1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4795 The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. The Senator from Indiana [Mr. CAPE­ Esther E.. Lenox, WAC, Ll010270. ELLENDER in the chair) . A quorum is HART] is absent by leave of the Senate. Sonja G. Lunoe, WAC, Ll010241. not . present. The clerk will call the If present, he would vote "nay." Kitt M. MacMichael, WAC, Ll010245 . names of the absent Senators. The Senator from · Vermont [Mr. Phyllis J. Morsman, WAC, Ll010259. Patricia J. Pomeroy, WAC, Ll010272. The Chief Clerk called the names of FLANDERS], the Senator from Indiana Dorothy Slierba, WAC, Ll010275. the absent Senators; and Mr. ANDERSON, [Mr. JENNER], and the Senator from New Jacquelyn R. Sollars, WAC, Ll010257. Mr. HICKENLOOPER, Mr. JOHNSTON of Hampshire [Mr. TOBEY] are detained on Barbara J. Wardell, WAC, Ll010282. South Carolina, 1\::.-. MOODY, Mr. MUR­ official business. Helen A. Way, WAC, Ll010280. RAY, Mr. PASTORE and Mr. WILLIAMS an­ The result was announced-yeas 42, Martha L. Weeks, WAC, L1010269. swered to their names when called. nays 39, as follows: Elizabeth A. Whitaker, WAC, Ll010281. The PRESIDING OFFICER. A quo- Kathleen I. Wilkes, WAC, Ll010234. YEA8-42 Sadie E. Yoshizaki, WAC, Ll010236. rum is not present. · Anderson Hoey Maybank Mr. McFARLAND: I move that the Benton Holland Monroney IN THE NAVY Sergeant at Arms be directed to request Byrd Humphrey Moody . Rear Adm. Robert M. Griffin, :United States Clements Johnson, Colo. Murray Navy, when retired, to be placed on the re­ the attendance of absent Senators. Connally The motion was agreed to. Johnson, Tex. Neely tired list with the rank of vice admiral. Douglas Johnston, S. C. O'Mahoney Rear Adm. Alfred E. Montgomery, United The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Ellender Kefauver Pastore Sergeant at Arms will execute the order Frear Kerr Robertson States Navy, when retired, to be placed on Fulbright Kilgore Russell the retired list with ' the rank of vice ad- of the Senate. · Gillette Long Smathers miral. · After a little delay, Mr. HENNINGS, Mr; Green McClellan Smith, N. C. Rear Adm. Arthur C. Miles, United. States MAYBANK, Mr. IVES, Mt. FERGUSON, Mr. Hayden McFarland Sparkman Navy, -whe:q. retired, to be placed on the re­ Hennings McKellar Stennis tired list with the ran~ of vice admiral. ROBERTSON, Mr. O'MAHONEY, Mr. THYE, Hill McMahon Underwood Mr. MUNDT, Mr. GILLETTE, and Mr. Mc­ CLELLAN entered the Chamber and an­ NAYs-39 Aiken Ecton Millikin swered to· their names. Bennett Ferguson Morse After a further delay, Mr. BENTON, Mr. ·Brewster Hendrickson Mundt HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BRICKER, Mr. BRIDGES, Mr. BYRD, Mr. Bricker Hickenlooper Nixon CAIN, Mr. CONNALLY, Mr. ECTON, Mr. Bridges Ives Saltonstall THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1951 FULBRIGHT, Mr. GREEN, Mr. JOHNSON of Butler, Md. Kem Schoeppel · Butler, Nebr. Knowland Smith, Maine The House ·met at 11 o'clock a. m. Colorado, Mr. JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. Cain Langer Smitll, N. J. KEFAUVER, Mr. KEM, Mr. KNOWLAND, Mr. Carlson Lodge Th ye The Chaplain, Rev: Bernard Bras­ Case McCarran Wherry kamp, D. D., offered the following LoDGE, Mr. LONG, Mr. Mc~A°RTHY, Mr. Cordon McCarthy Wiley prayer: MCKELLAR, Mr. McMAHON, Mr. MORSE, Dirksen Malone · Williams Mr. NIXON, Mr. RUSSELL, Mr. SALTON..; Dworshak Martin Young Most merciful and gracious God, who STALL, Mr. SMATHERS, Mrs. SMITH of NOT VOTING-15 .art the source of our. material and Maine, Mr. SMITH of ·New Jersey, Mr. Capehart George O'Conor -spiritual blessings, grant that daily we SMITH of North Carolina, Mr. SPARKMAN, :Chavez Hunt Taft may be strengthened within in order Mr. WILEY, and Mr. YOUNG entered the Dutr Jenner Tobey that we may cope victoriously with all Eastland Lehman Watkins Chamber and answered to their names. Flanders Magnuson Welker circumstances and conditions without The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is no matter how trying and difficult they present. .. So the motion was agreed to; and <at may be. · The question is on agreeing to the mo.; 6 o'clock and 30 minutes p. m.) the We thank Thee for the priceless prin­ tion of the Senator from Arizona [Mr. Senate took a recess until tomorrow, Fri­ ciples of our democracy, the authority of McFARLAND] that the Senate take a re­ day, May 4, 1951, at 12 o'clock meridian. conscience, the sovereignty of the people, cess until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. .the equality of all men, and many others Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, I ask NOMINATIONS which we have received as a glorious for the yeas and nays. Executive nominations received by the heritage. · The yeas and nays were ordered, and Senate May 3 (legislative day of May 2), Make us more eager and able to retain the legislative clerk called the roll. 1951: these principles and to safeguard them Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. I announce IN THE ARMY against all enemies