INDEX A aestheticization, 1, 150, 156, 170, Abbott, Berenice, 20 171, 201 Académie des Beaux-Arts (French aesthetics Academy of Fine Arts), 11 Buena Vista aesthetic, 7, 150, 153, Académie des sciences (French 155, 173, 195. See also Buena Academy of Sciences), 11 Vista Social Club (flm) Academy Awards, 153, 162 geographical aesthetics, 1 advertising “post-Special Period” aesthetic, 3, 6, alcohol, 118, 119 86, 90, 108, 117, 140, 150 brand image, 117, 120–126, 129, “post-Castro Cuba” aesthetic, 203, 204 132, 133, 139. See also iconic pre-revolutionary Cuba, 150, 172, branding 173, 186 “city-of-origin” effect, 121, 132 “Special Period” aesthetic, 3, 7, 84, “country-of-origin” effect, 120– 109, 161, 184, 186, 201 121, 123 Afro-Cuban Havana Club, 6, 117–129, 131– photography, representation in, 24, 134, 136, 139–142, 144. See 25, 29–32, 98, 99, 102–104 also Havana Club AfroCubism (project), 151 Havana in, 5, 7, 31, 124, 134, 142 AfroCubism (recording), 151 travel advertisements, 15, 24, 39, “afterimage” (theory), 7, 150, 156, 125–127, 129, 130 173, 185. See also Bruno, Giuliana advertising discourse, 6, 122, 126–128, Air Supply, 184 130, 133, 134, 141, 142, 144 A Lady without Passport, 71 advertising image, 5–7, 118, 119, 122, Álvarez Bravo, Manuel, 103, 104 125–134, 136–142, 146 Antonioni, Michelangelo © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2019 211 J. C. Kent, Aesthetics and the Revolutionary City, Studies of the Americas, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-64030-3 212 INDEX Blow-up, 92 production of photobooks, 83, 106 Arechabala, Don José, 119, 120. See Steidl, relationship with publisher, also Havana Club 93, 94 “Arias” Miranda, Constantino reportage, 43, 44, 51, 94 Cuba in the 1940s and 1950s, pho- visits to Havana, 88, 95 tography of, 12, 13 “white out” technique, 100 Aroch, Guy (photographer), 124, 128, Balász, Béla, 158 129, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140, ballerinas 144. See also Havana Club in advertising image, 137 Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular in Buena Vista Social Club (flm), (the Cuban parliament), 188 166 Atget, Eugène, 20–22, 37 in “post-Special Period” photogra- Atget: photographe de Paris, 20 phy, 140 Walker Evans, infuence on, 20, 22, 37 ballet, 125, 137, 139, 140, 166 Audioslave, 184 Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Cuban Avedon, Richard, 100 National Ballet), 139 Banksy, 91 barbudos (bearded ones), 44, 53, 198. B See also rebel Babalú-Ayé. See San Lázaro (Saint bars, 3, 23, 101, 119, 202 Lazarus) Barthuel, Antoine, 124. See also ‘Baby Elián’, 188. See also Manic Havana Club Street Preachers Baskett, James, 162 Bacardi, 119, 124, 125, 131 Batista, Fulgencio, 44, 66. See also Bacardi Bill, the, 120 Habana Batistiana, La Bacardí Massó, Don Facundo, 119. See Battisti, Don Amleto, 54 also Bacardi Baudelaire, Charles Bacardisation, 123 Walker Evans, infuence on, 19, 20 Bailey, David Bayamo, 55 fashion photography, 86, 92 Beals, Carleton iconic style, 100 Banana Gold, 21 infuences, 93, 102 Brimstone and Chili, 21 photobooks; Another Image: Papua The Crime of Cuba, 13, 18, 21, 36, 39 New Guinea, 99–100, 111; Beaton, Cecil, 100 Bailey NW1, 91, 96, 106; Benjamin, Walter Bailey’s Box of Pin Ups, 91, 100; The Arcades Project, 26 