European pulse E l e c t r o n i c m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e f o r E u r o p e a n i n t e g r a t i o n - N o . 3 0 , M a r c h 2 0 0 8 FFOOCCUUSS OOFF TTHHIISS IISSSSUUEE What are the implications of the Memorandum on the participation of Montenegro in the special European Union Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme? IINNTTEERRVVIIEEWW Ilir Aliaj, director of the Centre of Development and Democratisation in Tirana AANNAALLYYSSEESS Why do Montenegrin officials insist that Montenegro should submit EU membership application as soon as possible? C u r r e n t a f f a i r s M a r c h , 2 0 0 8 E U R O P E A N C O M M I S S I O N A P P R O V E S F I N A N C I A L P A C K A G E F O R M O N T E N E G R O F O R A S S I S T A N C E T O T R A N S I T I O N IPA funds within reach PPRROOMMIISSEESS f we are to believe the candidates for the Ioffice of the President of Montenegro and their electoral promises, in the next five years Montenegro is sure to be among the richest members of the European Union. Maybe it does not even have to join EU, for we can do it all on our own, if the voters can only pick the best one. The ruling coalition's can- didate Filip Vujanovi} says there will be no European Commission headquarters unemployment, minimum wage will be 515 euros, during his next mandate the EU will PA funds aimed at assistance for countries profit organisations, such as local govern- "move to Montenegro", thousand flowers will Iin transition and strengthening of institution- ments, non-governmental sector, associa- bloom, and the citizens of our little state will al capacities will be available from 21 March tions... be satisfied and cheerful. His competitors onwards, the Government announced. The first component brings larger assis- claim they will bring in a Russian pipeline, European Union Delegation notified the tance than the one aimed at projects on build a highway Belgrad-Bar, return dignity Foreign Affairs Ministry of Montenegro that regional and cross-border cooperation. For to the army, send the "government of rob- the EC has approved the agreement, which 2007, IPA budget for Montenegro is 27.5 bers" where they belong, eradicate the narco-mafia, root out corruption, establish means that Montenegro will soon be able to million for support to transition and institution order and discipline… Whoever wins, it draw on the EU funds through the new assis- building and 3.9 million for the projects with- seems, Montenegro cannot lose. tance programme: Instrument for pre-acces- in the second component. Perhaps the losers are really the poten- sion assistance (IPA). The first component of transition and tial statesmen together with the current The programme is a unified extension of institution building encompasses policy, president who is undoubtedly contributing the earlier programmes (CARDS, PHARE, socio-economic projects and support for to the illusions among some of the ISPA and SAPARD) available to countries European integrations. Montenegrin public. There is a bitter after- aspiring to EU membership. Montenegro can During project planning, applicants taste to the Vujanovi}'s thunderous promis- claim 131.3 million euros through the IPA should take into account the evaluations and es of an economic boom, on the condition programme for the period 2007-2013, which commitments of Montenegro from the that he gets the votes, which is a lame way makes it the state with the highest per capi- Stabilisation and Association Agreement to underestimate Montenegrin citizens and ta assistance in the West Balkan region. (SAA), Progress Reports and European thus undermine development of political Like other potential candidate countries Partnership. For IPA 2009 the basic point of culture in Montenegro. There is nothing he for EU membership (Serbia, Bosnia and reference will be the National Programme for can do, indeed, unless the government does Herzegovina and Albania), Montenegro has Integrations (NPI). it. Instead of using the presidential campaign the right to two components of the IPA pro- Ministries and their agencies submit to improve communication with dissenters, gramme - transition support and institution their projects to the Secretariat for European Vujanovi} is trying to convince his followers that his three opponents should not have building and regional and cross-border coop- Integrations which forwards them to been allowed to run at all, because two of eration, while the candidate countries European Agency for Reconstruction (from them have opposed Montenegrin independ- (Croatia, Macedonia) can apply also for the next year this function will be taken over by ence, and the third abandoned the nation in three remaining components - regional the EC Delegation in Podgorica) which selects the most difficult times. This curious prem- development, development of human the best and most urgent ones among them. ise is contradictory to the broadcasted gov- resources and rural development. The fifth The selected project proposals are then ernment's intention to take the hand of the component brings the most funds. If every- sent to the European Commission in Brussels opposition so that they can build the state thing goes according to the government's for approval. Once the project receives green of Montenegro together, a state that would plan, Montenegro could apply for projects in light, the EC and the applicant country sign a be home both to the pro- and to contra- these three components by 2009. Financial Agreement for the transfer of funds, independence camp. The explanation is Support for transition and institution whereupon the money becomes available to simple: the government is either lying, or building is a component aimed at the min- the applicant within four to six months. they feel the ground slipping from under istries and their bodies, while the funds from their feet. N.R. the second component can be used by non- N.R. E u r o p e a n p u l s e N o 3 0 2 A t t i t u d e M a r c h , 2 0 0 8 A V I E W F R O M E U R O P E Media generate public opinion This effort to renew the Associations and Non Govern- European governability shall permit mental Organizations are an actor to the unfolding of democracy, making take into account, given their role as governance more human and agile, information multipliers in the giving fresh air to the institutions. European society. This "tactic" is fun- A comprehensible, stable infor- damental to generate interest in the mation policy is necessary in order to EU: citizens identify themselves with allow the citizens to follow in a social movements and solidarity, complete and timely manner the making this field an excellent starting by dr Susana del Rio decisions within European institu- point for community-building. tions, positions taken by different In everyday life the key commu- ow, it is the moment to improve member states, and thus create a nication transmitter is culture: cine- Nthe communication between unique voice of Europe. ma, art, literature, music, as well as Europe and its citizens. This is an It is fundamental to implant seri- sport. Cultural forces must be har- essential labour, requiring intensive ousness in the "informative sequence" nessed as catalysts for Europe. exchange in order to develop a institutions-media-individuals, as the Regarding Internet communication, coherent and consolidated communi- media plays a predominant role as the big digital support, the "handicap cation policy that would occupy a guide of European public opinion. or impediment" is the screen and the challenge is the non-perception of a It is fundamental to implant seriousness in the "informative virtual mechanism by the European sequence" institutions-mmedia-iindividuals, as the media plays a pre- society. A measure of certainty is dominant role as guide of public European opinion necessary to endow this practice with clear, tangible results. The distinct position with regard to foster- Civil society could thus acquire dynamic of work is the same as in ing EU credibility among the citizens. the knowledge of the ways to other EU initiatives: finding consen- Today, following the Treaty of become involved in the EU dynam- sus through dialogue. Perhaps it is Lisbon and its constitutional charac- ic, and of opportunities offered by even unnecessary to talk about seek- ter, it is important to distinguish EU institutions for cooperation, par- ing solutions for Europe today: per- between "false innovations and true Perhaps it is even unnecessary to talk about seeking solutions for innovations". The new communica- Europe today: perhaps we do not need a solution, only reinven- tive European impulse is a real nov- tion of our approach to discussion and to ways to win over elty. The media generate public European opinion, providing an Europeans opportunity for the citizens to ticipation and partnership. The best haps we do not need a solution, encourage and support democracy. results would follow if we organise only reinvention of our approach to Building a political public European "stable spaces" for discussion with discussion and to ways to win over sphere is the nexus around which citizens, instead of using the words the Europeans. Or, in the words of we must build up stronger European to "institutionalise" interaction.
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