ANEJO VII 2016 BEGINNING AND END FROM AMMIANUS MARCELLinUS TO EUSEBIUS OF CAESAREA Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz (ed.) BEGINNING AND END CONTENTS ACKNOWLedgeMENTS ....................................................................................................... 5 NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS ................................................................................................ 9 ABSTRACTS AND KEYWORDS / RESÚMENES Y PALABRAS CLave ....................................15 ABBREVIATionS ................................................................................................................31 Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz, José B. Torres Guerra AMMIANUS, EUSEBIUS AND 4TH-CENTURY HISTORiogRAPHY: FROM DUSK TO DAWN? ...................................................................................................... 35 Andrew Louth EUSEBIUS AS APOLOGIST AND CHURCH HISTORIAN .............................................. 47 José B. Torres Guerra DOCUMENTS, LETTERS AND CANONS in EUSEBIUS OF CAESAREA’S ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY ...................................................................................... 61 Jan R. Stenger PALESTine AS A PALIMPSEST: EUSEBIUS’ CONSTRUCTion OF MEMORIAL SPACE in THE ONOMASTICON ................................................................................. 83 Pablo M. Edo CITing OR DOCTORing THE SOURCES? SERAPion AND THE GOSPEL OF PETER in EUSEBIUS’S HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA ..............................................107 Jerónimo Leal LAS LISTAS DE OBISPOS DE ROMA Y ANTioQUÍA EN LA HISTORIA ECLESIÁSTICA DE EUSebio ..................................................................................... 123 Fernando López Sánchez ‘UNDER THIS SIGN YOU SHALL BE THE RULER!’ EUSEBIUS, THE CHI-RHO LETTERS AND THE archē OF CONSTANTine ....................................................... 137 Carmen Castillo HISTORIA, PHYSIOGNOMÍA Y ENCOMio: LA FIGURA DE GRACIANO EN AMIANO MARCELino ............................................................................................. 159 David Woods CONSTANTIUS, JULIAN, AND THE FALL OF SIRMIUM .......................................... 175 Matilde Caltabiano THE ADVENTUS OF THE EMPEROR JULIAN in AMMIANUS MARCELLinUS’S RES GESTAE ....................................................................................................... 193 ExClass Anejo VII, 2016 3 Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz AMMIANUS ON EASTERN LAWYERS (30.4): LITERARY ALLUSionS AND THE DECLine OF FORENSIC ORATORY ..............................................................207 Alberto J. Quiroga Puertas DICTA ET VISA: RHETORICAL STRATegieS in AMMIANUS’S RES GESTAE .... 225 Francisco J. Alonso PARODY AND INVERSion OF LITERARY GENRES in AMMIANUS MARCELLinUS ................................................................................................... 243 BIBLiogRAPHY ...........................................................................................................261 GENERAL INDEX ......................................................................................................283 INDEX OF PASSageS DISCUSSED ............................................................................... 301 4 ExClass Anejo VII, 2016 ACKNOWLedgeMENTS BEGINNING AND END The edition of this book has profited from the help and support of several institutions. Of special recognition is the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, which in 2011 approved and sponsored our research project “Linguistic and Cultural Alterity in the Roman Empire (third and fourth centuries AD): Historiography and Related Genres” (FFI2010-15402 FILO). We must additionally thank the University of Navarra for its trust and continuous help in developing this project, especially between 2011 and 2013. What can be said about the University of Navarra in general is of course also true in its School of Humanities and Department of Philology. From this project’s beginning to its end, we are singularly indebted to all those, sine quibus non, who attended the workshop “Beginning and End. From Ammianus Marcellinus to Eusebius of Caesarea”, in Pamplona on December 2013. Without their contributions, discussions and suggestions, this volume would have been a very different work. Particular thanks are also owed to Alan N. Stout for revising most of the non-native English parts of this volume. ExClass Anejo VII, 2016 7 NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS BEGINNING AND END FRANCISCO JOSÉ ALONSO graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, in Classical Philology and he is now a doctoral student at the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile. He taught Latin in the University of Navarra, Spain, Latin and Greek in the Catholic University of La Plata, Ar- gentina, and Latin