LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT HELLO! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Lake Hazel and Maple Grove Roundabout Project. The purpose of this information is to give you an opportunity to: REVIEW the proposed design for the project. TELL US what you think. Construction is currently planned to start in 2023. LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT PROJECT PURPOSE Increase safety for those that walk, bike and drive Improve current and future traffic flow LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct a multi-lane roundabout at the Lake Hazel and Maple Grove intersection Add curb, gutter and a detached 10-foot-wide multi-use pathway Install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at each pedestrian crossing to alert drivers to pedestrians Construct crosswalks at each leg of the intersection with two—stage pedestrian crossings Add a truck apron for larger vehicles to use if necessary All but one leg will include two lanes approaching the roundabout, with the left lane for thru and left turns, the right lane for thru and right turns LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT PROJECT CONSIDERATIONS Safety for those that walk, bike and drive Bicyclist and pedestrian connectivity Property and neighborhood impacts Impacts to current and future traffic flow Utilities LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT TIMELINE WINTER JUNE FALL 2021 Design Public input Public input Began purchasing Start started opportunity #1 opportunity #2 property necessary construction for project WE ARE HERE LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT , VEHICLES TRAFFIC VOLUMES MORNINGS MORNINGS The numbers below represent the approximate number of vehicles entering the Lake Hazel and Maple Grove intersection during morning peak hours. VEHICLES Existing 940 vehicles 2043 Projections 2,830 vehicles EXISTING PROJECTIONS LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT Intersection PM , VEHICLES EVENINGS TRAFFIC VOLUMES EVENINGS , The numbers below represent the VEHICLES approximate number of vehicles entering the Lake Hazel and Maple Grove intersection during evening peak hours. Existing 1,400 vehicles 2043 Projections 3,150 vehicles EXISTING PROJECTIONS LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT Buer width and treatment varies according to MULTI-USE PATHWAY project. ACHD‘s Roadways to Bikeways Master Plan calls for more robust bike facilities along this type of roadway. MULTI-USE PATHWAYS: Are two-way facilities meant to accommodate both pedestrians and bicyclists of a wide range of ages and abilities. Provide more space between motorists and those walking and biking, which increases safety. Are used on roads with higher speeds and traffic volumes. LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT WHY A ROUNDABOUT Roundabouts are a viable alternative to traffic signals for several reasons. SLOWER SPEEDS The circular design forces drivers to slow down. FEWER SERIOUS CRASHES Right-angle, left-turn and head-on collisions are unlikely. IMPROVED TRAFFIC FLOW Traffic keeps flowing which reduces delay. DECREASED POLLUTION Vehicles have fewer stops and spend less time idling in traffic. SHORTER PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS Pedestrians only cross one direction of traffic at a time. LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT LARGE VEHICLES AND ROUNDABOUTS Roundabouts are designed to accommodate large vehicles, providing a wider turning radius for trucks and other long vehicles. A “truck apron” on the edge of the center island allows large vehicles and trucks with trailers to maneuver through a roundabout by allowing the wheels of the truck or trailer to roll onto TRUCK APRON the apron. Semi—trucks, emergency vehicles and school buses will be able to drive through the roundabout. TRUCK APRON Learn more about roundabouts. LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT % R J X V 5 LG J H 5 G +Z\ 5G WH X W % U IH D K 6 ) X W ,QWHJUDWHG)LYH<HDU:RUN3ODQX UD / Q + VL HH D Q Z 'U\ &U N 5G % 5 \ V G X J %R \ Z %HDFRQ/LJKW5G + )ORDWLQJ)HDWKHU5G Q / U )ORDWLQJ )HDWKHU 5G H P O 3D OFK 5G *X DQ DP +LOO5G 6H 6WDWH 6W +Z\ &D UWZ U LJ K W +LOO 5 5 R G D G 3NZ\ 6W DWH 6W *DU\/Q +LOO5G W 6 &KLQGHQ%OYG WK G /LQGHU5G 6WDU5G 5 ) LY H UPRWW 0 H L O H ' 0DS F &ROOLVWHU'U 5 G 0 OH G 5 * Q U L R V %D Y XV 0F0LOODQ5G H J WK6W R 5 % &DQ$GD5G G *RGG DUG 5G \ Z N O 3 RULD P H 8VWLFN5G 0 V WHUDQ H W 9 6 K W +DUULVRQ%OYG 6W WK -HIIHUVRQ6W /RFXVW*URYH5G YLHZ $YH WK6W &KHUU\/Q )DLUYLHZ$YH G )DLU W 5 G 6 V L (DJOH5G K 5 W W U %ODFN&DW5G H ) X O 0 R D U & W 6 L G O Z W 3LQH$YH 3LQH$YH U H D (PHUDOG6W Y X R LYH 'U O ([HFX W N YG & H O ) H % UR 6 O Q W R W 6 )UDQNOLQ5G LW W G S D 5 W & H /DWDK6W 6 O Q 5RVH +LOO 6W L DJ D ( 0 %HDFRQ 6W W .RRWHQDL 6 2YHUODQG5G 2YHUODQG 5G W 6 H O S &ROH5G S $ W )LYH0LOH5G OTHER PROJECTS 6 U% WH OYG H Q 9LFWRU\5G G U Y H 3 UNFH 7HQ0LOH5G D $ Y D K $ D F W 0HULGLDQ5G U \ V 2 L PLANNED IN THE D 9 Z G ) D HG R H U UD G % O (FNHUW 5 AREA : : D\ %RLVH $YH DUP 6 $PLW\5G SU 0F'HUPRWW5G LQ J There are several projects planned for this area over $PLW\ 5G V $ Y the next five years. To learn more about the projects H shown on the map, check out ACHD‘s interactive W Integrated Five-Year Work Plan Map. 6 UG KD UF 2 /DNH+D]HO5G +Z\ 7 *R H /LQGHU5G ZH Q 5G F K Q (LVHQPDQ5G R ORJ\ : D &ROXPELD 5G \ LAKE5G HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 •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hank you for taking the time to review the information about Lake Hazel and Maple Grove Roundabout Project. The next step is to review the design slides and then tell us what you think. Roundabout Design Roundabout Typical Sections Take the Survey While your comments are always welcome, they can be best used if received by June 29, 2021. After the comment period closes, ACHD will review and address comments received from the public. In the fall ACHD will invite residents to review and comment on the revised design. LAKE HAZEL & MAPLE GROVE ROUNDABOUT JUNE 2021 • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT.
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