INDEX A!1bcnraa (Denmark), 944, 954 Acholi (Uganda), 341 Aachen (Germ.), 1043, 106"! Acklin's Is. (Bahamas), 450 Aalborg (Denlll!1rk), 944, 945, 954 Aconcagua (Chile), 886 Aalesund (Norway), 1295 Acre (Brazil), 852, 857 ~\alst (Belgium), 833 Acre (Israel), 1163 Aargau (Switz.), 1415, 1417, 1421 Adams Co. (Colo.), 664 Aarhus (Denmark), !l44, 945, ();)4 Adana (Turkcy), 1445 Aas (Norway), 1284 Adapaza ri (Turkey), 14-15 Aba (Nigeria), 311 .\ddis Ababa (Ethiopia), HU, In:;. .\baeo Is. (Bah!1m!1s) , '1;}0 976, 977, 978, 1013 Abadall (Iran), 1126, 1127, 1130 Addu (Maldive Is.), 255 Abaiang Is. (Gilb. & Ellice h.), 573 Adelaide (S. Aust.), 468, 476, 511l. Abajo (Cuba), fl29 517,520,535 Abancay (Peru), 1310 Ad01ie Land (Antarctica), 463, 487 Abastuman (U.S.S.R.), 1502 Aden, 240-4, 330, 342 Abdali (Aden), 243 Adi Is. (Neth. New Guinea), 1273 Abemama Is. (Gilb. & Ellice Is.), 573 Adidome (Ghana). ;{05 Abeokuta (Nigeria), 311, 315 Adilabad (India) 173 Aberdeen (S.]).), 760 Adiyaman (Turkey), 1445 Aberdeen (U.K.), 6f), 70, 75, 76 Adizhall (U.S.S.R.), 1474 Aberystwyth (U.K.), 7;5, 7(; Adjara Rep. (U.S.S.R.), 1502, 1504- Abhazia Rep. (U.S.S.H.), 1502, 1503, 5 1504 Admiralty Is. (Bismarck Arch.), 54\1 Abidjan (Ivory Coast), 1027, 1O:l8, Adola (Ethiopia), !)77 1031 .\dmr (i\fauritania), 1(136 Abilene ('fexll-s), 765,766 Admr Temar (Sp. Sahara.), 1390 Abo (Finland), see 'furku Adrianople (Turkey), 1445 Abo·Bjorneborg (Finland), 980 AdygeiAut. Region (U.S.S.R.). 1484 Abomey (Dahomey), 1028, 102() .-Egean Is. (Greece), 1077, 1080 Abosu (Ghana), 304 .iEtolia (Grecco), 1076 Abqaiq (Saudi Ar!1bia), 1372, 1373 Afghanistan, 801-7 Abruzzi and Molise (Italy), 1172 Afyon (Turkey), 1445 Abu (India), 188, 195 Afyonkarahisar (Turkey), 1449 Abu Dhabi (Arabia), 1316, 1317 Agadez (Niger), 1037 Aim Hamad (Sudan), 1396 Agadir (Morocco), 1243, 1244, 1245 Abu Kodis (Egypt), 1535 Agalega Is. (Mauritius), 351 Abu Zabad (Sudan), 1396 Agafia (Guam), 792 .\byan (Aden), 243 Agartala (India), 204 .\ bvssinia, see Ethiopia Agder, Allst and Vest (Norway). Ac;jutla (El 8ah'.), 970, 971 1283 Acarnani!1 (Grccce), 1076 Agedabia (Libya), 1219 Accra (Ghana), 304, 305, 307, 308, Aghios Nikolaos (Greece), 1077 354 Aginsky (U.S.S.R.), 1484 Achiasi (Ghana), 307 Agona (Ghana), 304 Achimota (Ghann), 307 Agordat (Ethiopia), 977 1585 1586 THE STATESMAN' S YEAR-BOOK, 11)61 Agra (city) (India), 152, 153, 196, Aland (Finland), 980 197 Alaska (U.S.A.), 591, 597, 598,652-5 Agra (prov.) (Inelia), see Uttar - area and population, 595, 652-3 Pradesh - highway, 388, 426, 654 Agras (Greece), 1081 - mining, 625 Agri (Turkey), 1445 - representation, 584, 587, 589 Aguadulce (Pan.), 1297 Alava (Spain), 1379 Aguascalientes (Mexico), 1230, 1232 Alaverdi (U.S.S.R.), 1504, 1507 Ahmadi (Kuwait), 13Il, 1312 Albacete (Spain), 1379, 1380 Ahmedabad (India), 152, 172, 179 Alba lulia (Rumania), 1364 Ahmednagar (India), 188 Albania, 31 , 807-ll Ahtme (U.S.S.R.), 1450 Albany (Ga.), 676 Ahuachapan (EI Salv.), 968, 969 Albany (N.Y.), 597, 734, 735, 736 Ahvenanmaa (Finland), 980 Albany (W. Aust.), 523 Ahwaz (Iran), ll25, Il26, ll27, Albay (Philipp.), 1331 Il32 Alberta (Canada), 366, 418-22 Aidin (Turkey), see Aydin - agriculture, 379, 380, 420-1 Ain (France), 991 - area and population, 370, 371, Ain Dar (Saudi Arabia), 1372 420 Ain Zalah (Iraq), Il40 - education, 373, 420 Air (Niger), 1037 - govt. and representation, 366, Aisne (France), 991 367,393,418-20 Aitutaki Is. (Cook Is.), 560, 561 - mining, 381, 382, 421 Aium (Sp. Afr.), 1390 - oil, 382 Aix (Franee), 996, 997 - police, 378 Aix·en·Provence (France), 994, 1003 - religion, 372 Ajaccio (France), 1008 - social welfare, 374 Ajlun (Jordan), JI95 Albina (Surinam), 1270 Ajman (Trucial States), 13lG Albuquerque (New Mex.), 597, 732 Ajmer (India), 163, 172, 195 Albury (N.S.W.), 493 Akerman (U.S.s.R.), 1456, 1494 Alcazarquivir (1\1orocco), 1247 Akcrshus (Norway), 1283, 1284 Alcorn (Miss.), 707 Akhula (Greece), 1076 Alcoy (Spain), 1380 Akhali·Afoni (U.S.S.R.), 1504 Aldabra Is. (Seychelles), 352 Akhal-Senaki (U.S.S.R .), 1504 Alderney (Channel Is.), 70, 136, 137, Akjoujt (Mauretania), 1036 139 Akmolinsk (U.S.S.R.), 1462, 1515, Alentejo (Portugal), 1346 1517 Aleppo (Syria), 1210, 1540, 1541, Alwla (India), 188 1544 Akranes (Iceland), lll2 Ales (France), 987 Akron (Ohio), 597, 744 Alesund (Norway), 1284 Aktyubinsk (U.S.S.R.), 1515, 1517 Alexandretta (Turkey), 1445 Akureyri (Iceland), 1112, Ill5 Alexandria (Egypt), 1222, 1529, Akyab (Burma), 873 1530, 1531, 1532, 1533 Alabama (U.S.A.), 649-52, 713 Alexandria (La.), 697 - area and population, 595, 650 Alexandria (Va.), 773 - cotton, 623, 651 Alexandroupolis (Greece), 1071 - education, 603, 650 Alexishafen (New Guinea), 538 - govt. and representation, 5S7, A\ey (Lebanon), 1210 589,590 Alfort (France), 997 - t.rade unions, 637 Algarve (Portugal), 1346 Alagoas (Brazil), 853 Algeciras (Spain), 1380, 1388 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 921, 922 Algeranza Is. (Canary Is.), 1379 Alameda (CaIif.), 661 Alger (Algeria), see Algiers INDEX 1587 Algeria, 