Bailey’s Delhi Dilemma, 91; Paris Diary, 73 Bailey’s East End, 91; Bailey’s Bertrand, Alexandre, 124, 125. See also Naga Hills, 91, 93; Democracy, Havana Club 91; Havana, 6, 44, 83, 85, 91, Big Boodle, The, 71 95; Tears and Tears, 91 Biltmore Yacht Club, 15 portraiture, 6, 86, 91, 92, 94, 99, Black Star (photo agency), 55, 58. See 100, 102 also Lee Lockwood INDEX 213 “Black Trinity, the”, 92. See also Bailey, “little portraits” of Buena Vista David; Donovan, Terence; Duffy, musicians, 164 Brian tourist Havana, representation of, Blackwood, 187 173 Blez Marcé, Joaquín, 12 Digital Betacam, use of,, 156 bloqueo, el (US embargo against Digital Video, use of, 155, 156 Cuba), 202. See also United States Steadicam, use of, 150, 164–166 Bohemia, 29, 30. See also Cuban voice-over, use of, 161, 166, 194 magazines visual qualities of footage in, 134 Bonnie and Clyde, 61 Buena Vista Social Club (the project), Bosch, José “Pepin”, 119 84, 150–152, 154 Bradfeld, James Dean, 184, 185, 198. Buena Vista Social Club (recording) See also Manic Street Preachers album artwork, 187 brand image, 117, 120, 122–126, ‘Chan Chan’, 160 129, 132, 133. See also advertising ‘Dos gardenias’, 160 branding, 118, 120–122, 132. See also ‘El cuarto de Tula’, 160 advertising success of, 149 Brassaï, George Paris de nuit (Paris by Night), 18 Bremer, Bjoern, 124. See also Havana C Club Caballero, Rufo, 171, 177 Brooklyn Bridge, 21 Cabrera Infante, Guillermo, 16, 29, Bruno, Giuliana 35, 36, 39, 61, 62, 68, 75, 77 “afterimage” (theory), 150 “Cachaíto”, Orlando López, 152. See “voyageur”, notion of viewer as, also Buena Vista Social Club 151 Calle 13, 184 Buena Vista aesthetic, 7, 150, 153, Calle Agramonte, 59 155, 195 Callejón de Hamel, 104. See also Buena Vista-Havana, 88, 118, 128, Santería 149 Camagüey, 55 Buena Vista Social Club, 7, 84, 90, camellos, 138, 155. See also transport 139, 149, 150, 152, 155, 159, Camp Columbia, 54 164, 170, 173 Cañas, Iván, 48 Buena Vista Social Club (flm), 7, Capa, Cornell, 52, 54, 74. See also 90, 149, 151–154, 156. See also Magnum Photos Wenders, Wim Capa, Robert, 45, 52, 74. See also box offce success, 143. See also Magnum Photos afterimage Caravana de la libertad (the Caravan “characters”, Buena Vista musicians of Freedom), 44, 55. See also as, 156, 163 Cuban Revolution Buena Vista phenomenon, 149 Carnegie Hall, 155, 166, 170. See also Buena Vista’s “afterimage”, 7, 150 Buena Vista Social Club (flm) critical reception of, 143, 170–173 Carpentier, Alejo, 29, 39 214 INDEX La ciudad de las columnas (The City Chico & Rita, 67 of Columns), 39 Ciego de Ávila, 55 cars, 3, 55, 83, 87, 88, 94, 95, 130, Cienfuegos, Camilo, 55, 61 133–136, 142, 153, 155, 161, cigars, 117, 121–123, 167, 168, 195, 170, 171, 195. See also transport 205 American cars as symbolic referents, Cine Apolo, 24 94–95, 133, 155, 161 cinema. See flm máquinas, 134, 169, 195 cinéma vérité (truthful cinema), 100, Moskvitch (Soviet era automobile 167, 199, 206 brand), 189 cities. See city 1950s American-made automobiles, city 108, 134, 154 the image of, 2, 3, 7, 8, 32, 64, photography of, 87, 88, 95, 134, 149, 150, 154, 165, 174, 185, 136, 153 203, 204 Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 12, 18, 34, Club Fotográfco de Cuba 45, 52, 71, 72, 93, 103, 104. See (Photographic