Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1978-79 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 2-22-1979 The thI acan, 1979-02-22 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1978-79 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1979-02-22" (1979). The Ithacan, 1978-79. 18. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1978-79/18 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1978-79 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ,\ ) A Weekly Newspaper, Published Independently by the Students of Ithaca College (u lth,H d '.t•\\ 'i orh- FebuaQ· 22, 1979 Students Rally from Egbert to Job by Andrea Herman A rally was held to demand the inclusion of the phrases "sexual orientation" and "political affiliation" to the Freedom from Discrimination Clause of the Student Conduct Code. The rally, held on Thursday afternoon, preceeded the Board of Trustees meeting in New York City where the issue was presented for a vote and passed the next day. The new wording is as follows: "Be it resolved that as ; required by law no student shall be discriminated against 2i. ~ on the basis of race, color, Rally in the Crossroads: Photo by Bruce Morosohk creed, sex, age, national origin the Turning Point or handicap. In addition to ff HAGA CQI I rtr.t~ 1.' z'Bt'F :)Y accepting these legal ..... u ''"" requirements, Ithaca college, security officer inside. Periog,.i~s he ·couldn't make a as an open The group entered the statement". community, recognizes other building through Friends Hall The group disbanded rights and does not and proceeded upstairs to the shortly thereafter. The discriminate on the basis of third floor offices. These general consensus wa~ that individual political affiliation, doors were locked as well. they had proven their point by , sexual orientation or other Director of ·safe.ty and stressing the existence of personal preferehces in so far Security Louis Withiam, let support for the issue. as they do not conflict with the students into President "I don't think it (the rally) institutional policies. These James Whalen's office to leave influenced the decision", said rights include but are not their names. The group sat Correnti, after a Student limited to eligibility to down, prepared to stay until Congress meeting Tuesday academic programs, activities one of them spoke with Dr. night. "I think it(the employment and use of Richard Correnti, V.P. of decision), would be -the same facilities and housing. " Student Affairs. with or without it. As About 100 individuals "There was a sense of an educational exercise", he ~ gathered in the Union activity and a sense of added, "I thought it was Crossroads to hear series of caring", said Liebling. "We valuable". 'Security Locking Students Photo hy Bruce Jforosohk speeches by faculty member were a large group of people Whalen, who could not be John Daitch and students showing we aren't apathetic". reached directly, informed his Out of Job Hall. Linette Liebling, Jeff All executive staff members, secretary that he could not Hallenbeck, Todd Bernstein including Whalen and comment on the rally because added. and that there \\as so much and Dan Yablonsky. One half Correnti, had already left for he was not there. Tom Grape, president of the \Upport. I'm happy with the hour later, about 40-50 N.Y.C. Withiam called N.Y. "I wasn't at the rally", said student body, \aid that he wa~ resolution'·. students marched to Job Hall and spoke with Whalen, who Student Trustee Bette Ann in the Crossroads and heard "I thought thl' rally went carrying a banner and said that he would call back Sacks, who was also in N,Y.C. most of the speeches. "I can't well", said Hallenbeck, "it chanting slogans in support of upon Correnti's arrival. An for the Board m':!eting, "but I tell what effect it (the rally) showed a lot of support. the issue. hour or so later, Correnti saw what the rally did. It had", he said, "but it didn't And", he added, "I think it The procession intended to spoke with Hallenbeck, an made the administration do any harm. I think it was definitely influenced the stop there, but one student organizer of the rally. realize that it had to be passed, good that everyone who decision. Definitely''. persuaded the rest to continue. "I told him what was going and if it wasn't, the students wanted to speak, got to speak, They then discovered .that the on", said Hallenbeck, "and wouldn't be sati~fied. It made doors to the Registrar and asked him what he was going them deal with it and they Bursar's office were locked, a to propose to the