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Stolper, Berkeley, CA (US ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS CN 102154453 A 8 / 2011 ( 73) Assignee : ExxonMobil Upstream Research WO WO 2002 /059351 A2 8 / 2002 Company , Spring , TX (US ) ( Continued ) ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 0 days. Chung et al. ( 1988) " Origin of gaseous hydrocarbons in subsurface (21 ) Appl . No. : 15 /668 , 395 environments : theoretical considerations of carbon isotope distri bution ” , Chemical Geology , vol. 71 , pp . 97 - 103 . (22 ) Filed : Aug. 3 , 2017 (Continued ) (65 ) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner — Zakiya W Bates US 2018 /0066504 A1 Mar . 8 , 2018 Assistant Examiner — Crystal J Miller (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Exxonmobil Upstream Related U . S . Application Data Research Company Law Department ( 60 ) Provisional application No . 62 /382 , 921 , filed on Sep . 2 , 2016 . 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