988, 989, 990, 991, 1001, Aluminium, see Bauxite 1010-14 Alvsborg (Sweden), 1401 Al Ghail (Yemen), 1573 Amacuro (Venez. ), 1556 Algiers (Algeria), \J\JG, 1010, lOll, Amagasaki (Japan), 1185 1012, 1013 Amalilbay (Para.), 1304 Alhambra (Calif.), G6l Am"mi b. (Pa~ i(-ic), 797 Al Hazlll (Yelllen), 1673 Amap<t (Brazil), 852, 858 Alhucemas (Sp. Afr.), 13j() Amapal" (Hom!.), 1098 Alicante (Spain), 1379, 1380, 138"J, Amara (fraq.), 1136 138(; Amarillo (Texas), 5[17, 765, 767 Alice Springs (N. Aust.), ·iS3, 514, Amarkantak (India), 185 533,534,535 Alllarplll' (India), 204 Aligarh (India), 152, 153, 197 Amasya (TlIl'kry), 1445 Alipore (India), 170 Amazonas (Brazil), 852, 857 Aliveri (Greece), 1081 .~maz onas (Colom .), 908 Al Jauf (Yemen), 1573 Amazonas (Peru), 1319 AI-Jazira (Iraq), 1136 Amazonas (Venez.), 1556 Al Jibla (Yemen), 1573 Ambatondrazaka (Madag.), 1032 Al Khobar (Saudi Arabia), 1374 Ambato (Ecuador), 963 Alkmaar (Neth.), 1258 Ambeno (Port. Timor), 13Gl Allahabad (India), 15:?, 153, 169, 197 Ambo (Ethiopia), \J75 Allenstcin (Poland), 1337 Amboina (Indoncsia), 1120 Allentown (Pa.), 597, 75:! Ambon (Indonesia), 1117 Allepey (India), 182 Ambrizettc (Angoia), 1358 Allier (France), 991 Ambrym Is. (No\\' Hebrides), 576 Alma-Ata (U.S.S.R.), 90::!, 14GO, Amdo (Tibet), 1434 1461, 1464, 1479, 1515, 1517 American States, Organization of, Almada (Portugal), 1348 45- 8 Al Matamma (Yemen), 1573 Amcrsfoort (Neth.), 1258 Almelo (Neth.), 1258 Ames (Iowa), 6(10 Almeria (Spain), 1379, 1380,1383 Amherst (Burma), 871 Almetyevsk (U.S.S.R.), 1475 Amherst (;I;Iass.), 706 Almirante (Pan.), 1297, 12 f)(I , 1301 Amherst (Nova Scot,ia), 402 Aloft (Niue Is.), 562 Amida (Turkey), 1446 Aloft Is. (Fr. Polynesia), 102G Amiens (J!'rance), 993, 996 Alon (Burma), 875 Amindivi Is., see Laccadive Is. Along Bay (Vietnam), 1571 Amiralltes Is. (Seychelles), 352 Alost (Belgium), 833 Amiri (Aden), 2-14 Alpes, Basses- (France), 991 Amlekganj (India), 1253 Alpes, Hautcs- (France), 91ll Amman (Jordan), 1195, 1196, 1210 Alpes, Maritimes (France), 991 Amoy (China), 898 Alphen a.d. Rijn (Neth.), 1::?58 Amphissa (Grecce), 1076 Alphonse Is. (Seychelles), 352 Amran (Yemen), 1573 Alsancak (Turkey), 1452 Amfl1vati (T mlia), 188 Al Sud a (Yemen), 1573 Amreli (India), li\J Altai (U.S.S.R.), 1476, 1479, 1484, Amritsar (Iudia), 152, 194 1491, 1517 :\msterdam (Neth.), 1258, 1259, Altan Bu!ak (Mongolian Rep.), 124:! 