board. He really had no choice", she Trustees Meet in NYC The Board of Trustees voted recent ruling of the C .S, to amend the Student Conduct Second Circuit Court llf Code to include language Appeals and decline tu recommended by Vice­ negotiate 111th a facult1· union President for Student affair~ 11hile this ruling remain, Richard Correnti at their controlling l,rn (See rl'lat,·d annual mid-year meeting held article ori page, 1-t and 1·, \ in New York citv on February The Bl),lfd aho adopted ;1 16. Thl' revised code ,rare, that ,tatemcnt for inclu,1on 1n the the College doe\ not College·, ln1·eqment Poli~,. discriminate "on the ba~i, of The po Ii c~ r CL'O m nH' 11 cl ed individual political affiliation, divcqmcnt of fund, 111 ,exual orientation or other companie~ only II hen a personal preferences in so far company failed to adhere to as they do not conflict with reasonable ethical standard,, institutional policies". when efforts to persuade the 't-in·: Concerned Students Photo bv Gail duFosse ,\.t this same meeting, the company to change it, policie, Trustees voted to follow, the co111i11ued on /J/Jf.l' R THE ITIIACAN . Febuary 22,1979 ITHACAN INQUIRER EDITO by Gail dufosse' Photos by Linda Melman 'It Don't Question: During the winter, because of lack of facilities, priorities for the Ben Light Gym are first, intramural and intercollegiate sports activities and last, non-college activities which includes concerts. What do you think the priorities Come Easy' should be? 1979 has bee11 a year of surprises. Carter recog11ized China, m1d Ithaca College re­ cof!,11ized its students. By adding the phrases 'sexual orientation· and 'political a.fliliation · to the Freedom from Discrimi11ation Clause of the Studem Conduct Code, (see article page I). The Board of Trustees has .finally bowed to a demand made by studellts. Though it slw11ld11 't have l<J be considered as such this was a sign(ficcmt action 011 the Board's part. It was m1e <~/' the seeminp,ly mre times wizen student wal/ls were co11sidered. and acted upon. /11 retrospect, we feel it is 1111fortunate that so much time and e11ergy was spent trying to f!.t!t <1 sluggish admi11istratio11 to expand a11d clarify the Judicial Code clause. The issue should have been considered an oversight a11d cleared up immediately. ff we want to impro1·e a11d e11ha11cl' the I. C. comm1111ity and its atmosphere, mus~ we always hal'e cm all .. ~ out protest? Must we ra[Zy to muke simple cha11ges within the colle1;e·s system? Bob Skates-Accounting-'80 Ste~hen Alliso~-J:Iist.-'79 Still, be it out of.fear of stude11t 1111rest or a sincere 1111derstcmdi11g of the sit11atio11, the I think there should be ~ome I think the pnonty should be Board o(Trustees should be give11 credit where credit is due. We applaud the Trustees for time allotted for BOC to have to be~efll the college ,lilli11f!. the gap in the Freedom.from Discrimination Clause. concerts in the gym. There co~?1_umty ove~all. No other. should be some kind of fac1ht1es are big enough to scheduling to avoid conflicts, accommodate the college such as intramurals being populace, therefore, use_ o~ the scheduled early enough in the gym should be d1v1ded day so concerts could be held equally. at night. Availability for students, rather than outside sports like Regional tournaments, should be the first priority. Chuck Stevens-English-'80 I think concerts should come first, but the majority of students would probably prefer sports because more Scott f"reeman-Pol.-'79 people are involved in sports. I '. think the gym should be used think concerts should take for spon., acitivitie~ and the preference at night. auditoriums in Performing Arts and Music buildings should be used for concerts ... and they should sell beer at those places. The Ithacan will not be published next week. The next issue will be March 22. Have a nice vacation!! Lisa Weinstein-Drama-'80 I'm an advocate of perpetuating the arts in any way and comparing a musical event to a sporting event is Kerry Robinson-Undec.-'81 inconceivable to me. I If we spent enough time appreciate the unity and the making money on profitable physical competition concerts, we wouldn't have to embodied in athletics, but fight for the gym, we could there is no enlightenment to be Publisher Editor-in-Chief build a concert hall! gained by a spectator, whereas Frank Sellers Felice Linder ·:; .:z>·. ·· l·~![·,~,.. music is a blessing for all. In Staff: Advertising Manager · ,:':.• ·<i; · .•Vil. effect, let's have more News Editor Carny Ambrose.
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