whether within or that the Senator from New Mexico [Mr. The following-named persons for appoint­ outside the bord~rs of our beloved coun­ CHAVEZ], the Senator from Mississippi ment in the Regular Army of the United try. [Mr. EASTLAND], and the Senator from States in the grades and corps specified, May our chosen representatives and Maryland [Mr. O'CoNoRJ are absent on under the provisions of Public Law 36, Eight­ all our citizens discharge 'their duties official business. ieth Congress, as amended by Public Law 514, intelligently and faithfully, fill us with The Senator from Georgia [Mr. Eighty-first Congress, and Public Law 625, desires to widen the '1.orizons of our sym­ GEORGE] is necessarily absent. Eightieth Congress, subject to physical quali­ pathy and . understanding and deepen The Senator from Wyoming [Mr. fication: within the heart of humanity, the spirit HUNT ] is absent by leave of the Senate ·To be captains of good will and brotherhood. on official business for the Committee on Margaret K. Aldrich, ANC, N772113. In Christ's name we pray. Amen. Armed Services. Elizabeth R. Perry, ANC, N797300. To be first lieutenants The Journal of the proceedings of The Senator · from New York [Mr. yesterday !Vas read and approved. LEHMAN] is absent by leave of the Senate Dolores L. Evanson, WMSC, M2810. on official business, having been 'ap­ Genevieve Lescsak, WMSC, M1125. GEN. MATTHEW RIDGWAY pointed a member of the United States ·To be second lieutenants Mr. SIKES. Mr. Speaker; I ask unan­ delegation to the World Health Organi­ Jean C. Altenburger, WAC, Ll010260. imous consent to address the House for zation, which wm meet in Geneva, Swit­ Clarissa L. Aping, WAC, Ll010279. 1 minute and to revise and extend my zerland. Alice M. Barr, WAC, L1010258 . remarks. The Senator from Washingto:1 [Mr. Eva M. Benson, WAC, L1010264. Frances J. Biddle, WAC, L1010267. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to MAGNUSON] is absent by leave of the Patricia L. Bouldin, WAC, Ll010261. the request of the gentleman from Senate on official committee business. Barbara J . Brown, WAC, Ll010263. Florida? Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce Eva M. Burgess, WAC, Ll010255. There ·was no objection. that the Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. Salona Butler, WAC, L1010278. Mr. SIKES. Mr. Speaker, one of the DuFF J, the Senator from Ohio [Mr. Helen R. Coplen, WAC, L1010273. greatest fighting men we have produced TAFT], and the Senator from Utah [Mr. Vivian E. Davis, WAC, L1010276. in this age, a man who is filling the big­ W ATH;INsJ are necessarily absent. If Irene S. Ebel, WAC, Ll010274. gest single job in our Military Establish­ Irene Evans, WAC, Ll010256. present, the previously listed Senators Pola L. Garrett, WAC, L1010238. ment, is still wearing only three stars and would vote "nay." · Irene s. Gulledge, WAC, L1010244. he is clearly doing a four-star job. Lt. The Senator from Idaho [Mr. WELKER] Ruth Holland, WAC, Ll010233. Gen. Matt Ridgway went to Korea, took is ab.--: ent on offi cial busines:..;. :..f present, Janet A. Jawelak, WAC, L1010237. ·a beaten army, regrouped it, reforged its he would vote "nay." · Shirley J. Justice, WAC, L1010250, ·fighting spirit, led it to triumphs which 4796 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 3 every American should be and is proud not come before a subcommittee of the The SPEAKER. The regular order of. Now he is supreme commander of Committee on Appropriations unless they has been demanded, therefore the gen­ all our vital and far-flung Pacific enter­ are seekirig a deficiency appropriation. tleman cannot proceed under a ·reser­ prises. For either he deserves a higher There is only one construction that can vation of objection. rank, that of full general. I sincerely be placed upon that language, and that Mr. H. CARL ANDERSEN. Mr. hope that rank will shortly be f orthcom­ is that they could not come before the Speaker, I withdraw my reservation of ing. Subcommittee on Appropriations unless objection. THE JENSEN AMENDMENT it was in connection with a deficiency The SPEAKER. Is there objection to appropriation. · the request of the gentleman from Ohio? Mr. H. CARL ANDERSEN. Mr. Speak­ There was no objection. er, I ask unanimous consent to address RURAL ELECTRIFICATION the House for 1 minute. Mr. ALLEN of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, BRITISH DISLOYALTY The SPEAKER. Is there objection to I ask unanimous consent to address the Mr. BENDER. Mr. Speaker, I ask the request of the gzntlem~n from House for 1 minute. unanimous consent to address the House Minnesota? The SPEAKER. Is there objection to for 1 minute. There was no objection. the request of the gentleman from Illi- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Mr. H. CARL ANDERSEN. Mr. nois? · the request of the gentleman from Ohio? Speaker, I am glad that the majority There was no objection. There was no objection: leader is here today as he usually is, at Mr.
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