1888 CONGRESSIONAL) RECORD'-SENATE. FEBRUARY 24, Also, the petition of citizens of De Kalb County, Missouri~ for the C. ATKINs of Tennessee, and Mr. RoBERT HAMILTON of New Jersey· repeal of the bank-tax laws, to the Committee of Ways and Means. managers on the part of the Honse. Also, the petition of citizens of De Kalb and Gentry Counties, Mis­ The message also announced that the House had disagreed to the souri, for the removal of limitation on the time for applications for amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. No. 4472) malring appro­ pensions, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. priations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the· By Mr. ROBINSON: The petition of John A. Charles and 62 other Government for the year ending J nne 30, 1878, and for other purposes,. citizens of Fairmount, Indiana, for cheap telegraphy, to the Com­ asked a conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses there­ mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. on, and had appointed Mr. WILLIAM. S. HOLMAN of Indiana, Mr. Also, the petition of M.S. Bondy and other citizens of New Castle, HIESTER CLYl'riER of. Pennsylvania, and Mr. HENRY WALDRON of Indiana, for the repeal of the bank-tax laws, to the Committee of Michigan managers on the part of the House. Ways and Means. PERSONAL EXPLANATION. By Mr. THOMAS: Two petitions, onefromSamnelHambleton, J. L. Adkins, and other citizens of Talbot County, the other from Robert !Ir. BOGY, (at eleven o'clock and thirty minutes a. m.)' Mr. B. Dixon and other citizens of Talbot County, Maryland, for the re­ President, I desire to make an explanation to the Senate. I pre­ peal of the bank-tax laws, to the same committee. sented a few days ago to the Senate resolutions from my State pur­ By !Ir. THORNBURGH : A paper relating to the establishment of porting to have passed both houses of the Legislature, instructing a post-route from Rogersville to Estillville, Tennessee, to the Com­ the Senators from that State and requesting the members of the mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Honse to vote for what is generally known as the Texas Pacific Rail­ Also, the petition of Thomas L. Duncan, late a private in Com­ road bill. At the time I presented the resolutions I believed they pany I, Seventh Tennessee Mounted Infantry, for a pension, to the had paased both branches of the Legislature of my State. They Committee on Invalid Pensions. were inclosed to me by a. member of the Le~lature, and from a hasty perusal of the letter in my seat I was satisfied they had passed both branches, and so believing I felt it to be my duty to present' them. I have not his letter at this moment, and it may be I did not :file it away, as is my habit. Now I see by the papers that the resolu-· IN SENATE. tions did not pass both branches, but were in fact rejected in the senate. SATURDAY, February 24, 1877-10 a. m. I therefore feel it to be my duty to myself and to the Le~slature The recess having expired, the Senate resumed its session. to make this explanation. The resolutions were presented to the Senate as having passed, w~en in fact they did not pass. ELECTORAL VOTE OF OREGON. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair will lay before the Senate ELECTORAL VOTE OF OREGON. a communication from the president of the electoral commission. It At eleven o'clock and fifty minutes a. m. Mr. G. M. ADAMs, Clerk will be read. of the House of Representatives, appeared below the bar and said:: The Secretary read as follows : Mr. President, I am directed by the House of Representatives to· WASHINGTON, D. C., February 23, 1877. notify the Senate that the House is now ready to meet them in joint Sm : I am directed by the electoral commission to inform the Senate that it has meeting of the two Houses to count the votes for President and Vice­ considered and decided upon the matters submitted to it under the act of Congress President. concerning the same, toucbin_,g t.he electoral votes from the State of Ore~on, and The PRESIDENT pt·o tempore. The Senate will now repair to the herewith, by direction of sa.io. commission, I transmit to you the said decision, in writing, signed by the members agreeing therein, to be read at the meeting of the Hall of the House of Representatives. two Houses accordin"'to said act. All the certificates and papers sent to the com­ The Senate accordingly proceeded to the Hall of the House of Rep­ mission by the Presi:'ient of the Senate are herewith returned. resentatives. NATHAN CLIFFORD. The Senate returned to its Chamber at