 5 FINAL PROVISIONS 1. This Ministerial Understanding shall enter into force on the date of signature. 2. This Ministerial Understandin amendee b y ASEAe gma conseny th d b l al N f o t Member Countries. 3. This Ministerial Understanding shal depositee b l d wit e Secretary-Generahth l of ASEAN who shall promptly furnish a certified copy thereof to each ASEAN Member Country. DON t HanoiEa , Vietnam , f Septembethio y s 15da r 1999 singla n i , e e copth n yi h English language. t PEHIN Minister of Commumcl Brunei Darussalam KHY TAINGL] Ministe Publif ro c Workshd Transport Kingdom of Cambodia ANWAR SUPRIJADI Secretary General Ministry of Communications Republi f Indonesico a PHAO BOUNNAPHOL Ministe Communicationf ro , Transport, PosConstructiod an t n Lao People's Democratic Republic DATO' SERI DR.LJS& LIONG SIK Minis4ert5fTransport Malaysia MAJ. G^THLA MYINT SWE Minister of Transport Unio Myanmaf no r VICENTE CTRIVERA, JR. Secretar Transportatiof yo Communicationd nan s Republic of the Philippines CHEOWo ; * Minister for Communications and In^bmfotion Technology Republic of Singapore SUTHEP THAUGSUBAN Minister of Transport and Communications Kingdom of Thailant LE NGOC HO AN Minister of Transport Socialist Republic of Vietnam AnnexA ASEAN Highway Network The overall route configuration of the ASEAN Highway Network is shown in Figure 1. The highway network comprises 23 routes involving some 38,400 kilometer . Detail 2b alss i s d Figurn f oi o s an a e2 each highway route are presented in Table 1. The route numbering system in this Annex is tentative and presented for reference purposes only Finalization of the route numbering system wil e undertakeb l e coursedu n i n, followine th g guidelines adopte e Fourtth n di h ASEAN Highway Expert Meeting (4U AHEM) held in Hanoi, Vietnam on 20-21 August 1999. Kawthoung ANDAMAN S £ A INDONESIA TA JAVA Fig. 1 ASEAN HIGHWAY NETWORK A-2 JL/ >-*JUWBeir- % *TonSP shWongfr auneti\^v V^/i7 ^L,4> j Mo00i7jushlA ~-A \yy*' /^TjianhHoa Tongking ^,^^SS^^KIK^ . '\\ x->L*J Ahi>X^,^ /ffl>—' JC^-fi_... ^Tli f 1 V oCarNluober Nteobar t ishnds
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