Club of Cuba), 12 also Magnum Photos Coca-Cola, 30 Cuba, trips to, 12 cocktails, 117, 119, 122, 142 Magnum Photos, infuence at, 45, Coliseo de la Ciudad Deportiva 51, 52 (Sports City Coliseum), 183 casas particulares, 202 Collège de la Guild, Paris, 20 casinos, 62 Communism, 3, 206 Castro, Fidel, 3, 44–46, 53, 55, 56, Communist Party of Cuba, 15, 112, 61, 63, 67, 70, 72, 75, 77, 83, 203 107, 108, 113, 118, 158, 175, Conjunto Folklórico Nacional de 184, 185, 194, 198, 199–201, Cuba, 94–95 203, 205. See also Cuban Cooder, Joachim, 152, 160, 161, 163, Revolution; Rebel Army 172. See also Buena Vista Social death, 70, 107, 203 Club Castro, Raúl, 202, 203 Cooder, Ry, 151, 152, 155, 160, 169, Catedral de San Cristóbal de La 171. See also Buena Vista Social Habana (Havana Cathedral), 24 Club Cementerio de Cristóbal Colón (the Coppola, Francis Ford Colón Cemetery), 104, 105 The Godfather: Part II, 54, 62 Centro Asturiano (Asturian Centre), Corleone, Michael, 62 56 Corporación Cuba Ron (Cuba Rum Centro Habana (Central Havana), Corporation), 120. See also 17, 28, 104, 118, 134, 136, 160, Havana Club 162, 170, 192, 194 Corrales, Raúl, 49, 72 Cézanne, Paul, 158 Cortázar, Julio ‘Chan Chan’, 160. See also Buena Vista Blow-up and Other Stories, 92 Social Club Crane, Hart INDEX 215 The Bridge, 21 “post-Special Period” aesthetic, 3, 6, Criterion Collection, 172, 178 90, 108, 140, 150 Cuba “Special period” aesthetic, 3, 7, 84, appeal of, 13, 86, 97, 119, 120, 161, 184, 186, 201 122, 123, 154, 192 worst years of the Cuban “Special pleasure island, notion of Cuba as, Period” (1991-1994), 83, 96, 2, 8, 15, 16, 35, 49, 119, 143 105, 108, 120 the idea of, 2, 22, 119, 177, 186, cuentapropistas, 202 198, 203 US imaginaries of Cuba, 1–2. See also United States D Cuba Internacional, 48, 72 Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé, 11, Cuba Libre (cocktail), 119 12. See also photography Cubana (magazine), 48, 72 daguerreotype Cubanidad, 118, 121, 169 Havana, arrival of process in, 5 Cuban magazines, 29, 48, 72, 171 Daiquiri (cocktail), 119 Cuban Missile Crisis, 34, 71, 158. See dandy, 28, 29, 39, 98, 99, 159 also Cuban Revolution Danza de los Millones (Dance of the Cuban National Circus, 95 Millions), 15 Cuban newspapers, 15, 43, 48, 102, de Arteaga, Esteban, 11 197 Debord, Guy, 18 Cuban Revolution de Certeau, Michel foreign press, 45, 48 Culture in the Plural, 126, 144 Rebel Army’s failed attack on the The Practice of Everyday Life, 176 Moncada Barracks, 70 de la Carrera, José Gómez, 12 representation in; animated flm, 43, de la Hoz, Pedro, 171, 177 67; fction flm, 166; foreign de la Uz, Enrique, 48 press, 45, 48; picture magazines de Oca, Edmundo Montes, 197, 207 at the end of the 1950s, 43; dérive (drift), 18, 24 video games, 43, 70 Desnoes, Edmundo triumph of the Cuban Revolution on Cuba and revolution, 49 (January 1959), 43–44, 70, on Walker Evans, 16 119 détournement (rerouting), 18, 24 Cuban War of Independence, 11, 12 Díaz-Canel, Miguel, 203 Cuban “Special Period” Digital Betacam, 155, 156 collapse of communism in Eastern Digital Video, 150, 155, 156, 161, Europe, 3 186 fall of the Berlin Wall, 83, 154 Dillinger, Jr., John Herbert, 61 Cuban society, impact on, 15 documentary flm photography of.
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