twelve o'clock and ten min­ President of the Oommis8Um. Hon. THOMAS W. FERRY, utes p. m. and the President pro tempore resumed the chair• . President ot the Senate. The PRESIDENT pro tempm·e. The Senate, having returned from the joint meeting in the House of Representatives, separated upon' Mr. LOGAN. I move that the House of Representatives be noti- an objection submitted to the decision of the commission upon the• fied that we are ready to meet them. · certificates from the State of Oregon. The Chair will lay before· The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Illinois moves the Senate that objection in writing. It will be read by the Secre­ that the Honse be notified that the Senate is ready to meet the House tary. for the purpose of receiving the decision of the commission. The Secretary read as follows : The motion was agreed to. The undersiped, Senators and Members of the House o£ Representatives of the The PRESIDENT pTo tfJmpore. The Secretary of the Senate will United States, object to the decision of the joint commission directing the count. so notify the House. ing of the vote of John W. Watts, an alleged elector for the State of Oregon, as CREDENTIALS. given for Rutherford B. Hayes for President of the United States and for William A.. Wheeler, of New York, for Vice-President, and rejecting the vote of E. A. Mr. JOHNSTON. Is it in order to make a motion t Cronin as cast for Samuel J. Tilden, of Mew York, for President, and Thomas A. The PRESIDENT pm tempore. Legislative business is not in order. Hendricks, of Indiana, for Vice-President, on the following grounds: Mr. CHRISTIANCY. If it be now in order, I present the cre- 1. John W. Watts was not elected a presidential elector for Ore.,.om 2. He (J. W. Watts) was uot legally appointed as a presidential' elector: dentials of my colleague from Michigan for re-election to the Senate 3. He (Watts) was disqn3Jified to receive any appointment as presidential elector for six years from the 4th of March next, and ask that they be read. or the vote as such, in that he held an office of trust and profit under the United The PRESIDENT pro tempore. It is in order. The Chair rules that States. credentials may be read, that matter pertaining to the personnel of 4. E. A. Cronin was elected a presidential elector for the State of Oregon, and in accordance with law as such ca t aleaal vote as an elector for Samuel J. Tilden this body. The credentials will be read. for President and Thomas A. Hendrie~ for Vice-President, and the vote so cast The credentials of THOMAS W. FERRY, elected a Senator by the should be counted. Legislature of Michigan for the term of six years commencing March JAMES K. KELLY, 4, 1877 were read and ordered to be filed. WM. PINKNEY WHYTE, 1 HENRY COOPER, l'riESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. J. E. McDONALD, U'. M. NORWOOD, A message from the House of Representatives, at eleven o'clock and FRANK HEREFORD~) three minutes a. m., by Mr. GEORGE M. ADAMs, its Clerk, announced ' Benatora. that the Honse had disagreed to the amendments of the Senate to the LA FAYETTE LANE; bill (H. R. No. 4187) making appropriations for the service of the ~: i ~Mr~TON,. Post-Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, ltl78, and JOHN L. VANCE, o£ Ohio, for other purposes, asked a conference on the disagreeing votes of J. W. THROCKMORTON, the two Houses thereon, and had appointed Mr. WILLIAl'ri S. HOL­ SCOTT WIKE, MAN of Indiana, Mr. JAMES H. BLOUNT of Georgia, and Mr. CHARLES P. D. WIGGINTON;. J. K. LUTTRELL, FOSTER of Ohio managers at the conference on the part of the Honse. Representatives. The message also announced that the House had disagreed to the 1 amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. No. 4616) making appro- • Mr. SARGENT. I offer the following resolution :1 priations for the naval service for the year ending June 30, 1878, and Resolved, That the decision of the commission upon the electoral vote of the for other purposes, asked a conference on the disagreeing votes of the State of Oregon stand as the judgment of the Senate, the objections made thereto two Houses thereon, and had appointed Mr. JAMES H. BLOUNT of to the contrary notwithstanding. Georgia, Mr. W. C. WHI'ITHORl\~ of Tennessee, and Mr. EUGENE HALE The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on agreeing to the of Maine managers at the conference on the part of the Honse. resolution. The message further announced that the House had disagreed to Mr. EDMUNDS. I ask for the yeas and nays, Mr.
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