1264, 1266 Alta Vcrapaz (Guat.), 1085 Amu Darya (U.S.S.R.), 1480, 1519 Alto Adige (Italy), 1171, 1172 Amur (U.S.S.R.), 1479, 1"184 Alto Giuba (Somalia), 1375 Anaconda (Mont.), 719 Alton (III.), 684 Anadyr (U .S.S.R.), 14S0 Altoona (Pa.), 752 Anaheim (Calif.), 597 Alto Parana (Para.), 1304 Allni7.a (Saudi Arabia), 1372 1588 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1961 Anand (India), 179 Anguilla Is. (W. Indies), 428, 429, Anatolia (U.S.S.R.), 1504 442, 443, 444 Ancash (Peru), 1319, 1322 Angul (India), 191, 192 Anchorage (Alaska), 663 Angus (U.K.), 69 Anchorage Is. (Cook Is.), 560 Anhwci (China), 895, 899 Ancon (Pan.), 1299 Anin (Burma), 875 Ancona (Italy), 1175 Anjero-Sudjenok (U.S.S.R.), 1462 Andaluceg (Spain), 1386 Anjouan Is. (Comoro Is.), 1023, 1024 Andaman and Nicobar Is. (India), Ankara (Turkey), 1443, 1445, 1446, 172,200-1 1447,1452, 1453 - area and population, 151, 201 Ankole (Uganda), 341 - cultivation, 160, 201 Annai (Brit. Guiana), 458 - forests, 163,200 Annam (Vietnam), 1664 - justice, 155, 199 Annamalai (India), 153 - police, 155 Annapolis (Md.), 702 - representation, 147 Ann Arbor (Mich.), 708, 709 Anderlecht (Belgium), 833 Anno bon Is. (Sp. Guinea), 1389, 1390 Anderson (Ind.), 687 Anshan (China), 900 Anderson (S.C.), 757 Antalya (Turkey), 1445 Andguphodaug (Bhutan), 84:l Antarctica (Chile), 885 Andhra Pradesh (India), 172, 173-4 Antigua (Guat.), 1085 - arca and population, 151, 173 Antigua (Spain), 1386 - co· operative societies, 165 Antigua Is. (W. Indies), 428, 429, - cultivation, 160, 161, 174 430,442,443-4,616 - education, 173 Antilles (Neth.), 1271-3 - finance, 1[;6, 173 Antioch (Syria), 14.46 - forests, 162 Antioquia (Colom.), 908, 911, 912 - justice, 155, 173 Antipodes Is. (N.Z.), 560 - mining, 174 Antofagasta (Chile), 848, 849, 886, - newspapers, 155 890, 892 - police, 155 Antrim (N. Ireland), 125, 127 - production, 174 Antsirabe (Madag.), 1033, 1034 - representation, 146, 147 Antwerp or Anvers (Belgium), 833, Anctijan (U.S.S.R.), 1520, 1522 834, 838, 840, 841 Al1dizan (U.S.S.R.), 1461, 1520, Anzoategui (Venez.), 1556 1527 Aoba Is. (New Hebrides), 576, 577 Andorra, 811-12 Aosta (ItaJy), 1168, 1171, 1172 Andorre·la·Vielle (Andorra), 812 ApeJdoorn (Ncth.), 1258 Andros Is. (Bahamas), 450 Apia (W. Samoa), 565, 794 Andujar (Spain), 1385 Apolima Is. (W. Samoa), 563 Anecho (Togo), 1029, 1437, 1438 Apostles Is. (Fr. Antarctic), 1025 Al1egada Is. (Virgiu Is., Brit.), 445 Appenzell (Switz.), 1414, 1415, 14l6, Aneitytml, Is. (New Hebrides), 576, 1417 577 Appleton (Wis.), 781 Angarsk (U.S.S.R.), 1461 Apra Harbour (Guam), 792 Angediva Is.
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