and Greek Literatures in Chile. His doctoral studies focus on the points of view in the narrative of Ammianus Marcellinus’s historical work. MATILDE CALTABIANO is emeritus Professor of Roman History at the State University of Milan. Her research has tackled various problems and main characters from the 4th century AD based on analyses of historiographical sources. She is the author of several contributions about the emperor Julian, and translations of Ammianus’ Res gestae and Julian’s Epistolary, as well as of the monograph Litterarum Lumen (Rome 1996), on the literary and book culture of Late Antiquity. CARMEN CASTILLO is emeritus Professor of Latin Philology at the Univer- sity of Navarra. Her main research fields have been Roman Prosopography of Hispania, as well as Latin epigraphy. In recent years she has focused her re- search on the 4th century AD, combining literary and historical approaches, and paying particular attention to the historiographical work of Ammianus Marcellinus. PABLO M. Edo is Assistant Lecturer of New Testament at the University of Navarra since 2007. His current research interests are the Gospels, Petrine Literature and Early Christianity, with a specific focus on the apocryphal writings, as well as the definition and formation of the canon. He has re- cently edited and commented the Gospel of Peter: El Evangelio de Pedro (Fragmento de Akhmîn). Introducción, texto bilingüe y comentario (Sal- amanca 2015). JERÓNIMO LEAL is Professor of Patrology at the University of the Holy Cross of Rome and is visiting Professor at the Patristic Institute “Augustinia- ExClass Anejo VII, 2016 11 ÁLVARO SÁNCHEZ-OSTIZ num” of Rome. His main research fields are pre-Nicene patristics, Tertullian, and the Acts of the martyrs. He has published an edition of the Latin-Af- rican Acts of the martyrs, and several books and papers on Tertullian. He is part of the research group “The interdisciplinary ‘Anceps Project’”, that focuses on the automation of Latin metrical analysis. FERnando LÓPEZ-SÁNCHEZ’S dissertation on Late Roman coins and Late Roman armies was defended in 2002. He conducted post-doctoral research in Oxford University and was later awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education with the Juan de la Cierva (2005-2008, University of Zaragoza) and Ramón y Cajal (2009-2013, University of Castellón) research positions. The main focus of his research is on the auxiliary military forces of the Ro- man Republic and the Roman Empire from Numidia to Scandinavia, with an especial approach to coins and coinage. Fernando is now member of the Wolfson College at the University of Oxford. ANDREW LOUTH is Professor Emeritus of Patristic and Byzantine Studies, University of Durham, and Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Theology at- tached to the Amsterdam Centre of Eastern Orthodox Theology (ACEOT), Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2010–14. His most recent books are Intro- ducing Eastern Orthodox Theology and Modern Orthodox Thinkers: from the Philokalia to the Present (SPCK, 2013, 2015). ALBERTO J. QUIROGA PUERTAS is Profesor Contratado Doctor at the Ancient Greek Department at the University of Granada. His main research interests are late antique rhetoric - more specifically, rhetorical deliveries - and Im- perial Greek literature, with especial attention to the works by Libanius of Antioch, Themistius and the emperor Julian. He is the author of a number of papers dealing with these topics, and has edited the volume The Purposes of Rhetoric in Late Antiquity. From Exegesis to Performance (Tübingen 2013). ÁLvaRO SÁNCHEZ-OSTIZ is Lecturer in Latin at the University of Navarra. His main research fields are late Latin historiography and poetry, as well as social and literary bilingualism in the Roman world. He has published an edition of the Anonymus de rebus bellicis with commentary, and several papers on Ammianus and Claudian. He is part of the research group GRAE- CAPTA, which examines the interrelations between Latin and Greek litera- ture and culture. JAN R. STengeR is Douglas MacDowell Professor of Greek at the Univer- sity of Glasgow and also member of the Cluster of Excellence Topoi, Berlin. His main fields of research are Greek lyric poetry, especially choral lyric, 12 ExClass Anejo VII, 2016 BEGINNING AND END and the Greek literature of late antiquity. He is especially interested in the relationship between Christianity and classical culture in the fourth century and in sixth-century Gaza. Stenger’s publications include monographs on the Greek poet Bacchylides and on identity construction in late antiquity (Hellenische Identität in der Spätantike, Berlin 2009), as well as articles on Libanius, John Chrysostom and Choricius of Gaza. JOSÉ B. TORRES GUERRA is Professor of Ancient Greek at the University of Navarra. He wrote his doctoral thesis on the Homeric Thebaid as source of Iliad
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